If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Second Creation – Spirit-Soul Logic Horus Definition Meaning
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1402


(Part 9kn of 11)

We've inquired into the soul of life in darkness named Anup and Sut. These names can also be used to describe the soul of life in lightness. Now we add Horus as another word which represents both darkness and lightness.
Horus represents both sides of a duality and their interchangeability via transformation. This is called “switching the script” in the languages of the vernacular, the computer and the genetic. See algorithm.

Horus Is Logical & Illogical

Horus means: “a form of spirit-soul logic that transforms itself into twins.”
Some names for theses twins are Sut and Horus, darkness and lightness, water and breath, Sut-Horus, twin Anup, Anup-Horus, double Horus, the dual child of the light and dark, and even Batman and Robin....
Despite these names, we are still talking about spirit-soul logic that has transformed itself into two characteristics, two personalities, such as hot and cold, negative and positive, water and earth, liquid and solid, energy and matter, prepubescent and pubescent, autumn and spring, and so on. This is the ever-changing twin nature of Horus.
Horus is One spirit-soul logic that transforms self into Two. As twins, Horus is This & That, Here & There. Before becoming twins, Horus is neither this nor that and neither here nor there.
We now go back one step. Spirit-Soul logic is the twin form of Khekh logic. Spirit and Soul are the same things in a different form serving different functions, but jointly collective communal functions. We are expanding and consolidating.
Horus is a form of spirit-soul logic, that is by nature, two-in-one and one-in-two that performs different functions for the same purpose. Horus is Oneness Logic that becomes Twoness Logic that becomes Threeness Logic and so on.
We give a loosely-constructed human example: When single, we think about one person, when married we think about two people, when there's a child we think about three people. We keep expanding our logic as the number of creations increase so everything works for the greater good of the entirety (family). We know diversity within the family makes it both stronger and weaker. Which is which, and when it will switch, are a changing dynamic of logic.

Here We Go Again Being Born Again

Spirit-soul logic can be summarized as being born three ways: by water, by blood, by spirit. Brief examples:
1. Souls of life are born out of the waters of Nun.
2. Soul of life in water is transformed into blood and born in flesh (matter).
3. Soul of life in spirit is the power of resurrection of expanding waxing energy.
4. Spirit of life in soul is the power of resurrection of concentrating waning energy. We have added this fourth because it must exist to complete and continue the cycle. If there is a resurrection from death into birth, then there must be a resurrection from birth into death. In other words, if Light is resurrected each day, then so also must Dark be resurrected each day. Each form of logic must be born and die again and again in the form of the other. There are two resurrections of the ever-coming one because there are two aspects to its nature, the Dark Child and Light Child. This is why Satan is allowed to reign for a season, because the Devil is a form of Jesus (Horus) who is also allowed to reign for a portion of the cycle. (AE2 695/159)
It is necessary to continue to emphasize each part of a duality is born by a different personality of the same soul of life. The Devil and Jesus are twins. This is why, for instance, there are good demons and bad demons.

We are now aware there are several primary fundamental root directory versions of Horus. One of those is the twin souls of life in darkness and in lightness.
Both souls manifest as sparks who grow up to become famous stars of pictures in motion. The oldest spark is Elder Horus who becomes the Pole Star (Polar) and the youngest spark is Younger Horus who becomes the Sole Star (Solar). We are talking about the soul of life that is in all things. This means you are a star who contains dark nature and light nature. Neither of these natures are inherently good or evil. They are only so in human perception. So, since your genetics contain the makings of a star, you are capable of shining powerfully in darkness and in lightness. Don't allow the human portion of logic to override what the rest of nature is telling you about who you are, where you came from and why you are here.

Twins Were Born For Conflict Or For Contrast?

The dual opposing nature of Horus facilitates pressure tension as two, who are the same and different, as a check and balance so two can coexist so the one can continue to exist. Only in the human context does this understanding become so estranged, misinformed and one-sided, that as the voluntary use of power (free will) follows, the impact causes deformity of the circle. Causes it to become misshapen and tumorous. This is the result of one-sided logic that continues to exclude until, by dejure and defacto, only self is favored and all else is disfavored.
Way back in the early days of the universe, the soul of life in Air was introduced to create Air Space Breathing Room Distance between the two forms of logic of darkness and lightness. They now live in the same celestial space but far enough apart so as not to invade each other's space, thus ability to be. This is why there is separation between Polar Star and Solar Star. This allows the Polar Star to rule in Darkness and the Solar Star to rule in Lightness. (AE1 326)

The same essence of spark is in Pole Star and Sun Star. This essence is always dynamically balancing self against self, not just two halves against each other, but self against all other creations.

