If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Mustard Seed, Demons, Milk Breath & Bad Breath Disciples
Unity Consciousness #3136

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In the Judaeo-Christian-Muslim Bible, in Matthew 17, some of the disciples of Jesus asked why they could not cast out demons. Jesus said you have to have the faith of a mustard seed; and in a fuller sense however, this seed of faith must be nurtured in a soul strengthened by fasting and prayer that helps stratify and clarify needs and wants and supplements and complements the fertility of good works. Jesus was talking to milk breath disciples. These were, and these are, the babies yet to grow up and develop mature understandings of life and existence that make full circle connections regarding all else and self. The milk breath disciples tried to get away with faking the funk (khiunkh) without putting in the type of work that allowed them to grow into stronger and stronger applications of spirit-soul that work against, resist and fight against sickness, evil, harm, hunger and all other antichrists to life. Instead they were doing what leads to death, simply put, by trying to use belief, in a situation that required knowledge.

In Acts 19, Paul (Saul, Lusa, Lisa) cast out demons. Some wannabe disciples who wanted to be powerful by using true words coming out a false heart and poison soul, tried to cast out demons, but the man possessed, along with his demons, beat up and beat down those disciples. Exposed them for their false authority over the living and the dead. Those were, and these are, bad breath disciples.

These disciples could not even cast out low level demons and their demonics.
These demons were not and are not even close to being powerful, and, under the force of a single true disciple, demons crumbled, fled, were rebuked and revoked from ruling this dimension of space and its turnings into time. This too shall come to pass into the present.

Both sets of these disciples and demons show up throughout your life, including even at your funeral, and continue to work evils long after your body has been defused of water, heat and air. These demons, disciples of sad souls and mangry packs of wolves, are those who cannot leave well-er than them alone, and cannot command worthiness to come to them or command sickness to be gone and absolutely do not have peace at home, though they put on as if nothing's wrong. Thus these demons and disciples cannot produce truly good works that prevent a civilization from becoming a society, or produce good works that are cures against cancerous collections of people and their corrupt word wrangling and spewing disgusting spelling finagling that is the antichristology ideologies against healing back into a civilization, true aliveness, true beingness.

You know who they be and they know who they are.
They are not single or individual but exist as a mass public network united lesion legion in redistricted regions of space that turns into time on a quarter and a dime.

Right now you are living in a whole nation of demons and disciples.
They are either your friends or your enemies...
...these demons and perpetual milk breath disciples and bad breath disciples.
This must be so, otherwise healing and health would be the dominant theme music playing resonating from the vibrations of hearts and souls, rather than the nauseating sights and sounds of continuous self-esteem vomiting legalities and illegalities.

Be certain to recognize, re-cognize and up the ante of the under and outer to over and inner circumreferenspection aspect stances, that reveal all demons and all disciples attend, and are faithful to, multiple churches, synagogues, shrines, altars, temples, mosques, sanctuaries, homes, schools, communities and other places held most sacred, that are in fact, places of worship, where we worship something, somethings, someone, someones, some place, some places, sometime, sometimes.
Thus you can be easily deceived by demons professing professions and possessions and disciples professing professions claiming possession of dedication to these places, but you cannot be self-deceived by what is accepted and rejected, as evidenced by comparisons of what thoughts and behaviors reflect before and after each test. Check, Check, Khekh 1, Khekh 2. You can't be deceived unless your mirror is missing the glass and is an empty framework that allows you to seem but not see. That is because accurate seeing requires reflection, as opposed to deflection of inflection inspection called introspection.

