If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Leopard God's Due Signs In Du Times
Nimrod & Kepheus
Unity Consciousness #2980

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May the Lords add blessings to heeding their words and may they rectify themselves in our parts. Amenet
The Age of Kepheus has a primary star called Alpha Kephei (now spelled Cephei and called Alderamin). Kepheus is a northern circumpolar constellation. Alpha Kephei is now becoming Polaris North. Kepheus Constellation has the special title of Rek, Rā, Regulus of the Great Year Cycle. Kepheus is the REK of REKs, the REK-UR, the coming into his own, coming of age virile pubescent force, the celestial indicator that lets us know a cycle is completed and beginning. Kepheus shares the Regulus title with the primary star in Leo Constellation called Cor Leonis (Lion Heart, Leopard Heart). Kepheus Constellation (as Anhur) and Cor Leonis (as Shu) are Regulus because when Cor Leonis is at the western corner of the Equinoctial circle and Kepheus' Alpha Kephei is at the northern corner of the Northern Circumpolar Circle, the Northern Circumpolar Great Year cycle ends and begins. This is coincident with the Age of Aquaria/Aquarius. These celestial positionings put the heavens into a northwest Meroë birthplace orientation. (BB), (BB2), (NG2)
We offer the quick example of: when the sun's position is at the eastern corner, we say a day cycle is beginning, and when the sun's position is at the western corner, we say a day cycle is ending, even though our clock reckoning says midnight is when a day begins and ends. This clock reckoning is accurate since creation begins in darkness.

The hinder-part of the northern heavens is called Khepsh (Kush, Ethiopia).
Periodically, Khepsh gives rebirth to Kepheus, the heir-apparent as King of Ethiopia.
Kepheus has two mothers: Nut, the entire heaven, and Cassiopeia, the hinder-part of Nut.
Cassiopeia is Khepsh, Kush, Ethiopia, Lady of the Seat, Queen Mother of Ethiopia, Queen of Ethiopia, Queen of the South and Khattiopia (Khatti and opia both mean South). Khattiopia is the earlier spelling of Cassiopeia, Aethiopia and Ethiopia.

Thus the Kush of the Judaeo-Christian Bible is not a human on this Earth, but a quarter of a 25,920 year circle cycle of time. That quarter is the 6,480 year northern quarter, the Khepsh quarter, a portion of which Kepheus is the ruling king. (BB2). If Kush be not human, where does that leave Ham, Noah and them?

The Great Mother has her own Regulus star called Sib-zianna (Sib-zi-anna, Sibzianna, Arcturus). This is in Ursa Major Constellation (Great Hippopotamus, Thigh, Leg, Boates, Boötes, Great Bear). Sibzianna is also the name of Mars, a planetary type of Kepheus (Shu). Both the Sun and Kepheus, the hunter called Nimrod, use Sibzianna (in Ursa Major or as Mars) as a bow to guide their arrows of energy around the galaxy. The Sun also uses Cor Leonis as a bow. (BB2) and https://theodora.com/encyclopedia/c2/constellation.html

The four JC Bible cities of Nimrod (Babel, Ereck, Akkad, Kalneh) match the four quarters of Nimrod which are marked by four alpha stars and constellations (Regulus in Leo Constellation, Antares in Scorpio Constellation, Fomalhaut in Southern Fish Constellation (AE1), and Aldebaran in Taurus Constellation.
Thus Fomalhaut must be shared by or actually be in Aquaria/Aquarius Constellation (NG2) in order for these four Constellations to form the equinoctial circle. Thus each Northern Circumpolar Constellation rules over the Equinoctial Constellations. Exact dual rule or something similar must also be true of the Southern Circumpolar Constellations. The four quarters of Wepwawet (Ursa Minor) would be Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini (BB2)

Big Changes Above, Big Changes Below

When Celestial Nimrod (Nabrod, Nebrôd, Nemrut, Nimr-oth) went forth, the Kushite migration from Africa occurred into the land of Singar. This Singar was not in Shinar (Sennar) but rather east of the Tigris River in southern Sumeri where it meets the Persian Gulf. It makes sense to get off ships before reaching the end of the Persian Gulf.
Sumeri means country of the natives, district of the ancestral race, first settlers, squatters, or colonists from the land of Kush. The Sumeri are the Sameri, Skameri, Kamari, Kameri, Kiengi, Kushites. (BB2) and https://amaicword.wordpress.com/
If the people and land had been named properly and not after their King, they would be the Kamari, identical with the Kamari of India, the Kymry of Britain and Kumites [Kamites] of Australia.

Like all people by any name, their root comes from the Kamite. The Semite branch from the Kamite is short. The Kamite is the initial created human race from Khebma. [This indicates the transformation from ape primate to human primate occurred during a Northern Circumpolar Constellation Age of Ursa Major, The Great Mother as Khebma].
God Nimrod inspired a migration in Africa which resulted in Phut, Kush, Mizraim, Kanaan, four branches in four different directions.

The powers of Kepheus influenced a group of humans to name themselves Kephenes. The Kephenes and Chaldees (Kharti) are a dual form of the ancient people of the Kushite empire. This would have been at least 25,920 years ago. [Kephenes were likely people in Sennar Africa since the Chaldees ended up in Senaar in Asia. Kephenes and Kaldi are both associated with Kepheus, thus Nimrod and two mesopotamias on this Earth.] (BB2)

During an earlier Age of Kepheus, at least 25,920 years ago, humans assigned more names to celestial objects. The variation of language associated with Nimrod did not occur in Babel on this Earth. Language varies over time within groups and through group interaction. Under the reign of Nimrod above and his celestial city of Babel, those spirit-soul, soul of life powers helped humans develop their language more rapidly and widely. Search Babel Tower and then use Ctrl + F to search tower. (BB2)
Nimrod of JC Bible lore is a giant, mighty one and king because he is Shu-Kafi-Kepheus, a giant, mighty one and king.
The Kef in Kepheus means force, might. The sun is said to be forced along by the conducting of Shu. The mdw ntr sign of force is the determinative of the word NEM, which means force, to force back, turn back by force.

