If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Secrets Of Gardens From The Holy Book Of Heavens
Unity Consciousness #1510


(Part 9on of 11)

The original garden is a water garden.

Then came hanging gardens.
Then Earth gardens.
After that came gardens on Earth.
Far behind came the human garden in Africa.
Then came Nile Valley garden variety.
Followed by worldwide variations on the garden meme.
While this was taking place, Aarru Gardens sprouted in Amenta.
More than a Great Year later came gan-Eden on the eastern extension of Africa (Asia).
After that came the Kena'ani Garden of Milk & Honey.
Then came the Garden of Eden in the same place as gan-Eden.
Then came Allah's Garden that evidently Abraham's God stacked on top of two others in Africa's Asia.
Then the fertile crescent.
Then came Japanese gardens coupled with ancient Chinese secrets.
Finally we reach “Abundance Of” Gardens in America.

Meanwhile the waters is reclaiming deserts, clearing fields, decontaminating soils, renewing the mes and rotating crops because spring is always in season somewhere, and so is..... and the harvest.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Menat & Mena, Great Mother Wet-Nurse, Definitions, Meanings
Monumental Age Of Egypt
Unity Consciousness #1510


(Part 9on of 11)

1. Menat or Mena means wet-nurse, to arrive and rest, the end, repose, death, the dead. (BB 273/285, 404/416), (NG1 302/320)

2. Menat is the Great Mother of the Waters portrayed as the many-teated cow, sow or human goddess, This represents nourishment of liquid essence in many forms. (NG2 173/18, 180/188, 217/225), (AE1 306/316)

3. Menat was also the Lion because Menat was the Nile inundation that reached Egypt when the sun was in Leo. At the same time, half-way round on the other side of the circle, the moon was full in Aquarius.

4. As a result, the solar-lunar points of beginning in the Egyptian sacred year were in Leo the Lion and in Aquarius the waterer. (NG2 217/225)

5. Menat was goddess of the seven stars in the stellar mythos, then she became goddess of the moon in the lunar mythos. Menat, the mother, the sow, was the full moon. The waning moon was her dark child Sut, the pig. The waxing moon was her light child Horus, her horned and re-begetting bull, the boar. (NG2 313/321, 416/424)

6. Met, Ment and Menat mean “ten.” Ten was represented by a collar, bracelet, necklace or circle with ten points or branches that go round something else. These symbols imply reckoning by ten water periods. (BB 84/96, 396/408)

7. The words “moon” and “month” are derived from “men,” “Men”signifies to make the circuit, go round, grow round. As a gestator of souls of life, the moon grows round (becomes full) and is named Mena.

8. ”Men” also means the measure and memorial. Men is the root for al-manac in relation to the moon and mensis. (NG2 349/357)
9. Men is a fixed stone memorial or monument. Men is also a name of heaven. (BB 400/412, 404/416)

10. Mena means to suckle. (BB 202/214)
11. Men-t means liquid measure.
12. Menat or Ment was a measure of ten feet, the oldest unit of Egyptian land measure.

13. Menât is the measurer by the moon. An earlier form is Menkat (Men-Khat), the creator in space, as potteress whose vase is the womb, the creative space. Menat measures the period of gestation to be ten moons* and also measures the month as three weeks of ten days each. (NG2 350/358)

What is not a coincidence in the modern sense, is the name “Meni” found on Line 10, Column 3 of the Royal Canon of Turin King List. “Meni” is said to be the first human king, yet it appears to me that Meni is the summation of 9 spirits, thus Meni is tenth, which is the same as Ra, the holy spirit, the totality. This is the same as Menat and Mena as described in this message. Therefore, the first king Meni is the Holy Spirit, who is One that became Meni and is now One again.

14. Found on one of the monuments in Egypt is an image of a goddess holding two vases where normally her breasts would be. This is Mena Menka, Menat the wet-nurse of the waters of life. (BB 368/377)

15. Menat is the soul of life in spirit (holy spirit Ra) represented by birds such as swallow, dove, pigeon or hawk. (NG1 794/258), (AE2 881-2/345-6)

16. During the seventh month, the sun was in Aquarius and the tail of the Great Bear pointed northward. This is when there was a re-birth of water from the abyss that issued from the mouth of Piscis Australis, the Southern Fish. Menat represented this Southern Fish as the abyss. This was repeated as Menat, the abyss in zodiac sign of Aquarius. The Nile was replenished during Aquarius. This imagery shows the annual source of water comes from the Southern Fish which moves up to Aquarius who expresses her waters as the full moon when the sun is in Leo, the first month. Thus the birth and re-birth of water took six months to bring the water from Egypt of the abyss to its fulfilment in the inundation of Egypt on Earth. (AE1 299-300/309-10), (Churchward: Origin 280/510)

17. Menat is a lunar representation of the Parent as Great Mother. (NG2 216/224)

Other Forms Of The Name: Mena, Men-a, Mena-Tef, Men-t, Menati, Menuthis, Menkat, Men-Khat, Makha, Makht, Menoth, Month, Moon,Mini, Min, Mona, Mane... (NG2 342/350, 349/357), (BB 35/17, 196-7/209, 202/214)

*The number nine of Mâ and Ptah is that of dry measures and reckoning the period of gestation by nine solar months. Nine solar months and ten lunar months is the same period of time in two forms, two truths. (NG1 182/200)

The Stars Of The Water

Egyptians had a huge southern constellation dedicated to Menat the wet-nurse, called “the Stars of the Water” The “Southern Fish” and “Ketos” are both depicted in this water of the south or the abyss. Aratos, speaking of the stars in the neighborhood of these two great fishes, said they are all called ‘the water.’ Thus it is likely most, if not all of the southern constellations were in the constellation of Menat. This makes sense in light of the waters first being divided into two halves and also the Argo Navis Constellation sails on these waters. (AE1 279/289)

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Churchward, Albert, "The Origin & Evolution Of Religion," George Allen & Unwin Ltd., (London:1924)

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Tawy: Two Lands of Khebt & Egypt
Monumental Age Of Egypt
Unity Consciousness #1509


(Part 9om of 11)

Double Earth Is Two Lands

The Earth we are on is also referred to as the Earth of Time. Surrounding this Earth is the Earth of Eternity. The lower portion of the Earth of Eternity is called Amenta, while the upper portion is commonly referred to as Heaven. See also Amenetta.
Earth of Time is one small circle contained within the Earth of Eternity which is a vastly larger circle. These are the two circles, the double earth, the two lands.
Some other forms are: (1) Egypt as South Karua Parent who became child and Egypt as North Karua Child who became parent; (2) Nile Valley as Egypt and as Nubia-Kush-Aethiopia; (3) Khent & Khept (upper south lands) plus Khebt and Kheft (lower north lands); (4) Egypt as Westerners and Easterners; (5) Within Amenta Below there is an upper land called upper egypt and a lower land called lower egypt; (6) Amenta Below as Lower Egypt and Heaven Above as Upper Egypt; (7) The circle of Earth and the circle of Heaven are commonly referred to as heaven and earth. These are two lands. (BB 34/46), (AE1 508/518), (AE2 637/101)

In terms of human understanding, although Egypt on Earth was named first, the Egypt in Amenta Below was finished first conceptually and became the basis for all of our most beloved religions of today.

Metaform & Metaphor Are A Form of Two Lands That Form Two Lands

A basic form of metaphor is darkness and lightness. Then there's polestar, moonstar and sunstar. One thing is two things is three things, but not always so, in human understanding. This explains why thinking and behavior, which is one thing in two parts, does not always function optimally. There is a learning delay, a learning curve so to speak, as we travel around the circle of space and time. This is the same as light delay that exists elsewhere before it reaches this Earth.

When the soul of life, as the Sun, travels full circle, it connects and unites the two Circles, two Earths, two Lands, two Metaphors, two Understandings, two Truths. This connection is on all levels spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically.

A very concise way of describing the process of uniting the two lands is as Horus (Jesus, the Sun) going through birth, death, burial and rebirth each day, each year, each great year. And in doing so, maintaining the continuity of life in all dimensions of the sun's kingdom. (AE2 782/246)

Even during the most recent declining phase of Egypt, Female Pharaoh Hatshepsu, understood Horus, the Sun, unites the two divisions of Egypt which allowed her to rule two lands on Earth, just as the Sun rules double earth. (AE2 788/252)

To summarize: When we hear Two Lands in regards to Egypt, we must remain aware there is more than one form of the Two Lands and more than one form of Egypt. Egyptians mixed metaphors. We do too because that's all there is.

Unity Of Understanding Is Required For Salvation Per The Need Incentive

Because the elemental soul of life called Horus, existed as one, then as two, then as four, these divisions of the circle (divisions of the land) must be reunited in some ways always, then in all ways some day, in order for the completion of all phases of the evolution and de-evolution of the Supreme Self.

