If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, September 20, 2024

Would You Like To Buy This Great Product?
Pay Now, Expect Delivery Later, Don't Question What Or How We're Running Our Business
Unity Consciousness #3159

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzza of 11)

You can use candy to child-snatch a child and use continued promises to keep a fool hooked like a fish who deeply swallowed line and sinker, but you can't use honey-coated grapes or ish to fix bad wine or avoid inspecting every aspect of the process, policies, procedures and personnel...that is....if you expect to deliver a great product seasoned with ages of improved understandings.

You know those advertised products they want you to buy now and expect delivery in six to eight to twelve weeks? They want you to buy now, pay now, invest now, want now, but wait patiently without question. So I did. Then after a year or so, I asked questions about the status of my delivery and was unsatisfied with the reasons given for the delay. I went to the airportal so my spirit could traverse to something else.

There, I met a friend I hadn't seen in a too long minute. While we were talking, a seller came up to us and asked my friend if she wanted to buy a card. She was holding a small long box of cards with male or female names on them. She gave my friend a card with a male name on it. My friend, slightly annoyed, handed it back and asked if she had any with a female name. The seller took the card back and rifled through the unorganized cards.
You know me. I laughed out loud and said to myself, Lawd have mercy!
The seller finally handed my friend a card with a female name, and then asked my friend if she had a pen so she could write down her information on an order form.
You know me. I also decided to ask my friend a ridiculous question, so I said, do you have some ink? My friend poked me with her elbow while doing her best to ignore me.
Not wanting to lose the timing of moment and punchline, I answered for my friend, and said, yeah, but I ain't got no money.

Point is, people are always trying to sell you things for which they are unprepared to sell, unprepared to use various approaches, unprepared to provide enough information and unprepared to answer questions from different types of buyers.
The buyer is supposed to decide based on the seller's presentation, then pay upfront with trust, faith, time and other resources, while waiting for product delivery several weeks later.
Meanwhile, the buyer is receiving frequent reports about leasehold leaks and flaws, design problems, raw material supply chain problems, manufacturing delays, oops ups fucked up shipping delays, legal problems, libel and slander interfering with cash flow, all of which are somebody else's fault and not the result of business decisions from top to down to out.

When you buy a whole product, you expect a whole product, not a prototype or work-in-progress or a little bit now and a little bit whenever, yet far too many sellers expect you to believe in as advertised on TV products, buy now and accept delivery later without questions about what's going on with my order or questioning their answers to your questions.
For any seller, you are part of the product is part of you.
I believed in you from the start that you were going to deliver as promised. I accepted the proposition and initial terms while trying to help a sista out despite her struggles. Asking you to shoot me straight is not hate. Look at the positives, is the last thing I want to hear when my product has not yet been delivered and performance has been shaky, iffy, up and down, consistently inconsistent for what is now going on 16 weeks.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

After Further Review: Colorado vs CSU
Anatomy Of A Win By The Chinny Chin Chin
Unity Consciousness #3158

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz of 11)

Colorado University Buffaloes Running Game Illusion
Plus Week 3 CSU & Week 4 Baylor Analysis, Unity Consciousness #3155

1. CSU pass rush was 3 to 4 players most of the time and was still able to flush Shedeur out of the pocket several times. No sacks on Shedeur was a false positive. Can't imagine Baylor will make the same pass rushing mistake for an entire game.
2. In the absence of a reliable field goal kicker, CSU must go for it on fourth down, punt or implement a fake field goal. Coach Prime, whoever he listens to and Tommie Robinson, Director of Quality Control who is performing the duties of Special Teams Coordinator, should be ashamed of their field goal planning, practice, execution and adjustments. Even some extra points are low kicks which is trouble waiting around the corner [Note added, fake using the kicker as the thrower, runner or who hands off to a looping back who runs or throws, or put in a blocking QB]

3. Detailed Stats By CU Possession
Passes and Runs might not match official stats because I have counted plays that were called back due to penalty. PBS is Pass Behind Scrimmage that is equal to a run per Coach Prime.

a) 12:52 1Q
2 passes, 0 complete, 2 runs
0 pbs, 0 complete, punt

b) 07:23 1Q
5 passes, 4 complete, 3 runs
1 pbs, 1 complete, missed field goal from CSU's 34 yd line, 4th and 7

c) 14:46 2Q
2 passes, 1 complete, 1 run
0 pbs, 0 complete, punt

d) 11:44 2Q
9 passes, 7 complete, 2 runs
2 pbs, 2 complete, TD pass, 15 yard penalty helped

e) 03:31 2Q
8 passes, 5 complete, 3 runs
0 pbs, 0 complete, TD pass

f) 15:00 3Q
4 passes, 3 complete, 3 runs
1 pbs, 0 complete, punt

g) 10:42 3Q
2 passes, 2 complete, 0 runs
0 pbs, o complete, TD pass

h) 3:25 3Q
1 passes, 1 complete, 2 runs
1 pbs, 1 complete, fumble after catch and run

i) 00:18 3Q
6 passes, 3 complete, 0 runs
2 pbs, 2 complete,TD pass

j) 09:58 4Q
7 passes, 4 complete, 2 runs
1 pbs, 1 complete, punt

k) 03:00 4Q
5 passes, 1 complete, 2 runs
1 pbs, 1 complete, turnover on downs after failed 4th and 6 attempt from CSU's 34

l) CU scored on 4 out of 11 possessions for a 36% proficiency. This is very low and should be between at least 50% and 67%, if CU expects to vie for the Big 12 Championship.

m) CU's defense also benefited from several CSU mistakes, thus it is difficult to evaluate CU's overall performance in terms of team improvement.
A better barometer will be reducing penalties to 4 or less.
Another barometer will be a 29.3 points per game Baylor offense and a 9.7 points per game Baylor defense compared to CU's 23 points per game offense and 21 points per game defense. Thus CU is scoring 6 points less while giving up 11 points more, for a 17 point average disadvantage. Although this is a general barometer affected by many factors contributing to points scored and points allowed, I perceive this as CU having no margin for error and cannot give away first downs, chunk plays, penalties and turnovers. These four factors will determine the game outcome if both teams play to the level of their 3 week average scheming and execution. We cannot give more weight to the last game since we have not seen a pattern of sustained improvement.

n) If CSU had played 20% better in scheming and execution and eliminated two turnovers, the game would have gone down to the wire again.
o) CU has 4 turnovers and 4 takeaways. Baylor has turned the ball over 6 times and has 4 takeaways. What we don't know, in the absence of further review film analysis, is whether these turnovers were forced or unforced. Based on a simplistic assessment of the 3 game average, there is a Game 4 potential for CU to have 1 turnover and 1 takeaway, while for Baylor it is 2 turnovers and 1 takeaway. As stated in UC#3155, it is not simply the number of turnovers and takeaways, but also when they occur and what the other team does with them.

p) Finally, we can adjust CU's run to pass ratio from the last game.
Unadjusted vs CSU: 19 runs to 49 passes for a 28% run percentage
Adjusted vs CSU: 28 runs + pbs to 40 passes for a 41% run + pbs percentage.
The statistics for the first two games have not been adjusted, so the CSU game will form the new basis for the next three games to see what the trend and distribution is, and see if the traditional running game illusion is removed by the adjusted running game statistics. This is appropriate since starting with the CSU game, several personnel and scheme changes were made.
Lastly, the average yards per run has not been adjusted due to extra effort required to calculate this number for the pbs and then also deduct it from passing yards. This number would be useful to see how effective those pbs are. Based on memory, it seems some pbs go nowhere and lose yards, while some pbs are good for 3 to 7 yards. This is similar to the outcome of runs in the CSU game, both methods more effective than in the first two games.
Hopefully, CU will use more traditional screen passes, middle screens, TE delays and counter backfield hand-offs that get the ball into a RB or WR hands so they can outrun people.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Deion Sanders Has Lost Sight of Media God, Media Satan
Unity Consciousness #3157

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy of 11)

And in doing so, has lost sight of humbleness & humility in dealing with and responding to all forms of Satan's apostles.

