If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, March 28, 2022

Donepezil, Piperidine & Lysine
Their Role In Mitigating Dementia Syndrome
Unity Consciousness #2684

(9azzzzzzza of 11)

Anyone reading this weblog for more than a minute, knows I am not a fan of medication. Medication is the human attempt to duplicate medicine, which must fail because humans cannot duplicate food. NO other creature uses medication. All organisms use their food as their medicine. Humans have the most ailments, maladies, sicknesses and diseases than any organism. What the hell is up with that? Animals we keep as pets and keep in zoos also have a higher number of sicknesses than those left alone to fend for their health in their natural habitat.

Exception To The No Medication Rule

In the absence of finding a dietary program to mitigate the memory loss component of Dementia Syndrome, I have found the medication called Donepezil and sold as Aricept to have some benefits. I have observed the absence of 10mg daily Donepezil to result in memory loss. Restoring this dosage restores the person back to the level prior to stopping the dosage.
Memory loss, like all other maladies, is the result of the loss of balance in cells.

Note: The benefits of Donepezil are based on one person's response. Understanding why the response was beneficial requires also understanding all other health influencing factors including medications.

Donepezil Mechanism of Action

Aricept is Donepezil is Donepezil hydrochloride is derived from piperidine is derived from lysine is derived from plants and meats, both of which are derived from nutrient elements of Earth, Solar System, Galaxy, Universe.
Donepezil is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, thus it increases the amount of acetylcholine in the nerve synapses.. See previous messages.

Natural Sources Of Piperdine (Piperidine Alkaloid) & Lysine

1. Lobelia inflata* (Campanulaceae). Lobelia or Indian tobacco. The North American Indians employed lobelia as an alternative or substitute for tobacco . Lobelia contains lobeline, a piperidine alkaloid. Lobeline stimulates nicotinic receptor sites in a similar way to nicotine, but with a weaker effect [thus less addictive]. This is why lobeline is used as a step down from nicotine-dependency on the way to smoking cessation. Lobelia is toxic in large doses.

2. White pepper.

3. Black pepper (Piper nigrum; Piperaceae) contains the piperidine alkaloid piperine

4. Piperidine occurs naturally in vegetables.


5. Piperidine is absorbed from the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, and skin. It is found in most tissues of the body, including the brain.

6. Piperidine is formed naturally in the body from the degradation of pipecolic acid, cadaverine and lysine.
a) Pipecolic acid is derived from piperidine. Pipecolic acid is also called piperidine-2-carboxylic acid. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/chemistry/pipecolic-acid and https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Pipecolic-acid
b) Cadaverine is derived from lysine https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/nursing-and-health-professions/cadaverine
c) Cadaverine is present in plant, microbial, and animal cells and in raw and fermented foods. [In general the amount of amino acids and other nutrients in food is affected by a number of factors. Simply put, the more food is grown, processed and prepared in a non-harmonious manner, the less nutrients it will contain]. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/nursing-and-health-professions/cadaverine].
d) [Artificially], as a food additive, piperidine is found in nonalcoholic beverages, candy, baked goods, condiments, meats and soups.

7. Lysine is an essential amino acid that you must get from food such as meat (includes fish and poultry), cod, sardines, parmesan cheese, eggs, nuts, grains, legumes, oatmeal, beans, black beans, walnuts (1 ounce has 200 mg of lysine), soy, tofu, tempeh, edamame, tomatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, pesto, pasta sauce, catsup, tomato soup, tomato juice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, https://healthyeating.sfgate.com/source-lysine-9552.html and https://howtocure.com/foods-high-in-lysine/#:~:text=List%20of%20Foods%20High%20in%20Lysine%201%20Tomatoes.,protect%20heart%2C%20and%20even%20help%20with%20weight%20loss.

