If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Change Jobs And/Or Jobs Change Human Beings
Unity Consciousness #2882

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzk of 11)

Updated 02.21.23

The job you do is acceptable to you because you need the money and/or because you like what you do. In any case the job you do becomes part of who you are. This is true whether it's for pay, for free, at home, in the community or wherever for whatever reason.

If a job is not who you are, you will either change the job and/or the job will change you.
If a job changes you, the change is not necessarily something you don't wannabe be. The job can simply give you cover to be more of who you already are.
If you change a job, the change is not necessarily for the better.

In other words, anytime someone says, “I'm just doing my job,” they are saying, “I am just being my job”. Even if you do not say, I'm just doing my job, you are still just being your job.**

Likewise, when we dislike or hate our jobs, by necessity, as we have to think about our jobs, get ready to go to work, get ready to do the job and then, carry out the duties of the job, we must begin to dislike and hate who we are, until we disassociate disconnect and focus on the money aspect that allows us to pay bills and get a few basic needs and get several wants, and do these things at the expense of other basic needs. This disassociation as a coping mechanism is okay because it is normal in societies. This disassociation disconnection allows us to think and say that there's a difference in who we are at work and who we are at home. And that there's a difference between my business persona and my personal persona. I do this or that because I'm at work, it's business, it's my job but I'm a different person when I'm at home, it's personal and I get to be the human I choose to be.

Regardless of the people who get on television and make statements that portray their job, workplace, boss and coworkers as happy home family and workplace utopia, you can be certain most people, at least, dislike their jobs. This must be so because we the masses are mismatched because societies do not support the inherent rights of creation, but instead distort them. The culture does not support human development so that each precious thing uses their precious energy towards their optimal destinies and purposes. This causes us to do things at the greatest expense to our spirit, to our soul, to our beingness process that leads to true happiness which is Hapi-ness.
Thus in our distorted quest to make a living, we are making a killing of our optimal four-part selves, thus we are distorting and/or diminishing our contribution to the greater good. This is true even if we excel in jobs and are deemed successful, according to what the society is continuously programming us to think.

When it comes to jobs, it is not possible to remain neutral such that the job doesn't change you or you don't change the job, unless the job is short-term (less than three months).

If none of this was true, and the opposite was true (most people were using their precious energy towards optimal destinypurposes matched with the different forms of work they were doing throughout each day), then by force of our individual collective actions, almost all problems would surface then disappear by virtue of us being who we are supposed to be and by virtue of us actually doing good in good jobs in a civilization.

01.18.23 Update For Those Ready To Next Level Up

Generation after generation, if most people who should be carpenters, find themselves in other jobs for whatever reason, the skill of building will diminish over time and the village, community and nation will suffer for it.
As another example, if most people who should be nurses, are not, or if those who are must follow crazy procedures, medications and insurance approvals, then the best healthcare will not be provided and the village community and nation will suffer for it.
If most people in the community eat food every day, yet most people do not grow food and get food directly from nature, then the need to provide tons of food daily will cause the quality of food to diminish. Ain't this exactly what is taking place?
In all instances, when the majority of humans are not employing their genetic potential towards optimal destinypurposes, this problematic type of culture will beget problems that beget problems and solutions that beget problems, i.e., the aforementioned medications and mass production mentality based on greed and glory.
Pick a problem, any problem and if you follow it through coils of causes and effects, it will lead back to the misapplication of genetic potential, thus infringement of inherent rights of creation has and is taking place. This is due to suboptimal knowledge of self and all else (suboptimal knowledge of who you are, suboptimal knowledge of where you came from and suboptimal knowledge of why you are here).
This is another way to understand the impact of jobs in institutions (all workplaces, including home) created by humans who have organized themselves into disharmonious groupings and when these jobs are performed by humans who are disorganized due to having been remade more in the image of humans than in the image of the Original Gods, the OGs.

**Let us be perfectly clearly honest with ourselves. We already admit that we are our jobs. We say, I'm a secretary, supervisor, manager, wife, mother, American, Christian and so on. All of these identities are jobs because they all come with duties and responsibilities and whether we know it or not we are doing these jobs to some degree. Thus we are being these jobs. Jobs, identifies and who we are, are all the same thing. Which is why it is imperative from day one for the village to help us understand who we are so we can recognize our optimal identifiers so we can use our precious energy in all our jobs according to our optimal destinypurposes. If we don't, then woe is us and woe is the village. A village can only survive temporarily under these conditions.

Incoming and rising spirit-soul insists we take this another step further. What a job entails is determined by the owner of a business or the head of a government agency or by religion or by spirituality.. Other jobs, we ourselves individually choose what the job entails based on what the culture, its asili and worldview teaches us the job entails. So all jobs we do are manifesting the worldview of our society (suboptimal) or of our civilization (optimal). So let's be clear again with a few examples. Countries can't have lingering sickness and lingering problems if the majority of people were not doing jobs that promote sickness and problems. Similarly, countries cannot be racist if the majority of people were not doing jobs to support racism.

Thank You For Your Service

If you live in a society, everyone who goes with the flow of the culture, should be thanked for their service.
If you live in a civilization, everyone who goes with the flow of the culture, should be thanked for their service.
Why do we treat some jobs as more important? What kind of imbalanced disrespectful thinking is that?

03.09.23 Update

One point that has not been made clear is that the jobs we do and how we do them also to some degree, affects, impacts, influences and changes other people and other creations. You are your brother's keper, kheper, keeper, heper, helper, neter.
Thus, because you are already being each of the jobs you do or don't do, but should, you are already being the change you want to see in the world.

03.11.23 Update

So any condition, solution or problem that exists in your home, school, community, county, state, prefecture, district, region, country, nation and world, is the direct result of the collective total of the jobs humans are doing. The closer to the effect, the more direct the influence. The farther away, the more indirect the influence. Nevertheless, direct or indirect influences all contribute to the chain of causes and effects. Thus we are all responsible. The only difference between direct and indirect is distance (degree of separation). Degree of separation does not change the connection, culpability or responsibility. For instance, we cannot blame things such as “crime” on individuals or a few people. All of us contribute to crime in some way based on the various jobs we are doing and not doing. In a complementary overall sense, our job contributions begin with the asili and utamawazo we subscribe to and which guides all other logic, reasoning, thought processes and decision-making, thus behavior.