Using what Apostle Paul said as a basis: He has made both one, and has removed dividing lines by changing behavior and laws in order to transform two into one by reconciling all logic to reestablish unity based on cross connections, which is the same thing as the circle connected in all aspects. (Ephesians 2:14-16)

Ruler Of Two Lands: Har-Sam-Taui

Horus, the soul of life in matter, goes by many names. So also does Horus, the soul of life in spirit. Each of these represent one-half. When these two souls of life go through all phases and complete the circle, they become one by virtue of being united in consciousness. Beingness, becomingness and beautifulness become one again. When this two-way by three-way holy kiss reunion occurs, Horus is now called Har-Sam-Taui, the united soul of life who unites two lands in all forms so they too can function as one for the effecting of eternal salvation of self and all else by fulfilling the need incentive for understandings. Har-Sam-Taui is the double Horus, the one who took primitive essence, divided it into double primitive essence, then recombined them into one ruling power over one united kingdom. Humans are metaphors of all this and so are all human groupings. Therefore when the King, the Prince of Peace, wears the double crown of white and red, so also do human Pharaohs wear the double crown in Egypt, and then in other lands, including one of the most recent, America of red, white and blue. Same is, same as. Sem-sem. (AE2 793/257, 797/261)

All of this sounds familiar when talking about Egypt on Earth, but now we must continue to remember all of this applies to all other forms of anything that is one thing, but is now divided into two or more things. This is the greater understanding, the greater mystery, that no longer need be inactive and unaccessed in our computing memory when we are processing logic.

Taui is a form of Uati. Uati indicates two waters. See “ua” and Khept elsewhere. Uniting Two Lands is ultimately a form of reuniting Two Waters of Nun. Thus Taui and Taua are a macro-duality of reuniting the Supreme Self.

Metaform Variations Become Metaphors:
As a Person: Horus Sam-taui, Per- Hōr-sema-tawi, Har-sma-tawy, Her-sema-tawy, Harsomptus, Har-sema-tawi, Maat, Mati, Mama, Ma, Shu, Ma-Shu, Anhur, Kepheus, Harmachis, Har-makhes, Hor-em-akhet, Tum, Atum-Iu, [insert your name here].

As a Place: tawy, sema-tawy, semi-tawy, [insert your location here]. (AE1 535/545), Spiritual Secret Behind Sema Tawy


Har-Makhu was the ancient name of united Horus of both horizons, both equinoxes and especially of double earth. (AE1 536/546)

I wonder if Hor-em-akhet is a name of the Sphinx on the East Side as it travels the upper portion of the circle after resurrection in spirit and matter, while Har-Makhu signifies the West Side as the sun travels the lower portion of the circle??

Hor-em-akhet means “Horus son of Akhet.” This can be said in the form of “Akhet as Horus.” Akhet means number one and the old first one. Thus Hor-em-Akhet is Horus, son of the old first one who is the only one. In other words, the old first one who is the only one is Horus. The old first one became one again when the father as Ptah was reunited with the mother as Apt. This occurred at the same time Amenta Below was created. Prior to this the Great Sphinx was created as a means of representing the means whereby the Sun was able to reunite two horizons, two lands, two truths, (NG1 189/207, 264-5/282-3)

Ptah Understands

Human understanding is described this way: Ptah, the Parent as father first, built heaven and earth, but there was no way for any soul of life in matter or spirit to return to heaven above because there was no heaven below to form a complete circle cycle. As a result, before the time of Ptah as Father, souls of life, especially that of the sun (the son of Ptah) had to take a detour shortcut around the mountain of Earth or through Mother Earth as cow or through the Great Sphinx. But when Ptah created heaven below, now the two lands were again united (in understanding). Now, as a result, human thinking and behavior had to go through stages to adjust to this understanding. (AE1 326/336, 333/343, 345/355, 406/416, 410/420, 412/422, 416/426).


The Metaform Supreme Being transformed self into Metaphors Supreme Beings. A common name for these metaphors are elemental souls of life or as Horus or as countless other names. The King became Kings because the Universe Kingdom was divided into Kingdoms such as Galaxies, Stars, Earths and so on. Everything is part of multiple kingdoms, thus multiple kings. As a small example, there is a king for every zodiac sign, a Lion King, Bull King, Water King, Scorpion King, and so on. The King of each dimension and period of time takes multiple forms in multiple locations as ruling power shifts around the circle as the soul of life goes through motions of transforming self through cycles. (AE1 343/353)

Since the current kingdom on Earth had been completed, thus perfected, what we have been experiencing for at least 13,000 years is the dismantling of the kingdom so a new kingdom can be established. This dismantling reaches into every dimension.

There is a uniting that fosters evolution and a uniting that fosters de-evolution. Likewise there is a dismantling, a breakdown, a falling apart, a decomposing process that fosters evolution and one that fosters de-evolution. All of these things taking place simultaneously because the Macro Kingdom is composed of many micro kingdoms. Some that will remain and some that will not, but all will be changed.

Long before Egypt of the Two lands united by Narmer Mena Menes, Egypt had already been united as part of the two lands of South Karua and North Karua. This was the uniting for evolution. The most recent uniting coincident with the most recent Age of Taurus was for de-evolution.

At some point during each cycle, one side of truth rules the vast majority of the kingdom. Then it changes and the other side gets its turn before the cycle can be completed. Who doesn't know the truth is changing? (AE1 419/429)

A major takeaway from the advent of Ptah is that this was the first reunification of the Parent as female and male in human understanding. This then is likely when the two lands as South Karua and North Karua formed the reunited Nile Valley. This then was under rulership of divine dynasties of Gods and Heroes, not humans. This is likely when King Scorpion prevailed because it was the Age of Scorpio.

I repeat: Narmer Mena Menes of approximately 4400 BCE is a human dynasty that took place after a battle during the Age of Gemini where twin powers were fighting for control and one emerged during the Age of Taurus.

The main difference is that King Scorpion was a battle in the heavens and was for evolution. King Narmer was a battle on earth for de-evolution that has produced one-sided logic, chief of which is patriarchy that suffocates every aspect of culture. We can know these things because after Ptah, the people proceeded toward perfection and optimal, whereas for thousands of years, we have been moving towards imperfection and suboptimal. (Diop: African Origin 204/345)

At the same time as the rise of Narmer, a new divine kingdom was already being conceived in advance preparation to reestablish the balance of the two truths.
The use of metaphor helps orient us in space so we will know whether or not something is talking about things in heaven or on earth. It also helps us know what time it is based on the stage (form) of the metaphor.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Diop, Cheikh Anta, "The African Origin of Civilization: Myth Or Reality," Chicago Review Press, 1989 or non-searchable pdf format.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Delayed Reaction Of Human Understandings
Monumental Age Of Egypt
Unity Consciousness #1508


(Part 9ol of 11)

Human understanding is always a delayed reaction to what is taking place anywhere in the Universe.*
Everything in the universe was here before us. By default of our late arrival into this universal drama, human understanding must react to the Universe. Even when we are being proactive, we are reacting to nature that already existed.
Therefore humans have existed on Earth longer than the understandings we currently display.
We can use this as a gauge, so when we encounter what humans have produced, we will already know evolution and de-evolution takes time, yet humans must exist in a geographic location longer than the summation of their understandings as evidenced by what they produce.
Another way to say this is: humans are always seeking understandings from a retrospective perspective:
1. Because of our late arrival
2. Which causes a delayed reaction
3. Which cause delayed interaction
4. Which causes delayed understandings
5. Which causes delayed evolution and de-evolution in relation to the evolution and de-evolution of other creations in the universe.

This is true under both scenarios: (1) whether we are seeking brand new understandings or (2) whether we are trying to remember what we once knew. However, our failure to consider the delayed reaction when we are evaluating past accomplishments of humans has unintentionally further delayed our acquisition of brand new understandings.
The absence of these critical contextual considerations has allowed us to be sucked into a developmental matrix quite small, yet seems large, because our genetic potential has become “djindja in chains.”
This must be properly understood: What humans produce is a delayed reaction to what they understand, which is a delayed reaction to how long humans have existed.
Therefore, wherever we find any form of evidence of human existence, those humans had to exist longer than the evidences of what those humans produced.

Why? Because moreso than the evidences telling the story, it is the processes and stages it takes to produce the evidences.
If we encounter the existence of humans in a particular geographic location, and the timeframe for the conception, gestation, development, production and refinement of what those humans produced exceeds how long the humans existed, then, by default, those humans must have received their understandings from other humans in other geographic locations who have existed long enough to develop those understandings as they went through all the necessary processes and stages.

