If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Aligning With Destinypurposes, Hopefully Before Age 18
Unity Consciousness #2887

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In societies, aligning with destinypurposes is derailed early on. Societies need people to thought process based on believing and do as told and don't do as told. In this vacuum, a mutant form of critical thinking takes place that takes beliefs, do's and don'ts, and comes to a decision conclusion. This is because societies can't exist otherwise, because societies depend on maintaining imbalance, great big imbalances, especially the cavernous divide between self and all else, between humans and nature, between scient and science, between spirit and mind-body-emotions, between experience and education, between... The more people are aligned with their optimal destinypurposes, the more imbalances are eliminated. This must be minimized at all costs by all institutions, while creating the illusion that the opposite exists.

To help people willingly derail their destinypurposes, societies create a context such as the American Dream, which obviously depends on an extremely narrow and disharmonious worldview.
To accomplish this,

the masses have bought in to the notion that it is the job of government to educate and they will do so in our best interests as spirit-soul on a journey to evolve.
Due to a bastardization of the communal village concept of civilizations where individual and collective harmony is the worldview, we allow the K-12 education process to dominate our beingness process. This is conspired with, aided and abetted by homes, along with multiple other forms of media, chief among with is the TV (telepathic vision) programming of the society. Television is the moving images and sounds of what is taking place inside people, in their spirit motions.

Our beingness process is derailed and aligned with careers and jobs, and mostly those that the society promotes as valuable, laudable, applaudable, successful, worthwhile, acceptable, sensible and validating, that the society needs for its economic system, which it needs as one of its ten institutions to maintain imbalance.

Formalized generalized childhood education, now called K-12, should only be additional information to assist a self-education process.
Spirit-soul is the multi-genius, the teacher of teachers.
Our job is to align with destinypurposes that spirit-soul is always trying to make us aware of. Spirit-soul tries to guide us into usages of genetic potential that are needed for current and future times. This guidance is always trying to be obscured and distorted by societies. This is why the masses in societies are not aligned with their optimal destinypurposes even long after age 18.