We can now better understand why Horus, in the form of Sut, is called the adversary of Horus in the form of Osiris-Horus. Is it because Pole Star Sut, who is the soul of life in darkness, resists the resurrection of the Sunstar? Osiris-Horus is the resurrecting power of the soul of life in lightness. (AE2 842/306)

Horus means spirit-soul logic in two halves. One half of logic works one way, the other half works the other way. Both sides resists the other in order to maintain the long-term integrity of the cycle. See pressure tension.
In the human mind, this sets up the battles of gender, of parents, of age, of race, of country, of human nature and superhuman nature. Of any two things.

At least twice per cycle, differences go away by merging in the twin light zone, aka the twilight zone where “strange*” things happen. This happens at sunrise and sunset, at spring and autumn equinox and many other examples. Even though the whole planet is not at daily sunset/sunrise at the same time or at annual equinox at the same time, the whole planet is at equilibrium at the same time during the Great Year. This must be so because currently humans are significantly tilted by the use of unhealthy logic. It is time to swing the pendulum the other way, instead of being stiff-necked, and reactivate a different way of thinking and behavior so our motions can move us in the direction of balance. This is a simple enough measuring stick. Whatever is contributing more to imbalance than balance, must be transformed back to what it needs to be to create healthy breathing room air space.
Two forms of logic exist within us so we can switch and use them when necessary. We will have less conflict, contention and struggle within as we understand more about duality, Horus and Sem-Sem as they pertain to the universal, the superhuman. Then we can use that measuring stick of logic to reevaluate self. Then we can combine the two and duo-check the various relationships of self to all else. (BB 307/319), (NG2 411/419)

*Note: Strange means that which is estranged from human understanding. The twilight zone is considered strange because we forget because the duration of the twilight zone is short compared to the time allotted to the rest of the cycle. It is a major mistake of logic to rely on historical references that do not account for the period of twinlight and doubly does not even account for at least two Great Year Cycles. Because we listen to people whose frame of reference is limited to hundreds of years or thousands of years, instead of tens of thousands of years, then when cycles of logic repeat, of course they are unexpected and seem unusual and strange.

Horus Is Who Jesus Christ Superstar Is Based On

Since we are calibrated to short-term memory syndrome, we keep repeating. One form of Horus is Jesus & Judas. This is why Judas “took Jesus out” so to speak. In the original story, Judas is Sut who is the twin brother of Jesus. The story of a semi-human Jesus is the misrepresentation of a completely superhuman elemental Horus. (AE2 833/297)

When the soul of life is born in heaven, it is born of waters, then when it descends to Earth it is born of mother earth flesh (Hesmen in earth), then it is begotten of father (Semen in earth), then the soul of life is resurrected by Spirit-Soul (Ra, Holy Spirit) so it can reascend to heaven. All of this that was superhuman from the start, become plagiarized and humanized and forms the basis for dehumanization logic.

Horus Is Who Moses Is Based On

At least partially. A soul of life comes out of the ark in the waters. The Parent is the Kar, the carrier. The womb is the Ark. The Kar contains the Ark which contains the Ar. The soul comes out of the ark as AR, the spark, the star. Then eventually it is resurrected by RA, who is Spirit-Soul, the Holy Spirit, In each part of this transformation of spirit-soul, it teaches its logic, its word.

Do not resist the fact that Jesus and Moses are based on Horus. So are you. Everything is.

Since we have again mentioned birth out of the waters and we have gone forth a little ways, now we go back several paragraphs. If there is a child who is born of waters, blood and spirit, then there must be a Parent of water, blood and spirit.
Since water, blood and spirit are part of the primary elementals, this means everything created after them has already been born of water, blood and spirit. You have the same Parents as Horus as Jesus because you are the Child, the repetition of spirit-soul logic. You are both, logic and illogic. And you already know it, that's why you act out outside yourself because you have not been able to reconcile this understanding within yourself.

