If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Second Creation – Lightness & Darkness, Twin Moon Souls
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1406


(Part 9kr of 11)

Moon Highlights Twinlights

The moon is an epitome of what twinlight is even more than the twinlight combination of Polar Star and Solar Star or even the twinlight combination of darkness and lightness.
The Moon is a star manifesting as one-half soul of life in darkness and one-half soul of life in lightness.

Moon As Soul Of Life In Darkness manifests as one-half dark lunation (invisible) and one-half light lunation (visible).

Moon As Soul Of Life In Lightness is invisible sometimes in lightness and visible sometimes.

More Details Of Moon's Epitome

First Phase:
As far as we can tell, neither Polestar nor Sunstar go through phases like the Moon. If they do, it is definitely not as frequent. What accounts for the eight moon phases? [Waning Dark Crescent, First Half & Half , Waning Light Crescent, New Moon Full Dark, Waxing Light Crescent, Second Half & Half, Waxing Dark Crescent, New Moon Full Light]

Moon phases certainly have more meaning than what we've become accustomed to as meaning-lite understandings that simply name phases. As always we are seeking more understandings to restore stargate connections in the memory of our genetic library and to the spirit web. This is memory within and memory without, the fullest extent of self within and self without.

Second Phase:
As we continue to redefine and rename, we can capture another angle of light if we reword how we refer to the souls of life in darkness and lightness.
1. Polar Star as Soul of life in darkness can also be called the soul of life manifesting in the background in darkness.
2. Solar Star as Soul of life in lightness can also be called the soul of life manifesting in the foreground in lightness.

Due to its sometimes visibility in both darkness and lightness, we can now see why the same soul of life in the Moonstar shows the characteristics of Polestar and Sunstar. The moon is an epitome of duality.
The soul of life in the Moon manifests in the background and foreground in both darkness and lightness.

This is another way of knowing the Moon must be a star and not just a light-reflecting dusty rock.

The visibility of the moon during the night of day is inversely correlated to its visibility during the light of day. For instance, when the Moon is becoming more visible at night (waxing in lightness), the Moon is waning in daylight (becoming less visible).

From Blind & Sightless To Seeing More Of The Shape Of Water

Looking in darkness for darkness, found lightness
Looking in lightness for lightness, found darkness
Now the pattern is reset, look for the opposite
Reconnect pieces for understandings to get
Combine right, left, perfect, correct into kherrekh

To understand something, seek it directly, when variably sure of its identity and location; otherwise seek it indirectly through its relatives.
What is lost is connected to that which is already found. Likewise then, what is not understood is connected to that which is.

The soul of life in the Moonstar does not need to shine as brightly as Polestar or Sunstar to be the epitome. Harmony is not about maximizing one aspect in order to be the best of what we need to be. The Moon is an example of multiple twinlight zones (darkness/lightness, Polestar/Sunstar, hidden/revealed...). Currently, Polestar cannot be visible in lightness and Sunstar cannot be visible in darkness. Moonstar can do both. The Moonstar is an epitome of Sem-Sem and of Horus and of the Double Primitive Essence, the Double Force, The Double Source, Twin Powers, Two Truths. The Moon combines all of this and manifests all of that. This understanding is available to us even in our reduced state of awareness. Imagine what more we shall see as our beingness and becomingness move towards optimally. The moon is the shared transition of the soul of life from the dimension of darkness into the dimension of lightness. Time to switch around our waxing and waning. We glorify stars such as Polaris and Equinaris, yet, though the Moon is the optimal version of both, it doesn't get much love, and is instead associated more with undesirable things. The Moon is the epitome of the Twilight Zone, the place where two become three, the epitome of the transformation zone that is macro-easy to see. If only we could see clearly more than superficially, that in the Moon, the nature of dynamic balance and pressure tension is continuously demonstrated in harmonic fashion. (AE2 816/280)

The Moonstar with its half dark lunation and half light lunation, is the transition phase connecting link between the full fledged Pole star and Sunstar. Polestar becomes the soul of life inside darkness, then Moonstar becomes two halves of a soul that manifests in darkness and lightness, then Sunstar becomes the soul of life inside lightness. (AE1 28/38), (NG2 313-4/321-2)


You asked the question and Nana can't lie
So even if we don't understand Parental will that must comply
Universe loves me and is on every side
Answering explaining why, the more I try

Like all ruling stars, Moon is a rabbi teacher. Via vibration frequency, the New Moon said everything born out of the waters contains all seven souls of life, thus represents 8.

The New Moon encourages going back to fetch a pail of Waters of Nnun which contain Hesmen and Semen which contain the eight principles and characteristics of everything and also contain the eight elemental souls of life of everything. Everything is the same soul of life born again and transformed again. This is why everything is Sem-Sem and Horus, the child of repetition in a different form. This is why GAGUT, in terms of the unity of elements, makes harmonic sense.

