If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Next Ones Being Reborn On All Four Corners
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1273


(Part 9fo of 11)

Despite claims humans make, the universe has its hands in everything. Nothing humans do is separate in the sense of being a purely human conception that the universe had nothing to do with.
The optimal side of the Creator and the Suboptimal side of the Creator are always involved, allowing and disallowing what humans do on a collective basis. We are reminded humans are a variation of elements, which is led by spirit-soul. So I'm not sure how humans can do anything that doesn't have spirit-soul signature written all over it.

Genderism, racism, spirituality, religion distortion, the rights of creation and so on, are the workings of spirit-soul of the Creator-Destroyer.
Every step along the way, the universe assists in making sure these things come into and out of existence based on logic energy transmitted into the universe by the Star Constellations ruling the Ages.
All things in the human domain that do not coincide on the upside with Aquaria and Kepheus are going to have to stand down or be put down. Current societies are suboptimal manifestations. The universe has dealt with this before and only has to go to the library of the immune defense system and make small changes, then implement T-cells, B-cells and other lymphocytes that whoop tails, or just make it rain for 7 days nonstop if all else fails. That oughta throw most societies into total chaos. The point is, despite the big bad wolf behavior of societies, their weapons are squirt guns compared to what the universe can do. Take what the Kemites did at their weakest point 6000 years ago then multiply that by a zillon 6 times and you might have some idea of who has the power to take down evil empires. History is filled with the wonder, abundance and goodness of the universe, as well as filled with the not so desirable manifestations.
The universe is persistent, then patient, having far more options, understanding, money, time and sci-fi weapons.
One of the wisdoms used in Kemet indicates the need to surrender in face of guaranteed defeat, otherwise make it extremely more painful on yourself. Of course, I would be surprised if any of the current societies and their ruling structure follow that wisdom. We know America is beefing up its military in a hurry to try to defeat humans and aliens, but don't realize they are up against the elementals, thus the Supreme Being. The notion of Star Wars is true, as are all things. All things are a retelling and foretelling of something in some way.
As a result, expect the first line of Aquarian/Kephean offense of water, wind, earth and fire to continue to wear these societies down. And then another and another. Elements are continuously being reborn in all dimensions to bring about needed changes. The universe says if we don't come way back from the edge in all areas, then we will be pushed over the edge in the cultures we lie for so dearly.
The third corner at which light is re-born is the Kheb or Kep in the place of the two times, where the two become three in one. The Kep-en-terui is the corner and the concealed sanctuary of the two times. Khep denotes the secret place, the sanctuary where the ever-coming one hides, conceals and lies in wait, looking, watching to be unleashed. (BB 333/345)

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