Most black people in societies such as the USA, when speaking of God, are only referring to the notion of God put forth by the Judaeo-Christian book called bible that begins with Genesis, ends with Revelation and has an Old Testament Covenant and a New Testament Covenant.

2 Corinthians 12:7

And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.

1 Peter 2:20

For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God.
In other words, For what credit is there in bearing up under a beating you deserve for doing something wrong? But if you bear up under punishment, even though you have done what is right, God looks on it with favor. (CJB)
In other words, frontline generals in the army of God should expect and welcome criticism in areas that need self correction and in areas that do not. All of it, handled with humbleness and humility, though it works nerves, also worketh patience. (James 1:3)

Most of us have a severely limited understanding of many things, including of God, Satan and Media. Sports media is a tiny part of what media is. Sports media, like most media put forth and made acceptable by societies is reductionist and retarding. How many times a week can you write about a sport, ask questions and cover every level from peewee to professional, and do so year after year, and each media outlet jockeying for attention of the masses. So many of them acquiesce, to their societal Satan nature.

Satan is never going to change and neither is many aspects of media and neither is the worldview of societies. The work we do in any form, speaks for us and supports God or Satan.

We should never look to another human or humans for validation or praise for what God has called us to do.
However, when we are programmed by the many forms of media of societies, yes we should look to another human or humans for validation or praise for what Satan has called us to do, because a society is a set of conditions that feeds corruptible nature that works against civilized behavior towards self and others.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Lone Wolf Favorite White Lie Spit Like Raindrops
Pale Fox Promotes White Wolf As Ubiquitous
Unity Consciousness #3156

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzx of 11)

Lone wolf has been discussed and is begging for its own headline in keeping with the times.

Another Go-To White Lie told by white folks and sold to white folks is their lone wolf theory excuse to explain away when white people do stuff that white people don't want to own as due to their culture cult.

Besides, Lone Wolf is an oxymoron.
Wolves are not solitary creatures and do not act alone.

If there is a lone wolf, that wolf came from and was born and bred of a pack other wolves. And if a wolf somehow becomes separated, that wolf will seek out and join another pack as their primary directive, focus and drive because they know no other way. If a somehow separated wolf can't find other wolves, that wolf will join with dogs.
No wolf attacks big prey alone, even if the wolf is alone. The wolf will only do small things, safe things, scavenger things.

Yet, have white people and their media tell it, and sell it, when a white person does something big or small, they are always a lone wolf.
Hell, even the 2020-election-was-stolen insurrection treasonist rebels, are portrayed as a lone wolf group who did not act under the direction of Alpha Wolf Trump.

Meanwhile, black people are always part of a gang mob, while other groups are part of various terroristic groups.
Everyone acts a part of a group, except white people, which we know is the biggest white lie of all.
That notion is antithetical to what Maafa Racism is and how it manifests publicly and privately, outnumbering raindrops.

That lone wolf of recent acclaim who planned to shoot Trump on 09.15.24 at the Trump International Wolf Club in Florida, didn't act alone in making violence acceptable, including political violence that is part of every election campaign. That lone wolf didn't act alone in making gun laws, or making guns and bullets or making black people target practice for white people. There is so much violence in societies, we have narrowed it down to a small set of violence that we have also done with crime and many other things such as drugs and on and on. We are good at lying and denying. And we didn't learn that behavior as a lone wolf.

Colorado University Buffaloes Running Game Illusion
Plus Week 3 CSU & Week 4 Baylor Analysis
Unity Consciousness #3155

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzw of 11)

Prologue To The Enablers of Being Satisfied And Proud of Less Than We Are Capable Of

If Colorado wants to rise to the top the fastest on the most sustainable and attainable arc, then the standard must be the highest and there is no time for patting oneself on the back unless small incremental improvements in one area are good while languishing and backsliding in other areas. This approach will take 5 to 7 years to reach the top, if at all. CU has the know-how and talent in all necessary areas to beat all Big 12 Teams and SEC Teams, if those are supposedly the epitome. However, CU can only do so by playing up to and pushing beyond their capabilities and mastering high performance in the fundamentals. Let's not be satisfied with learning how to be safe while measuring, cutting and nailing a board today, while forgetting sensibleness (getting penalties) tomorrow and mis-cutting the board the day after tomorrow. That's no way to build because mistakes will continue to show the further you go without correcting them where they exist.

In the game of Mother May I, the children are able to ask Mother's permission to take any number of steps and also decide if they want to take baby steps or giant steps. Those who win ask for the greatest number of steps and ask for giant steps, even if Mother doesn't always grant the request exactly.

versus Colorado State

Colorado vs Colorado State Full Game | NCAAF Week 3 | College Football 2024

1. Per game logs, CU ran the ball as follows:
a) vs NDSU, 23 runs to 34 passes for a 40% run percentage
b) vs Nebraska, 22 runs to 40 passes for a 35% run percentage
c) vs CSU, 19 runs to 49 passes for a 28% run percentage [See UC#3158 for an adjustment to this number]
d) Thus it is an illusion that CU ran the ball more against CSU. The illusion was created by the average run yards going from 2.6 to 0.7 to 5.7. CU must get the run attempts up to at least 33% to 40%. Thus Colorado ran the least in Week 3, but ran the best in Week 3.
e) Although yards per carry were higher in Week 3, CU still depends mostly on the pass to achieve first downs, because, according to Deion, its hard to run, even though the OC wants to, when you have an accurate QB who can get you 5-7 yards on a quick slant.
f) Problematic is CU has scored 9 pass Tds and 0 run Tds. The offense did not score in the first quarter and struggled against a marginal CSU defense.
g) Problematic is CU penalties went from 3 for 30 yards to 9 for 105 yards to 12 for 115 yards.
h) Problematic is CU's defense has granted gifted 11 first downs due to penalties
i) Problematic is CU turned the ball over once per game and twice versus Nebraska, while only having takeaways versus CSU which totaled four. Thus it is not only how many takeaways and turnovers there are, but when they occur and what the other team does with them.
j) Problematic are decisions made to pad Shedeur's and Travis' passing stats.

2. CU cannot rely on field goal attempts. Mata's kicks are way too low. Time to change kickers or go for it on fourth down if on the opponent's side of the field or pooch punt. Any field goal attempt with the ball beyond the 20 is a crap shoot if Mata is kicking.

3. Brief Defensive Analysis versus CSU
a) Defense played better but CSU was over-matched in strength, quickness, talent and execution. The CSU quarterback was average at best.
b) CU must continue to guard against QB runs, receivers who cross the formation or flare after a fake hand-off or fake block.
c) 14:30 1Q, play stopped for little to no gain, CB had no one to guard and should have taken an outside rush to prevent RB from bouncing outside, luckily the RB ran inside the DE
d) 13:50 1Q, 3rd and 6, empty backfield, 3 wide left, 2 wide right, LB's should know the only possible run is a QB run or an WR that reverses field, LB43 makes a good play on WR crossing route with CB trailing, would like to have seen LB43 up in front of the crosser to cut off passing lane while guarding against QB run
e) 2:18 1Q, aside from DE not maintaining contain, LB41 and CB24 abandon their assignments and are lucky QB did not keep eyes downfield, stop and pop, because two players were open
f) 8:16 3Q, LB12 should have picked up RB's and WR's swinging, flaring, looping out of backfield
g) 11:44 4Q gave up big run on 4th and less than 1 due to two LB's and one CB making their first steps forward rather than laterally, thus getting caught up in traffic of the D-Line getting pushed back, the scheme was right and the box was packed, there was no way CSU was going to pass and their previous tendencies in the game supported that,especially not to the weak side, the defense should have shifted immediately towards the strong side as soon as ball snapped

4. CU is fortunate to be 2-1 but should be 3-0 because their opponents have been marginal, and with simply better execution could have won the first two games comfortably.

Versus Baylor Pregame Analysis

Week 3 versus Air Force.
Air Force made Baylor look better than they are.
Baylor uses more than one QB and one is a better running QB. CU must assign someone to him and to the short tailback who is quick. DE contain is essential plus a LB to plug the gap between tackle and DE if tailback cuts back, two CU defensemen must forget about trying to rush passer when a RB is on their side.

