If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, June 12, 2023

Where God Hapi Dwells & Failed Word Spells
Papyrus Of Hunefer
Unity Consciousness #2961

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzl of 11)

In 2015, in UC#141 titled, “God Hapi & The Age Of Aquaria/Aquarius”, I posted a quote that read, “The Papyrus of Hunifer states, "We came from the beginning of the Nile where God Hapi dwells.” Online, I have not been able to find this quote in the partial Papyrus of Hunefer (Hu-nefer, Huneferu) presented in one of several Book of the Dead translations by E.A. Wallis Budge. He states he only included one chapter of the Papyrus.
There is a possibility that the quote came from the Edfu Texts which are inscriptions on the Temple of Horus said to belong to the Ptolemaic period. The whole inscription has been translated by Dieter Kurth in "The Temple of Edfu: A Guide by an Ancient Egyptian Priest". A readable copy or free download has not been found.

As a result of others using the “God Hapi” quote and searching for it online and not finding it, places like stackexchange.com at https://history.stackexchange.com/questions/47375/what-is-the-primary-source-evidence-for-the-theory-that-the-african-ancient-egyp continue their white supremacy idiocy that their logic is correct and sane, yet their sanity cannot rise above their own stupidity. This goes along with many other sites, such as Wikipedia, Google, Jstor, Researchgate, academic.edu, coursehero.com, universities, scribd.com, sagepub.com, wiley.com, springer.com, several news sites and to some extent, archive.org, all of which restrict access to information and want you to pay for it, go through hoops and create accounts so they, like Pubmed in the USA government, want to track what you are searching for. Even so, these monkeys don't stop no truth even though they knock it and try to block it. The same ones who hate waking up and try to mock it

Although the issue of human origin has been settled in many ways, by many, including the Human Genome Project, the Maafa Racists of stackexchange posted the following excerpted comments when the “God Hapi” quote could not be found online.
1. I'll begin with the claims by Yosef ben-Jochannan that you quoted in the question here, and in your (now deleted) answer to the previous question that you mentioned.
Firstly, as can be seen clearly in this image, the papyrus of Hunefer is written in hieroglyphs, not hieratic, as he claimed:
Secondly, I have transliterated and translated that document myself, and the passage he 'quotes' does not appear anywhere in the text.
Thirdly, the supposed quote also does not appear anywhere in Budge's translation of the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead or his translation of The Papyrus of Hunefer.
A charitable view might be that Yosef ben-Jochannan was simply mistaken in his reading. A less-charitable view might be that he simply fabricated the quote to support his argument.
This person, assumes Budge is honest and accurate. This person is obviously a great scholar since he is able to translate hieroglyphs, yet he has time to participate in a forum of this low intellectual quality.

Another arrogant person said: “The origins of the Ancient Egyptians remains very much an open question. The latest DNA study that I'm aware of suggests that Ancient Egyptian populations may have more common ancestry with populations in the Near East and Europe than with those in Sub-Saharan Africa.“

1. This weblog has sufficiently shown who all people are, including the Egyptians.
2. The Greeks themselves confirmed – from Herodotus, Socrates to Plutarch - that the Egyptians “were very black” and had “woolly hair”. These eyewitness accounts were made when Egyptian civilization had already been in existence for at least 2,000 years. The Egyptians themselves stated in various texts, notably the Edfu text - an inscription still found in the Temple at Edfu – that: “Several thousand years ago, we were led by our king from the South to settle up the Nile valley.” https://au.int/sites/default/files/documents/40334-doc-africa_factbook-version-digital.pdf and https://theseoultimes.com/ST/?url=/ST/db/read.php%3Fidx=3513 [an article amazingly published today June 12, 2023.]
3. Robert Bauval and Thomas Brophy, published their work under the title of: Black Genesis: The Prehistoric Origins of Ancient Egypt in which they made it clear that Egyptian Civilization, with their highly advanced technological prowess, was an authentic black African civilization. https://www.acjol.org/index.php/tollelege/article/download/680/678

Bunsen section begins

4. In 1948 CE, Christian Bunsen said: The study of Scripture had long convinced me, that there is in the Old Testament no connected chronology prior to Solomon. All that now passes for a system of ancient chronology beyond that fixed point, is the melancholy legacy of the 17th and 18th centuries; a compound of intentional deceit and utter misconception of the principles of historical research. Egyptian history is the only one which possesses contemporary monuments of those primeval ages, and at the same time offers points of contact with the primitive tribes of Asia, especially the Jewish, from the latest up to the earliest times. It is here, if anywhere, that materials are to be gathered for the foundation of a chronology of the oldest history of nations.

