If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Black Dog, White Polar Bear and Dark Brown Gorilla
Unity Consciousness #3134

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzza of 11)

08.13.24 between 6am-8am
I had a brief dream that moved rapidly through several stages.
I dreamt there was a black fuzzy shaggy scraggly dog that was chained up. The dog was a puppy and was friendly and familiar with me, my smell, petting touch. The dog grew from small to large quickly. The dog was not mine and once the dog grew, the owner, like a racist police person, sik'ed the dog on me, Usiku, the waterdog of the Usekh, first form of Rabbit from the crossing of Briar and Patch.
The dog growled briefly and was confused by the choice of serving owner, master and friend. I only backed up a few steps because he was chained to a short chain. The chain kept growing. I did not want to run or show fear. The chain disappeared and the dog ran towards me, I didn't move because there was no way I could outrun it. The dog ran past me and I felt the dog grab me and hold me down while the dog itself was laying on its side. Before the dog even reached me I had closed my eyes. When I opened them, the dog had become a small polar bear, which was still bigger than the dog. The bear was friendly and playful. We walked around and played as the bear grew rapidly (time and events again moved quickly). The bear then became a dark brown gorilla who liked to fetch sticks and other things that people would throw as far away as possible. The gorilla bragged about having good eyesight and climbing ability.
Now that I'm awake and had time to revisit the dream, I must report it because it is rare for me to remember a dream after several hours of waking and not consciously repeating the dream to myself once I woke up. I was able to recall at least 98% of this dream. I now realize the macro significance of the black dog, the white polar bear and the gorilla who behaved as a dog. Each of these speak to Shu-Kepheus, the northern circumpolar age and likely also the southern circumpolar age. They also speak of the outgoing Age of Wepwawet who is Ursa Minor, the lesser little bear and jackal-dog-wolf-fox. This transformative dream of transformations took place between the July 21st Full Moon called a Buck Moon due to its pubescent effects, and the August 19th Full Moon called a Super Blue Moon. Blue and Moon go with the Cynocephalus blue dog-nosed ape that represents Kepheus. Although the blue moon is not blue, the word blue has several meanings, one of which fits. At the exact instant of the monthly conjunction of earth, moon and sun at New Moon, when the moon fades to full black, then the male Cynocephalus neither sees, nor eats, but is bowed down to the earth and howls. The female, unable to see, menstruates. When the moon's light begins to rejuvenate the Cynocephalus stands upright and raises its hands to heaven. Thus the ape is “blue” 14 days before the full moon and 14 days after, thus at the halfway point between new and full.
Most of the messages in the past year definitely have pointed to two of the coming Ages, Aquaria and Shu, who are master teachers, owners of this period of time and friends to those who assist (are not antagonists).
Many of these messages are still in draft form, including the one I've been working on in the past three days. The rapidity, fluidity and clarity of the message indicates the same is taking place in the natural world and will take place in human societies soon and very soon, noticeable in plain sight but understood in the Chicken Little Humpty Dumbty way.