If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Residents Of Religiousville Afraid To Die Physically, Afraid To Be Born Again Spiritually
Unity Consciousness #3162

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzd of 11)

If you believe in some kind of after-this-life heaven and hell, you most likely believe you are going to the heaven side where you will live again in another form in a deluxe apartment in the sky-eye.
Yet, most people like yourself, are afraid to die physically despite believing you are going to “a better place,” a much better place hands down, hands up.

So if you are afraid to die physically, despite the better place, better life, better days ahead, you must, by default, also be afraid to die spiritually in this physical life in order for you to change transform into a better person, from carnal-minded blinded to spiritual-minded refined.
Dying physically is much easier than dying spiritually, so you know if you are afraid of the easier death, you damn sure are afraid of the harder death. Dying physically can take just one effort. Even without effort, dying physically is the only certain death, guaranteed. There is no rapture of the physical body. Transporting the physical is a less efficient and slower transportation method. Whereas humans transport the physical, the Supreme transports the spiritual (the spirit-rui) and has ecosystems in place where creatures transport the physical. Or physical death can take a series of efforts disguised as pleasures, eating, smoking, drinking, etc. On the other hand, dying spiritually requires sustained focused concentrated effort, and if you let up trying to kill the vice spirit, ease up on keeping it under submission, it will sprout again, no matter how much you nurture the virtuous spirit.***
Your fear to die physically for the good cause of truth, tells on you. Oo wee it's easy to hear and see.

Being afraid to die physically makes it obvious that you have not changed spiritually, if you are in a religion where you believe your membership in the religion or religious practices have caused you to be born again, saved, received salvation, forgiveness, mercy, grace, remission of transgressions, made you a better person.
In order for this to take place, you must die spiritually. You must kill the old spiritual nature in order to be born again spiritually in this life, this dimension, this physical form.
This is why most people in religions have not been reborn spiritually, thus are still servants of the carnal nature, which is why they are afraid to part with their carnal form, and possessions, by being afraid to die as the result of being a fighter for truth. Truth defined as loving god with the entire self and loving neighbor as self and treating every human and creation as your neighbor, thus as self.**
In order to get to this point of understanding, you have to be willing to also die mentally and emotionally in order to be born again mentally and emotionally. You gon' hafta give up a lot of miseduation you've fallen in love with. Most people in a religion don't. Instead their religion is just another form of doubling down on miseducation and dedication to the carnal physical approach to this life as the primary preemptive emphasis and impetus. This is why most people don't want to give up the physical because the physical is their holy grail god, even as they claim to be spiritual and worship and serve a physical god, and do all things ordered by their religious order in order to secure a reservation in a spiritual heaven, filled with the nicest physical things of this life. A place where there is obvious overcrowding in Religiousville Heaven because most angels, winged or not, will be afraid to be reborn into another form in order to have eternal everlasting ever-coming fulfilling life.

If you are afraid to die physically, you are also afraid of any other form of significant change. You will continue deeper into the path currently rooted.
You are afraid to grow up.
You are afraid to throw up, in order to rid yourself of what sickens.
You are afraid to question self and home training.
You are sore afraid of life itself, if you are afraid of death itself, because you confusedly think, death is the end of life. Yet you can't grasp the fact, that if death is the end of life, then death must also be the beginning of life, which you say you believe in and trust as the necessary death step to get to a heavenly forever life.

I thank whatever gods may be that humans are not the fundamental gods, because if we were, most of us would be afraid to die as water and fire, in order to become air.
If we were purely and solely water, we'd be afraid to die and become blood.
You know good and damn well you are screwed up.
You know god and damnation well you are misfit twisted.
I can say this because I'm taking about humans who claim to be reborn via religion but are afraid to die physically and spiritually, and just keep on with the status quo of wrongs in their logic, behavior, society.

Hathor-Nut Osiris Is Faithful In the Midst Of Foolishness

Despite the pervasive weakness in recent crops of human creations, the Supreme of Beings will continue to use you to the degree of your willful willingness participation assistance. If you are willing to fight on the side of truth, reality and clarity, that is where and how you will be used. If you are willing to fight on the side of falseness, illusion, confusion, that is where and how you will be used.

If religions are supposedly good things, components of a friend-indeed behaving people, then why is it, there are so many people involved in religions, formally and informally, yet, with the advent and proliferation of religions, human behavior has gone to hell in hand-basket woven by demonic handmaidens and demonic man-made servants?

