If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, August 26, 2024

Voodoo, Mawu and Lisa
Unity Consciousness #3137

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Mawu-Lisa is the Supreme God, and spokesperson of all deities in the Fon Igbo (Ebo) Vodu Dahomian Benin belief system. Right away we can see that the word Mona Lisa and the painting are based on this female-male androgynous deity. The painting is of a plain jane woman and is only famous for its hidden meaning.
Variations: Mawu and Lisa, MawuLisa, Mahu-Lisa, Mahou-Lissa, Mahu-Lissa, Mahu-Lisa, Mahou-Lissa, MahuLissa, Mahu (The Unsurpassable, the Transcendental Force in comparison to whom none is bigger or higher), Gbèdoto (Creator and Owner of the Universe), Dada Sègbo (Greatest Spirit, King of the Kings), Segbo-Lisa or Sègbo Lisa (Greatest Spirit Lisa), and Sèmèdo (Great Spirit, Maker of Humanity).

Although said to be the Supreme God, Mawu-Lisa are twin children consorts and cohorts to each other and with Supreme Parent, NanaBuluku, who is also female and male.
According to Fon's cosmology (worldview of heaven and earth), the soul, speech, wisdom is SE (SA: Egyptian; FA: Ewe; Sakhu: Egyptian).
Mawu-Lisa represents the group of sky deities. Mawu is female, moon, coolness, night, fertility, motherhood, gentleness, forgiveness, rest and joy. Lisa is male, sun, fiery elements, day, heat, work, power, war, strength, toughness and intransigence (resistance and and refusal to change). (Asante/Mazama. Encyclopedia of African Religion)

Like the Apis bull between its horns, Lisa carries the Sun disk in his mouth and Mawu carries the crescent moon. All four are symbols of the returning ones, ever-coming ones, christs saviors warriors avengers who rise from the deep dark waters.
Possible paths to the word Mawu and the word Vodu are:
1. Mashu
2. Sakhu
3. Makosa
4. Khuti
5. Elijah and Elisa (each of these are Mawu-Lisa by themselves)
6. Moses and Elias (each of these are Mawu-Lisa by themselves. In the new testament Elias is Jesus, John The Baptist, Shu, Anhar, Moses, Joshua, Caleb...)
7. All on this list are forms of Christ and are the Christ Messiah Meshiach Mashiach. None of these are or were human, but if they were, as above so below tells us there must be many, then and now, there and here. There has never been or will be such a thing as a single Jesus Christ Messiah above or below. Unless it is the Supreme Being as One who is all things, and under this perspective, then all things are Karasts Karests forever coming and going, saving and losing and winning and overcoming and succumbing. And along with them, so also the fates of many other creations in the sphere of influence. All this according to periods of time, cycles, seasons.

Mawu is also likely a later form of Tatua Manava (Mangaian) and Tatua Manawa (Maori), the heart, breath, womb, seat, belt, girdle, circle of life of God. Tatua is Tatu and Tattu (Egyptian), a buckle-symbol of life, thus tie, cross, connect, link, bend *corner, curve), bond, bind, band, clasp, embrace, kiss, ankh. The cross is one center eye by two dividers by four sekh-ters by one circle eye united nati-on that unites and disunites by equal means and measures. Thus God is circles and cycles of life and all beings that make it so via their two truth manifestations. God is souls of life functioning and dysfunctioning (counter functions) in circles tied together. This becomes more noticeable to human sleepwalkers as cycles move into and out of corners because this is where larger scale changes begin to take place away from a sorta consistent status quo of conditions that have been slowly raveling and unraveling. Corners are where cycles move from one side of the equator or pole to the other side, from one side of heaven to the other side. This is the movement, motion and transformation of Khekhen. This is equal to the word chicken and answers the question, why the chicken crossed the road. It also identifies the source of the phrase “playing chicken” as it relates to standing in or crossing a road and not moving when a head-on collision is imminent. Tattu changes are Ankh changes are King changes are Tut changes. Thus there are many King Tuts above and below. And the Queen must not be left out.
Tut is a short form of Tahuti. Queen Tut signifies mother, give, image, typify, unite, establish. a type of honor, distinction, ceremonial, throne, mountain, region of the eternal. The Eternal Word, speech, the tongue, the manifester and revealer, the lower or little hand, a handful, five, knowing. Tut is a name first used in relation to the ancient first Great Mother Goddess as Mother Moon rather than Mother Earth. Thus the Hat of Har, the Hut of Hor, the Khat of Khar as in Hathor as in Aquaria Constellation must be an early form of Queen Tut before the human King Tut-Ankh-Amen (Tut the Ankh born of Am below) .
Tuta (Kaffir) and Tut (Egyptian) means to carry, thus Tuta becomes the word Tote, which come in many shapes and sizes from the Container Store. A tote can be filled, emptied and refilled and used for a period of storage. The word Tupperware is definitely based on Tut, possibly Tut-Ter-Khar or Tuttu-Rek-Ker.
Tutu (Maori) and Tat (Egyptian) means to raise up and awaken mummies, cause to stand erect, make fast, establish and all opposites to these meanings, especially lower and put to sleep mummies. Eternal, everlasting, enduring, and durable does not mean never-changing, it means ever-changing, Continuous ever-changing is what is unchanging. Everlasting requires everfirsting. Ever is over and over again and gain, once and once more, twice the same way, twice in opposite ways, twice in a varied but not opposite way (Akhan and Kan, Can't and Can, a circle or cycle or soul working one way and a circle or cycle or soul working another way, solutions and dissolutions).