A prime example is the United Fakes Of I Am-Erica. The land called America, currently suffocated by Europeanized worldview, has only existed for approximately 300 years. That is not enough time to even conceive the need to develop “the alphabet,” let alone even develop an entire language. Therefore, the English language, as evidence of what American intelligence produced, tells us the understandings that produced the English language must have come from another geographic location.
When we apply the same open-minded logic to England, we also realize, however long England has existed, is not enough time to originate the English language. We must look elsewhere.

So then, how can Americans or other Europeans, without claim to the language whereby all of their other productions depend, lay claim even to those productions in their first instance of coming into existence?

Likewise the example extends to all other human groups.

We can use what we've learned in two ways:
1. When we know the timeframe of human existence in a location, we can compare it to the evidences of what those humans produce. This is a means of doublechecking the timeframe and the productions against themselves and against natural fact.
2. When we don't know the timeframe of human existence in a location, we can compare the evidence of what those humans produced to what it takes to produce them. Evidences are not just physical products, but also the products of thinking and behavior that produce, mental products, emotional products and spiritual products that allow physical products to come forth. This is a means of doublechecking by comparing and contrasting. This, of course, applies to #1 also.
Furthermore, “evidence” also includes evidences not produced by humans.

As discussed elsewhere in terms of evolution, there is rarely straight line development from start to finish. We know this is true when it comes to complex things, but it is also true with simple things such as understanding how to get fruit from a tree or a drink of water. This is so because we must also take into account many other factors and conditions such as the type, location and height of the fruit and the dangers involved. All of us have seen animals use different strategies to get a drink of water. Same for humans.

The process of trial and error (method of elimination) is long and slow, yet it is the surest path to the fullest understanding. These processes do not take place in plastic bubble-wrapped insulated vacuums. The acquisition of new understandings and the reacquisition of old understandings are always being influenced by other understandings we have. Any single context or definition in our possession can significantly help or hinder. When we consider this in light of the tens of thousands of understandings we possess, it's easy to realize how important it is to always seek to improve understandings about anything and everything, even if only a smidgen at a time. Unearned knowledge, especially knowledge acquired by theft, does not allow for the necessary appreciation for the proper use of that knowledge. In fact, unearned knowledge does not come with the layers of understandings that produce the end result. This fosters abuse of power and more delay of forward progress while hastening the self-destruct sequence. This is true as collectives and as individuals.

In defense of earlier humans deemed to lack achievement, including those not classified as homo sapiens, those humans were still humans just like us who had to come into existence and then go through a lengthy uneven development process, same as what we are doing right now. We are not greater than earlier humans or lesser, not smarter or stupider. We are the beneficiaries of the foundations they laid and deposited into the human gene pool. However a basic line of demarcation does exist among any human at any point in time who does not continuously seek understandings and/or does not do better once better is known. This applies to relationship with self, other humans and superhumans. Either of the two demarcations alone is the kiss of death because they both run counter to change. Therefore a mindset that attempts to maintain security via constancy without change, is a mindset constantly prick kicking against everything in the universe, thus becoming more insecure by the moment, which is evidenced by increasing mental illness and other forms of cancers.**

Lastly, by default of what it takes, understandings of anything else tends towards optimal as human knowledge of self improves.

This exposes the nature of those you trust. The intentional diminishing of knowledge of self taking place in societies worldwide, has led to unintended consequences mentioned above that are causing a further delayed reaction in forward progress of human understandings because we are resisting re-establishing healthy connections to the largest portion of human existence on this planet – our African heritage and everything those humans produced as evidence in some form or another in all human cultures today.

The superhuman Afra has already been coming out and is waxing pubescent, now follows the human.

*This also applies to the universe within self. Everything within us existed before our understanding of it. Every new thing or thought we take in, also exists longer than our level of understanding about it, indicates. Delayed reaction works to our advantage when we understand our position relative to all else. When we do, then we know to seek understanding in places they first existed.

**Cancer is cellular malfunction, but otherwise stated it is circular malfunction, thus the definition of cancer is broader than what the American Cancer Society is talking about.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Baal Brothers Christmas Tree Of Fire
Unity Consciousness #1507


(Part 9ok of 11)

Who Is Baal?

Baal is the god, the tree, the pyramid, the southern star (Dogstar in Canis Major) or several other variations.
Baal is likely most familiar to us as the dark child who is despised as Sut and Set. Even so, Baal is only one half of the twins of darkness and lightness. Baal is also the Creator, spirit-soul, the seven elementals, Horus and Jesus. By some name, Baal represents all deities.


The bonfire or bon-fire is the fire of the phoenix who is transforming. The bonfire was lit atop the highest hill at summer solstice. This bonfire represents the rebirth of dark child because the bonfire is an image of the Dogstar that announces the new year, thus the birth of the child the following month. (BB 110/122, 303/315)

Baal-Fire, Need-Fire

The bonfire is the Baal-Fire. It is associated with the summer solstice and the birth of the sun-god as prepubescent Horus, the child born of the Mother.
The bonfire is also associated with the vernal equinox and birth of the sun-god as pubescent Horus, the child begotten of the Father.
(BB 283/295, 301-2/313-14)
The Baal-Fire is always reproduced from the spark of the spark-holder. This basically indicates the celestial bonfire of the rising star is relit by another star, the twin sibling or the twin as parent. (BB 304/316)

Christmas Trees On Fire

As stated above, Baal is also a name for the tree and pyramid. The Baal tree is the fir tree which is the Christmas tree. The fir tree is also the fire tree.
The word “fire” becomes “Afr.” (BB 303-4/315-16)
Lighting the Christmas tree goes back to burning the yule log and the Baal-Fire which represents burning the tree of the old year and lighting the tree of the new year. (NG1 404/422)

Christmas Trees On Fire At The White House

1. Seeing red: why Melania Trump's crimson Christmas trees are so jarring.

2. An article about sacrifice and ritual connections associated with the death of President G. W. Bush.

3. The red Christmas trees are located in the East Colonnade (Hallway) of the White House. Beneath this hallway, underground, is an old horse stable and coach house. Not sure if it's still accessible or if they filled it in. So in the White House of the USA, there are trees on fire over a manger (horse stable) under the hallway. .

4. At one point, the birth of Baal (elder Horus of darkness and prepubescence) was reckoned by the Egyptians to occur at winter solstice. This is the same as the birth of Christ at Christmas because Baal is the baby Christ, the young sun. (AE1 533-4/543)

5. All of this tells us the red, on fire Christmas trees in the White House are ritualistic symbols of the Age of the Jackal, Elder Horus coincides with the Age of the Jackal and represents the announcer for the Age of Kepheus. The Trumps are trying light the fire in honor of the Age of the Jackal and the past 3,704 years. In other words, it is an attempt to invoke the spirit to make America Great Again, thus Europe Great Again and all their colonies. Yet, everything all of dem are doing is only adding fuel to the fire for the opposite effect to further wreck what is not crosschecked kherrekh.

6. However, knowingly or not, the Baal-fire Christmas trees are invoking the Age of Kepheus and are serving as the announcement for the birthday of Kepheus in January. The red trees are lit on the east side above a manger as a sign of the birth of the child just like the star in the east. I suspect the stable is still there and being used like the catacombs of the Vatican where they hide stuff and do all sorts of rituals.

7. What this does is light the “Afr” for the rebirth awakening to make Africa great again. What begins in North Karua in January, begins in South Karua in December. What begins in the west in Aries, begins in the east in Aquaria. What is connected to the birth of the child is connected to the mother-father.

8. All of this involves stars and star constellations, which includes moons, planets, asteroids, comets. 2019 is numerically a year of trinity. Pay attention to stars, fire and Africa worldwide and the Africa that is in all humans and the “Afr” that is in other creations on Earth. This always includes the elementals, especially the red forms of, water, wind, earth and fire.

9. These things will begin to reveal themselves to you as you obtain just a slightly expanded understanding of Christ (Karest), mas (mes), tree, red, stars, Aquaria, Kepheus and other topics of which you are sure and unsure.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Great Pyramid Is The Earlier White House

In October 2018, Melania Trump went to the Great Pyramid. Hmmn. You can be certain she had access to places in the pyramid and artifacts and information that most people do not know about or think is important to their daily lives. Melania went to the longstanding power center of Africa, which was Egypt, then goes to the power center, which is the Great Pyramid, which represents a power that no other place on Earth has ever come close to duplicating. That power is the power of knowledge embedded in the location, the pyramid itself and all of the signs, symbols and dimensions.

The Great Pyramid was also called the White House. In its undefiled state, the Great Pyramid was covered in white limestone which was polished. The Great White Pyramid was so named because it was an image of the white mountain. Not just the mountain on Earth below, but also the mountain above at the celestial pole. There was a natural mountain of white limestone on Earth in the Arabian range which projected in a straight line towards the Nile as far as the village of Troiu. The Egyptians quarried a lot of limestone from that mountain.

