If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, January 13, 2023

Drug & Crime Information & Third Death
Unity Consciousness #2890

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzs of 11)

Summary Introduction Of All We Know

If you believe this is the Information Age as in the best knowledge of all time being put to good use, you must also be a balanced thinker due to the benefit coming out of all that information. Thus that balanced thinking must lead you to believe there is an equal chance for this day and age to also be the Disinformation Age, overall, or in part.

It has long since been known that a group's governing bodies are a reflection of its families, villages, communities, states, country and nation.
There can be no government governing body without the consent, cooperation and participation of the citizens, the voters who vote in political elections or vote with their money or with their time, attention and other forms of consent support.
In other words, whatever goes on in a family, village, community, state, province, prefecture, country or nation is due to the thinking, thus behavior, of the people within those places, especially the people with default power or who are allowed to have power by whatever means they choose to obtain and maintain that power.

In other words, whatever problems exist in a country is due to the people within that country who exercise the greatest control and the people who exercise the least control. This must be so, because certainly the people take all the credit for what goes right.
This introduction is necessary because we frequently forget its truths when thinking about so many things.

One Of Those Things Is Drugs & Crimes

These two are one thing because, in the psyche of the masses who have huddled around the same logic, drugs are crime. In the psyche of Maat, crime is a drug. Drugs & crimes are as addictive as lies which are a drug and crime.

In the Usa, we are daily pummeled with the notion that the drug problem is a problem created by the disfavored group and by groups outside this country. Neither of these are true. The drug problem and the crime problem associated with drugs is an internal creation of the favored group who outnumber the disfavored group 5 to 1, thus they have more elective power over all governing bodies and all other institutions in the country.

For example the marijuana problem is problem created by colorless people of no color. It is not a problem created by Blacks, Mexicans or Columbians. Likewise crimes in general, in any category are dominated by the favored group, including crimes the favored group claims not to be crimes that is almost exclusively the criminal domain of the favored group. This must be so unless the favored group has beat the odds of human nature and exemplify more virtues than vices. We immediately know this is not true based on evidences of the existence of a society, imbalances, existence of a favored group, genderism, Maafa Racism and many other things that can quickly be named.
So stop thinking fentanyl is a problem out of Mexico or that opioid existence and addiction is the result of a few bad players in the otherwise best economic system humans have ever known.

In the USA, when the favored group produces, distributes and sells drugs, it's legal or overlooked. When the favored group ingests drugs it's overlooked, minimized or treated as an illness that needs government assistance (give more money to profiteers in the favored group).
In the USA, guns are legal, including automatic assault rifles. There is not a single black person who manufactures guns or ammunition, yet somehow, gun violence is portrayed as a problem caused by blacks and people who cheat the background check system, but when it's not a black person gun violence is portrayed as a lone wolf one off thing or a justified thing, rather than a mentally ill white thing from beginning to end.
In the Usa, just as it is with all favored groups in any country, favored groups have not yet paid the final price for their dysfunctional systems. This emboldens them to do more of the same that gets more and more insane. They live in illusion and want everybody else to think and behave in their illusion. For instance, favored groups claim to want to cure cancer while denying cancer began in their logic long ago, and that to cure cancer requires lobotomizing themselves and divesting themselves of ill-gotten gains. Ill-gotten lands and gains only exist when people are too lazy to obtain it through hard work but are willing to kill, steal and use every vice possible.

Favored groups are an artificial temporary construction of people who have used any means necessary to gain control over a geographic area's resources.
Favored groups, love to take credit for all things they consider good. They claim credit for the drugs they legalize and minimize the dangerous multitude of harmful effects that come with each legalized drug. They use natural plants to make drugs they legalize and then make illegal the use of natural plants and print lies about plants, calling them harmful. Favored groups take credit for being such good people that everybody else wants to go to “their countries,” be around them, learn from them, marry them, have sex with them and so on. They do not take the blame for Maafa Racism or all the problems and illnesses caused by the confluence of their logic. Either you are in control or not.
Certainly, if favored groups can use their minds to conspire to maintain their ill-gotten gains and privileges, they should be able to do something much easier, use their collective minds to collude to fix any other problem by any means necessary, which should definitely be easier than creating and maintaining systemic racism for over 400 years or maintaining other justified imbalances. In other words, drugs, crimes and any other problem existing in societies for more than one year, exist because the favored group wants it to exist more than they want to do what it takes to fix it. This is because problem resolution also brings about imbalance dissolution which erodes the landfill foundation upon which their false status as favored group rests.

Humans are one tiny aspect an ecosystem that is a physical ecosystem, a spiritual ecosystem, an emotional ecosystem, a mental ecosystem, a logic ecosystem, a thinking ecosystem, a behavior ecosystem, a cause and effect ecosystem, a by any means necessary ecosystem, a chickens coming home to roost ecosystem. All of these aspects are rolled into one body of Earth, one body of the Solar System, one body of the Galaxy, one body of the Universe and one body of the Supreme Being.

Illusion is a drug and crime that the favored group uses to pretend to be so intelligent, that logic counter to theirs, including logic of anything non-human, has no chance of prevailing and bringing down the beast, toppling a giant behemoth leviathan monster predator species that dominates temporarily due to a temporary set of conditions that allow hordes to flourish like powdery mildew and accumulating like tumors in places like the USA. Because truth is the antidote to drugs and crime, it is also addictive and predictive as a genetic response. All aspects of the ecosystem will continue to self-correct except for the majority of humans. History of information has proven this to be true which is why all of the self-proclaimed great and mighty empires have risen, fallen and expired, slowly, then suddenly all at once. There are no examples of humans being able to stop the fundamental forces of nature's climate environmental changes that take place during every Age. This fatal fate of resolved to devolve humans is the physical death, the second death punishment for their drugs and crimes. The third death being no resurrection of spirit-soul, thus ending almost all of the uncorrectable ancestral branches. The first death occurs during physical life when spirit-soul, due to logic malfunction, is distorted and kept malnourished and toxified by choice due to living on too much that is suboptimal, thus feeding the lower vibrations of vices and melanin functioning.