If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Semien Mountain Range (Khamian, Khemian, Simian, Simien, Simēn)
Origin, Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #2967

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Semien Mountains (Simien, “transliterated Simēn”, Semkn, Samen, Semen, Semieneh, incorrectly Samen) is the highest mountain range in Ethiopia (Abyssinia). Its highest peak is Ras Dashan, locally pronounced Dejen (also spelled Dashen, Dascian).
The Semien Mountains are one of the Mountains and Mountain Ranges called Mountains of the Moon, all of which are located in the vast garden of eden human birthplace in the Great Lakes Region of East Africa. http://simienmountains.org/ and Contribution of a Geomorphosite Inventory to the Geoheritage Knowledge in Developing Countries: the Case of the Simien Mountains National Park, Ethiopia and https://archive.org/stream/in.ernet.dli.2015.57361/2015.57361.Mountain-World-1955_djvu.txt and https://ia802609.us.archive.org/33/items/earthitsinhabita10recl/earthitsinhabita10recl_bw.pdf

Consensus says Semien means “North”

1. Semien means “north” in Amharic [Amarinya]; however, the ancestral form of the word actually meant “south” in Ge’ez [Ghez**]. The Semien Mountains were south of Aksum***, which was at the time the center of Ethiopian civilization. But as the center of Ethiopian civilization moved south [to Addis Ababa], these mountains came to be thought of as lying to the north, thus the meaning of Semien was changed to mean north. https://www.journeysinternational.com/destination/africa/ethiopia/semien-mountains/ and https://ia802609.us.archive.org/33/items/earthitsinhabita10recl/earthitsinhabita10recl_bw.pdf

Additional Info: Semien is also the name of the Semien Kingdom (Beta Israel Kingdom). Beta Israelites are now called Falasha. Falasha is a later form of Habasha (Habesh, Habish, Abyssinia). Thus Falasha means Ethiopian; however, this source, and others attempt to turn these Falasha Ethiopians into Arabs by saying “Habash” means a mixture of emigrants (immigrants) from various Arabian tribes. (Names & Their Histories, 53)

** Ghez did not live and die in Ethiopia. The language became a part of other African languages. It was carried into Egypt, thus the city of Ghizeh, home of the greatest human-made per-neter pyramid, thus another connection and clue between the Ethiopian and Egyptian and the two lands of the Gods, the beginning and end, root and fruit in Africa.

***To modern minds, the term “Ethiopia" conjures up Addis Ababa. In this region, except for one obelisk and two pedestals of statues, nothing is found. The civilization of Axum, former capital of Ethiopia, is more a word than a reality attested by historical monuments. The center of Ethiopia was Sennar, the plain between the White Nile and Blue Nile. (African Origin of Civilization, Diop, 184)

I Smell A Rat Pack

In various places, the words Semite, Semetic or Semitic, are connected to Ethiopia as though Semites are indigenous to Ethiopia. That makes no sense. You can't have a “semi” anything until you have a “whole” something else. Unless semite means half human animal primate from a whole ape animal primate. A Semite is a white person mostly in appearance and totally in logic. They are the worst kind because they are caught between two identities, and have thus stolen African religion and have now changed their perversion of religion into another perversion of race by saying their religion is genetic and qualifies them to be a race. Semite has been much discussed.
Just as in Egypt, things in Ethiopia by white folks, half-whites, Arabs, Chinese, Koreans and other haters, have been rewritten in their distorted image of who they are and distortion of truth.

I suspect, not only have various aspects of history been revised from actual, but also various aspects of language. Amharic has been updated to make Semien and Simien mean “north” instead of “black” or “dark”. Yet our safari has taught us that north is the lower kar, thus the dark half.


1. The mountains used to be, and still are, called Dark Mountains. Even so, Dark Mountains is a nickname and applies to many mountain ranges

2. According to Google Translate
a) north is semēni in Amharic
b) simian is sīmīni in Amharic
c) Simian is either most likely the earlier name or at least gives us a clue into Semien.
Simian means “of or resembling monkeys, apes and hominins”.
This goes along with the nickname “dark mountains”.

Thus Simian (Semien) Mountains also means “of and resembling black, dark, monkeys, apes, primates, humans.”****
The word South also means black since it is named after Sut, the black God, also called Sut-Nahsi. Nahsi yields Neh which means black and is part of the word Semieneh, an earlier form of Semien. Also Neh becomes Neg and forms Negro.
For Initiates and Remnant: See Negro, Nahsi, Nehsi, Neh, this blog and elsewhere, and in an upcoming post.
Thus the reason for the foolish explanation regarding why the meaning of Semien changed from south to north and no Ge'ez word is given, is another crack at trying to distract from the fact the original Ethiopians, Jews (Aperus, IUs), Egyptians and humans were black, and the original Israel, Aru-Shalem and holy land is in Ethiopia as earlier and much more broadly bounded.

****Thus the earlier name becomes Khamian and Khemian.