Christ, in the true, earlier, fuller sense of the word, is the test that comes in many daily constant ubiquitous forms. As the word thirst, Jesus, Moses, Elias, Lisa, Paul, Mawu, Shu, Anhar, Mary, Joshua, Joseph or any deity to which you show piety as divine that helps your self-esteem climb and hide behind, and to which you opine widely with adverse perverse thirst and acclimatize change your logic and behaviors based on human demons and disciples with baby breath and bad breath that you inhale swallow like a holiday sale of spirit-mind-emotion-body bargaining to fill four floors of hollow fallow spaces that echo deep responses to wants that haunt and needs that prompt.
The word deity and the word piety are forms of the word khuti, earlier khiuti, which includes the meanings of the creator principles of balance, completeness, health, angels, demons and milk breath disciples properly oriented and manifesting. Also the destroyer principles of imbalance, incompleteness, sickness, demons, angels, bad breath disciples and milk breath disciples improperly oriented and manifesting.

Have we missed the point that breath is air, wind and equal to Soul, Saul, Shu? We might as well continue to show that the word being is buing, khuink, thank, think, think tank, khiunkhiur, a word that contains all things necessary to life, death, preexistence, existence, death, life post existence. A word that can form being there, being here.

So though they be demons and milk breath and bad breath disciples, they can't stop the idea of the ideal whose times have come because the tables have turned, serving different plates of souls in new positions.

We can briefly see the word angel and the word anger aru from an-kher. The word demon is from typhon. The word terror is from ter-rer. Typhon, the Great Mother, represents the circle cycle that turns while being anchored (angel-ed), thus creating a whirlpool effect that sucks things in and pushes things out. Thus, as demonstrated elsewhere (typhon-curated created, typhon-khra-tet, typhon-kher-ikh-ukh), it has always been television false that the black hole is a place of no return. A black hole is a place of turn and re-turn. It is a whirlpool of dark matter, dark energy, dark waters. Dark in the sense that most humans don't have the perceptual acuity to sense the light, fire, sparks in the black hole. Thus now we can make the connection to brand name Whirlpool for washing machines. We have recently remembered that the Great Mother is a laundress washerwoman, thus a washing machine. Thus, in keeping with the Times, the recent whirlpool inspiried abundance of other secondary creation machines that spin, mix, separate, combine, spread.

The word machine comes from the same family grouping that completely or partially forms words such as Genesis, Shekinah, Time, Knowledge, Genetic, Kinetic, Tekhenu and the word Technology as Tekhi-Nu-Rekhi. For now we can say machine is from Makh-Inu, Makh-Nui, Make-New (better or worse), Te-Khennu, Tek-Khinu, Khekh-Khinu, Khiukh-Khiunui. Since these words relate to the motions and mations of the circle and spirit-soul, then we are balancing on the left and right tracks (of the khart and kharts).

Though They Be Who They Born Wrong To Be

Though they be demons and immature breath and stank breath disciples, they cannot change the master plan. They can assist either way, but the doing of right or wrong by humans does not change and cannot stop the supreme plan. Thus we have re-accessed magic words to a room filled with broader understandings of the phrase, where there's a will, there's a way. Where there's a wheel, there's a kau. Where there's a wh-ill, there's a kh-iur. Where there's a khiurer, there's a way word. Where there's a kharr, there's a khiu. Where there's a car, there's a kia whose time has come, is coming and here.

We can now see the parity of will and wheel. Both words indicate that which puts into motion and takes out of motion. Both can contribute to moving or stopping of something and the stopping or moving of something else. So what are you saying when you say, I wheel, I wheel not, my free wheel, my last wheel and testament (what is to be carried out and what is not). Both the word will and the word wheel contain Khi and Khe, forms of spirit-soul and forms of Khiukh, Khakh, Khukh, Khekh, Khikh-Khokh (Tik-Tok).

Coming back around, we can see the word where and the word there are forms of khiur, thus where there's a will, there's a way, has another earlier form in, khiur khiur is a wheel, khiur khiur is a way. A wheel is a way. A will is a way. The first two circles and cycles are both the wheel and the way. Mustard (mestart) roots are sprouting....persistence, then, patience...the word mustard is mastert, mastered, thus having faith as a mustard seed means having faith like the master seed and the mastered seed. The master plan is the mustard plan nurtured by the wheel and the way filled with soul of life fasting and prayer that can move mountains Wusa Hu & Sa, Mawu-Lisa, Asante Sana.