If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

African Utamawazo | Survival Toolkit For African People
Unity Consciousness #111

African Utamawazo*

Utamawazo (oo-tah-mah-wah-zo) is a Kiswahili term that refers to the cultural worldview of a people based on their original essence. Worldview determines how people are socialized to perceive, think and experience the world. Worldview establishes the basis and context for meanings and understandings. Many Africans have been taught to experience the world from a viewpoint contrary to their essence. Worldview shapes people physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Africans are at a disadvantage in all these areas which includes a psychological disadvantage due to not matching our approach to life with the essence of who we are, our basic spiritual needs and our genius. For Africans, getting back to our worldview, our Utamawazo, is necessary for our survival.

The African Utamawazo is comprised of the following six parts.

1. Nature Of The Universe (Cosmology)

The universe is a creation of the Supreme Being. It is a divine, harmonious system where everything is interdependent and governed by a natural order. Humans are organically related to all things in the universe. The same forces and natural order that permeate the cosmic universe permeates the life of people.

2. Ways Of Knowing (Epistemology)

Ways in which we are able to sense and know things are not limited to space, time and the five senses. Spiritual means are also available such as divination, telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, dreams and intuition. These are just some of the ways of knowing knowledge about the past, present and future. Knowledge is obtained through active participation and experience with the universe.

3. Nature Of Reality (Ontology)

Reality has a spiritual basis. Knowledge is connected to reality through the functions of the Supreme Being, Deities, Ancestors, human beings and spiritual energy permeating the entire universe. There is both a spiritual and physical basis to reality. Scientific explanations based on Western thought are only able to partially explain the nature of reality because science that only examines and accounts for the physical and the visible can only explain the “how” of reality. Western science does not answer, at all or sufficiently, other essential logical questions such as who, what, where, when, why, etc.

4. Value System (Axiology)

The Utamawazo is governed by the divine laws of Maat which are exemplified through examples in nature. Human relationships are characterized by communalism and harmony with nature just to name a few. The relationships humans have with other humans and with nature are essential to defining what it means to be a human being. What a human being means also involves participating within a communal group and pursuing one's destiny while maintaining good character. In other words, just because we are homo sapiens does not mean we are human beings. Ancestors are honored and elders are respected. All adults are responsible and held accountable for all children.

Being part of a communal group allows resources to be optimized and it also supports both the group and the individual when difficulties are encountered. Communal living supports ubuntu and avoids the pitfalls of “do what you want to” (to each his own).

5. Process Of Becoming & Ultimate Purpose (Teleology)

The Utamawazo is concerned with human transformation and spiritual enlightenment that transcends physical desires. Human development involves:
(a) a sense of “self”, which provides some understanding of individual identity of one's spirit, mind and body
(b) form, which outlines identity and marks the point of distinction
(c) order, which defines natural connections to the communal group and separation of identity from the communal group while remaining connected
(d) motion, which implies a changing nature and
(e) direction, which identifies individual purpose and mission that is in keeping with the main purpose for all creation – to become one again with the Creator.
Humans live through a series of repeating life cycles that represent the soul's journey of development towards and away from unity, perfection and completion.

6. Health & Sickness

An understanding of what it means to be healthy or sick must take into account the spiritual and physical factors that influence health & sickness. Health requires a balance in life among all aspects of the person (spiritual, physical, social & mental) and with the environment and with the universe. A person cannot be healthy if there is an imbalance in any of these areas. All people have self-healing power in their DNA.

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Humans must stay in motion according to their intended process of development in order to maintain the feel and rhythm of time and everything else in motion.

Most of the above quoted and paraphrased from:
Neville, Helen A; Tynes, Brendesha M; Utsey, Shawn O; editors, "Handbook of African American Psychology,", Google ebook, SAGE Publications (Nov. 11, 2008) , p. 49-52.

*The Utamawazo (worldview) is born out of the Asili (origin, essence, seed). The Utamawazo is to the Asili as the mature plant is to the seed. The Utamawazo is a fuller expression and development of the Asili.