If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Atheist | Words We Use Without A Clue
Earlier Name Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3131

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The word Atheist is said to mean a person who does not believe in God, a supreme being, a higher power, a begin all end all.
1. All believers in some kind of God, also fit this definition.
First of all because they themselves claim to not believe in God, but rather to “know” God. This distinction depends on a demarcation between believing and knowing, just as it is necessary to distinguish between many things such as immature and mature, young and old, fresh and stale...

2. When it comes down to it, if an atheist is a non-believer in God, then a theist must be a believer in God
Thus, in the word Theist, the word IST must be the person and the word THE, must be God.

3. The word The is Khe is Khiu is Khu is God as spirit-soul and as first truth-second truth and as feminine-masculine.

4. Thus, each time we use the word The, we are saying God, no matter the name we call God by. And when we say The Devil we are saying God Devil.

Short List Of Variations: Thou, Thy, They, Tha, Them, Theme

Meriam-Webster.com is all over the place with the meaning of the word ATHE, none of which help us understand we are talking about God. According to Meriam-Webster.com's subtext, “Ist” must mean God. And it does.
Ist is Ast, Est, Ust, Hest, Hist, Past, Sti, Sit, God, Khi...
Essentially then, God by any name and the word THE, both mean Start and Stop, thus beginning and ending, first and last, alpha and omega, and all other full circle combinations, such as beginning, middle, end, or present, future, past.
So in order to be an Atheist by the current societal definition, you would not only have to not believe in God, but also to not believe in a beginning or and end, overall, in general and specially as beginning and end apply to anything. God is not just a word, God is all words. So in order to be an Atheist in the current miseducated way, you would have to not believe in anything, and furthermore, also not believe in knowing anything. Simply put, you would have to not believe in words. Almost one hundred percent of current definitions are retarded (severely stunted, restricted and held back). It's like going through life and thinking you have complete understanding when you say A is for apple and J is for Jack.
It is also like claiming to understand north, yet not understanding south, and then once those two are thought to be understood, still not understanding west and east. We have been taught that it's okay to proudly say that our logic (thinking and behavior) is based on slivers and slices and fragments and bits and pieces and bytes of information that we have the right to individually combine and then function in a healthy manner in relation to self and all else.

With this being said, consider the word AGAINST as part of the pair Gain and Against.
Against from gain-ist is i-gain-st is against, which means to stop gain; however in the form of gainist, it means a person is for starting or continuing gain. Thus the earlier, more proper, pair is Gainist and Against. God is both, so...to be an Atheist requires you to not believe in gain, no gain, start gain, stop gain, for, against, or any set of two truths. God is not a religious concept. God is nature, long before humans. God is science, long before human retarded use of what science is.
Thus, the word A or letter A as an article prefix, turns the word into its opposite, its adjacent; however the word A has many other meanings, some of which have been discussed in the letter of the law. We can now take another step and understand the foursome, Meri-ka and America and Kameri-Ta and Kafrica.

See also the word Gnostic and the word Agnostic, both partially from the word Knau which leads to the word Knowledge and the word Knew.