If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Dementia &
More Than Four Double Metaphors
Of Self-Preservation
Unity Consciousness #2049


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”There are a lot of people walking around in worst shape than me who don't know themselves, their children or what's going on. They need a lot of help. It's a wonderful thing to be able to wake up each day and know who you are.” (quoted from a person diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disorder, but based on this statement, is aware of the context of what Alzheimer's Dementia means in terms of inability to recall all information learned during this lifetime. This person is also aware of self in relation to others similarly situated. This person is aware of self, despite memory lapses, gaps and disordered connections that make sense in a limited sense of self.)
Dementia has been discussed from another perspective that re-expands the context. This is another reminder that anyone who does not know self completely, suffers from a degree of dementia.

Know thyself is the first law of self-preservation.
In other words, if it is true that self-preservation is the first law of nature, then “know thyself” is the first step of self-preservation.

This must be so because in order to exercise preservation in a manner such that self-preservation is achieved, this requires awareness, recognition and understanding of the extended self, the eternal self and the spiritual self.
In other words, any individual that claims of be “self” or any collective that claims to be a “collective self” cannot fully preserve what they are not fully aware of or does not fully recognize or does not fully understand. Therefore, self-preservation cannot be fully achieved; therefore all logic that prevents the full realization of self-preservation, is logic that works against self-preservation. See self-preservation.

This then is exactly what we see among those with dementia (us).

This is also exactly what we see among collectives who also have dementia as a collective. For recent example look at how most things being done to supposedly stop coronavirus, are actually things that are ensuring coronavirus continues to have its way as the dog having its day goes apeshift. In a barely Bene so sort of way, this is being realized every step of the way but won't be admitted until the final moments of the final minute of this phase and macrophage on centerstage.
Too late will we realize that coronavirus is hellbent and heavenbent on self-preservation. It is a living organism just like us.
So also is Earth obeying the laws of nature and self-preservation.
So also is the Supreme Being.
Therefore, there is no such thing as self-preservation for humans as itty-bitty individuals or as reconstituted collectives of chopped phooey.
The only way to recover from dementia is the overall way, the total way achieved through many continuous contiguous step by steps where logic is restored piece by piece and then those partial fragments are restored to the whole total.
Dementia and Dimensia are part of the process of larger scale self-preservation.
Both humans and the coronavirus are part of the wrecking process, rekhing process, reckoning process, reclaiming process and restoring process.
In other words, in our current state of dysfunction as a human collective, our thinking and behavior, though they match, are a symptom of the dementia disorder of the Supreme Being and of Earth, Solar System and Galaxy.
In other words, we are the bad guys: coronavirus is the good guy. If you simply remembered what duality means or the two truths, you'd agree.

Know thyself first applies to the Supreme Being who is the As Above and the So Below.
As the first step of self-preservation, know thyself takes place within the context of the need incentive. This need incentive is a fundamental part of understanding dementia and self-preservation.

How does the whole breakdown differentiate into the partial and how does the partial repair its dimension to the sameness of the whole?
How does one become many and then many become one? And do so while staying true to the continuous reshaping, reforming and refashioning of oneness and manyness?

How does the first step or state become the last step or state?
How does being born with knowledge of self lead to dying with less knowledge of self?
How does being born without knowledge of self lead to knowledge of self?

How does metaphor become logic and logic becomes reunified in consciousness through metaphor?
How does metaphor and logic start out together and then logic rules the conscious mind and the most frequently accessed portions of the subconscious while metaphor is relegated to the far reaches of the subconscious?
How is the logical use of metaphor restored to what it was in the after and before of the single and double doors that helps us remember who we are, where we came from and what we are here for?