The celestial pole is the paradise-heaven of the seven elementals, the lords of eternity. This location is at the center of the White Milky Way Galaxy. On one hand the Great White Mountain (Pyramid) in Egypt was a symbol of Egypt's power and ground control on Earth. On the first hand, the white mountain at the pole is the place of universal control of the galaxy. The celestial pole is the place that establishes rulership of all things in all dimensions.

You can be certain the Trump's are not as clueless as the general public regarding the use of signs and symbols of power. No president has been. Who doesn't know the symbols on the dollar bill include the Great Pyramid? It's all about the Benjamin symbols. Think about it. Why didn't they put any great European buildings and monuments on their American white is right money? Because there are none comparable in power. On the dollar bill at the top of the pyramid, there is a smaller pyramid with Ben Franklin's eye in it and light shining around it. This is the ben-ben, a symbol of resurrection and renewal, thus phoenix rising out of the fire. (BB 109/121)

The paradise-heaven at the celestial pole is the holy city that is the location of administration of the word of god. It makes the logic and the laws. It brings governments into existence and takes them out. The holy city above is the model for Washington DC, Thinis, Ha-Ptah-Ka (Memphis), Annu, Waset (Thebes), Abydos, Eridu, Babylon, Rome, Jerusalem, Troy and many other sacred cities.

Unfortunately, it is still not common knowledge that Washington DC was designed by black African Benjamin Banneker who modeled Washington DC after Egypt. The layout of Washington DC and its main federal buildings are filled with symbols originating from Africa. Another reason why, it's all about the Benjamins. It's all about the ben-ben over and over again. (AE1 262/373)

One of the purposes of the white house (great pyramid) was tomb-cocoon-womb. In the Egyptian culture they believed the deceased were lifted up in the white house by Great Mother Sekhet so their souls would rise again and live forever. Sekhet is the goddess of fire water ichor in the soul of the Sun. She is a form of Aquaria, thus, hot waters, warm waters. The Trumps and others are also making an appeal to Sekhet to resurrect the spirit that allowed the European reign of power (terror). (AE1 363-4/373-4)

Under no circumstances should anyone think Melania Melanoma Trump's visit to the Great Pyramid was a tourist vacation or that her attire was not a planned distraction and a planned obeisance to the white God, Hu. And neither should we think the red trees of fire and the trip to Egypt and all the things in this message are not connected. Messages are everywhere in all forms. Everything is a message for those who know how to read the signs of language. We should at least know things are changing rapidly.

The light at the top of the Christmas Tree that gets relit every year by worshipers of Christmas, is the same starlight in the heavens that gets renewed every Age when the pole star changes. This is symbolized by the ben-ben at the top of the Great Pyramid. It is from this light that all lights are lit wirelessly. Come on baby light my fire has many levels of meaning. The status quo power structure worldwide in all societies are using symbols and spirit-rituals to try to remain in power because they know the celestial climate is changing.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

How An African Festival Became Christmas Day
Unity Consciousness #1506


(Part 9oj of 11)

The pattern continues: cultures worldwide are infused from top to bottom with what had already been taking place in Africa for thousands of years. Africans did not just make up a day to celebrate and honor a savior. It was based on cycles of nature. This has been shown that all African Gods and Goddesses are based on superhuman aspects of nature. The celebration of the birth of Christ on Christmas Day is based on superhuman nature, not a human Jesus.

First of all, the Egyptians celebrated the rebirth of the Nile inundation. When the flood waters reached Egypt, it brought water and fertilizing nutrients (mes) which initiated the cycle of new life throughout Egypt. The elemental soul of life in the water can be called Osiris-Horus. This is the child of the waters who saved the Egyptians for another year from eventually thirsting and starving to death. The water and what it contained was their savior who came back and appeared to them every year. This water can be called the child of god or the son of god.

When the inundation reached Egypt, it was also when grapes and other foods were ready for harvest.

Second of all, as a result of the inundation and harvest, the Uaka festival took place. This festival celebrated the combined resurrection of old life and birth of new life through birth and harvest. The festival celebrated the resurrection and the life. It celebrated the birth of parent and child who both represented resurrection and life. The festival included a feast that included plenty of beer and wine. This is why Matthew 11:19 says “The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber,,,” The savior was the food and wine and the elemental souls of life in them and in the people.
This is also why Osiris-Horus is also called the Lord of Wine. (AE2 740/204, 743/207, 745/209)

What is celebrated as the birthday of Jesus the Christ is actually:
1. The resurrection of the souls of life that bring new life and renewal in all aspects of nature.
2. The resurrection of the Nile inundation.
3. The resurrection described eschatologically in the underworld of Amenta Below.
4. The birth of twins, Horus the elder and Horus the younger, each representing one half of the total personality of the Savior
5. The twinship of parent Osiris and child Horus.

Third of all, the natural occurrence of the Nile inundation reaching Egypt used to take place from the 20th to the 25th of July during the month of Leo and Age of Leo. This is our point of reference. The Nile inundation is based on the birth of waters in the earthly birthplace of South Karua,. For those of us who do not base our new year on the Nile inundation, the birthday of the ever-coming savior is supposed to be based on the birthplace in Heaven Above as shown by the Great Year Ages. In other words, since this is now, the Age of Pisces, the birthdate is 20th to the 25th of December. Also, since we are at the threshold of the Age of Aquaria, the birthdate should change to the 20th to 25th of January. This puts us all on the same page datewise and celestially.

Here's what changes when a Great Year Age changes:
1. The birthdate of the ever-coming one. (AE2 728/192)
2. The birthplace of the ever-coming one. There is an ever-coming one and birthplace for the Polar Great Year. (AE2 582/46) There is an ever-coming one and birthplace for the Zodiac Great Year. (AE2 678/142)
3. The symbols associated with the ever-coming one.
4. The ruling star constellations.
5. The ruling constellation for the entire Great Year changes once every great year plus one Age.
6. The star teacher for this portion of the galaxy.
7. The name of the child.
8. The names of the parents and parent.
9. The hidden and revealed orientation of the gender of the Parent.
10. The location on Earth in Egypt that serves as the religious capital. (AE2 717/181, 730/194, 738-9/202-3, 741/205)
11. Location of judgment hall of two truths.
12. Observance of festivals (holidays, holy-days) (AE2 742/206)
13. The word of god, logic, laws, theology, culture, thinking, behavior. Therefore the Savior and “the way” changes.

The word Christmas is a combination of Christ + mes or Karest + mes.
Christmas is based on an ancient festival that celebrates the new year and the ever-coming savior. This savior represents all elemental souls of life who manifest in all forms of nature, not just humans. The ever-coming one is Ra, the Holy Spirit, thus contains the seed for whatever is needed. Even when this understanding is stated using humans as metaphor in the allegory, the mother, father and child are still universal elemental creations who are not limited to a one-time manifestation as three humans who actually existed in human history as uniquely divine people who gave a one time only birth to a savior of the world.

Last of all,
There was not, is not, and will not be a single human manifestation of god who comes to save the world. That's the destinypurpose of all humans and superhumans in a collective effort.
By the way, it should seem strange enough to Jews, Christians and Muslims that they all are based on Abraham, yet they have different versions of Godliness. It should seem even stranger that somehow several Gods of different religions were all born on December 25th. Horus, Jesus, Mithra, Serapis, The Sun, Buddha. Also several leaders such as Amen-hetep, Alexander in Greece and Cæsar-Augustus in Rome. (NG2 402-3/410-11), (NG1 311/329), (AE2 761/225)

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Blood-Letting By Humans
Unity Consciousness #1505


(Part 9oi of 11)

Blood-letting performed by humans began as an act of releasing blood, usually to cleanse and purify. This came after early humans observed the pattern of females who, at a certain age, experienced periodic blood-letting, releasing it upon the earth. This coincided with other changes in the female which helped early humans realize the female had matured enough to reproduce. Humans had also been witnessing births that also involved blood-letting poured out on the ground. These are the basic reasons why the blood of females is the first form of blood-letting which informed other types of human blood-letting for the purpose of sacrifice, cleansing and purification.

A common theme of nature is its periodic manifestations. All forms of liquid essence in superhuman and human nature have a periodic flow. This includes the Nile inundation which is a form of releasing fluids as sacrifice that purges, purifies and refines. The Inundation is a periodic flow of the blood of Mother Earth, thus an inundation is a form of blood-letting libation-sacrifice that brings forth fertilizing waters of life. The mother, from within her womb abyss, gives of her blood so humans and other life forms can have life and have it more abundantly.