Week 2 versus Utah
1. Baylor susceptible to misdirection and counter one direction and QB spin and roll opposite direction and pass.
2. Baylor susceptible to fast RB's and WR's
3. Baylor defense seemed to slow down and might be out of shape, thus a strategy could be a fast-paced offense to see what happens, the play at 14:12 2Q was basic with no deception, yet defense was outran and out-blocked
4. #34 is a weapon, do not kick the ball to him and assign someone to him whenever he is on the field
5. After 8 punts, Baylor's punter averages 58 yards compared to 41 yards for CU. It might be worth it to see if Baylor's punter can be pressured into a bad punt.
6. CU should be able to dominate and push the line of scrimmage on both sides of the ball, thus CU must run the ball even more than against CSU, and do so throughout the entire game.
7. #8 CB is susceptible to pass interference
8. QB's did not make any spectacular throws or pinpoint throws, not accurate on long balls, thus they are susceptible to be intercepted
9. QB's not consistently good at throwing on the run or outside the pocket on a scramble, so don't go for any pass fakes, pursue his body and let him throw because it will be a bad pass
10. Based on Week 2 and the little available for Week 3, Baylor offense is basic and non-creative and not deceptive, thus follow the blockers and backs and account for the weak side comeback, cutback, throwback. CU doesn't need 11 guys on the tackle, just 7 or 810, which leaves 4 to 3 to first cover contingencies.

In other words, Colorado should dominate Baylor from start to finish. Baylor should only score on long field goals. The only way Baylor should see the red zone is with binoculars.

Problematic is CU's tendency to downplay mistakes and subpar performance just because they win. To paraphrase and expand what “Unc” Shannon Sharp said, you can't continue to ignore the check engine light just because the car continues to get you from A to B, because sooner or later you will get stranded at the worst possible time in the worst possible place or worse, get in an accident that harms self and others.

I am not yet convinced, based on game performances, that Colorado coaches can get out of their players way.
To again paraphrase and expand Unc, when you are on a team, you can't wait on or expect someone else to make a play. You have to have the constant mindset that you are going to do it. You have to go and be great, by preparing body, emotion, mind and spirit to higher and higher levels of greatness.

Friday, September 13, 2024

This World Would Be A Better Place Without Religion
And Their Human Conceptions of God
I Wish You Could Keep Your Religion To Yourself & Live And Die By The Triple Edge Of Word, Swear & Sword
Unity Consciousness #3154

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzv of 11)

Be certain that everyone believes in some kind of God, some kind of Supremacy, even if not codified and modified by a religion, it might be codified and stratified by a constitution or some other ideology, written or oral.

Focusing on the top three religions, evidence is everywhere based on what most Christians, White Jews and Muslims do and support.
In many ways many times over, this weblog has stated the obvious: most Christians don't know Christ, any more than most Indians know Khentu. Neither do white Jews know Adonai or Muslims know Allah.

Using medication logic, most Christians, white Jews and Muslims will gloss right over their consciousness and subconsciousness and use a third, newly formed cancerous center as their pineal gland. Moving backwards onto a better set of triple tracks, the pineal gland is the centering balancing seat of awareness, understanding and self-correction of dynamic balance and equilibrium. The word pineal is pinuir is kinuir is khi-nuir is khiu-niur, the circle, cross, four-corners and one center in the double-double waters, north and south, west and east.

Most Christians-White Jews-Muslims ignore the fact that one of their bibles say, that the entire law of Moses and all the other prophets, including Jesus, hinges upon loving God, the Parent of All, with one's entire self, entire being, entire thought process, entire set of actions.
As if this preferred ignoring is not bad enough, the second great commandment is also ignored throughout societies, because it is justified by a banal understanding of what a neighbor is. Banal being counter to pineal.

Your boy Jesus said you are a neighbor to whom you show mercy, and the same is your neighbor.
Evidence is everywhere that Christians, Jews and Muslims do not show mercy to very many, not even those who collude and conspire with them in great ongoing crimes.
Therefore, if these religion members love their God, they are only loving with part of self, thus violating the first great commandment. Thus making null, void, idiotic, insane and stupid all else they espouse from their bible perverseness.

When you don't know for show your God, but rather believe for say in a societal concoction of God that doesn't add up to anything healthy and wholeness, then you will have an off to one side fragmented understanding of who you are, where you came from and why you are here. Your destinypurposes will get lost in dreams and careers. And you will not be nothing like and nowhere near a good neighbor, a god neighbor.

We have become mutants in the sick sense of the word. So No, we are not all human, not all children of the same God, not all citizens of a country, not all teammates, not all classmates, not all neighbors. Not all at all. Not in being on the same side sense, in the sense of supporting each other in becoming more like their better self.

The Gods of the religions of most humans are the type of Gods who want to rule everything in the narrowest possible way that benefits only the believers, disciples, workers and warriors in that God, but only in a hierarchial way, such that the top depots get the most benefit and the middle less and the bottom even less. This is clearly the way it is, even in the religion called racism, more accurately Maafa Racism.
I wish you and dem could keep your religion to yourself, and that by virtue of your religion, just for you and others in the same religion, there would be an earth and echosystem, a caustic bubble that functioned the way your religious beliefs function. And within that shriveled Earth, even the laws of nature would have favored groups and each law would only apply sometimes depending on who is willing to use force and who is willing to take it.
There is no escape for anyone for the fate we create, life and death are no escape. Being born into a different form or dimension or dying into another form and dimension is no escape.

God is not limited to human understandings and neither are the words sworn by the two truth sword.
If in the beginning was the word and the word was God, then also, in the ending is the word and the word is God.
What was the first thing the word created in the beginning?
Almost everyone in the same religion will have a different answer, and likely no one will have the correct answer.

“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)

Definitely, This World Would Be A Better Place Without Religion And Their Human Conceptions of God. This would not change basic human virtues, vices and choices driven by the need to survive, but at least the echosystem wouldn't have to suffer because we'd have a healthier connection to, and honor, love, respect, cherish and worship, Water, Sun, Air and Earth, due to the uncluttered obviousness that these are vital to our vitality (pineal to our pineality, final to our finality).

Sunday, September 8, 2024

One Size Belief Will, Not Fit Many At All
Unity Consciousness #3153

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzu of 11)

This message will be more beneficial if you first read, When A Mistake Gets Bigger & Bigger Until
Unity Consciousness #3151

Northern Illinois | Marcus Freeman Postgame Press Conference (9.7.24) | Notre Dame Football versus Northern Illinois University
After #5 ranked Notre Dame loses to Northern Illinois University, the Notre Dame Coach, takes full responsibility. He did not sprinkle sugar on the bad-tasting medicine.
..It's disappointing. Disappointing in the performance. It's our job as coaches to make sure these guys are ready to go and we've got to go back and evaluate the way we prepare and figure out exactly, um, you know, the mishaps occurred in the preparation. I've always said performance is a reflection of preparation. And so we gotta figure out where we failed in preparation. But it's disappointing, you know you go from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows in the tale of two weeks but We gotta own this thing as players and coaches....everybody's gonna try and point a finger at somebody, some side of the ball, one play, one person, it's the entire program underachieved and the entire program has to own it and improve from it.
This entire press conference should be listened to.

1:05, Postgame Interview: Shedeur Sanders on how Colorado can bounce back after Week 2 loss to Nebraska

Question about how crowd noise affected the team

I don't really think the crowd had anything, I think it was just like, maybe everybody on the team, you know, maybe we just wasn't ready.

2:30, Question: You said maybe you weren't ready, did you guys, you didn't feel unprepared heading into this game, right?