Polestar, Moonstar and Sunstar each represent the combination of the seven elemental souls of life. Together, these three stars represent three-sevenths of the Whole Total Spirit-Soul.

Each creation is composed of seven souls of life that are proportioned and formulated to manifest in the form of matter into which the souls are born. At the fundamental level of beingness, the Sem soul of life in energy recognizes itself in matter as the other half of the Sem.

Moon's Birth Is The Parent's Rebirth

One of the cornerstones of duality is prepubescence allows creations to reproduce within while pubescence allows creations to reproduce without. The soul of life that was neither darkness nor lightness, differentiated itself within then split the difference without. This tells us the twin souls of life in the Moon existed before Polestar and Sunstar.
The twin soul of life in darkness and lightness is the Parent of Polestar and Sunstar. These twin souls, that were now existing as split personalities, recombined to give rebirth to the Parent in the form of the Moon Child. This is again why the Moon is the epitome of Twinlights. To say this more clearly, the parents of the moon are stars so how can the moon not be a star? This understanding is essential to an optimal context.

The Moon came to be when the pubescent soul of life of one star in darkness combined with the pubescent soul of life of another star in lightness. These twin souls existed before matter was transformed into Polestar, Sunstar and Moon.
The Moon is a constant reminder of the One who became Two who became One again. This is the Parent, the ever-coming one in ever-changing forms.

We show this again another way. The Parent is the Sem who transformed self into the Sem-Sem, then split this two-in-one personality. This created the Sem soul of life in darkness and the Sem soul of life in lightness. These twin souls then recombined into their single Sem-Sem form as the Moon. The Moon is far from lifeless. In truth, the only thing lifeless is that which neither exists nor preexists.

The Moon is reborn twice daily. The light half is reborn via the soul of life in darkness at midnight. The dark half is reborn via the soul of life in lightness at noon. (AE1 23/33).
The twin souls of darkness and lightness are reborn in the Moon. The Moonstar's twin souls are reborn in the Polestar and Sunstar. (AE1 27/37), (NG2 352, 457), (NG1 541/559)

Like all creations, the Moon is reborn in matter and in energy (soul of life). In the most recent texts, this was Isis as Mother Earth as the soul of life in matter and Osiris as resurrecting energy. Both Isis and Osiris represent the Moon as the Moon's Parent. During other times in the historical records of humans, Seb was Father Earth as the soul of life in matter, while Nnut was the resurrecting energy. (AE1 23/33), (AE1 27/37)

Full Circle View Of The Cycle Of Two Souls, Two Creations

1. Summer Solstice (noon) - Prepubescent rebirth of soul of life in darkness. Old Age of soul of life in lightness.
2. Autumn Equinox (night rise) – Pubescent rebirth of soul of life in darkness. Death & Reconception of soul of life in lightness.
3. Winter Solstice (midnight) – Old Age of soul of life in darkness. Prepubescent rebirth of soul of life in lightness.
4. Spring Equinox (sunrise) – Death & Reconception of soul of life in darkness. Pubescent rebirth of soul of life in lightness.

Full Circle View Of The Cycle of Two Souls, One Creation

1. Summer Solstice (noon) – New Moon Full Light.
2. Autumn Equinox (night rise) – First Half & Half.
3. Winter Solstice (midnight) – New Moon Full Dark.
4. Spring Equinox (sunrise) – Second Half & Half.

During the Death & Reconception phase, one soul of life exists within the womb of the other soul of life and is transformed via that soul of life's energies which feed the ever-coming child within.

It is necessary to rethink the cycle of logic that the Moon shines because it reflects the light of the Sun. There are indications that this has not always been the case. If Moonlight is a reflection of Sunlight, then other planets must also shine for the same reason, including this planet called Earth. I suspect, that if Moonstar and Sunstar were not in such close proximity, it is conceivable for the Moon's soul of life in lightness to reactivate and generate more “shine power” either in darkness or in lightness. Just as people do, the Moon is letting the Sun have its moment to shine, its “moment in the sun” as the sun. The twin souls of the Moon have already manifested in the Parent as One and as Two. (NG1 473/491) (NG1 491/509), (NG1 308/326), (NG2 443/451).

Through Chaos Disharmony Towards Khaos Harmony

In addition to Moon's harmonic demonstrations, Polestar and Sunstar also continuously demonstrate how dynamic balance of pressure tension works beautifully when each creation is allowed to operate in its own space that the other does not infiltrate and violate. Wepwawet the jackal has announced the the coming of the pubescent potentate to mediate, separate and once again set things straight.

Inherent in all these messages is the continuous quest of Khes for answer solution. Ultimately, this is why we, souls of life in matter, seek, study, learn and unify consciousness so we can remember how to be as one in one form and as one in many forms.

The Moon is ME and you too. Innerstand more of your components and powers to be. Outerstand it. Understand it. Overstand it. Circumstand it. Can You Stand IT? Command it. Take it back from where you mishand it. Resand it. Rebrand it in the form optimal destinypurpose planned it.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

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