We are focusing on plants and bees who are resurrecting as souls of life in matter doing what they do best. Certain understandings keep occurring and these are some whose resurrection have come again as we approach the third , seventh and eleventh corner of the twinlight zone. Plants
Many things regarding plants have been mentioned elsewhere. A frequent message is how plants adjust on the fly every moment of their lives. This is easily noticeable in plants that are not in their native environment, thus become annuals. Year after year these plants vary how they manifest based on the conditions each year. For instance, the same plant one year will produce 1 pound fruit and the next year produce five pound fruit. There are many factors beyond water, air, light and earth. There are more micro factors and macro influences. Plants are highly capable of sensing and adjusting to all of these. Without a doubt, plants contain some sort of calendar, counter and timer to know when to do what and how much time is left. When conditions turn unfavorable, I have seen plants reduce plant size, fruit size and fruit number in order to produce at least one fruit with one pubescent seed. Then the next year the same seed manifests abundantly in all categories. Above and below ground, plants use their senses to read all ecosystem factors crucial to their survival and thrival. Bees
In similar fashion to plants, bees must know much more than we do about themselves and about plants. After all, plants are a bee's focus in life, yet humans can't see the bees for the forage.
Bees must be specialists in the jobs they are designed to do. Why would they be mindless clueless? They certainly have enough sense to know how to communicate where to find a bounty of nectar and pollen. (It is mentally ill-conceived to continue to think humans are spirit-soul's best form through which to obtain understandings of self and all else. If that was true, that would leave most of this Earth and the rest of the Universe incapable of understanding itself. And then since humans are the only intelligent life, then that would mean the Creator made the Universe far less that one percent intelligent. Inconsistencies are revealed when we begin to unify logic to see how it all fits.) Bees can absolutely recognize many things such as other insects, plants, weather and specific humans. I have seen bees interacting with a variety of life forms. For the most part, they all leave each other alone even when in close proximity to each other going about their jobs.
As we reconsider how vital bees are to plants and to other life forms, why would pollination depend on blind randomness?
I suspect bees have some degree of free will to selectively pollinate to ensure the reproduction of each plant because bees understand their survival is tied to the plant. Because of this, I suspect bees understand they need to go from flower to flower with the same identifying signatures. If they did not, imagine what would happen in a field of intermixed wildflowers. Yes, bees are chemists and mix masters, mixing pollen, mixing nectars, blending honey. I further suspect spirit-soul informs bees when to blend the genetics of certain plants to assist in the resurrection process of genetics into a new form according to Mixmaster K's plan.