Answer: No, what I'm saying is okay you gotta understand you get out there and everybody, um, you've prepare, you do everything the right way you're supposed to but you gotta make sure everybody is on there when the big lights and everything come on, you know like the small mistakes and everything may expose some things, that's kinda, that's what I mean by that, but the preparation and everything, you know, that was there, it was just like. will at that point

Shedeur has mentioned will before in 2023.
0:45, Shedeur Sanders Press Conference following the 27-24 win over Arizona State on October 7, 2023.
...taking accountability of what's going on in the game, I'm holding the ball a little too long, not really going through every thing [progressions], not basically playing perfect...I'm on the sidelines frustrated, it's like, it's time, you know it's time to do whatever it takes to win, and by any means you can take matters into your own hands. You got the will. You got it inside of you...
4:30, Shedeur Sander Press Conference Stanford following the 46-43 loss to Stanford on October 13, 2023.
Question is, how do you move on from a game in which you had a 29 point lead at halftime?

Answer Condensed & Paraphrased: we have to accept this one first, and it's a different level of focus, attitude, seriousness because the little things, like when we score touchdowns, we're still busting routes. We just can't afford to do that cause it's going to catch up when it catches up. So when mistakes are made there has to be punishment for it so we can grow and not keep making the same mistakes.

2:25, Postgame Interview: Shedeur Sanders on Colorado's 28-16 loss to No. 23 UCLA | CFB on FOX
Question: How does the O-Line have to start to gel...

Answer: I'm not sure. I'm not coach. I'm not a football god. I don't really know. I just know I gotta do my job and get better at my own job first.

So while Sheduer's comment yesterday about being ready was game specific, I say it was subconsciously about overall readiness to embrace and execute belief. This must be part of spring, fall and each game training, especially when you are trying to get over 100 individuals to believe they can perform to their best ability and improve each week in order to be a critical component of the team's overall success. So it comes down to will and willing. Are you willing to go through the process. And not believe in all kinds of notions that might weaken belief in self and your genetic and ancestral potential.
So another title for this message could be, One Size Belief, Will & Willingness Will Not Fit Many At All.

Truth is, we are all custom made for these days.

Coach Prime has stated he is aware not everyone is built like him or like each other. He also says everyone wants to be “him” until it's time to be”him.” And that not everyone is used to winning or expect to win.
Clearly Shedeur's use of the word will, includes meanings of belief, confidence, drive, self-motivation, not just confidence due to talent, but confidence due to preparation and ability to problem-solve, overcome difficulty and succeed against the odds and despite the disbelief of others and despite an opponent adversary or despite conditions that require deeper digging, deeper focus and grinding it out so as to keep coming and come back.

The one thing that continues to be exposed is that the one belief of "I Believe", that Coach Prime has, will not and does not fit all of those in the football program. And sometimes is not enough to overcome or dissolve an individual's self-doubt, and/or is not enough to create belief in others such as coaches and teammates. Therefore Coach Prime must continuously monitor each person's true level of belief and only ask them to perform up to and slightly beyond that.
Angel Reese reminds us, God gives the hardest battles to the strongest soldiers.[including internal battles]

Colorado Buffaloes 2024 Two-Game Defensive Analysis
Unity Consciousness #3152

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt of 11)

Colorado Buffaloes vs North Dakota State (click here for video)

1. Safeties play too deep and too far inside.
2. Outside Linebackers should play outside the tackle.
3. No recognition by ends, linebackers or safeties to pick up the receiver coming back across the formation.
4. Ends, backers and safeties do not play help defense when a back comes out of the backfield or across the formation behind the line. The end should take the back, the backer should step up and the safety should come down into the middle. (8:54 1st Qtr, 8:30 1st Qtr, 13:28 2nd Qtr, 11:26 3rd Qtr)

5. 7:55 1st Qtr outside linebacker not using instincts, not watching QB eyes or body position and also not able to see two receivers crossing, thus not able to anticipate moving up and over to cut off and intercept slant.
6. 6:42 1st Qtr, after seeing it was not a run, the two linebackers were in no man's land and did not rush or fill the lane where the QB was turned towards and looking.
7. 6:13 1st Qtr, if that was a designed delayed blitz by #43, the safety should have came up, and already been closer. The team is soft on the corners, ends and middle, not soft deep, so the safeties are underutilized and should never be the top tacklers. CU is soft in zone coverage because corners are relying on help rather than staying close. Do not run zone except with backers. Safety help over the top should only be available if formation and motion allows it.

8. 2:35 1st Qtr, middle wide open, safety should come up, did not, QB run, linemen are not keeping track of the ball while rushing (2:28 4th Qtr touchdown)
9. On most pass plays backers and safeties are useless until after the catch and many yards later. One of them should blitz or at least be the QB spy, especially when the QB is a known runner and fast.
10. The theme for corners, backers and safeties is too much cushion.

11. Linebackers do not monitor backs coming out of the backfield.
12. 12:54 1st Qtr, NDSU QB made wrong read. Back out of the backfield wide open.
13. 12:20 2nd Qtr poor play recognition by backers and safeties, they all took themselves out of the play except Travis.

14. 6:26 2nd Qtr, when teams spread the defense out, with no backers in the middle, they are going to run or slant, the safeties must come up. Trevor Woods #43 is not fast enough to cover receivers. He got beat several times on slants. The weak side safety must come up and into the middle to undercut the route or another backer must be dropped to the middle and side where Trevor is to undercut the route or Trevor and the safety must switch roles or find a faster backer who can also stop the run.
15. 5:00 2nd Qtr QB makes wrong read, #28 out of the backfield wide open in the middle
16. 5:44 3rd Qtr, crossing route, corner, safety and backer did not react well, backer should have intercepted but didn't know where the ball was

17. 3:52 3rd Qtr, what was the right backer looking at, defense totally fooled on a shabby ball fake.
18. 3:15 3rd Qtr, back out of the backfield stopped due to better defensive scheme involving safety close to line of scrimmage
19. 2:22 3rd Qtr, backer #42 had no clue where ball was and did not read the QB body motion to know he was running, and should have been closer anyway.

20. 6:55 4th Qtr, back out of the backfield. Either the End must take the back and stop rushing or a backer or safety must be keying on the back each time. Someone must always be assigned to the back in the backfield on a pass play.
21. 4:52 4th Qtr, saved by a timeout, otherwise poor identification, reaction by backers and safeties
22. 4:44 4th Qtr, NDSU was nervous so likely to run, especially with #9, a reliable runner, was in the game in this do or die situation, CU should have squeezed in, shot the gaps and brought the safeties down and had corners play man

23. CU is susceptible to play action pass because linemen, backers and safeties are fooled a lot and slow to react.
24. CU is susceptible to RB's flaring to the sidelines and WR coming across formation in the backfield because no one picks them up
25. Linebackers and linemen do not maintain their gaps, thus allowing quarterbacks to run free. Backers appear to be keying off linemen movement rather than seeing the ball. Is this due to emphasis on stopping the run, if so, then safeties must come up to stop the middle passes and QB runs.

26. Linemen only raised their hands once on a pass, which means they are too preoccupied with the blocker rather than finding the ball. It ain't about beating and out-maneuvering and overpower your man, it's about finding and stopping the ball.
27. Ends do not use outside leverage and contain on running plays
28. 0:33 4th Qtr, #24 was in position but should have ran backwards at an angle, and could have deflected the pass, #9 was too busy trying not to get beat deep and perhaps fearful of not being fast enough, Put Travis and Shilo on their best two receivers.

Colorado vs Nebraska Cornhuskers (click here for video)

Postgame Interview: Deion Sanders on Colorado's Week 2 loss to Nebraska | FOX College Football

I will bold what is similar to last week.

1. 12:58 1st Qtr, QB run gains 13 yards.
2. 12:!2 1st Qtr, a little inside pitch to WR in motion nets 8 yards
3. 11:48 1st Qtr, DE must RB or WR in motion and then stay with them while LB fills in the DE gap and safety fills in the LB gap. DE takes a bad angle to the WR in motion. DE useless on that play. Defense should be like basketball defense where everyone rotates over one man.