This is why earlier humans were voluntarily pouring out their blood or ingesting things to cause the release of blood. They witnessed good things come about after the pouring out of female blood and the blood of the human mother and the blood of the Mother when the Nile overflowed, and when Mother Earth rained from above causing life to blossom.
As a result, humans began to sacrifice their liquid essence more and more to encourage things they wanted and to discourage things they didn't or hoped to reverse or prevent. These libation-sacrifices of blood were made to and upon Mother Earth and to the souls of life. (BB 244-5/256-7, 301/313, 348/360)

Early humans often performed their blood-letting under the tree or on the rock as an altar. These were symbols of their first totems which connected them to the human mother, mother earth, all her creations and the souls of life in the elementals. Together, these four cornerstones of life provided humans with everything they needed. (AE1 285/295)

The tree under which libation-sacrifices were made was the same tree on which gifts were later hung as offerings. This is a clear precursor to Christmas trees and stockings hung on stone fireplaces. The root meanings of nature, through sign-language are still in use and still in vogue today at another level of awareness. On special occasions, early humans celebrated and so do we. We sign, dance, decorate with certain symbols and eat certain foods, especially certain animals, thus there is specific animal sacrifice associated with our traditions and holy day holidays.

Regardless of our awareness and intention, whenever a liquid essence flows, even if we are not the one who pours out the blood of the animal meat we eat, a libation-sacrifice is taking place because there is life in the liquid essence.
Perhaps closer to home is the natural fact that even when blood circulates within us, libation-sacrifice is taking place because the life in blood is poured out into the cells. This life comes from the libation-sacrifice made in the stomach and intestines. This life came from the life in the food that was consumed and converted digested. This life in food is poured out from earth, sky and sun into plants and animals. Each step of the way, libation-sacrifice takes place. Each step of the way we are still connected to and dependent upon the mother's womb for nourishing us with liquid essence. We are still connected to mother earth and still connected to the elementals.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Ichor-letting Before Red Blood-letting
Unity Consciousness #1504


(Part 9oh of 11)

Before there was the kind of blood in humans and other animals, blood-letting was still taking place in the form of Ichor-letting.

Ichor-letting is the same as pouring out libations, which also can be described as outpouring, flowing out, going out, going forth, coming forth, coming out, getting out, letting out. Outpouring which forms elemental souls of life is a form of blood-letting libation-sacrifice because liquid essence of the Supreme Being as One is poured out to form the Supreme Being as Many.

We now say the same thing another way. In order for Creation to exist, the Creator as One (khekh) had to pour out liquid essence in order to become the Creator as Two (spirit-soul). Then the Creator as Two had to pour out liquid essence (energy and matter) in order to become the Creator as Seven (elemental souls of life). Each soul of life must pour out their liquid essence so it may be transformed into more forms of self. Even humans pour out their liquid essence (hesmen-semen) to form more creations of self. (NG2 38-9/46-7)


We already know Ka (Sa) is a name for spirit or soul. Ka represents the totality of all seven elemental souls of life.
Ka, Sa or Ichor is also a name for the magnetic magical fluid (liquid essence aka blood of the gods, life force of the One). As stated earlier, this liquid essence is imparted from one form of creation into another form of creation. This is not magic or mystery in the way we think of those terms today. For instance, is it magic or mystery that the liquid essence of the human mother is imparted into the child? We know this happens through the blood. We know the father's liquid essence is added through semen.

This reminds us, Ichor is more than red blood in humans and other animals.
Ichor is the system fluid of the universal ecosystem.
Ichor is the lifeblood of the Supreme Being. This fluid contains the seed to form all fluids, all liquid essences, all forms of spirit-soul and all of the libations mentioned in the previous two messages.
Ichor fluid exists in all creations in some form or another because it is the basis for the formation of creation.

Since Nile Valley Africans conceived deities as living beings, they said Ichor is the fluid that circulates in the veins of goddesses and gods and also in humans who become perfected in the next life (the glorified).

Ichor can be imparted to and shared with any human at anytime by the gods and goddesses. Since Ichor is stem fluid, Ichor can restore health, vigor, and life. Ichor blood transfusion was most easily accomplished in temples.
After transmitting their life force to humans, the elemental souls of life (gods and goddesses), had to recharge refresh re-energize themselves in the Lake of Sa (the lake of life, the lake of fire, the lake of ka).

Secondarily, humans can also impart their Ichor to each other; therefore by extension, all creations can share their life force in the form of invisible matter. (AE1 175/185)

Ichor is Sa, Shaa, Ka & Ka-Mai

Ichor is the same as red liquid essence called “shaa” which means the substance born of. This is the feminine source and equates with hesmen.
Ichor is also Ka-mai which means the substance begotten of. This is the masculine source and equates with semen.

Through the logical use of metaphor and understandings of the forms of two truth and understandings of basic life stages, we can see Ichor is the active agent that brings about the prepubesent and pubescent.
Sa and Ka-mai must be the Ichor of stars because stars are element factories, plus stars transfer their life force to many other creations, plus pubescent stars express the primary color range of liquid essence.
No matter which of the seven colors Ichor takes, it still contains the totality of essence.
This is shown when seven loaves of Ka-bread are used to feed to the multitude of departed spirits in Amenta in order to revive them after they had been receiving the word of the Lord of Amenta. (AE2 812/276)

Another name for Ichor is “Ru” as the foundational base substrate substance of life. Ru is masculine Ur is feminine. Ru and Ur connect to Ser and Zero beginnings. (NG2 900/364)

Ichor is the divine magnetic magical fluid liquid-essence spirit-water blood of the Supreme Being as One, as spirit-soul and as the seven elementals. Ichor can also be viewed as the water of the Supreme Being, the milk of the Supreme Being, the nectar of the Supreme Being and so on.
Ichor-letting existed in many forms, including as blood-letting to all other animals, before Ichor existed as blood-letting to form humans.

Brief Review

In the form of the Only One, the Supreme Being was the first one who shed blood of self so others may live. The first of these others are spirit-soul and the seven elemental souls of life. Both of these instances represent the first libation-sacrifice of blood by the Creator long before humans existed. This very necessary libation-sacrifice of blood is the metaphor and model for blood-letting taking place in humans, involuntarily and voluntary, even those carried out in suboptimal ways.

Big Picture Review

The Creator created blood sacrifice of self, through spirit, soul and the elementals.
The Creator also created blood sacrifice as a necessary component of life.
The Creator did not create blood sacrifice for sacrificing for sacrificing's sake to self, gods, goddesses and ancestors. To approach sacrifice this way is suboptimal. Sacrifice is already taken care of when we live life optimally. Optimal living requires pouring out many libation-sacrifices each day. This includes dedication to continuously maturing in understandings. By doing so, we are continuously reborn of water, spirit and blood understandings. These understandings give life to others, all the way up to the Supreme Being, because these understandings change our thinking and behavior in such a way that we live in respectful of life, thus the rights of creation. By necessity, this way of life includes pouring out of the blood essence of plants and animals so we may eat them and live. This includes drawing the life force water from earth and drinking it. These examples, and more, are necessary types of blood-letting.

The suboptimal approach treats libation-sacrifice as a special occasion sacrifice to a beneficent or malevolent deity, thus it requires a special kind of sacrifice above and beyond that of daily life.
This has led to widespread misapplication of sacrifice of self, other humans, other animals, plants, habitats, the life of earth, the moon, mars, asteroids, comets and the common space of outer space.
The suboptimal approach leads to blood-letting and life-taking without regards to the rights of creation.
The suboptimal approach leads to wars fought in defense of the rights of a creation that does not respect the rights of creation.
A war fought for a country alone, is not a war for the rights of creation and is not a war worth sacrificing anything for. These types of wars are always losing battles, especially for those who fight and support the war and think they supposedly benefit from it.

Just think about the wars your country has engaged in externally and internally. Look at the effects upon the front line fighters, the supporters, the country, the way of living, the culture, the children, the land, etc. Is it worth it? In the USA, only the mentally illl say yes.

Note: I have not yet reached the in-depth portion of this topic in regards to humans, yet we can understand the human through the superhuman metaphor. This has always been the case and the primary way of knowing. We can know what we should be doing in terms of libation-sacrifice, blood-letting, animal sacrifice and human sacrifice by understanding the original application of libation-sacrifice, and as necessary, understand the definitions of specific terms so we don't get tripped up by what we've messed up.
By the time we get through the next two to three messages, we shall see if our current assessment regarding what the human approach to libation-sacrifice should be, holds true.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Blood | Expanded Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #1503


(Part 9og of 11)

Spirit-soul forms and infuses the waters of Nun. Blood is a generic word for all forms of spirit-water (liquid essence). As part of the assembly process, the flow of liquid essence leads to “ble” + “it” which leads to bleit, pluit, pluid, fluid, bleid, bleod and blood. This leads us to understand blood means the flow of heaven.
Liquid essence is “Sen,” thus the same thing as Sem in Sem-Sem (one form is the same as another form).
Since spirit is the energy of all motion, and spirit-water forms all things, then spirit-water is the water of life cycles. Its primary colors are: clear, blue, green, black, white, yellow and red. (BB 71/83,181-2/193-4, 206/218, 233/245)

Suck Usekh

Some names for spirit-water are Khekh, Nakhekh, Na Uat, Uati, Uisge, Uskh, Sekh, Sekht, Sekhet.

