If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, September 13, 2024

This World Would Be A Better Place Without Religion
And Their Human Conceptions of God
I Wish You Could Keep Your Religion To Yourself & Live And Die By The Triple Edge Of Word, Swear & Sword
Unity Consciousness #3154

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Be certain that everyone believes in some kind of God, some kind of Supremacy, even if not codified and modified by a religion, it might be codified and stratified by a constitution or some other ideology, written or oral.

Focusing on the top three religions, evidence is everywhere based on what most Christians, White Jews and Muslims do and support.
In many ways many times over, this weblog has stated the obvious: most Christians don't know Christ, any more than most Indians know Khentu. Neither do white Jews know Adonai or Muslims know Allah.

Using medication logic, most Christians, white Jews and Muslims will gloss right over their consciousness and subconsciousness and use a third, newly formed cancerous center as their pineal gland. Moving backwards onto a better set of triple tracks, the pineal gland is the centering balancing seat of awareness, understanding and self-correction of dynamic balance and equilibrium. The word pineal is pinuir is kinuir is khi-nuir is khiu-niur, the circle, cross, four-corners and one center in the double-double waters, north and south, west and east.

Most Christians-White Jews-Muslims ignore the fact that one of their bibles say, that the entire law of Moses and all the other prophets, including Jesus, hinges upon loving God, the Parent of All, with one's entire self, entire being, entire thought process, entire set of actions.
As if this preferred ignoring is not bad enough, the second great commandment is also ignored throughout societies, because it is justified by a banal understanding of what a neighbor is. Banal being counter to pineal.

Your boy Jesus said you are a neighbor to whom you show mercy, and the same is your neighbor.
Evidence is everywhere that Christians, Jews and Muslims do not show mercy to very many, not even those who collude and conspire with them in great ongoing crimes.
Therefore, if these religion members love their God, they are only loving with part of self, thus violating the first great commandment. Thus making null, void, idiotic, insane and stupid all else they espouse from their bible perverseness.

When you don't know for show your God, but rather believe for say in a societal concoction of God that doesn't add up to anything healthy and wholeness, then you will have an off to one side fragmented understanding of who you are, where you came from and why you are here. Your destinypurposes will get lost in dreams and careers. And you will not be nothing like and nowhere near a good neighbor, a god neighbor.

We have become mutants in the sick sense of the word. So No, we are not all human, not all children of the same God, not all citizens of a country, not all teammates, not all classmates, not all neighbors. Not all at all. Not in being on the same side sense, in the sense of supporting each other in becoming more like their better self.

The Gods of the religions of most humans are the type of Gods who want to rule everything in the narrowest possible way that benefits only the believers, disciples, workers and warriors in that God, but only in a hierarchial way, such that the top depots get the most benefit and the middle less and the bottom even less. This is clearly the way it is, even in the religion called racism, more accurately Maafa Racism.
I wish you and dem could keep your religion to yourself, and that by virtue of your religion, just for you and others in the same religion, there would be an earth and echosystem, a caustic bubble that functioned the way your religious beliefs function. And within that shriveled Earth, even the laws of nature would have favored groups and each law would only apply sometimes depending on who is willing to use force and who is willing to take it.
There is no escape for anyone for the fate we create, life and death are no escape. Being born into a different form or dimension or dying into another form and dimension is no escape.

God is not limited to human understandings and neither are the words sworn by the two truth sword.
If in the beginning was the word and the word was God, then also, in the ending is the word and the word is God.
What was the first thing the word created in the beginning?
Almost everyone in the same religion will have a different answer, and likely no one will have the correct answer.

“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)

Definitely, This World Would Be A Better Place Without Religion And Their Human Conceptions of God. This would not change basic human virtues, vices and choices driven by the need to survive, but at least the echosystem wouldn't have to suffer because we'd have a healthier connection to, and honor, love, respect, cherish and worship, Water, Sun, Air and Earth, due to the uncluttered obviousness that these are vital to our vitality (pineal to our pineality, final to our finality).