If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Afraid To Die Is Afraid To Be Born Again
Unity Consciousness #3148

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First see, Meaning Of Afraid To Die & Sore Afraid, Unity Consciousness #3146

I suspect the four primary reasons we are afraid to die are:
1. We don't know what it's like in the other dimension, thus it is fear of the unknown.
2. Exaggeratingly so, we associate death with excruciating lengthy pain.
3. We do not live communally such that our loved ones will be cared for by loved ones.
4. We are not on the path of even one of our optimal destinypurposes. Thus we get the sense we will have to look the Supreme of Being in the face and explain what happened, a question, when we look in the mirror, we have yet to answer in the form of, am I doing why I am here.

Imagine if you had one or more of these thoughts in the womb before you were born into this world, made the transition into this dimension.

Imagine yourself in the womb, alive, comfortable, breathing in water hakuna mata style.

Imagine if you, while still in the womb, knew the stuff that goes on in this dimension?

So let's go back and before any societal thoughts, imagine if you knew that in order to reach this dimension, your mother must go through pain that you could feel and hear. And that you must squeeze through and get pushed through a small opening, adjust to light, adjust to breathing in air, have to relearn how to ba be.

Most of us who are afraid to die, would also be afraid to be born.

Naw G! I'm good. Thanks but no thanks. Are you sure? Yeah I'm sure. Are you sure for sure? Yes! Just do your thang and get me outta here with no pain and put me back in the Wading Pool of Two Truths where I can walk naked and afraid, rather than be brave and glad to go through the hot water oven tomb cocoon womb in order to be clothed in a new form so I can be a better version of myself in a new heaven and new earth. Let my people know I apologize for the inconvenience, and to let me know if I can do any thing to help on this end of the safari in the spiritsphere. I'll be here holding IT down for the hometown. I ain't ever going to move out of this house. See you when you get back.

And this is why, even those in this dimension, as spirit-souls in clothes, who are afraid to die because they have been afraid to live, are not even born again in the religious sense. Even though they pretense, their actions make sense.

Our fear of the “Unknown” in point #1 above is due to unknown knowledge of self in relation to all else.