If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Baptizing Adult Viewpoints Into A Baby's Worldview
Third Creation – Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1428


(Part 9lm of 11)

Closing One Chapter, Opening Another

Baptism, as practiced by humans, is supposed to do the same thing as baptisms taking place throughout the other 99.999999% of nature. The human practice of baptism is supposed to restore logic like a fountain of youth. It is supposed to make logic young again like a baby who has no preconceived notions that favor one truth over the other. The baby doesn't give a shit about your suboptimal identifiers as long as you are healthy in spirit, thus logic. Baptism is supposed to renew our thirst for learning, questioning and analyzing everything we encounter so we can learn more about ourselves. This is what babies do which is a good approach that gets waylayed and kicked to the wayside by teachers in the child's life.

Despite the need for baptism to keep us childlike in our quest for understandings, baptism of a child is a misapplication of baptism, if a child being baptized is for the purpose of cleansing the child's soul from sin and ensuring the child makes it to heaven via church membership. This practice is doublespeak redundant in a bad way. It reinforces ignorance and makes us vulnerable to more malfunctions of logic, customs, traditions, and cultures that are runaway childs running wild, terrorizing souls.
A newborn child is brand new out of the waters of the mother. The souls of life in the child are rainbow fresh out of the Pool of Two Truths. The gift just arrived. The child's database is a new computer born with correct logic from heaven. There is no need for Karrekh-tion. or kherrekh-tion by putting the child through a baptism or christening ceremony. The soul just came out of the sacred holy of holies spirit world of heaven. What is more divine than deliverance?
For children, the only baptism and christening needed is continuous soul-nourishing instruction in the two truths to protect the soul of the child from core disruption (“corruption” from the well-intentioned miseducated).

When we humans say a child needs to be baptized, and then we also install corrupt logic into the child after an unnecessary baptism, we have adulterated the soul purpose of baptism twice. The second adulteration being the worse because it is ongoing, just like the second death.

More Don'ts and Dos

You don't have to die physically to be baptized in the Pool of Two Truths.
You do need continuous balanced nutrition so old logic can die and be reborn transformed.

You don't have to be physically circumcised.
You do have to cut away logic that has you in feel good bondage, but is not liberating your soul.

You don't have to be baptized by a human in order to be baptized in the Pool of Two Truths.
You do have to immerse your thinking in two truth logic.
“That's all folks,” says the rabbi.t.

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