If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, September 2, 2024

Viciousness Meaning & Definition
Liar, Stealer, Killer, Revealer
Unity Consciousness #3145

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzm of 11)

Times before, as recently as UC3133, we've made the connection between stealing and killing, stealer and killer.
Here's another way to express the connection.
A liar will steal, a stealer will kill. This was stated by Ocho Cinco.

I will continue the thought to say, a killer cannot heal, until (s)he stops being a liar and returns what has been stolen.

Understand, Innerstand and Overstand the type of people we are dealing with.
If they deny the lie, they will deny the steal and deny the kill and continue to do all three with ever-increasing frequency and intensity. Lying, stealing, killing is what feeds them and fuels them. It's who they are, where they came from and why they are here. Epitome Destroyers.

Ain't this exactly the behavior of current nations, for example, the USA?

Lying, stealing, killing is viciousness.
Viciousness can only come out of a corrupt heart, mind and spirit.

There is no goodness in vicious people.
There is no goodness that comes from the manifestations of a vicious person or vicious nation. You can't be vicious and kind, thus lukewarm. You can't be vicious today, kind tomorrow, vicious the next day. You are one or the other. You can't heal me and poison me, help me and attack me. That okie doke is for dumb folk. In your lonely room, quit playing, I love me, I love me not.

Any goodness, kindness, benevolence or charity found is the result of those who do not lie, steal, kill, as they navigate in the midst of viciousness.

Nothing changes with the vicious until they change completely (all at once) for the better, willingly or by force. In other words, a vicious nation such as the USA must stop lying completely, return what is stolen and stop killing. Each of these must be done all at once, not little by little or under the play-me-for-a fool trickster notion of making progress, better than before and it takes time.

Viciousness is a vile evil force. The word vile and the word evil are both the antithesis to the word live. As is also the word violence, vile-ankh, muru-khiun. We also know the vicious use transference of self-hate to vilify others in order to justify those they victimize. This helps them feel alive while doing dead deeds. As we continue moving towards unity of all words, we remember vile is also a form of soil and soul and violate.

The more than capable, opposite force to viciousness must come out of the hearts, minds and spirits of humans and other beings.
And it will, and it is. Though newbies Mock my words, I am the same ole Makh of words.

In other words, the USA, and other such societies, have no intent to stop being vicious. It's who they are.
Under what circumstances do you expect the Devil to repent?
Under what circumstances do you expect infection to become the correction?
Under what circumstances do you expect poison to become a nutrient?
Under what circumstances do you expect shooting someone with bullets to be a method preserving the life of what is shot?

What is, will continue to be what it is, and continue to do what it does, no matter how you name it, define it or describe it.
In other words, on one side, words such as freedom, free, fair, democracy, laws, legal, rights, citizen and patriot are some of the words that will continue to be what they are and do what they do as used by vicious people and vicious countries. All these words are intended to carry out and conceal lying, stealing, killing, i.e., viciousness.

In other words, these are the last days as described in the book of Revelation of the Judaeo-Christian compilation version of sacred texts.
One point of note is that the Great Deceiver, Satan is the USA as U-SA-TAN, the land of the spirit of the tan, spirit land of tan, tan spirit land. Thus, just like in the movie, the vicious are (aru) US. Jordan Peele translates to Aru-Tan Kheru or River of Truth. Be certain to understand that all other societies, nations who are allies, conspirators, tolerators of the USA are disciples of Satan. Evidence is everywhere in these sunken places temporarily elevated.

The USA is the place where things get worse before the light switch is flipped and rapid change and purging takes place, none of which will be due to a change of heart, mind and spirit of the vicious.
In other words, humans are amazed and befuddled by weather-related climate changes, but humans should read Revelation, because it contains some truths as to the changes to come, that will end the current set of logic, thus it will be last days for that logic but not the last days for Earth or humans. Don't focus on details but the overall, such as, there will be signs in the sky. So though we have seen some things “outside the norm”, we fully ain't seen nothing yet.