4. 11:15, 1st Qtr, LB takes himself out of the play by moving up and into the direction the O-Line was blocking instead of going against their grain and their direction. No O-Line is going to block you in the direction the RB is going to run. LB's are clueless on how to read QB, RB, WR, O-Line and mostly follow the O-Line but not the RB, WR or QB. Their first move is to step up and into Line traffic that takes them out of the play. A RB can't run through a traffic jam, so why are the LB's not flowing to the gaps? Safeties still playing too far back.
5. 10:42 1st Qtr, LB's don't react to pulling O-Lineman and pulling RB, safety reacts sooner but too late overall. Nebraska scores TD.
6. 4:20 1st Qtr, DE did not step up and take on the block and allowed the RB to create space for the other RB. LB on that side whiffed on the tackle and would have done better by just jumping in the way, getting ran over and slowing the RB down. When there is an OE and RB on the same side the end and LB must be on alert and key on them with the LB taking whichever one does not block the DE.

7. 3:13 3rd Qtr, CB#8 allows #17 to run across the defensive middle, even though that was his man and he had safety help on the other receiver in the area. So if you want to beat CU's, DE's, LB's, and CB's, just bunch people, put one or two in motion and then separate them.
8. Defensive center, guards and tackles played better in second half.
9. 3:00 3rd Qtr, on the backside, there are 5 CU guarding 3 Nebraska. Most of the time, the safeties are out of the play unless they come up initially or immediately, or they are in the play after a big gain.

10. 2:40 3rd Qtr, Left LB doesn't know what to do, and it must be zone coverage, but 6 CU players can't guard 4 Nebraska players.
11. 1:55 3rd Qtr, long before now you know #17 is a threat, yet he is not picked up. No you can't follow him across in their backfield because you will get blocked, just like the CU CB did. Safeties must come up and provide assistance unless CU can't run with receivers in one on one and are afraid of getting beat deep, meanwhile getting beat short a lot and in the middle.
12. 12:13 4th Qtr, defense did pretty good because there was no misdirection.

13. Defense had the QB several times but he juked them because they came at him full speed and he just sidestepped them
14. 7:12 4th Qtr, CB #8 gets picked and safety #3 doe not not switch to #17. Perhaps the rule should be, stick with the pick and switch. The LB had no chance of reaching the QB and should have dropped back into the throwing lane. #8 did make a good tackle on the previous play.
15. 6:37 4th Qtr, 3 CU players in no man's land behind the line.

16. 5;36 4th Qtr, LB's have not learned to bend but not break. They try to make big plays and give up big plays by not moving laterally first, thus they get blocked and stuck in traffic.

Truth is, unless an O-Line and D-Line are able to at least stalemate the other side, the rest of the players must be superheroes.

Truth is, NDSU made CU look like no-quit-in-me survivors, instead of flounderers; while CU made Nebraska look better than they are. Nebraska's D-Line were stronger and quicker and better schemed.

A slow start in the first half is due to poor preparation by the coaches.
CU was less disciplined in their assignments and in penalties. Clearly they need to tighten their tackling technique.

Additional Viewpoints

Coach Prime & Colorado Has to Be Committed to The Running Game. This is on The Coaches

Colorado MAJOR Loss To Nebraska What Happened To DT2? Will OC And DC Be Held Accountable?

Saturday, September 7, 2024

When A Mistake Gets Bigger & Bigger Until
Unity Consciousness #3151

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzs of 11)

09.05.24 Colorado Football Coaches Show

First thing Coach Prime Deion Sanders said regarding North Dakota State University is “those guys were fundamentally sound, well-coached, well-oiled machine and they're accustomed to winning. They did not make mistakes. They did not beat themselves. We really had to go out there and do what we had to do to get the W.”
Later he said, “you're going to get tremendous opportunities within the confines of the game, but you got to take advantage of those opportunities. And Luckily we had several opportunities that we came up on the strong end of it. And no matter how it looked, we got the W.”
As used, the word lucky does not apply to getting the opportunities because those are going to come anyway. Lucky applies to coming out on the strong end of those opportunities, [subtext: not just due to what we did better, but also due to what they didn't do better.]

Clearly Coach Prime Deion Sanders does not want to admit that NDSU almost scored another three TD's in the second half, one on a delay of game, one on a timeout and one at the end of the game when a stronger arm QB could have gotten the ball into the endzone.

It doesn't add up that NDSU did not make mistakes and did not beat themselves.
A team in the first game of the season that is well coached that didn't make any mistakes, should not have lost to a team that made mistakes, including a final, almost fatal, mistake of not knocking down that last second “hail mary” pass.

At 1:50, Deion said, “in those same type games last year we came up on the other side. We had close games, seven points or less, we came up on the other side, but we found a way to persevere.” Truth is, last year, Colorado won 3 close games and lost 5 close games.
1. Won by 3 over TCU
2. Won by 8 over Colorado State
3. Lost by 7 to USC
4. Won by 3 over Arizona State
5. Lost by 3 to Stanford (the infamous game)
6. Lost by 7 to Oregon State
7. Lost by 3 to Arizona
8. Lost by 5 to Utah

Coach Prime's first three to five minutes of statements seem like direct responses to what I said on 09.03.24.

It's one thing to speak in a positive way, but it's another thing to portray negative positively while never admitting that the negative is a negative or that the negative even existed.

Consider, the dangers of always positive thinking.

Big Mistakes NDSU Made That Were Sugarcoated As Opportunities And “Taking The Game” So As To Ignore The Facts That Both CU & NDSU Handed Things, Opportunities & Points To Each Other.

Colorado Buffaloes vs North Dakota State Full Game Channel is Coach Prime TV
1. 9:44 1st Qtr, NDSU corner gives too much cushion and safety takes bad angle on Travis. Travis scores.
2. 6:44 2nd Qtr, NDSU gets the ball on CU's 9 yard line,1st and goal. 5 yard penalty on NDSU. Then another 5 yard penalty puts them on the 19 yard line. They end up with only a field goal.
3. 1:15 2nd Qtr, NDSU QB makes incorrect read and hands the ball off instead of keeping himself and running.
4. 0:09 2nd Qtr, NDSU allows CU to complete a 33 yard pass from NDSU's 41 yard line to their 8 yard line. This results in a CU Field goal.
5. 9:49 3rd Qtr, NDSU allows a 44 yard pass completion to Jimmy Horn who was not covered. This leads to a Travis TD.
6. 2:22 3rd Qtr, NDSU delay of game, negates a long QB run. They do not get first down and have to punt.
7. 4:50 4th Qtr, NDSU has 4th and 1 and the QB breaks a long run, but the play is blown dead because the coach called timeout before the snap. They get the first down and score on the same drive at 2:30 4th Qtr. Valuable time wasted.
8. 0:15 4th Qtr, officials ran off about 3 to 5 seconds extra. NDSU did not catch or challenge.
9. 0:09 4th Qtr, NDSU had a QB and WR miscommunication that cost them the opportunity to move the ball at least 22 yards downfield.
10. 0:05 4th Qtr, QB only able to throw the ball from NDSU's 48 yard line to CU's 6 yard line. NDSU caught the ball and was tackled on the 4 yard line.

I wonder if Deion feels some of his players lack confidence, though they repeat the talk he talks. Therefore, I will not post this message until the afternoon of Saturday, September 7th, which should prevent any CU player from encountering this message before their game with Nebraska at 7:30pm on September 7th.

In this life, every person, player and coach must eventually firmly grasp their own belief from within themselves that manifests outwardly, thus provides experience, thus evidence that no set of conditions can snatch away.
No amount of repeating “I Believe” or wearing it or swearing it makes it a seed of belief that can germinate within one's own being, one's own spirit-mind-emotion, one's own spirit-soul soil, so that belief germinates into growing knowledge that unfolds through stages of development and maturity and reveals more proofs to self.

One of our main goals in this life is to learn from the takes and mistakes of others so we don't have to go through the lesson in order to learn the lesson. Fundamental truths are not respecters of persons. The spirit of truth can't be bluffed, no matter how huffed, puffed and buffed.
When there is a greater belief in you than you have in yourself, to the degree that greater belief exceeds your mental grasp to reach it, there is outward pressure of expectation that creates back pressure against self-estimation.
This gap between what you firmly and deeply believe you can achieve and what you are told you can highly achieve, introduces room for preventable mistakes and repeated mistakes as lessons are being learned in real time, as if no one has told you or tried to help you benefit from the upside and avoid the downside of live-and-learn lessons.

