If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Maori (Mauru, Maurui, Mauri, Mehuri, Meru, Moors)
Origin, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #2969

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzs of 11)

An old friend said, 'It's good to respect the importance of my fruit, but our relationship will become much better as you learn to respect my seeds, leaves, stems, roots, what they have to offer, and their needs to boot."

In Egyptian, Akar is a region of the hinder-part. When the solar mythology was formulated in Egypt, Akar became west and Kar became east. Then the previous hinder-part location, north, became known as Akar (previously Akarua) and south became known as Kar (previously Karua).
Then a mixture of people in the northwest area of the Great Lakes region created a combined name for both hinder parts. North-west was called Mauru [Mah-OO-roo]. Ma is north and Uru is west.

Who Did These Mixture Of People Consist Of?

Various groups of people from all over the Great Lakes Region ended up together in the northwest of the Great Lakes. Since they had combined the two hinder-parts under the name of Mauru, and since they themselves were a combination of people, they named their new grouping, Maurui. As time passed, Maurui became known under various spellings as Marui, Maori, Mauru, Moors, Meru, Mehru, Meh-ru, Mau, Mau-Mau, Ma and others). The meanings of all these names can be found in:

1. MA (MAU)

a) From Khebma, the black hippopotamus and Great Mother of the Waters. (BB)
b) True, water, wind, substance of the male, place, nine, fulfill (fill full), a measure, quantity, amount or number
c) Number 9 with Taht and Ptah during the luni-solar transition. The Put circle of nine was established by Ptah and Ma (Meh). Nine is a gestation period and the number of dry measure.
d) Menka, the earliest form of Maat, means create, form, work, fabricate, clothe, true liquid measure, quantity, amount or number. Ten months or moons. Menkat is the feminine form in relation to the water-period. She is shown with a peace-offering of two vases as the pre-natal nurse. She offers the vases to her alter ego, Menat (Aquaria) the wet-nurse who uses the drink-offering to nourish and refresh the child.

2. MAU or MA

a) Mau is the name of the Three Truths, symbolized by three Lions whose feathery tails curl over their backs. The lion, the feathers and the three tails are all called Mau.
b) Mau is also vapor, cloud, puff, air, brightness, beams, to grow, live, the stalk, young shoot, every form of light, lightness, spring and springing.
c) The feathers are also symbols for the ever-coming one who brings peace, rest, renewal.

d) Ma means to complete, finish, bring to an end, perfect. This is done by the son Khunsu, in fulfilling the soli-lunar circle at vernal equinox.

3. URU, ARU and RU

a) Uru is of the Ru. The Ru is the Aru (river); the Karu or Karua (lake); the Kharua (land of birth)
b) Ru is the outlet for water called UR, AR, URU, ARU, AUR, AER

c) Thus the Ma-Karu becomes Mauru.
d) Ma-Karu is also MaKheru, the true voice, the true and just measure that comes in due time, not early, not late.

e) Aru is the ascent, steps and mountain of rest, peace and plenty.
Ru is a mouth, language, discourse, utterance.

4. AR

a) The eye, or its pupil, is the Ar (Aru). The eye is made at the place of reproduction, the eye being the symbol of mirroring, making the likeness, conceiving. It is full when the circle of the year [annual and great], the round, is completed. (BB2)
b) Ar or Al is the child, earlier Har, Khar, Khart.
c) The Ari or Aru are the companions, watchers, keepers, guardians. (BB2)


In the Egyptian cycle of nine, Meh is north. In Egyptian Meh and Ma are sometimes interchangeable, as in the case of Meh (Ma) for a nest of waterbirds.
North water fresh (refreshed) from the birthplace is Meh-uri (Ma-uri). The people who moved northwest of center in the Great Lakes birthplace eventually spelled Meh-uri as Ma-ori. Maori also became the name of their language. After calling themselves Maurui for a while, Maori was also used to name themselves because they are waterbirds refreshed and who will go out in all directions, especially by water, to populate lands.
To repeat, the northwest direction, wind and water are each called Mauru.

Summary & Conclusions

A basic universal principle installed in all ecosystems is to separate genetics and promote inbreeding for a season to solidify traits, then recombine genetics and decrease inbreeding to combine and refine the genetic logic knowledge of self and all else. This is what the Supreme Being is doing for Self and all other creations through which spirit-soul manifests.

Ma as Shu-Ma Kepheus and Aru as Aquaria are combining their superpowers in order to remember us to understand who they are, where they came from and why they are here. Thus by extension of principles, improve our knowledge of self and all else. At least for those who are not rude.

The incoming Ages are ever-coming souls of life as wet-nurses, healers, fulfillers and teachers.

A motley crew from all round Kharu (Karu), (the mother, the truth and the place), became the Mauru became the Maurui became the Maori. These were natives, indigenous, originals, aboriginals (aborigines), “negro” blacks born in Aethiopia of Africa who had not yet left this African Utopu Utopia (U-T-OPIA).

Each Age of Aquaria is equivalent to Great Year Spring. Since a full moon also coincides with each Vernal Equinox, these moons are Great Moons. There must also be a Greater Full Moon of Khunsu, another transformer, that coincides with Great Year Spring when the Age is Aquaria.
Significant changes take place as annual seasons change the climate. This is magnified when Great Year Seasons Change The Climate. The Maori are a combination of portions of the Clickers, known as the San (Bushmen), Khoi-Khoi (Hottentots), Khoisan, Kaffirs, Gallas, Twa, Twi, Tut, Tutsi, Hutu, Kafritae, Afritae, Akka, Kafruti (Auritae, Afruti) Grimaldi, Kalahari and others. Some of these were likely already combined.
Via the Mauru, and aided by Kepheus, Aquaria and Khunsu (moon and sun), language took a leap before writing took a leap one great year later in Khartoum (Kartoum, Khartum, Kartum, Khartoom, Kartoom). (BB2)

The number three is Mother, Child, Father. Number nine is three times three (3 sets of three), the plural of plurals. Number ten is the consolidation of diversification, an ending and a beginning. The perfection of a cycle as the recombination back to One and Oneness.