How Can Everything Be Born Of Blood?

If we are wondering how some things that don't have blood can be born of blood, here's how.
If you remove from this Earth, all creatures that have blood, Earth would still contain blood. Blood is more than the blood we think is blood. For instance, another form of blood is lava.
There is also “blood in the waters” where the soul of life was first formed and born. These are the same waters that gave birth to all souls of life. There is spark and heat in the womb of the waters which makes it a watery fiery furnace that cooks and transforms into any liquid essence it needs. This spirit-soul logic, power and genetic potential is in all things. Why believe you can get water from a rock by hitting it with a stick but not believe you can get blood from a turnip by switching scripts of genetic logic? See context and science. Then all you have to do is continue moving full circle from Chemistry to Khem mystery to Khemistry to Kemistry to Kem mesteriu to Sem mesteriu to Sem-Sem to Sem-Mes to Kem-Mes and so on. (AE2 853-4/317-8), (AE1 333-4/343-4, 442/452)

Closing In On A Wider Opening Into Another Cycle Of Understandings

Spirit-soul is the logic of life. Spirit-soul logic as Horus can mean any of the seven elemental souls of life. Horus can mean all eight. Horus means all souls of life even beyond eight. Horus is any soul of life in anything in any combination. This allows spirit-soul to be what it needs to be because any means necessary is available to IT. Horus can mean mother, father, child or all three. Horus can be Isis, Osiris (father and child), Ausar (mother and child), Auset, Ra. This is why the name Horus is interchangeable with any of the names that represent any of these things singularly, in twos, threes, other groupings or the whole total. Horus is the One who became Many. Horus is the Chorus. Horus is the Whole and each Part. Since one of the names for Horus is Jesus, this is why each of us are also, Jesus and Horus and Judas and Satan. We are the any means necessary. Stop being afraid of technology. We are technology. Everything is. We have the technology but just don't understand it sufficiently enough. Memory loss and all, we are what it took to create this world as it is now. What transformation shall we undergo in order to change the world? Horus in the form of darkness and lightness is what helped this Earth be what it is. How will we re-balance our darkness and lightness in order to bring better balance to what we influence the most? We are the Creator-Preserver-Destroyer. The only difference is the formulation combination of spirit-soul logic. By default, each formulation combination has a time and a place to manifest in the cycle. (AE2 796/260, 843/307), (NG1 118/136)
Horus is the child who is the repetition of ever-coming transformation of spirit-soul logic.
Everything we like and don't like is part of the dynamic process of ensuring life cycles continue. This duality is inside all genetic potential and must go through changes where each side gets a turn and each turn gets a side. This takes place in combination, not isolation. We are the combination of genetic potential necessary for this cycle. The cycle is changing the climate of logic. The word of God is changing. Horuses all over the place are changing.
Horus is not just one form of logic at a time which is interacting with another single form of logic.. The soul of life in darkness and lightness don't just have to deal with each other. All the other elementals are also influencing factors. Therefore, in broader terms, Horus is a set of logic that produces an environment ecosystem.
In human terms, Horus also represents a group of logic, such as a culture that changes between different forms. Every once in a while, as history has proven, there are always very large and seemingly sudden shifts of logic, climate and culture. Horus explains it again and again.

Spirit-Soul Motion

We are now more aware we are spirit-soul in motion. Motion contains ti-on, which is duality in the on position.
Another word for spirit-soul is Khes which forms the basis for quest and question.
We, and everything else, are spirit-soul in motion on a quest seeking understandings asking questions.
We are asking questions of ourselves in other forms.

As we conceptualize this safari in the spiritsphere as being a quest to know self in relation to all else, we will ask better questions and get better answers.
By the way, we just recently discovered the very basis of the word “answer” means duality. In other words you don't have the answer if you don't have both sides of logic.

Furthermore, both the question and the answer are based on duality within themselves and together.
Thinking and behavior is a duality. Duality can be shortened to du. So perhaps, as humans, we can du what we want to, but to a far greater, more powerful extent, every aspect of the superhuman is du-ing what it must do.

Identify more parts of spirit-soul logic that are changing and you will have another way of knowing.
Solution is soul-ti-on.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

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