If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Questioning Kidney Disease & Replacing One Way Of Knowing With Multiple Ways
Unity Consciousness #2045


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A major needed climate change in the brains of Africans is for us to revisit and embrace the concept of multiple ways of knowing or different ways of knowing.
I keep hearing us say things that prove we are still stuck on one way of knowing and still stuck on one main source – what we've learned through white folks.

Despite all we know about what an enemy does, we still trust information from the enemy as if the context is correct and anything that doesn't fit into it is suspect; therefore we must reject what an African says that goes against what white folks say.

Despite all we know about what a liar does, we still trust information from liars.
Despite all we know about the what a fool does, we still trust what a fool has put into place.
Despite all we know about an unhealthy person, we still trust the logic and systems of people who destroy everything and don't know how to be at peace or live in harmony with anything, yet we follow their culture.

I still hear and see evidences that most Africans continue to follow one way of knowing. This is suboptimal, harmful, debilitating, dangerous, deadly. One way of knowing is the way of knowing that helps perpetuate being under the control of others.

Africans, we still base our thinking on what and who white folks say is an expert, a professional, a scientist, a lawyer, a doctor, is educated, is successful and so on. This goes on and on and affects all our thinking all day long. We still think the only way to learn something is to go through a white validation program. We doubt our own genius that somehow we might know something simply by knowing or simply through self-study. We contradict a ton of history. When the great mind of the African shines to show you how to get realigned, you put yourself back into line behind the most fragmented thinkers of all time. Why? Because we have not yet gotten serious about getting the knowledge of self nutrition needed to help us understand that racism is an entire system of logic that covers everything in life, thus it's embedded in our logic. When we find ourselves resting assured in what we've been taught under a system of white supremacy, we are bound and gagged and unable to accept someone trying to help set us free with a different perspective. We reject Malcolm X still to this day and accept the logic of assimilated black folks who we respect because they look black and sometimes talk black but are still off track because their minds are still drowsy and sedated by the overall worldview context being used. We're not afraid to say I have a dream but we are afraid to say by any means necessary.

And so, due to being stuck in a very toxic way of knowing, we repeat the same mistakes that perpetuate our problems. Quick example. We “google” something we want to know and will give more credence to a website by whites. We do it all the time. If the information is on a blog, and especially by an African, then in our minds, that nigga don't know what the hell he's talking about.

Despite what the corporate media has proven to be, we still place high value in media outlets and their acknowledgment of someone being a reporter or journalist. We think those sources are reputable rather than information coming from someone who doesn't work for corporate or who is not a journalist.
We still place great value on validation and credibility given to us by white folks and their awards, halls of fame, degrees, licenses and other types of grading systems or evaluation systems.

We still place greater credibility in someone who is a meteorologist or weather person, than we do on someone who can simply read the signs and divine in other ways.

We still place great credence in what government agencies say. They are the officials, the authorities in our minds. They tell us what is or is not okay. We accept it.
We still think “the law” of the land is the basis of determining right and wrong.
We are still clueless about what crime is and what a criminal is' therefore clueless about who the criminals are. This is evident by us still listening to criminals committing crimes against us, yet we continue to follow their rules of logic.
Our logic is deformed when we try to reform a career criminal's systems. We show this by rejecting ways of thinking outside of “the norm.”
We talk about options, opportunities, choices and alternatives and different ways of thinking. Yet we doubt ourselves and other Africans who show the ability to think differently than what we've been taught to enslave us. We defend the logic of enslavement, thus we choose slavery.

We still rely on the medical knowledge of our enemies to help us, to heal us, to cure us, to ease our pains, to restore our health. Yep, that makes sense. Any reasonable African person would do that. And this is why that reasonable person rejects medical thinking that goes against what the enemy is telling us.

Once an African understands the concept of multiple ways of knowing, freedom is just steps away in multiple directions.

Case In Point

As I am composing this message, I encounter information on the causes of kidney disease. Here's what white folks tell us per kidneyfund.org. First of all they tell us anyone can get kidney disease. This would be truth. Then white logic turns right around to tell us some people are at an increased risk. This is also truth. However this is where the truth begins to get shady, suspect and falls apart. We are misled as to who is at an increased risk and the reasons why.
1. We are told an increased risk comes from being African-American, Hispanic, Native American or Asian. You must subconsciously believe there is something inherently wrong with everybody but white folks, and that white people are the healthy norm. You must also be so limited in your thinking that you are not able to wonder why only African-Americans are at an increased risk and not Africans elsewhere in the world. What do African-Americans, Hispanics, Native American and Asians have in common with each other that is also dissimilar from white folks?

2. We are told an increased risk of kidney disease is being over 60 years old. Okay, so anyone over 60. This includes white folks but Whites or Europeans as a group are not specifically mentioned so everyone will know that white folks are not healthier, thus neither are their ways of living.

If simply being African-American puts me at an increased risk of kidney disease, why am I not getting the disease from birth or much earlier in life? Are African-Americans under 60 getting kidney disease at higher rates than white folks under 60?

3. Then we are told an increased risk of kidney disease is having a family member with kidney disease. This also kinda wipes out the age restriction of 60 years old, or perhaps it just means that once you reach 60 your already increased risk increases further.

4. Then we are told multiple other conditions increase the risk of kidney disease such as Diabetes, High blood pressure (hypertension) and Heart disease. We are not told why. The interconnections are not explained, not even briefly. We are left with logic in disconnect.

This case in point example is a brief look at a real world example of what happens when we only use one way of knowing. There is no way to critically think or think for yourself if you double-check your logic using the same approach, context, perspective, way of knowing.

How has any human learned anything? How did the first human learn something who was the first to learn it? Did they go to school and get educated? Do multiple ways of knowing exist?

Of course it does.
The current method we rely on most is learning through “reason.” Not only do we use this way of knowing almost exclusively, we also rely on one source of reasoning – the mind of white folks.

If you cannot identity the source of the logic you are using, you are most likely using logic that has been filtered through white folks, thus it is toxic, no matter how it sounds, tastes or feels.

When someone else teaches us something or we teach ourselves, we are mostly using reason and reasoning. The education system we love to praise teaches us through reason and teaches us the white way. So if you are an African and you can encounter this message and not investigate further, then you are at an increased risk for almost everything harmful. This the evidence already proves.