If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Therapist Rapist Racist Therapy Session
Earlier Name Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3133

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Continuation Of: Atheist | Words We Use Without A Clue, Earlier Name Origins, Definitions, Meanings, Unity Consciousness #3131

The word therapist is also the-rapist.
It is also the-rap-ist.
Rap is rep, rip, ref, rek, ker, fer, pir, per, par and more.
Simply put a therapist is a God Repeatist who asks, listens, repeats, listens, asks. A sounding board, an echo chamber.
Thus then, there are two kinds of rapist.
The-rapist we call therapist who takes by asking then gives back and is a healer.
The-rapist we call the rapist who takes without asking and is a stealer killer.

The Racist

Therapist easily becomes Theracist or The-Racist as The-Rac-Ist.
We've already shown, Rac as Ric, Ruc, Rec, Roc, Cor, Cer, Cur, Cir, Car. Rak, Ruk, Rek, Rok, Kar, Kur, Ker, Kor.
The Racist is God Racist.
Thus the Racist only exists a part of the institutions, systems, cycles, circles of time and other sets of conditions that came together during the past 12,960 years, manifesting in various ways through evil prejudice and evil discrimination, and finally transforming into color racism and a complete intitutional and global system during the later stages of the Ages of Pisces and Wepwawet. Consider current racism as similar to human attempts to cover and smother the earth with our constructions, yet earth and her inhabitants find ways to breakthrough, which is why humans must constantly replace and patch their constructions because the natural world resistance is also nonstop but more powerful at eroding the foundations of human chokeholds, pollutions, killing off diversity and remaining constantly occupied with facades. This is how Maafa Racism works. Earlier forms of total sickness identity crisis attacks were not transferred into complete systems or global and did not consist of all groups with self-inflicted hatred turned against one group. This can be summarized as jealously of the most grotesque barbaric bully gang violence form that begins in the homes of all racists and is maintained there as they continue to beat stupidity into each other. This loss of self control can only find temporary release and satisfaction by attacking others.
The Racist is the fermentation maturation of the Cesspool of Bullshit that indeed does have divine roots that has manifested through the gestation and infestation of ingested bullshit logic that feeds already souls made corrupt by their parents and families, that the supposedly grown adult liberated soul decides and chooses to continue to uphold by then eating their own shit, and when caught with shit on their faces and roiling in piles of shit fixes, as evidenced by many self-reflections in houses of mirrors, their only way out is to claim grotesqueness at others who look at them and wonder what in the hell.
Be certain there are several more variations of therapist, one of which is kh-ur-apis-t.
Also be certain there is a poison for all healthy forms and a cure for all healthy forms. This is because the Creator-Destroyer brought Maafa Racism into this world and most certainly will take it out, otherwise, this Earth will die because the destructiveness of Maafa Racism also manifests against the natural world because The Racist (which is also a collective term) is a total bumblefuck of logic that has no ability to self-correct as continuously evidenced by thousands of daily attacks affecting trillions of victims, which obviously includes all humans. This is why one possible cure is to allow The Racist Collective to self-destruct, but that alone would take too long, thus climate change comes along in the nick of time to change The Gods of Racists, their manifest destiny, the destiny of their manifestations, as well as change many other things.