This continues to bring me back to the same conclusion that failure to admit mistakes is like a bad habit that will bite you in a much bigger way than the mistakes being denied.

We must be honest with ourselves first. It is a better service to his players and coaches if Deion says, we (me and you) didn't perform our best. We made mistakes and NDSU made mistakes. We were fortunate (lucky) to get the win. We can execute better and we will execute better because we're gonna to prepare and practice better. We've just gained valuable experience and evidence of where we're at and what we need to do. Let's move forward with determination to achieve our goals by the effort and focus we apply to each day and each portion of each day.

It's a good thing to let people know they have greatness in them, but it is a candy-coated sugar high thing leading to a crash to tell them what they did was good enough, and that they won by virtue of their own effort that had nothing to do with the gifts the other team gave them. [example: the last mistake the Ravens made versus the Eagles was that the receiver ran his route too close to the end line.]
If this is not understood by the coaches and captains, the door is open to relaxation and lapses in preparation and practice, thus also in the game.
This is because winning and success are hard and require consistent levels of discipline to resist distractions and temptations.
When coaches and players think they can allow for a margin of error, they will make errors, mistakes, fail to execute, in crucial moments, which are all moments.

Saying something is not the same as believing it, is not the same as confidence.
Consistent improved preparation is the same as knowing better is the same as executing better.

If you want to help others who want to be better, become better, then you have to fess up when you mess up. We don't have to be perfect, but we do have to repent and not repeat what is repented. Groupthinkcan help you rise or sink.
Even so, the Supreme of Being is more circular thinking, understanding, tolerant, forgiving and merciful than any of us humans. As long as humans are in at least one of their optimal destinypurposes that is contributing to the greater good, then it is self-evident that the Supreme of Being gives us space and time to make some adjustments and improvements in some areas. There may or may not be a delay in blessings as a result. Or there may be a going farther than others but falling short of the Promised Land. So perhaps Coach Prime Deion Sanders' confidence, pride, humility are not bumping into mistakes and muting them, making them moot when speaking publicly.

Up to now I have neglected mentioning that a symbol of Shu-Kepheus is the double Anubis whose colors are black and gold. Anubis is the Alpha Dog/Jackal/Fox/Wolf. Black and Gold are also colors of the human version of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Just as I'm about to post this message, via a Youtuber, I learn Coach Prime is now a co-owner of Black and Bold Coffee, a company with a good social mission and whose colors are black and gold with a gold crown. Gold is the southern crown. Black is the north.

For a fuller understanding of my earlier takes on the psychological mistake Deion is making, see also, Psyche Analysis Psychoanalysis Of Coach Prime's Dress Rehearsal
Unity Consciousness #3053

Can Travis Hunter Play Both Ways In The NFL?
Unity Consciousness #3150

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzr of 11)

At minute 7:20 of the 09.05.24 Colorado Football Coaches Show, Coach Prime Deion Sanders commented on former NFL players trying to say what Travis can't do at the next level.

Four days earlier on 09.01.24, I essentially said the same thing in a comment on Shannon Sharpe & Chad Johnson explain why Travis Hunter can't play both ways in the NFL | Nightcap
My Comment:
stop limiting what black people can do. we'll see. we've already and continue to do what others think is not possible and are not able to duplicate.
To their credit, this comment was highlighted as of 09.05.24.
I hope Travis puts it out there, so NFL teams will know not to draft him if they will not allow him the equal opportunity to play both ways if he proves he is best at two positions on both sides of the ball.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

If Frederick Douglass Had Not Been Sore Afraid To Die
Would We Be Free?
Unity Consciousness #3149

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzq of 11)

First see, Meaning Of Afraid To Die & Sore Afraid, Unity Consciousness #3146

According to Elder Claude Anderson, Frederick Douglass was supposed to meet John Brown in Harper's Ferry, so Frederick could help get the black people to join in the raid on the armory so they could start an armed revolution and free black folks. Frederick said, “I'm always ready to fight for Black Folk.” John Brown said, “I'm ready to die for them.”
John Brown arrived in Harpers Ferry with some men and captured some vicious whites and barricaded themselves in a portion of the armory. Frederick Douglass did not show up and the black slaves did not join the revolt. John Brown was captured and executed.
Listen Here: Hidden Secrets of Slavery Part 2 (Min 1:35)

G.O.A.T. Revolts We Sorta Know About, Yet There Are Many More

1812 Denmark Vessey planned a revolt in Charleston, South Carolina, but some jive ass negro told. Sounds like my family today and most of the black folks I know, went to school with and have worked with. Sounds like black folks today who live in countries, states, counties, cities, towns, villages, communities, where they are the majority, yet are not running all aspects of government or any aspect. These people are afraid to try to be free the easiest way. Hell no I ain't going to your church or joining with you in any non-liberating activity. Marching ain't liberating. Voting ain't liberating. Getting on twitter ain't liberating.

1831 Nat Turner Southhampton County, Virginia

1859 John Brown Harpers Ferry, West Virginia along with 5 blacks and 16 other whites.

It can be accepted that you are not willing to die to defeat Maafa Racism or not willing to support the cause publicly, but if you are a friend you will support those in the struggle and those willing to go so far as to die. This means you will not be a traitor seeking favors from the vicious or because you are simply afraid to live for something greater than yourself.

Afraid To Die Is Afraid To Be Born Again
Unity Consciousness #3148

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzp of 11)

First see, Meaning Of Afraid To Die & Sore Afraid, Unity Consciousness #3146

I suspect the four primary reasons we are afraid to die are:
1. We don't know what it's like in the other dimension, thus it is fear of the unknown.
2. Exaggeratingly so, we associate death with excruciating lengthy pain.
3. We do not live communally such that our loved ones will be cared for by loved ones.
4. We are not on the path of even one of our optimal destinypurposes. Thus we get the sense we will have to look the Supreme of Being in the face and explain what happened, a question, when we look in the mirror, we have yet to answer in the form of, am I doing why I am here.

Imagine if you had one or more of these thoughts in the womb before you were born into this world, made the transition into this dimension.

Imagine yourself in the womb, alive, comfortable, breathing in water hakuna mata style.

Imagine if you, while still in the womb, knew the stuff that goes on in this dimension?

So let's go back and before any societal thoughts, imagine if you knew that in order to reach this dimension, your mother must go through pain that you could feel and hear. And that you must squeeze through and get pushed through a small opening, adjust to light, adjust to breathing in air, have to relearn how to ba be.

Most of us who are afraid to die, would also be afraid to be born.

Naw G! I'm good. Thanks but no thanks. Are you sure? Yeah I'm sure. Are you sure for sure? Yes! Just do your thang and get me outta here with no pain and put me back in the Wading Pool of Two Truths where I can walk naked and afraid, rather than be brave and glad to go through the hot water oven tomb cocoon womb in order to be clothed in a new form so I can be a better version of myself in a new heaven and new earth. Let my people know I apologize for the inconvenience, and to let me know if I can do any thing to help on this end of the safari in the spiritsphere. I'll be here holding IT down for the hometown. I ain't ever going to move out of this house. See you when you get back.

And this is why, even those in this dimension, as spirit-souls in clothes, who are afraid to die because they have been afraid to live, are not even born again in the religious sense. Even though they pretense, their actions make sense.

Our fear of the “Unknown” in point #1 above is due to unknown knowledge of self in relation to all else.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Colorado Buffalo's 09.03.24 Press Conference Is Concerning
Unity Consciousness #3147

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzo of 11)

Last year we heard the same thing after each game. Deion downplayed lack of performance by himself, his staff and the players. I heard the same verbiage in today's press conference.
Unless CU was holding something back, they were not able to run the ball. The OLine got tired and began to allow the pocket to shrink and collapse, despite Deion's praise for their conditioning. This, even though, CU's offense was on the field 13 minutes less than NDSU's offense. So far, CU has not shown itself to be a run up the middle team, partly because the Oline cannot move people and partly because the runs are poorly designed and timed. #44 Charlie Offerdahl did have a few good runs in the middle. Not sure why play after play, especially when they are more towards one side of the hash marks, that CU does not get the ball into the hands of their speedsters behind the line of scrimmage and let them outrun people to the wide side. They should be able to gain a couple of yards at least, but also a lot more. I do not see CU repeating the same play that works, except to Travis and Horn. When Horn dropped the flare pass but was wide open, why not run it again a few plays later? They never did. It's like, I got all these plays and I need to run them all, except when it comes to runs.