Sekh leads to suck, thus when we say “you suck,” we are unknowingly also saying “usekh.” We are saying spirit-water. (BB 205/217)
The Supreme Being is the first Parent who poured out spirit-water as the first liquid that the first child in the universe sucks. This child sucks usekh.
For humans, the child sucks blood in the womb, then sucks milk outside the womb, then sucks water. Through growth stages, the child is born again of spirit, spirit-water, blood, milk, water.

Blood Connections

Ash is a form of tree as a solid essence. Ash also means blood as a specific name for red liquid essence. This makes the Ash Tree a symbol of the tree of life. (BB 205/217)
Through the word “ash” comes the variation “shaa” which means the substance born of. This is the feminine source and equates with hesmen.
The masculine form Ka-mai is the substance begotten of, which equates with semen.

Nun is the waters. ”Nen” is the red waters. Nen is combined with Nun to form Nen-tera, Nentera, Nenter, Nunter, Nuter and Nature. (BB 206-7/218-19)

Another name for the region of the source of liquid essence is the “Abred.” (BB 294/306)

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Libations Of Life, Cycles | Expanded Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #1502


(Part 9of of 11)

A libation is anything poured out to refresh, cleanse, purify, enjoy, honor or celebrate life.
A libation can exist in any form of matter: spirit, liquid, solid, vapor, radiation energy (I.e. light, heat), and so on.

The first libation was a pouring out or outpouring of spirit.
We can call this spirit by a countless number of names such as khekh, spirit, soul, spirit-soul, ra, holy spirit, holy ghost, ruach hakodesh, goblin, ghost, heavenly host, anointing, messu, messiah, savior, creator, glory, divine spark, chi, kundalini, energy, force, power, ba, ka, sa, khu, ah, ankh, naga, wind, breath, inspiration, divine inspiration, prana, life force, essence, essential, nature and so on.


The first libation comes from the womb of the Supreme Being as a pouring out of self. This is done in order to recreate self in order to sustain the life of self.

One of the words for Womb is Kab or Khab which also means Cup, Container, Cab, Cabin, Cavity, Cave, Birthplace, Rebirthplace, Cocoon, Tomb, Circle, Universe and so on.
Kab, Khab or Kabh signifies liquid, water, pure water, purifying water, libation, the place of libation, refresh, enjoy, celebrate. (BB 130/142, 199/211, 205/217), (NG2 511/519)

Secondarily Focusing on Liquid Libation

Although any form of essence is a libation, we are mainly focusing on spirit, then focusing on the liquid essence of life poured out, such as fresh water, salt water, plasma, wine, nectar, oil, blood, milk, juice, sap and human-made forms such as tea, beer and other beverages. Some of these in the hands of humans are suboptimized.

Nevertheless, when any of these liquid essences are poured out, a libation is taking place.
For example, an inundation, a flood, rain, evaporation, urine, spit, sweat, breathing, washing, showering, spilling, drinking, leaking, melting, tears, mucous, mist, dew, snow, hail, sleet, lake, ocean, sea, river, stream, creek, spring, well, hesmen, semen.... (NG2 255/263)

In The Body & Womb Of The Creator

At the root of libation is its twoness in one and oneness in two.

At the core of libation is the two truths.

At the seed of libation is that whatever is being used as a libation, contains twoness and oneness.

At the nucleus of libation is the connection between two or more personal things, aspects of self. The nucleus is the cup that contains the whole total, thus the two things are the cupful, cupple, the couple and are coupled. Linked, joined, shared, connected, this coupling remains intact no matter how many degrees of separation in time, space and understanding. This is so because of the beauty of it all. The coupling of the couple exists in many forms in many places and are always intact in some shape, form or fashion. Even within ourselves, the two truths of life are still there, joined at the hip, the hep, the khep.
To refresh the universe back to its last known good configuration, all it takes is for one seed, one libation, one fertilization, one germination of the two truths in the wholeness of logic to continue maturing and pouring out libations, thus duplicating self and helping transform other forms of self already in existence.
At the fundamental level of libation is its sameness with anointing, appointing, offering, prayer, consecration, dedication, propitiation and sacrifice. All of this means to designate something for a particular time, place, destinypurpose, function, duty, job, effect. All of this then is cause and effect. “I do this libation because I expect or want to create such and such effect.” “I appoint my time and energy for this and that in order to get back such and such.” This then speaks for itself to tell you what I honor, respect, value and worship the most as the most important things in life. What I pour myself into. (BB 443/455)

I pour myself into me to become the you I pour myself into. I am the libation of self and all else. I am the life, the sacrifice and the resurrection through spirit, water, blood and also through blood, sweat and tears.
I am coming out.

At the foundation of life is the natural fact that whatever is a libation, is being used to make a shared connection to something else. This shared connection is life to life. Life in one form, state, stage, phase, dimension shared with life in another form, state, stage, phase, dimension. Each creation is a dimension of the Supreme Being that was poured out as spirit and then transformed into another form. This is what is happening inside our own bodies. Thus, we are the sensing abilities of the Creator. We are inside the body of the Creator sensing what is going on inside the universe and we are relaying uploading that information into Earth and other larger brain centers. The pouring out and taking in of information is a form of libation.
When we expand awareness, we see the universe is simply multi-dimensions of the Supreme Being - - every motion, every creature.
Everything is being poured out and everything is being poured into. Everything is a libation in one way or another. Not just a single instance of libation, but continuous zillions of libations are taking place connected to each individual and to each grouping of individuals. Every use of time and energy is a libation. Everything given and everything received is a libation.

The essential essence of libation is life. Life is basically the continuous repetition of spirit-motion transitioning through many forms, thus the spirit is encountering many experiences with itself. Getting to know self, however long it takes, however many “wrong” turns it takes.
In this manner then, we understand libation is life itself in action. Libation is not something separate we do on special occasions. Good grief! To think and behave this way is to give god grief. To think in behave this way is what creates grief because most of the time we are not in conscious awareness of the two truths of life. Every moment of life is a special occasion.

Just like early humans, we still consciously and subconsciously participate in many forms of libations constantly.

We have previously remembered that spirit is life and that spirit wants to keep in touch with itself through us. In other words life wants to keep in touch with life. Another word for libation is “Keep.” So to keep in touch is to “libation in touch.” To libation in touch is to reach out, pour out and give of self to keep in touch with life and spirit in the form of another person as human or another person as any other form of creation. We already do this when we commune with nature, pray, mediate, seek silence and stillness, etc. All of these are forms of libation and all are fundamentally the pouring out of spirit. (BB 204/216, 443/455), (NG1 390/4080)

This brings us back around to again confirm that a libation is a form of fetish because a libation is doing something in one form to keep in touch with something else in another form. Even when we consciously perform divine, holy or sacred acts of libation, it is still a form of fetish. So once again, all of our offerings, prayers and other worshipful acts are fetishes and libations. Furthermore, all of actions are fetishes and libations because the only way we can do anything is to pour out our spirit to do so, and in doing so, we are connected to and kept in touch with something else, through those actions. Life into life, spirit into spirit.

Coming Back Around Full Circle To The Downside

We have already stated a libation is anything poured out to refresh, cleanse, purify, enjoy, honor or celebrate life.
A libation is also anything poured out that takes away from life, diminshes life, suboptimizes heaven on earth, etc.

We know life is a cycle. The Supreme Being gives and takes, creates and destroy, composes and decomposes in order to create continuous cycles of birth and rebirth renewal. So even if our intent is not contribute to the downside of life, or even if it is and even if we are aware or not, all of us and all other creations are still continuously participating in libations that take away from the life of self and something else.
For individuals and smaller collectives, some of this is necessary and some is not. On the other hand, all of this is necessary as part of the larger consolidated collective process of life of the individual Supreme Being.

Both forms of libation are necessary for life, that which consecrates and that which desecrates.