Lisa among the Yoruba corresponds to Obatala, who is Shu Kepheus. Another Nigerian Yoruban name is Itchala and Itchala Mon, which we can see is T'Challa, the heir apparent king of Wakanda, a place that is only fictitious in the lowest three of the five levels of awareness.

So now we take a station break to emphasize that what has been said thus far in this message is why Vodu as Voodoo has been denigrated by white folks and all other groups of people, including by smashed down black folks caught up enslaved in other people's religion (their conception of who is God and what is God and who is Supreme and what is Supreme and who is King and what is King).

Unknown to the clueless, each time we swear to God in any way, or specifically say “I swear to God”, we are saying what the Fon people say when they/we say “N’xwlé Mawu”, we are saying (N’xwlé = I swear to and Mawu = God). Variations: Un xwlé Mawu and un "xwlé Mawu. The Ewe say N’ta Mawu. The human equivalent is I pledge allegiance to the flag. In other words, my basis of truth is a flag that represents a group of humans and how they want the world to work for their benefit. These humans, their flag, their constitutions, their institutions become your God that you must obey, or else. This is not religious freedom.

The Haitians have Mawu as the Father. This indicates their adoption of these deities during a time when the male principle was dominant. Yet we can see how Lisa is also a female name.

So in case you missed it. To diss Vudu is to dismiss all religions since all religions are based on the same basic principles of Viudiu (Khiu-Khiu, View-Deo, View of God, Video) and all religions outside of Africa are based on religions inside Africa. All religions talk of a Supreme Being with various names and powers, and rituals and blood sacrifices and curses and miracles and the worship of a murderous god.


In the Bight (Bay, Ben, Curve, Recess) of Benin, the Niger River is called the Nun or Nin, as in the word Benin, possibly Bay of Nun, Ba-Nin, Benin. The river Niger is also known by the native name of the Quorra, Nun-Quorra, Nun-Karua, Ni-Kharua. Karua is the lake as a source; and Ni, Nni, Nnu or Nun, is the flood or inundation. Thus the name of Niger is the flood from the lake. BENIN in Egyptian would read, the place of the inundation, or the flood of fresh water. We can see that the word Niger applies to any river born of a lake. Also the word Benin can apply to the place of any Niger River. We can see that even the manmade lake that floods valleys, turned Buffalo Creek into Buffalo River a form of Niger in Benin Valley. Now comes the fresh water, cleansing purifying flood in many such places.
The word Benin can also be a form of Mma-Nin. Mma is mother. MMA as the mother who is known for her mixed marital martial arts present in the waters, rivers, floods, inundations containing rui or nui. The Mother as Mma can be Ma, Ba, Ta, Da, Ka and other forms that precede Nun, Nen, Nin Da-Nun, Tanen, Mawu-Lisa is said to have been aided by the deity Dã, a force of life and motion. Dã means “serpent” in Fon. Da is life and Lisa is thought, thus the twin trees of life and knowledge.

Benin can be further derived from Tena-Ani. Tena (Egyptian) means to divide, turn away, become separate. Ani (Uni, Nui) are the inhabitants. Also Bena-Ani.

Benin from Da-Dana-an from Tuath-da-Dana-an, emigrants from the north below who travelled northwest. Da-Dana-An leads to Dadanan to Tatanen. Tata is the head of ways, the cross-roads, four roads, corners, quarters, divisions. Nen is, type, image, statue.
Nem is also some kind of motion and means to join, accompany, engender, water, inundation, no, not, without, repeat, again, a second time, to renew.
Benin possibly from Peh-nem, the place of water, equinox, twin lions, heaven.

