If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Third Creation – Baptism, More Definition & Meanings
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1424


(Part 9li of 11)

We are reminded each philosophy is composed of many smaller philosophies, definitions and meanings. We must continue to dissect, inspect, introspect and double-check until we get down to the nitty-gritty root of every word and its meaning so we can better understand why we think the way we do about a particular topic. Deep in the bowels of the layered logic belief system of many religions, is the concept of baptism.

Baptism Makes Earth Cakes

In the waters of Nun, primordial matter is fermented baked into a cake called land and earth. The first land and earth is not the small Planetstar Earth we are on, rather it is the Earth of the Universe, the entire Universe is the Earth. Universe-Earth is divided in half and then into quarters, until finally created are sub-earths, like the one we live on. All this is to say, whatever is taking place on this sub-earth is a microcosm, a subset of what is already taking place in the Universe. This is why it is said, as without, so within, as below, so above. (AE2 583/47)

We continue to see the symmetry as we remember Earth as matter is reborn out of the Waters. Earth as Universe is also reborn transformed out of the Waters. Earth as Planet is also reborn out of celestial waters.
Earth called Matter, Universe and Planet Earth are all symbolized as a cake. A word for cake is BAP. We can begin to see the connection to baptism. (BB 140/152), (NG1 259,277), (BB 243/255)
The Maker, the Breadmaker, the Baker, the Bapper is the inspirer, the infuser of soul. Soul is breath that causes bread to rise with the airiness of soul or spirit. (BB 243/255), (NG2 190/198)

Baptism Expanded Definition

Baptism is not a modern religious thing. The form of the word might be but the essence of the word is not. Baptism is not an Egyptian Kemetic Ethiopian thing, nor is it solely or primarily a human thing. Baptism is a universal thing. All of creation has been baptized many times and is still being baptized. This includes humans. Baptism can, has and does take place by water, blood, oil, fire, spirit and other means. (AE1 131/141), (AE2 794/258), (AE2 795/259), (AE1 226/236), (AE2 807/271)

Baptism of the body of matter in some form of liquid essence is a spiritual to symbolize the need for continuous baptism of the entire self by immersion in the birthplace womb of two truths, by going back like Jack and Jill who went up Tser Hill to fetch two pails of water from the welling womb of two truths. (AE1 236/246)

Baptism is for the purpose of dedicating the use of genetic potential for harmonic use of logic based on two truths. That which is righteous gives much respect to rights of creation. (NG1 112/138)

One of the main purposes of baptism is for cleansing and purifying logic. After baptism there is supposed to be ongoing baptism in the word of God (the two truths). This is supposed to be continuous nourishment and reminding of the two truths. Communion of wafers and wine symbolizes the ongoing nourishment part of baptism. By consuming the body and blood we are consuming the souls of life who are soul teachers of logic. We are consuming nutrients of healthy logic. (NG1 160/178)

Baptism is regeneration, renovation, renewal, revivification, restoration, resurrection, rebirth of spirit-soul. It is the renewal of the essential essence, the essential goodness* of that which is ever-coming as the savior of the world. That savior is two truth logic. The world is saved every time by two truth logic being restored as it passes from one truth to the next. This is the almighty lord, the two-fisted sem-sem. Likewise, all creations are saved the same way. Without two truth logic, two cannot become one. They can only become a fraction and façade. Without two truth logic, many cannot become one. This is clearly proven in families, in clubs, organizations, religious places, workplaces, sports, communities, societies, countries and nations. Though the people in these groupings say they are one and temporarily act as one, they lack the fundamental logic of oneness. (NG1 168-9/186-7)
From the double lawgiver, the double logic that saves continuously comes, which is why baptism is continuous because logic is installed and uninstalled via baptism. This continuous process is needed as ongoing maintenance of logic in the universe as creations are engaged in a continuous infinite number of interactions without and within.

At the end of a cycle and half-cycle, a final composite set of saving logic and baptism takes place. This means logic is compiled and completed and packaged so it can be transformed before going into the next phase of the cycle. Simply put, large scale changes take place every half-cycle. The transition of the Great Year Ages we are in, is the completion of a half-cycle We are moving through the twilight zone of logic where logic gets worse, less worse, less better and better.
*The essential goodness is the two truths of the most concentrated and expansive forms of energy as symbolized by the black light sun and white light sun. In addition to these two examples, the Moon is a composite of the two and serves as an epitome example of the two truths.

Closing The Page

Baptism is a continuous process requiring continuous nourishment.

Baptism is about way more than just saving your individual soul so you can live forever somewhere else in rest, peace and happiness. That is mentally-ill logic. We are all taught this logic with a loving smile, hug and kiss.

In the fuller sense, baptism is part of the education process, the socialization process, the becoming process, the beingness process. Since we know these four things are ongoing, then so is baptism.

Straight out the box we are born with balanced logic. Then we are supposed to be nurtured on balanced logic that nourishes the five inseparable aspects of self (spirit, mind, emotion, body. The fifth is the extension of each individually and collectively, which equates to the extended self).

Once we begin again to be nourished in a healthy fashion, then that will lead to balanced understandings of self in relation to all else. It will help us understand humans as nature in relation to nature as everything in relation to humans as everything. As this process is continuously taking place in a feedback loop, we will become a better partner in relationship to the whole of self and the whole of all else. We will get better and better at receiving instruction from nature via different ways of knowing. Nature can and will teach us in the manner we need to be taught in order to receive the next understanding to take the next step. This process, when boiled down, teaches us what culture is and what the components of culture are and how these components are supposed to interact.

During recent Ages, we humans have turned this process into a one-sided, one direction process, thus it's a jacked-up process. Our process currently involves learning a bunch of disconnected, fragmented stuff that teaches us bits and bytes of nature. The learning is disconnected from the context of the vantage point. There is no overall cohesive context, no return flow for nature to teach us about Total Self and no refining of the process that allows logic to continuously be re-baptized and refined until it matches Only One Law expressed as Two Truths in many forms.

All of this discombobulation is the perfect setup for self-deception.
Even if you go into baptism with good intentions of becoming a better person in relation to all else, that baptism wears off if you don't renew it. It wears off as surely as each day, hour, minute and second wears off and must be renewed by repeating the process that creates the motion called time.
As an added example, even if you have good nutrition, that nutrition wears off if you don't renew it. Baptism is one nutritious spiritual meal that must be followed daily by nutritious meals that nurture healthier thinking and behavior. If not, the five inseparable aspects of self will suffer under one truth logic continuously manifesting in your society.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

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