See ”Ten Cardinal Principles Of Ancient African Deep Thought, Unity Consciousness #45”

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

What Is Matter & Energy | Expanded Definition
Unity Consciousness #1501


(Part 9oe of 11)

It is not possible to understand the universe optimally without the spirit-soul aspect because spiritual, mental, emotional and physical are one and the same, thus inseparable. The superhuman and divine were a part of nature, not apart from nature. (AE2 806/270)
We should know we're in trouble when we are relying on people such as Leonardo da Vinci born 1452, Isaac Newton born 1643, Carl Linneaus born 1707, Antoine Laurent Lavoisier born 1743, Charles Darwin born 1809, Nikola Tesla born 1856, Marie Curie born 1867, The Wright Brothers born 1867 and 1871, Albert Einstein born 1879 and Isaac Asimov born 1920. Only a few of these made some acknowledgment of Egypt and the rest of Africa's foundational achievements upon which they were drawing. You can be certain none of these people started from scratch, conceived their field of study and then came up with some theories and got it right in their lifetime without any reliance on historical patterns and cycles, not just from nature but also from the lengthy studies of other humans. It is also unlikely that any of these newcomers incorporated spirit-soul.
Any person who attempts to understand anything optimally, remains in the prepubescent stage if they do not learn from the foundation masters of tried truths that withstand the test of time much longer than 3,000 years. Teachers who do not reach back and acknowledge those masters and draw on their understandings are shortchanging students. Early humans understood spirit-soul was an indispensable aspect of natural fact and of all topics of learning and of all aspects of daily life. This has not been the status quo approach to context and worldview for at least 3,000 years. And this is why our understandings and approach to energy and matter are still scattered. Our theories, ideologies, definitions, meanings, equating and equations lack the originating and unifying aspect of spirit-soul.

Spirit Is Energy Is Matter Is Spirit

Spirit is matter because spirit is energy and energy is matter. We know this because matter is energy. For instance, food matter is energy. Wood, oil and coal are matter and stored energy,
Energy brings matter to life, allows it to be in motion to be able to transform through processes. When we think of this in terms of spirit, we know our bodies are matter and we contain spirit (soul) that gives us life and allows us to be in motion and transform things and be transformed.

Energy and matter are better stated as invisible matter and visible matter.

Ultimately what is visible and invisible depends on the difference between the surface use of our senses and more integrated use of all sensing abilities that help us transcend dimensions of limitations.

Without seeing it, we know when food is cooking because we can smell it. The food is invisible to us where we are but we know it is visible in another room or location. All we have to do is use more of our abilities to follow the smell until we are able to see the food.
As a second example, we can often smell something is dead before we can see it. This does not mean the dead matter is invisible. It only means it is not visible to us in the current location we are in. All we have to do is figure out how to find the source of the smell.
Same thing is true when we hear something but don't see it.
Sometimes we can't see things until we change our state of mind, our context, our definitions, our level of awareness, our ways of knowing.

When it comes to anything that is visible and invisible, hidden and revealed, we've often used the sun as an example. When the Sun (matter) is invisible to our eyes, we know the Sun (matter) still exists and is visible somewhere else on the other side of Earth. We need to redevelop the ability to move in mind and spirit beyond our physical limitations.
Same is true of our ability to fully understand energy and matter.

Energy is potential matter and matter is potential energy.
Energy in motion is awake, on, positive, kinetic, active, variable, flexible, truth.
Energy at rest is asleep, off, negative, potential, passive, fixed, rigid, truth.

Going through this though process helps us understand matter and energy are the same things in different forms or different stages of transformation. Each becomes the other sooner or later.
We know matter contains energy even though we can't see the energy in the form of energy.
We can see this energy before it becomes energy by using more of our abilities or by using more types of human-configured technology.

We know light energy helps form the matter of plants even though we can't see the matter being formed.
We know these things because we've learned and we understand how to recognize patterns of causes and effects.

This is the same process that helps us see things in more of the forms it exists in, and has the potential to exist in.
This raises our level of awareness and gives us access to even more ways of knowing. It gives us more understandings, which gives us access to more of our abilities to see what is revealed and hidden.
It gives us more access to more of our abilities to see the stages before and after the present.

Current definitions of energy and matter are based on being able to see something primarily using physical eyes. So not only has spirit-soul been left out, then only one of the physical senses is used. This is why current definitions of energy and matter limit our ability to understand the fullness of energy and matter according to the fullness of the two truths, the Sem-Sem, the Sen-Sen and all else we've been encountering on this return journey home to oneness of consciousness, thus of thinking and behaving.

Energy does have mass and does take up space.

Contrary to popular science, energy does take up space inside matter or in another dimension below, above or beside matter. We know energy has mass because of its ability to create force such as the invisible energy of a shockwave. Where does this energy go? It becomes absorbed into and part of the mass of Earth or makes its way into outer space. Energy is being distributed and redistributed. Most of this is natural processes of diffusion which is dynamic balance. The rest is human activity.

If energy does not have mass and does not take up space, and if energy is spirit, then where does spirit exist? In a spaceless place? Does spirit exist in us? Yet it is not taking up space?
This is because spirit merges with matter just as energy merges with matter. They are not separate, they are one. When any energy is released, it is still a part of a larger body of matter, such as Earth.

What do you mean energy is neither created nor destroyed? It's here, but it doesn't take up space? It has a force, but no mass? It goes into motion in the same space as matter but doesn't take up space, yet when the motion of energy meets matter, it pushes against matter and is deflected or knocks down matter. Clearly energy takes up space, otherwise it wouldn't displace matter. Clearly energy has mass because it accelerates and decelerates. Clearly energy is matter.

You can't have the energy of the sun, not have mass or take up space, yet sun energy can stored in wood or in food and then released. How can your store something that does not have mass or take up space?

We are told matter can't be created or destroyed (Law of Conservation of Matter-Lavoisier).
Then we are told energy can't be created or destroyed (First Law of Thermodynamics-Einstein).

Then we are told energy and matter can transform into each other, yet somehow when matter transforms into energy it no longer has mass or takes up space, then when energy transforms into matter it has mass and takes up space.

When visible matter is the dominant manifestation of elements, visible matter is the shell and invisible matter (energy) is hidden inside as the seed of potential.
When invisible matter is the dominant manifestation of elements, invisible matter (energy) is the shell and visible matter is hidden inside as the seed of potential.

This understanding of energy and matter is sufficient to show everything is everything.

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Sunday, December 2, 2018

Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder | Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #1500


(Part 9od of 11)

We've discussed definitions and meanings of universal beauty and the beautiful one. We've also covered the original beholder as beau and belle. The “be”holder is the parent, circle, whole truth, spirit-soul, elemental, child, seed, self. The beholder is the parent holder, the circle holder, the whole truth holder, spirit-soul holder, elemental holder, child holder, seed holder, self holder.
We briefly go over “eye” again.

The Eye Is

1. A mirror that reflects what it sees. Eye, in the fullest sense of the word, sees everything in order to allow the beholder to be all it can be.
The universe, the circle, the abyss and the womb are all forms of the eye because they reproduce the image of the seed. Including starting from the seed of thought.

2. A reproducer of the image. The logic in us determines what we see. For instance, whether we see a plant or a weed.
3. A Judge.
4. A star in any form as sun, moon, planet.
5. A person.

Thoughts On Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder

Remember: Beauty is the whole truth united to think and behave as a universal ecosystem. This does not take place until “it is what it is.” Until “it” = what “it” =. Until it = it = ?. Until what we're looking at, thinking about, or talking about, is the same thing as what it actually is, which is entirety. Until beauty is what beauty is fully. Beauty fully. Beautiful. Until our understanding of beauty is what beauty actually is at the fundamental universal level where fullness exists.

1. Beauty is in the eye of vision. This vision is in the mind and comes from what we experience and the language we use to communicate thoughts, ideas, experiences, observations.

2. Beauty is in the eye of tele-vision. Search “television.” Also consider the truth that telepathic vision can also be radio, books, school and any form of media through which information is transmitted or received. See also media.

3. Beauty is in the eye of logic. What you see as beauty is based on logic your mind retrieves. Someone told us what a bird is. Someone told us what beauty is.

4. Beauty is in the eye of language. Sign-language is the basis of understanding beauty. To the degree our language communicates the fullness of nature, is the degree our thinking and behavior regarding beauty, reflects the fullness of what beauty is.

5. Beauty is in the eye of understanding. Beauty is in the mirror of understanding. Your logic is the mirror. Your logic reflects what you think beauty is. This does not necessarily match what beauty actually fully truly is. So much is emphasized as understanding being the principle thing. Yet we must go back to the components of understanding, the bits and pieces of logic, the context, definitions, meanings,

6. Seeing is believing, but seeing is only part of believing. This is already known, because we also believe what we do not see. Seeing with physical eyes is a sensing ability. The optimal form of belief uses all the senses, all sensing abilities, all ways of knowing. This causes belief to mature into knowing.
7. Beauty is in the eye of the seer.

8. Beauty is in the eye of the person, the place, the thing.

9. Beauty is in the vibration motion of the verb “to be.” See Kerub.

10. Beauty is in the eye of self. What you see in yourself reflects the beauty you see in something else.

11. Partial, Immature, Prepubescent Beauty exists when the eye of the beholder does not see the fullness of the two truths such as spirit-soul, or in the form of the elementals, or in the form of self and all else, or in the form of thinking and behavior that forms a healthy ecosystem.

12. Beauty is in the eye of the parent holder. Understand what beauty is and compare it to what parent is. Compare and contrast with what you currently think.

