If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Latest Greatest Quotes To Guide Answers Why
Unity Consciousness #3132

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy of 11)

The truly greatest are criticized the most and praised the least.
The falsely greatest are praised the most and criticized the least.
The truly greatest are raised and lowered as served and deserved.

“You can't expect God to bless you, and the enemy to not stress you.” (Deion Sanders)

In other words, you can't expect God to throw you a bone, and the enemy to leave you alone and not want to take your bone. Just as Jacob and Rebekah stole Esau's birthright.
Just as Seth stole from Cain stole from Abel.
Just as Sheth stole from Ham and Japheth.
Just as Goldilocks stole from the Three Bears.
Just as the wolf stole from the three pigs.
Just as the Judaeans, Philistines and Delilah stole from Samson and the Danites who stole from Laish. Don't miss the fact that Delilah did give Samson some cookies. These cookies are the equivalent of sugar highs that always lead to a crash, and is also equivalent to things we crave in societies that satiate our self-esteem pleasure principle but do not nourish our souls. These sweets are like beautiful poppies that put us to sleep as we are enamored by them. And we, like the lost on the wrong paved path, never identifying the dangers, that begin after we are caught up in a storm, and we listen to small-minded people, who themselves are slaves to witches, wizards, newscasters, weathercasters and other spell winders and spellbinders.
Just as Solomon, David and Bathsheba stole from Adonijah. Bathsheba, in a moment of clarity, tried to do a little right by Adonijah.
Just as David and Bathsheba stole from Uriah who stole from Ammon, the tribe of Jesse the father of David. Uriah stole as part of his job working for David who stole from his sisters and brothers. Uriah was just doing his job since stealing and killing was legal. Joab, police military captain of the lost host, was an Ammonite killing Ammonites just as those who are of the same family, group, race, crayon, species kill each other.
Justified Abner and David stole from Ishbosheth.
Justified killers Abraham and Sarah were stone cold thieves.
Justified mask wearing Africans called Europeans and other Asians steal from the world.
Just as estranged Africans steal from their estranged kin.
And other examples. Be certain to recognize that stealing always comes with killing that always comes with stealing, both of which are bred by lies that feed susceptible baby souls nourished into corruptible teens and adults.

In other words, this is no different than what is taking place in all societies, which can be summarized as the self-appointed favored groups stressing and stealing from the God-appointed firstborn. This does not apply only to human-on-human stealing and killing.
Religious texts are used because humans have justified their stealing and killing by these twisted words. And have further justified them by sanitizing their religion under the disguise of voting, laws, legal, illegal. Thus trying to sanitize their souls with their own end product bullshit.

The Apis Bull, the Granddaddy Bull Shitter, is the composite soul of life that carries the Sun between its horns because both the Apis Bull and the Sun represent the potent pubescent fecundating force that allows for reproduction, maturation and transformation from the ending state to the beginning state. Both the power of changing bullshit is currently now in the hands of the Star Constellation Cycles of Aquaria and Kepheus, but also several other major cycles frequently discussed. These cycles are climate cycles. These cycles are based on bullshit, weak shit and strong shit. The word Shit is Khit, Khat, Khut, Khet, Khot, Khuti, Shat, Shot, Shet, Shut and many other forms. Shit is mess, mass that comes out of the black hole, the black whole. Shit is elemental souls of life that form logic strings that provide instructions to the natural world.
The Solar System we are in has been travelling through the lower half of its cycle. The natural world and us have been receiving and feeding on young bullshit logic from the underworld. Now that the sun is moving above the galactic equator into Great Year Spring, the natural world and us are being fed by pubescent bullshit logic.

