If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, January 9, 2023

Putting Adam & Eve In Their Proper Place
Unity Consciousness #2881

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Because the story is stupid when you think it's about humans. It is convincing when you believe too much, accept too much and don't inspect enough. I was fooled too.

1. To summarize what has been surmised many times before, the story of Eve and Adam is not a story about the creation of humans. It is a story about the birth and rebirth of souls of life. If it were a story about the first human it would be a story of evolution from earlier primates in the Alcheringa.

2. Okay, since you are likely one of the mass appealed who don't accept the evolution from earlier primates theory, if Adam & Eve were the first humans they must have at least been Neanderthals or some earlier form of humans, since those humans preceded us who claim to be a later form of human.

3. You can be certain all earlier forms are uglier, even dumb looking, according to us. Yet how can we be the most beautiful form of human and not Eve and Adam who were formed in Paradise and made for Paradise?

4. Because the story of Adam & Eve is about souls of life, this is why there were other “daughters” for the children of Adam & Eve to marry. If Adam & Eve were not the parents or grandparents of those “daughters” their sons married, then there must have been another Adam & Eve somewhere else on this planet.

5. You believe Earth, stars and all creatures on Earth were formed in six days, and you believe there are elements on other planets that have never evolved to form other creatures after millions of years, trillions of days. You believe this simply because you choose to not believe in “aliens” you haven't seen while believing in a God you haven't seen or an Adam & Eve you haven't seen or a Jesus you haven't seen. What is your basis for not believing Adams & Eves exist on other planets?

6. You know the story of Adam & Eve is talking about souls of life because Eve is called the mother of all living. So human Eve gave birth to all creatures? So human Eve can give birth to the living God? Adam must not have been needed for Eve to give birth to anything? According to the JC bible, Adam is not your daddy, thus neither is Noah, Abraham, Isaac or Jacob.
I thought God and them created all living, then made humans in their image and formed Adam and then formed Eve??

7. Adam changed Adam's name to Eve. This must be true according to Genesis 5:2, “Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.” They were both Adams because they were both Atoms. God created Atoms first, not Adams. These two Atoms were Spirit-Soul that were were Split from One Supreme Being Atom. This is what the Genesis creation story is about - events long before humans existed.

8. Adam & Eve also represent souls of life that grew into star constellations. Aquaria and Kepheus are the incoming constellations representing Eve & Adam and a new heaven, new Earth and new rebirth from a new Garden.

9. In the Nile Valley, the first two creations were eventually personified as humans after being personified as many other aspects of nature. Much later on, bad intentions married ignorance and said the story was about humans.

10. Remember, “The whitened Jews, in their thirst for validity, copied their account of Man's origin from the East Indian legend of Hadama and Hava.

11. In the JC Bible, Adam & Eve are ubiquitous because they are the two truths. A plain sight version is Edom and Adah. These two are descendants of the Father, Abraham, who is the ever-coming one who keeps producing spirit-soul as Adams and Eves in many forms. Who else married Adah (Hadah)? Lamech, who is also a form of Adam. The Garden of Eden is the Garden of Adah and the Garden of Aten.

12. The race we call humans are the least in the universe, as self-evident on this planet. As above, so below tells us Adam & Eve are spirit-soul. The JC Bible tells us this in the beginning. Let us make humankind in our image. Let us duplicate Adam & Eve above and place it below. Thus the trinity, Father, Son & Holy Spirit (Mother) are Adam & Eve, the 3-part mother of all living (birth mother, wet-nurse and son).

13. If we were already the most intelligent and we lived in civilizations, there would be no need for awakening, except for the purpose of evolving, and in that scenario, no intelligent civilized person would pushback against being woke. Eve and Adam are ready to inundate us in rapid succession with the fruitfulness they've multiplied above, whose tsunami surges are reaching this Earth to purge, purify, nurture, wash away the white as snow whitewash hogwash and reteach us to reach back to natural sense, in all things necessary, of which there are relatively few among the things we do in societies.

14. Because somebody told you we live in some kind of first time in history Information Age, and because you are able to overlook many things self-evident, you think you are informed to the extent you need to be. God blinds those who are willing, think they don't need help and don't resist. God restores sight to those who are willing, admit they need help and assist. See 2 Corinthians 4:4.
In other words, all Ages are Information Ages. The Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil has always existed and has been eaten from since Day One. We still eat of it daily, yet we think and behave as if we don't know the difference between good and evil. In the case of Adam & Eve, because the pale beyond the pale decided to revise the Eve and Adam story that contradicts with all other ages of information, we have chosen to attempt the impossible, keep many sets of two truths out of place when Information Ages are trading places changing the climate of truths.