The Kaffirs (first people of the human homeland Kaf-Ru-Ka) have preserved the early primary custom of rejoicing at the first appearance of the menstrual period of the female. Pubescence is the only celebrity they celebrate.
Men are selected to lay down with these newly pubescent women, but they are prohibited from sexual intercourse. If they do, the men are fined. This fine was the first form of what led to the bride price, a price for taking a woman in marriage and having the legal right to have sex, not just for sex sake but for the right to reproduce and have ones genes and souls remixed and reproduced. This bride price is the price paid as a human animal. Other male animals must pay a bride price (pride price) in the form of fighting for the right to reproduce or dancing or preparing a nest or some other form of enticement. Humans do all these things to impress and undress. Pubescence is the rebirthday and is the earliest form of a birthday celebration. Today we celebrate the date first born from the womb and it is all about one year older, no other significance. Pubescence is a form of springtime celebration and a reminder of the connection and sameness of self to all else. Pubescence celebrates the transition from childhood to adulthood when the person was recognized as a full member of the totem, tribe, clan, village, family. We still do this today but based on an arbitrary age of 18 or 21 and sometimes 16.
To be counted as a full family member is to come of Age, is to be the Age is to be counted is to be of account is to be recognized is to be reckoned is to be rekhed is to be reshed is to be leshed is to be lesaed is to be lisa-ed, made in the form and power of the pubescent soul of life called Lisa called God by many names, including Mawu.

Rekh is to count, reckon. Rekh or Erkh or Ilk is people of a district, totem, group, group, collection, collective who were those who were reckoned. Rekh becomes reduced to Race, Class and Caste. Prior to puberty, the person was a slave because they had to do what others told them, have few to no rights and could be punished for disobeying. Thus today, citizens and employees are slaves. To be truly counted and to count is to make the transition from being a no-body to a sum-body, from having to little to no identity to having individual and collective identity including higher level roles.

In Xosa and Kaffir, the young men and pubescent youths are called um-lisela. To them, Lisa means to give pleasure and delight and is applied exclusively to the pubescent lads in their prime.
The pubescent male is Ras (Arabic), Rosh (Hebrew). Thus Rosh Hashanah is not simply the head of the year. Current white Jews got this upside down. Using a northern hemisphere perspective, they celebrate the new year in Autumn to totally hide the truth of what Rosh Hashanah means. I'm sure some of Rabbi know but as usual in manipulation situations, the slaves are kept ignorant, thinking they are wise, smart, intelligent, educated and in control. Thus the kinda white Jews, just like all societies are trying to work word spells to keep people in a underworld state of mind, spirit, emotion, body, behavior. (NG2)

Rākā, Sanskrit, is the girl in whom menstruation has just commenced. The same word is applied both to the moon on the actual day of full moon, and to the male consort of the moon at full. Thus the male and female meet under one name; this is determined by the nature of the type; which is that of pubescence and full moon. (NG2)

Ultimately I suspect Mawu is Maku is Makhu is Mashu and Lisa is the united combination khuti soul of life pubescent force in female and male, made possible by the united combination of cycles, time turners, time changers, celestial systems and cycles that modify terrestrial systems and cycles.
In the 2022 movie, The Woman King, we can see Nanisca is a partial form of Nanabuluku and Nawi is a form of Mawu. Thus the woman king is part of Mashu as Kepheus Constellation and possibly part of the southern circumpolar constellation and definitely Aquaria as Queen Mother and Cassiopeia as Queen of Kheftiopia and part of Ara Constellation], the southern altar and altar mound, a high place.
The Woman King is also another form of the Lion King and King Kong.
Mawu and Lisa are not just in Ma-Shu Kepheus Constellation. They are broad basic fundamental powers and forces of nature as part of the seven elemental souls of life. These are resident in all beings, circles and cycles. How and when they manifest is a different story based upon the changing of the guard that leash them and unleash them in varying amounts and combinations called a set of conditions.
By the way, another form of the word Ma-Shu is Moesha.
Shu also means childbearing, birth, child, egg.

I wonder if Wusa Hu & Sa, Asante Sana., lead to Mahu and Ruka as Makhu and Ru-Ukh as the gender neutral equator and the mother revealed, thus the mother as the child of the neuter.
This allows me to consider the word wonder as khonder, khiunder, Thunder and Tinder, the birth release of sound and spark caused by use of imagination equal to the first step of creativity.

09.01.24 Update

No Entry For White People In This Mysterious Suriname Village (Dahomey)
The word Ghana is also likely the word Guyana. We find Ghana next to Benin (formerly Dahomey) in Africa; while we also find Guyana next to Suriname (also called Dahomey) in South America.