Yes There Were Humans Named Nimrod

Nemrut (Nemrod) is the name of three human princes of the twenty-first Egyptian Dynasty. This is not confusing. How many people are named Jesus?
Nimrod is also the name of the father of Sheshank I, a Pharaoh of the twenty-second Egyptian Dynasty.
In addition to coming from the word Nimrut, the word Nimrod is also said to come from Nimr-at, meaning the son of the leopard.
Nimr, the leopard, is represented in the Mdw Ntr (hieroglyphs) by NEM, which also means , the spotted skin. This makes sense since Shu (Bes) also represents dark and light.
Nimr, the Semitic name of the leopard, is written in Assyrian Ni-im-ru. In Egyptian “ru” is the lion; the twin-lions are the ruti, the two ru of the horizon which Shu the lion of the sun, uplifts. One of the two lions is a leopard or leopard-cat, a maneless lion.
Shu, the lion of the sun, transforms into the leopard or cat, the Assyrian Nlmru and Egyptian Nem-Ru,
Nem means the second, and Nem-ru is the second lion called a leopard (Mau).
The second of the twin Ruti is Nem-Ruti. Shu, as Anhar, or Kepheus with the Khept [north] sign of Nem, is the Nem-ruti, thus Shu-Mau (lion-leopard) is a name for Kepheus. (BB2)

More On The Leopard

Let us be certain to understand that the original Nimrod presided over two divisions, the circle in two halves north and south. The twin lions were the Ruti, and the Nem of these two Ruti, was a leopard. A later Egyptian form, and in both Hebrew and Assyrian, the leopard is Nimr of the four quarters. Thus the Nimrod of the JC Bible mentions four quarters (four cities of Nimrod). Thus the JC Bible version of Nimrod is a later version mixed into human history. In the mdw ntr (hieroglyphics) of the time of the two divisions, the letter “D” did not exist. Thus the word leopard was, at best, spelled leopar and possibly leap-ur, and likely leaper for reasons to be explained in an upcoming tranmission. (BB2 523)

Sekhet is leopard-headed. Sekhet if part of Tef-Nut is part of Kepheus.
Sekhet's dual type is Mau-SHAU, or Ma-shu. Since Khu is an earlier form of Shu, Ma-SHU had an earlier phase in Ma-KHU. In the form of Shu-ma is the name of the pool of the Two Truths, where the Ma is transformed into the Ma-Shu.
The leopard represents warriors who manifested the utmost boldness and suddenness in attack. This is another clue that confirms historically societies have fallen slowly, then suddenly all at once. And Kepheus and all other conjunctions indicate a superhuman driven global reset is in plain sight progress and imminent while sheeple huddle around broken logic fences and focus on the mundane of whatever the “news” proclaims is germane while the enemy continues to attack from within the sheep pack. There is no falseness in African Mythology and Eschatology. All of it is science. We've been told Kepheus and Cassiopeia are King and Queen of Ethiopia Above, thus also Ethiopia Below. Upheaval and fulfillment is ramping up despite the condition of our rek-ur-nition. Since Kepheus is the Leopard-Lion, the heart of the Leopard-Lion is Cor Leonis. In other words, Cor Leonis in Leo Constellation is the heart of Kepheus the Lion King. Kepheus rises when the sun passes into Aquaria Constellation, i.e., the Age of Aquaria begins. We should continue to expect easily noticeable changes, especially at each annual solstice and equinox. Occurring twice each Great Year, the magnetic pole will flip again upon the arrival of Kepheus. Mentioned elsewhere, black people with their hands up and/or kneeling is a sign of Shu, the Kneeler, whether this occurs in church or when facing police. (BB2), (AE2 622-3)

Mysian Connection

Another meeting-point between Shu (Khufu, Kefu, Kherufu) and Nimrod can be found in the statement of the Paschal Chronicle where the Mysians are said to be descended from Nimrod; “Nebrod, the huntsman and giant, from whom came the Mysians.” Lydia formed a part of the same kingdom of Pergamos as Mysia. Mysia bears the name of Mashu, and Lydia of the Ludi or Ruti. This will explain why names of the mythical monarchs, Nimrod and Assur, have not been discovered on the bricks of the cities assigned to them. They were characters, personifications, not persons on Earth, but rather 'belonging to the heavens, therefore divinities. Hence, while their names remained as human or ethnic titles, the real characters were continued as gods under other names.

Who Else Is Nimrod?

Horus, Of course.
Horus is the mighty conqueror, the Nimrod, the slayer of the gigantic Apap. (AE1)
Horus is every god, every soul of life because Horus is Shoru is Sheru is Heru is Kheru is Makheru is the true word and true voice of the two truths. Each set of two truth is a giant force to be reckoned with and by and that establishes kingdoms on Earth, in us and everywhere else.
Nimrod became “a mighty one in the earth” [at the advent of an Age of Kepheus] (AE2).
The association with Mars, yields “Red-Eyes”, the rage of the Lion. The rebellious [rebellion, revolution] Giant is likewise a perfect parallel to Hapi, the Giant Ape, Shu, Nimrod, what we need for times like these. (NE1)