On defense, the QB run is a sure thing against Colorado. Also the RB flare and the WR in motion. Coach Prime did acknowledge some work was needed by one of his safeties. Overall, right after the game, Coach Prime said did you ever feel like you won, but didn't win. I'm going to try to hold back my anger. He also said little things like he wish he had known Horn had 198 yards, they would have tried to get him over 200. He repeated this in today's presser. In the post game presser, Shedeur said, it's about coverages, not trying to get the ball to a specific player, yet Travis acknowledged he told Shedeur to throw him the ball no matter what. Sheduer was more straightforward about needed improvements, especially his own. Clearly Shedeur favors Travis in crucial situations. Teams know this, but if they can't stop Travis or Shedeur then why not keep going to Travis.

Coach Prime said the defense knew NDSU's plays, but he also said they didn't execute the scheme and be in the positions they needed to be, he then equivocated and said NDSU did some things well on offense (the kid was lighting it up, he did a great job of getting the ball to the necessary receivers, we got a lot of picks, a lot of rub routes, a lot of bunch, a lot of yo-yo, they did a lot of things that were effective for them) He then goes on to state how good they are. (Min 1:35) This is contradictory and also contrary to film evidence that shows the LB's didn't know where the ball was on several plays. In other words, even though CU knew what the offense was running, NDSU out-executed them in the first half, and obviously also in the last few minutes of the game.
In the running game he said they have to take what the defense gave them. This is an excuse for the lack of run production. Yet clearly the defense did not give them those last two Travis TD's, yet CU took it anyway. The third TD, if it had been any other player being blanketed like Travis was, Shedeur would not have thrown the ball to that receiver. And if the defense was not giving up the run, why run the ball three times straight and fail to get the first down then and at the end of the game?
I hear several on the team saying it was the first game. Although a win is a win, I also hear Shannon Sharpe when he says you don't accept anything in a win that you won't accept in a loss. Coach Prime said they played better in the 2nd half, which is true, based on number of point; however, on at least two occasions, long runs and a TD by NDSU were called back. Giving up the QB run for a TD to bring the score to 26 points is something that should have been fixed after the first QB run in the first half. There still seems to be a lack of discipline and each defensive player being responsible for an offensive player. Several times, the ends and LB's allowed players to run free. Nebraska ain't no joke. They will throw that rock and pound that rock. Even on the kicking team, Mata's kicks were low, yet he himself said he has improved his range to at least 50 yards.

If the Buffs rely on #2 and #12 to bail them out, that strategy will fail several times down the road, if that's all teams have to worry about. Undisciplined assignments, penalties and trying catch a hail mary pass when on defense, are all ridiculous.
I heard the TV announcers say the timekeeper started the clock early in the last minute of the game. So if NDSU had one more play, they very well could have beaten CU, mostly due to CU just giving away points, possessions and yardage on the same type of plays. Clearly NDSU players and coaches made mistakes, but this ain't about them.
Listen to what Buffs TV had to say.

It's not the Coaches job to air all the mistakes publicly or be too overly critical of the team, but it is their job to not repeat mistakes and not commit avoidable mistakes such as penalties and blown assignments. Until CU shows steady improvement and reach at least Game 6, there is reason for concern that every game will be a nail-bitter win or a self-inflicted loss. Even last year, if they had played cleaner games, they could have and should have won at least four more games. So this year, I don't want to hear any more reasons for poor or subpar performance or less than clean execution. You're supposed to be a lot better in all position areas, coaching areas and discipline areas. Go out and dominate with your mental focus. Until CU exceeds last year's win total, and do so in the first six games, and do so with outstanding full game play, they should not simply keep saying what amounts to, at least we won and that's what's most important.

I hope CU gets it together and win, win, win (as evidenced by my body of work regarding Deion and the larger spiritual aspect), yet they must be held accountable throughout this process and acknowledge and repair every crack. And never let the game hinge on how the officials call the game. Unless CU is up by 28 points with only three minutes left in the game, no supporter should be at ease.

Meaning Of Afraid To Die & Sore Afraid
Unity Consciousness #3146

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzn of 11)

There is no need to be afraid to die when you are already afraid to live.

In other words, if you are afraid to die, you are already afraid to live.

In other words, if you are afraid of what the adversary enemy will do, you cannot be a friend to truth, thus not to the health of self.

The word Sore means completely, abundantly, a lot, deeply, broadly, totally, anyways, many ways, very, to the core, to the soul. Very is Vari is is Mari is Meri is Meru is Mehru is Kheru is Khiur is Circle of Truth is Spirit-Soul Root.

To be sore afraid is to be sori, sory, sorry afraid. Sad definitely, regretful maybe.

It is what it is, is the same as, Afraid To Die is Afraid To Live.
I am that I am is the same as, I am Sore Afraid, I am Inhibited For Life.
I am afraid to change, I remain a caterpillar.
I am afraid to change my worldview, I remain in an unnatural state, never going into a cocoon to do what only I can do for the betterment of self.
All creatures are preyed upon, yet no other creature confuses living fearfully with living fully.
Same Ole, Same Ole is the same as:
1. Sore Afraid, Fear Afraid.
2. Afraid To Die, Afra-Id Do Tie.
3. Afraid of my ascent, Afraid of my descent.
4. Afraid of hell, Afraid of heaven.
5. Fear of depths, Fear of heights. (wanting to climb up and out while paralyzed by the thought of falling down and in, the very place I gegin, where I can hear my true self think, not what others think is a true fit of logic for my destinypurposes)
6. Fear to exhale, once I've inhaled.
7. Fear to excrete, what I eat. (you gotta let some shit go)
8. Fear to let go, fear to embrace.
9. Fear of the processes that maintain balance and health
10. Afraid to be both, neither ancestor nor descendant.
11. Afraid of coming forth, afraid of going back.
12. Afraid to stop over under, in order, to start, under over.
13. Afraid to be a god of Gods who had to die that we might live. Not die in the sin sense, but in the sem-sem sense (same ole, same ole sense). To die is to deo is to be of a dual nature and dual process. A dual-dual process. A dudu process. A dui-dui process. A nuir nuir process. A newer-newer process. A Khiur-Khiur process that involves death transition, life, transformation, death, metamorphosis, life, change. A do-under-do-over process. God under-God over (go over, go under, keep repeating). Souls of life must go through the under in order to go through the over in order to have everlasting life. Have we in human form not learned anything from the natural world ecosystem that dies continuously that we might live, and that we kill continuously that we might live. Or have we learned too much from the human education system?
So because the only death we are afraid of is our own, we are oblivious to the continuous killing we carry out and participate in, thus we die without knowing that we truly are not afraid to die. In our submerged consciousness, we are more than willing to be glad in order to continue dying to continue living.

We equate sadness, weeping and pain with death, yet, though there is pain with birth, we equate only gladness, tears of joy. Do we not know the sun dies and lives daily so that we also might do the same also in cycles, in time?
The glad at sunrise and sunset are those who have lived (performed good works) another day, another lifetime, however long it may be. The glad to die in this life are those who can hear the daily voice that speaks to the Sun and us that says, “Well done thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord [and you will return as a ruler in the new kingdom].” (Matthew 25:21)

(Acts 20:24) “But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God?"

Monday, September 2, 2024

Viciousness Meaning & Definition
Liar, Stealer, Killer, Revealer
Unity Consciousness #3145

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzm of 11)

Times before, as recently as UC3133, we've made the connection between stealing and killing, stealer and killer.
Here's another way to express the connection.
A liar will steal, a stealer will kill. This was stated by Ocho Cinco.

I will continue the thought to say, a killer cannot heal, until (s)he stops being a liar and returns what has been stolen.