5. 12 years later in 1860 CE, due to peer pressure and weak moraity, he contradicts the above statement in many way in his Vol 4. Beginning at pdf 599 (book 573), Bunsen's statements refer to a relatively recent group of Egyptians, as if 5,000 BCE coincides with the first Egyptians. He does not describe the first Egyptians or those of tens of thousands of years ago. Bunsen, claims Lower Egypt was predominately Asiatic and open to mixing while Upper Egypt was predominately African and not open to mixing. [If Upper Egypt was African, then from where in Africa did these Egyptians begin?]
6. He ridiculously states “The civilising race of the Egyptians came from Kanaan, and there is no trace in the language of any other element.” [It is not possible for any group to not have a language trace of any other group they interact with over a period of time. In just 400 years in the USA, their English version of Egyptian now includes Native American, Kiswahili, more African, Spanish, Latin and Black. Bunsen now wants us to think those from across the Mediterranean and Kanaan had separate origins from Africans and were not African.]
7. He ridiculously states: “Egypt derived from Asia its vitality, its stimulus, its vocation, and, finally, its deathblow. Even then it was the maritime metropolis of the great Macedonian which made Egypt so important a feature in history. Alexandria and the great city at the root of the Delta, the heiress of Memphis, continued to be the light points, while Upper Egypt [filled with Africans] sank lower and lower into the shade.”
8. “Egypt, from the very commencement, is always the child of Asia and of Africa”.
9. 'The classic writers attribute to them [the Egyptians] the invention of Geometry by means of land -measuring, and, its natural consequence, Arithmetic. The specimens of their land measuring published by Lepsius, and the mathematical precision of the Pyramids and engineering works of the Old Empire, afford sufficient testimony to the truth of this remark. Their knowledge of mechanics and of the cognate mathematical principles is evinced no less by the artistic perfection of their buildings, than by the vastness of their masses. But this will not justify us in supposing them [the Egyptians] to have possessed a really scientific knowledge of these subjects.
10. “According to our conception of general history, the impossibility of Egypt reacting upon Asia is absolute. But even the supposition that the Chaldeans were the teachers of the Egyptians is, in our estimation, an absurdity. The historical Chaldees are Semites, and Khamism is anterior to the existence of Semitic life: there was no common bond of intercourse between the historical Chaldees and Egyptians [even despite what the Judaeo-Christian bible says. Furthermore he uses the words “historical Chaldees” to distinguish from “biblical Chaldeans” while obviously maintaining the existence of the biblical Ur of Chaldeans in history]. It is true, however, that in this instance, as in others, they [Chaldeans & Egyptians] had a common origin in primitive Asia.”
11. “In art and science, the Arians of Asia and of Europe changed the face of the earth, and explored for mankind heights and depths previously unknown.”
12. “Egypt, as compared with the degeneracy and degradation of Africa and of historical Asia... ”

13. [Bunsen and dem still same demonic spirits are so anxious to defame Upper Egyptians, Aethiopians, Africans and Black folks, Bunsen lays a white claim to animal worship, even though Africans never did worship animals, not even the gang tackled Vodoun practitioners] Bunsen says, ”The African root of the Egyptian animal worship may then have been a provincial feticism, the lowest degradation of religious worship, because the farthest removed from moral consciousness. But it is certain that there was a spiritual root, Asiatic as to origin, Egyptian as to its peculiarity.” [Even so, the white European and semite, brown and yellow people's animal worship is the perverse of perverse in their worship of the human animals of their groups, including the animal Jesus Christ]
[Did you get what Bunsen just said. He said not only did animal worship originate in Asia, that he claims is the land of the Semites, that the animal worship was spiritual, while the Africans copied it and make it peculiar. How crazy is this mofo?

14. “But it must be admitted that the world historical importance of Egypt is her steady adherence to the faith, and wisdom, and thought delivered to her. Egypt gave it a stamp and impress and then preserved it. Without her that precious link of civilisation would have been lost : for the mother-country, Western Asia, advanced to new formations.
15. “It [Egypt] died internally from the moment that it oppressed and rejected the small separate people of the Israelites, which was a foreign and un-warlike race, though intellectually superior, and at the same time represented the humanising element.
16. “The Old World was an exclusive world, and Egypt is the oldest portion of it historically known to us. In that world Egypt filled and maintained with glory a vast position, it acted faithfully up to its high behest, it did honestly its part in advancing the development of mankind, and it has left behind enough imperishable monuments of deep ethic thought, of high artistic instincts, 'and of noble institutions, to be the admiration of remotest times, and the object of the gratitude of the world.” [Bunsen admits that he and others know nothing of Africa beyond Egypt, thus by logical extension, can't know Egypt]
17. The ridiculousness of Bunsen's, and of many other slight-minded, tell us more truth about them then and now than it tells us about the bulk of truths and fundamental truths of history then and now. Thus all they say are word spells that acknowledges that don't have a clue as to where God Hapi Dwells. Tons of information tells us what we need to know and confirms truth is not dependent on a single papyrus, person, group or fact of nature or truth, however defined.