The Age of Aquaria and her cycles, macro and micro, are shit producers and spreaders because they are part of the manifestations of Hathor who is Shaat (Sha-At) the combined cow and sow of the heavens who supplies (excretes, secretes) food to beings in the upper, middle and lower heavens. Since Aquaria is the Great Mothers of the Waters, shit will manifest in a major way in liquid form. Kepheus shits wind and heat. Remember all souls of life contain the power of the the seven elemental souls of life which contain the four primordials, this group containing the eight principles of everything. Another name for the word sustenance is Sa, Sha,thus Sha from the Sha, Kha and Khat becomes reduced to Shaat, Shat, Shit. Current humans have limited shit to one form of excretion. Breastmilk is shit. Blood is shit. The word Shit means the substance born of. Shit that comes out of our Ass is a substance born of because that shit and all similar shit from all other animals goes into earth, water and air and gives life to and becomes part of the formation of other creations, including us. Secondly, shit is the substance born of ingesting and digesting food. Shit is an end product and begin product of processes, systems, cycles. In essence and fact, we eat shit and live. We eat our own shit, the shit of our ancestors and the shit of all other creations. Shit is another form of ending in one form and beginning in another form. Thus when major cycles change, there are many births, becomings, fertilizings, deluges, floods, inundations. The explosion and flood of Asians (includes Europeans) across the world is a form of the ending of the bad shit. We know we can Piss without Shitting but we can't Shit without Pissing. Thus, as just said, the outpouring from the black hole will come in all frequencies, forms and states of matter. Be certain to also understand that we humans are not totally off in our thinking. In the same way we know our own shit comes in various consistencies and frequencies and changes according to what (shat, shit) we eat, and how we know we can get constipated and create illness in our colon, the same things are taking place in the natural world's body, the ecosystem. The Ecosystem, the Climate is Changing to not only address its gastrointestinal tract, but also all other systems. This is yet another way to overstand climate change. The universe is giving itself suppositories, enemas and colon cleanses and releasing smoothies and doing all other forms of changing to a healthier lifestyle that we humans are mimicking in lesser forms. These changes affect all areas of logic spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and through all areas of societies, all institutions, all the things human thinking has concocted and infected. Yet humans are not the main focus. The universe has a grander plan that resets and restores the natural world to its last know good configuration and also incorporates the good logic during the bad configuration period. Thus many other species are changing, including our awareness of their ability to help us and the other way around. Let's step back for a moment. If the Supreme of Being was all about preferential treatment for one creation and answered prayers in priority order, it would be for water, earth and other firstborns and especially the prayers of the youngest, most vulnerable, all of whom are flesh of Supreme flesh, soul of Supreme soul. To be Chosen Ones, has multiple temporary statuses ranging from and changing from favored to disfavored to favored.

Although we are so skewed, consider the truth that the carbon-dioxide we release is a form of shit release, it is a waste product from our bodies. Likewise then the oxygen we inhale is a form of shit from plants and water. Thus, just as carbon dioxide can kill us, so also can our shitty logic, that is the shitty logic we are supposed to get rid of, not the shitty logic we are supposed to keep that is actually good for self and all else.
For the relatively few, who will listen and make the correcting adjustments, the remnant, we are again reminded that the mass of humans operate based on a delayed reaction because we wait until the last minute over and over again despite warnings and examples from experience. Thus the Climate Changes we are finally noticing have already initiated many other forms of climate change. These changes and the physical changes will continue to mature and fulfill their destinypurposes and catch us off guard to what is essential because we are guarding the non-essentials: our possessions, property, positions and suboptimal indentifier self-esteem.

When the natural world does what it does, humans are quick to speak of damage in terms buildings and other constructions that could not withstand the motions of the ecosystem. This damage is quoted in terms of millions and billions of dollars. Never do you hear the same type of assessment made in terms of human effect on the ecosystem. And never do you hear any sort of cost-benefit analysis of the effects of major pieces and major groups of human logic.

One thing I still haven't learned is that as the teacher preachers of the new age continue to excrete into the receptive and onto the non-receptive, each time I think I'm going to write a quick brief message, once I relax my resisting muscles holding back the flow, the trickle that first comes out is followed by an increased amount with a collective mind of its own composed by and of many voices who are experts in the logical use of metaphor and optimal web spinner connectivity. This creates a continuous flow for multiple age groups written by multiple age groups who are remembered and remembering.