13. Beauty is in the eye of the circle holder. Understand what beauty is and compare it to what circle is. Compare and contrast with what you currently think.

14. Beauty is in the eye of the whole truth holder.

15. Beauty is in the eye of the spirit-soul holder.

16. Beauty is in the eye of the elemental holder,

17. Beauty is in the eye of the child holder.

18. Beauty is in the eye of the seed holder.

19. Beauty is in the eye of the self holder. Behold yourself. In doing so you will also be beholding the extent of beauty from your perspective.

Where We Went Wrong?

This recent age has been plagued by the colonization of information by a status quo that thrives on the suboptimization of creation.
“But as it is hardly possible to define all the properties which constitute beauty, we may observe in general, that beauty consists in whatever pleases the eye of the beholder, whether in the human body, in a tree, in a landscape or in any other object.” (from Noah Webster's "Dictionary of the English Language," 1828)
Clearly Webster's view of beauty is extremely limited to the human sense of seeing with physical eyes.
This does have credence in the natural fact that early humans found beauty by looking at females and other creations who were being full with life. The difference is, they “backed up and supported” their visual understandings of beauty, by obtaining more understandings of the causes and effects of the beauty evidenced by the pregnant belly.
However, today, we do not support our visual definition of beauty. We leave it as personal preference. Thus we are married to the surface and divorced from deeper, more factual understandings of beauty. As we do go deeper, our definitions of beauty will expand and consolidate. (BB 52/64, 243/255)

Beholder Behavior

The ability to “behold” requires the ability to see in darkness and in lightness. In other words, the ability to see all forms of a truth. (BB 56/68)
The ability to “behold” is based on the words, taht and teka, both of which lead to the words “taught” and “teach.” As said earlier, what we learn, are taught, are educated with and socialized into, is what determines the beauty we behold. Teka, Taht, Teach and Taught are words that mean to illuminate by fixing and attaching understandings of what exists in one form to understandings of what exists in another form. (BB 157/169)

The person who is properly taught has the ability to mix and match all forms of truth and still be able to keep in touch with the whole truth. This is the process of beingness, the process of maturing evolving becoming one again, united in consciousness of the total self. This is what allows us to see beauty through the eyes of the original beholder. (NG2 507/515)

The original beholder is the beautiful one who changed forms and was still able to see self as the beauty.

As an additional note, Taht, Tekhi and Tekh are also stated in terms of the Moon as the eye because the moon reproduces the image like a mirror. It reproduces the sunstar and the polestar. (NG2 284-5/292-3)

Behold As A Verb

Behold means to look, see, view, gaze, notice, pay attention to, watch, observe with any of the senses. By default then, to behold means to investigate, examine, seek understandings.
Beauty is in the eye of the one who looks for the purpose of investigating, examining and seeking understandings. Neither beautiful or beauty can be fully comprehended without such an approach. Eventually early humans came to this understanding and then we, later humans, lost it. Now the reversal of process, the remembering is taking place.

Beauty is the Creator-Destroyer. The Eye is the Creator-Destroyer. The Beholder is the Creator-Destroyer.
So the sentence, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, becomes.... the creator-destroyer is in the creator-destroyer of the creator-destroyer.
Or the sentence reads as, beauty is in the beauty of the beauty.

So then, in order to understand “ Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” all it takes is to understand one part of the sentence completely. In doing so, we will learn that the one part we are understanding, is actually the same as the other parts.
This eventually leads us to everything is everything, and to everything is beauty when taken in consideration of everything.

To say this another way. If beauty is in the eye, then the the eye is beauty, thus beauty is in the beauty. Secondly, if the eye is beauty, then so also is the holder of the eye, thus beauty is in the beauty of the beauty. If this beauty is not the same, then the eye and the beholder are unable to perceive the fullness of what beauty is.

Does the beauty we see, exist as single totality, or as a duality of totality or as a trinity of totality? Does the image we see in the mirror of the eye reflect the truth about self as the beholder?

It always does.

Does difference prevent sameness?

It never does no matter how many degrees of separation. No not even of space and time.

How can everything that started out the same be different and no longer the same?

In the eye of the beholder as one of us but not the rest of us.
In the eye of the beholder as many but not one.

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Saturday, December 1, 2018

Beauty, Belly & Belle Of The Ball | Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #1499


(Part 9oc of 11)

We've just discussed the natural fact of the beautiful one giving birth to self as the beauty.
Beauty begins in the belly.

This of course begins with beau which is a form of bel, belle, bellus.
Belle is also spelled belly.

Beauty Based On Belle & Belly

In English, belle means to swell ; brew, boil. (BB 52/64)
Bu also signifies belly, womb, birthplace. (BB 481/493)

The original birthplace is the well as the abyss. This well swells and gives birth to seeds in the form of elemental souls of life. This causes universe, galaxy and planets to swell (gestate, ferment) and give birth (germinate, bloom). This is the same as the tree that swells with fruit and the female uterus that swells to form the belle (belly). (BB 498/510) (Churchward: Origin 414/510)

The well and the belly are mirror images. They represent the totality of source. (NG2 67/75)
Belly in the Nyamban language is memba. I wonder what the connection is to member and remember. The womb is the workspace where the universe is re-membered, recreated as another creation. This takes place by the logic being unpacked and recalled into existence. (NG1 126/144)

Reproduction is essential. The human female nature first showed evidence of reproduction by swelling in the belly. This makes the swelling belly one of the earliest signs of beauty, Beauty begins deep within the womb that gives birth to each creation. That beauty is based on the elemental souls of life. These are the beauties, the khuties, the cuties. (NG2 79-80/87-88)
By default, the full bellied tree, the full fruit and animal pregnant with fruit, all these represent the basic meaning of beauty. Beauty is based on reproduction and plenty. The first beautiful ones were the reproducers in the form of abyss, waters, earth, tree, pig, hippo, cow, human female. (NG2 282/290)

The beau, through transubstantiation process of pregnancy, becomes the belle. (NG2 79-80/87-88)

Beauty is in the place: the universe, the womb, the belly.
Beauty is in the person: the beau, the belle
Beauty is in the thing: the child, the seed, spirit-soul.

Moon As Belle Of The Ball

Once again the moon comes into play as a major cause of transformation.
Osiris is the sahu-mummy in matter of the soul of life in the sun. When the sun goes down, it becomes Osiris. Osiris reenters mother moon and is reborn as the twin moon of dual lunation (dark and light).
In other words, Horus the aging child, becomes Osiris, the father, who enters the mother Moon. The Moon becomes both father and mother. Now the moon can give rebirth to the twin souls of darkness and lightness (the soul of the polestar and the soul of the sunstar. Osiris contains the elemental seeds and so does the moon. These are the beauties. The moon is the belle of the ball. And so are all mothers. By default, since the beau is present in the belle. The beau, the father, is also the hidden belle of the ball. And by default, since it takes two beaus to make a beau-ti, the mother is also a beau. (NG2 284-5/292-3)

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Churchward, Albert, "The Origin & Evolution Of Religion," George Allen & Unwin Ltd., (London:1924)

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

The Beautiful One In Love, Every Single Way
Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #1498


(Part 9ob of 11)

The song is correct. You are beautiful in every single way.

As indicated in the previous message, beauty and beautiful are based on the superhuman, starting with spirit-soul and the elementals.

The beau exists in a state of oneness in the form of all things in the waters of Nun.
Then the beau transforms into twoness within the waters. This process causes the well of waters to swell and become bountiful with multiple elemental seeds. The bountiful beau is the Beautiful One because the beau is full with child(ren) (duplicates and divisions of self).
Then the Beautiful One duplicates outside of self and becomes two, two beaus, beau-ti.

The Beautiful One becomes the Beautiful Two (Beau-ti, Beauty).
Whether Beau, Beautiful or Beauty, no matter how sliced, oneness and twoness still exist in unity. (NG2 519/527)

All of this is the beginning of what is beautiful; therefore, must also be the beginning of love from the wholeness of love.
This is the First Love, the Endless Love, The Beautiful Love, The Beauty of Love.
The love of self as one form, two forms or any number of forms, singular love, plural love.

The First Love is based on looking at the one truth of self in the mirror as the two truths of self.
”What if I'm not all that? What if I'm some of this? How can both truths be true and counter to each other?”
These two truths are complementary, appositional truths that only become conflicting antagonistic after six degrees of separation at the human level.


We know beaucoup means a lot of something, plenty, abundance, multitude.
Coup also means a takeover of rulership, governance, authority.
This coincides with coup as a blow, buffet, punch, slap.
This further coincides with Pet, the birthplace containing the meaning of strike, beat, trample, foot, rule, throne, sign of command, to stretch, to reach, to attain.

I suspect this means the rule of one was taken over by the bountiful beaucoup under the rule of two.

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