If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Meaning Of Afraid To Die & Sore Afraid
Unity Consciousness #3146

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzn of 11)

There is no need to be afraid to die when you are already afraid to live.

In other words, if you are afraid to die, you are already afraid to live.

In other words, if you are afraid of what the adversary enemy will do, you cannot be a friend to truth, thus not to the health of self.

The word Sore means completely, abundantly, a lot, deeply, broadly, totally, anyways, many ways, very, to the core, to the soul. Very is Vari is is Mari is Meri is Meru is Mehru is Kheru is Khiur is Circle of Truth is Spirit-Soul Root.

To be sore afraid is to be sori, sory, sorry afraid. Sad definitely, regretful maybe.

It is what it is, is the same as, Afraid To Die is Afraid To Live.
I am that I am is the same as, I am Sore Afraid, I am Inhibited For Life.
I am afraid to change, I remain a caterpillar.
I am afraid to change my worldview, I remain in an unnatural state, never going into a cocoon to do what only I can do for the betterment of self.
All creatures are preyed upon, yet no other creature confuses living fearfully with living fully.
Same Ole, Same Ole is the same as:
1. Sore Afraid, Fear Afraid.
2. Afraid To Die, Afra-Id Do Tie.
3. Afraid of my ascent, Afraid of my descent.
4. Afraid of hell, Afraid of heaven.
5. Fear of depths, Fear of heights. (wanting to climb up and out while paralyzed by the thought of falling down and in, the very place I gegin, where I can hear my true self think, not what others think is a true fit of logic for my destinypurposes)
6. Fear to exhale, once I've inhaled.
7. Fear to excrete, what I eat. (you gotta let some shit go)
8. Fear to let go, fear to embrace.
9. Fear of the processes that maintain balance and health
10. Afraid to be both, neither ancestor nor descendant.
11. Afraid of coming forth, afraid of going back.
12. Afraid to stop over under, in order, to start, under over.
13. Afraid to be a god of Gods who had to die that we might live. Not die in the sin sense, but in the sem-sem sense (same ole, same ole sense). To die is to deo is to be of a dual nature and dual process. A dual-dual process. A dudu process. A dui-dui process. A nuir nuir process. A newer-newer process. A Khiur-Khiur process that involves death transition, life, transformation, death, metamorphosis, life, change. A do-under-do-over process. God under-God over (go over, go under, keep repeating). Souls of life must go through the under in order to go through the over in order to have everlasting life. Have we in human form not learned anything from the natural world ecosystem that dies continuously that we might live, and that we kill continuously that we might live. Or have we learned too much from the human education system?
So because the only death we are afraid of is our own, we are oblivious to the continuous killing we carry out and participate in, thus we die without knowing that we truly are not afraid to die. In our submerged consciousness, we are more than willing to be glad in order to continue dying to continue living.

We equate sadness, weeping and pain with death, yet, though there is pain with birth, we equate only gladness, tears of joy. Do we not know the sun dies and lives daily so that we also might do the same also in cycles, in time?
The glad at sunrise and sunset are those who have lived (performed good works) another day, another lifetime, however long it may be. The glad to die in this life are those who can hear the daily voice that speaks to the Sun and us that says, “Well done thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord [and you will return as a ruler in the new kingdom].” (Matthew 25:21)

(Acts 20:24) “But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God?"