Listen differently and you will hear that most people's logic, including your own, is thickly clogged with religion logic and country nation logic, another form of religion, and race ethnic logic, another form of religion.
Each of these would be fine if the result of such logic was respect for the “rights of creation” (same as the two great commandments that are the foundation of all forms of judaism, christianity and islam even buddhism and other renames of the same thing).
Just stop it already! Stop going to church and go back to earth. This has not helped the permaculturists because it is fused into another form of human religion that makes them think they are part of something new. Besides they still attend the national church based on their country constitution.

Whatever is the mass ball of fused understandings of Gods, this collective effect will shape, and reshape human thinking and behavior. This will be passed from generation to regeneration until humans are no longer afraid to die physically, which by necessity, is a byproduct of no longer being afraid to die mentally, emotionally, spiritually.

According to what we are able to verify through the reproductive examples of nature, in all likelihood and likeness of the hood, you were spirit first, before your spirit became housed in spirit transformed into the physical.
The physical form of spirit is the outer spirit, shell, cell, the holy, and is holy.
The spiritual form of spirit is the inner spirit, the holy of holies, and is the holiest, the holiness.
Together, they form the wholeness, they are one.
In order for life and existence to function properly, one form of the spirit must not be afraid to die spiritually in order to be reborn in physical form. Likewise the physical must not be afraid to die physically in order to be reborn spiritually. Have you not learned that everyday all day life depends on continuous cycles of death and rebirth that applies to all creations?

Be certain that physical death is not always a cessation of physical life, but there are other forms of physical death that involve changing our ways, lifestyles, thinking, behavior, culture, laws.
We adults should know by now, if we are afraid to die spiritually, we have already died spiritually because we have stagnated for too long. Yes we can feel it in our marrow and in the mirror of our private thoughts. If we are afraid to die physically, we have already died physically.

The fundamental forces of nature, that transcend and override all human God beliefs, will reclaim both the physical and spiritual.

**The answer to the current thinking and behavior of most humans is here on the flipside. If you hate yourself, then of course this is why you treat others hatefully, and justify your hate with your walking dead spirit in purgatory societies that are the human condition midway transition from hell, in preparation for the climate change for a new heaven and new earth.
Truth is, most people are willing to die for some bullshit selfishness rather the truth that does everybody some good.

Me, Myself and I am, along with Ma, My Kherf and IU, are looking forward to the final death blow to all societies. There is no need to be afraid. Human societies are an evolution solution, now marked for dissolution. It has been happening anyway in all ways right before our plain sight acuity eyes. Majority rules.

This is the third time and form in which, I am that I am, coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established. (2 Corinthians 13:1 paraphrased and expanded)

Based on the word released from the mouth of two or three witnesses of truth, shall he that is worthy of death, be put to death. (Deuteronomy 17:6 paraphrased, expanded and shortened)

***Because killing the physical is much easier, human societies came into existence via the humans killing each other method. Societies continue to kill the physical constantly slowly, quickly, one at a time, many at once. Even so, because you cannot kill an ideology, the only thing you can do is try to slow it down, retard it, reduce it, hold it back, imprison it, miseducate it, poison it, cater to the vice side of spirit and do all other manner of things to the spirit in order for societies to continue to exist and fulfill their destructive deleterious deterioration destinypurposes. This is why, killing of the spirit via Maafa Racism exists as the primary joint mission statement of all of a societies institutions, and why all societies are heavily invested in physical killing machines and methods, including having the masses feel privileged to have access to self-killing methods. Maafa Racism's main focus is the constant every which way attack of the spirit, in addition to the physical as secondary and a means to attack the spirit. As said many times elsewhere, this is why societies must attack the spirit of all members of the society, including using the dangling-carrot-on-the-stick method to cause people to struggle for and choose between acquiring basic physical needs and self-worth needs that always involve making non-neighborly spiritual decisions. This is why most people believe erroneous things such as, they gone take our jobs, they gone commit crimes (steal from us and cost us money), they want a handout, they gone mess up our community, and on and on it goes, all of this having to do with basic needs and leading to extreme protection measures.
Without the establishing of a set of conditions that promote an agenda, while simultaneously retarding another agenda, cycles could not take place, only stagnation, thus the final death, thus the end all that be all.
So, despite periods of primarily joy, primarily joy and pain and primarily pain, going from civil to partly civil to mostly uncivil, for each state of the union, this too shall pass, even without human cooperation. This is because other creatures in this same ecosystem did not create these conditions, but must deal with the ups and downs of human behaviors. Thus, since other creatures are also affected, in order to move the ecosystem to another stage of the cycle, the spiritual powers and principalities in high places do not need humans to cause changes in any type of climate or any form of climate, including in human societies.