8. Piperidine is found in Cannabis sativa and Trypanosoma brucei. Cannabis Sativa is also known by common names such as Bhang, Cannabis indica, Cannabis sativa, Ganja, Hashish, Hemp, Hemp Plant, Marihuana, Marijuana https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/piperidine
a) f Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC or delta-9 THC) is the main active ingredient
b) THC is a cannabinoid and is psychotropic/psychoactive (creates a feeling of euphoria, gets you “high”)
c) CBD is a cannabinoid called cannabidiol and is NOT psychotropic.
d) Delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol, also known as delta-8 THC, is psychotropic. Delta-8 THC is one of over 100 cannabinoids produced naturally by the cannabis plant but is not found in significant amounts in the cannabis plant. As a result, concentrated amounts of delta-8 THC are typically manufactured from hemp-derived cannabidiol (CBD). [Thus Nonpsychoactive CBD is used to create pyschoactive delta-8 THC] https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/5-things-know-about-delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol-delta-8-thc e) Hemp differs from other varieties of Cannabis sativa because it contains very low levels of THC (delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol). Hemp has recognition of safety for human food by Health Canada, Food Standards Australia New Zealand/Australian New Zealand Food Authority, and the European Food Safety Authority. All have looked at the scientific data and found hemp seed safe for human consumption https://www.fda.gov/media/118583/download
f) [Using a small sample of 8 and] extrapolating this same dosing to adults with an assumed body surface of 1.8 square meters, corresponds to single doses of 30 mg and a daily dose of about 120 mg THC. Delta-8-THC is assumed to be approximately 75% as psychotropic as delta-9-THC so a 30 mg dose is equivalent to about 23 mg of delta-8-THC, an amount which usually produces significant psychotropic effects in adults.
[If delta-8 is less psychotropic than delta-9, then it should take a higher amount of delta-8 to achieve the same effect as a delta-9 dosage. Thus 30mg of delta-9 is equal to 40mg delta-9. A 120mg daily dose of delta-9 is equal to a 160mg dose of delta-8. Or the wording should be Delta-8-THC is assumed to be approximately 75% as psychotropic as delta-9-THC so a 30 mg dose of delta-8-THC is equivalent to 22.5 mg of delta-9-THC, an amount which usually produces significant psychotropic effects in adults.]
g) THC, and its precursor THCA, are present in the hemp plant at about a 1 to 9 ratio. THC is not found in the interior of hemp seed unless there has been physical cross contamination of the seed hull with cannabinoid containing resins in bracts and leaves during maturation, harvesting and processing. THC is psychoactive but THCA has no psychotropic effect as long as it is not heated at 115 °C for 2 hours, which transforms THCA to THC. [This might be believable since it could be photosynthesis that transforms THCA in the seed into THC in the plant or it could be simply exposure of the plant to sunlight that transforms THCA into THC.] https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/taxonomy/3483#section=Patents

9. My List: peppers, onion family, garlic, mustard, arugula, radish, turnip, ginger, beets, creeping charlie, sourweed, yellow wood sorrel, root vegetables, spicy tasting vegetables, bitter or sour tasting vegetables, pungent smelling or tasting vegetables, hot tasting vegetables food, pickled food, fermented food, all vegetable, fruits, edible plants and meats. Why? Because piperidine and derivatives are amino acids or derived from amino acids which are derived from the elements and nutrients in food. The Supreme Being did not make this complicated for no organism to achieve and maintain optimal health. Elsewhere see amino acid.

Thus, Donepezil (Aricept) slightly mitigates and slows the deterioration health effects of nutritional deficiency caused by low intake of nutrients and/or cellular imbalance that interferes with the proper functioning and conversion of nutrients into amino acids and other compounds.
As always, simultaneous with an increase in nutrition, must be the investigation and pursuit to reduce toxins from all sources affecting the body, mind, emotions and spirit-soul. Nutrition includes rest, sunlight and other stuff.
Lastly we must also pay attention to cravings. Cravings are the result of our genetics trying to tell us something is missing and we need something. Cravings not properly addressed become addictions.

Although the beneficial effects of Donepezil depends on each individual's set of health factors, it is a certainty that all individuals with any ailment or who consider themselves healthy, will benefit from an improvement in nutrition and reduction in toxins.