Understand, Innerstand and Overstand the type of people we are dealing with.
If they deny the lie, they will deny the steal and deny the kill and continue to do all three with ever-increasing frequency and intensity. Lying, stealing, killing is what feeds them and fuels them. It's who they are, where they came from and why they are here. Epitome Destroyers.

Ain't this exactly the behavior of current nations, for example, the USA?

Lying, stealing, killing is viciousness.
Viciousness can only come out of a corrupt heart, mind and spirit.

There is no goodness in vicious people.
There is no goodness that comes from the manifestations of a vicious person or vicious nation. You can't be vicious and kind, thus lukewarm. You can't be vicious today, kind tomorrow, vicious the next day. You are one or the other. You can't heal me and poison me, help me and attack me. That okie doke is for dumb folk. In your lonely room, quit playing, I love me, I love me not.

Any goodness, kindness, benevolence or charity found is the result of those who do not lie, steal, kill, as they navigate in the midst of viciousness.

Nothing changes with the vicious until they change completely (all at once) for the better, willingly or by force. In other words, a vicious nation such as the USA must stop lying completely, return what is stolen and stop killing. Each of these must be done all at once, not little by little or under the play-me-for-a fool trickster notion of making progress, better than before and it takes time.

Viciousness is a vile evil force. The word vile and the word evil are both the antithesis to the word live. As is also the word violence, vile-ankh, muru-khiun. We also know the vicious use transference of self-hate to vilify others in order to justify those they victimize. This helps them feel alive while doing dead deeds. As we continue moving towards unity of all words, we remember vile is also a form of soil and soul and violate.

The more than capable, opposite force to viciousness must come out of the hearts, minds and spirits of humans and other beings.
And it will, and it is. Though newbies Mock my words, I am the same ole Makh of words.

In other words, the USA, and other such societies, have no intent to stop being vicious. It's who they are.
Under what circumstances do you expect the Devil to repent?
Under what circumstances do you expect infection to become the correction?
Under what circumstances do you expect poison to become a nutrient?
Under what circumstances do you expect shooting someone with bullets to be a method preserving the life of what is shot?

What is, will continue to be what it is, and continue to do what it does, no matter how you name it, define it or describe it.
In other words, on one side, words such as freedom, free, fair, democracy, laws, legal, rights, citizen and patriot are some of the words that will continue to be what they are and do what they do as used by vicious people and vicious countries. All these words are intended to carry out and conceal lying, stealing, killing, i.e., viciousness.

In other words, these are the last days as described in the book of Revelation of the Judaeo-Christian compilation version of sacred texts.
One point of note is that the Great Deceiver, Satan is the USA as U-SA-TAN, the land of the spirit of the tan, spirit land of tan, tan spirit land. Thus, just like in the movie, the vicious are (aru) US. Jordan Peele translates to Aru-Tan Kheru or River of Truth. Be certain to understand that all other societies, nations who are allies, conspirators, tolerators of the USA are disciples of Satan. Evidence is everywhere in these sunken places temporarily elevated.

The USA is the place where things get worse before the light switch is flipped and rapid change and purging takes place, none of which will be due to a change of heart, mind and spirit of the vicious.
In other words, humans are amazed and befuddled by weather-related climate changes, but humans should read Revelation, because it contains some truths as to the changes to come, that will end the current set of logic, thus it will be last days for that logic but not the last days for Earth or humans. Don't focus on details but the overall, such as, there will be signs in the sky. So though we have seen some things “outside the norm”, we fully ain't seen nothing yet.

NCAA, Another Control Freak Increasing Risk of Injury
Unity Consciousness #3144

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzl of 11)

First of all when you read most rules, regulations, guidelines and laws by any government, business or organization, you can be certain to encounter poorly written text and screwy logic (recently, NFL new kickoff rules). The main things sought to accomplish is to try to control everything while leaving room for themselves to fudge forget forgo the rules when they choose, while claiming to do so for the good of players and the game.
Thank God we did not have these rules when I played high school football during 1979 and 1980. We had two a day practices in the summer, each of which must have lasted three hours. I don't remember days off, but we most likely had weekends off and dangerous weather days off.
I fully suspect these rules increase the chance of injury due to players not being able to “harden off” their bodies and their techniques under full contact conditions.
What follows is a small sample of the rules:

1. Countable Athletically Related Activities. Countable athletically related activities include any required activity with an athletics purpose involving student-athletes and at the direction of, or supervised by, one or more of an institution's coaching staff (including strength and conditioning coaches) and must be counted within the weekly and daily limitations under Bylaws and Administrative activities (e.g., academic meetings, compliance meetings) shall not be considered as countable athletically related activities.

2. Preseason Practice. Daily and weekly hour limitations do not apply to countable athletically related activities occurring during preseason practice prior to the first day of classes or the first scheduled contest, whichever is earlier.

3. Exception -- Football. [FBS/FCS] In football, on one day in every seven days during the preseason practice period (prior to the institution's first day of classes or seven days before the institution's first scheduled contest, whichever is earlier) a student-athlete’s participation in countable athletically related activities shall be limited to not more than two hours of off-field meetings or film review. Daily and weekly hour limitations on countable athletically related activities shall apply beginning with the institution's first day of classes or seven days before the institution's first scheduled contest, whichever is earlier.

4. An institution shall not conduct more than a total of 75 minutes of full contact (tackling to the ground) within any one on-field practice session other than during the two permissible scrimmages; and

5. An institution shall not conduct more than two scrimmages during the preseason practice period. A scrimmage is a practice devoted primarily (greater than 50 percent of practice time) to 11-on-11, full contact (tackling to the ground) activities. A scrimmage counts as one of the eight permissible practices in full pads and may include more than 75 minutes of full contact (tackling to the ground).

6. Daily and Weekly Hour Limitations -- Playing Season. A student-athlete's participation in countable athletically related activities (see Bylaw 17.02.1) shall be limited to a maximum of four hours per day and 20 hours per week.

7. Preseason Practice. Daily and weekly hour limitations do not apply to countable athletically related activities occurring during preseason practice prior to the first day of classes or the first scheduled contest, whichever is earlier.

8. Exception -- Football. [FBS/FCS] In football, on one day in every seven days during the preseason practice period (prior to the institution's first day of classes or seven days before the institution's first scheduled contest, whichever is earlier) a student-athlete’s participation in countable athletically related activities shall be limited to not more than two hours of off-field meetings or film review. Daily and weekly hour limitations on countable athletically related activities shall apply beginning with the institution's first day of classes or seven days before the institution's first scheduled contest, whichever is earlier.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Colorado Defense vs Nebraska Offense
Unity Consciousness #3143

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzk of 11)

Colorado Buffaloes versus Nebraska Cornhuskers, September 7, 2024. It always comes down to moving the ball by running or passing and stopping the run or the pass. Clearly, the strength of Nebraska is the run. They are going to pound the ball. They are also going to take shots over the top downfield, mostly along the sidelines. In game one, Colorado had trouble controlling and moving the line of scrimmage: on offensive runs and when pass coverage was good; on defense on delayed runs and draws. A basic strategy to stop the run must include scheme bluffing, mixing and shifting to encourage Nebraska to throw the ball. Colorado, though susceptible to slants and routes across the middle, likely has the edge against Nebraska's receivers rather than the edge against the run game.
Since Nebraska has a new QB who is a freshman, CU should seek to blitz and rattle the QB early in the first three series.
Unless CU makes significant defensive adjustments after game one, they are in trouble. They have no margin for any errors.
Nebraska will seek to do the opposite by trying to limit CU's passing attack and dare them and invite them to run. So it boils down to, can Colorado have more big pass plays and passing scores than Nebraska can have more big runs and running scores?
After the Nebraska game, I will do a defensive analysis and compare and contrast it to the defensive analysis after the NDSU game and this analysis.
Even though CU bailed NDSU out and gave them a least ten free points, the NDSU offense also bailed out CU. Hopefully the officiating will be better, especially from the referee and the side judges who definitely should have seen that hold on Travis that allowed a touchdown, and should have seen the late high hit on Shedeur.