If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, March 9, 2020

Wake Up White Folks! To Fundamental Truth
Unity Consciousness #2044


( 9ags of 11)

Despite the title of this message, it is intended for all humans.
When I say white, you should always also hear red, yellow and brown. These are the wannabes of whiteness.
You should also equate black with African and understand African blackness has many shades, but brown, as specified above, is used to identity the browns who ain't down with being African. African and blackness both include many hues, but none of those hues within Africaness or blackness have an identity or significant place of their own. This perspective is contrasted against those red, yellow, white and brown being used as separate racial categorizations or significant aspects of a non-African race. In other words, there is no such thing as a red, yellow, white or brown African. All Africans are either African or Black, both terms being the same; however African is more optimal.

Once again, there is a quick progression of information coming forth to help improve and reinforce understandings. As always this is done through reminders of things we once knew and continue to encounter and simply need to review.

1. First we need to go back to Yoke Of Race & Joke Of Class On White Folk, Unity Consciousness #2038

2. For more optimal results, then we need to rest and digest.

3. Then we should listen to Want to Build Class Solidarity? Learn to Talk About Race

. I suggest taking notes to help encourage focusing. This will create a summary which will reinforce learning.

Recently Remembered Understandings (Not Just Limited To These Messages But Awakened By These Messages)

From UC#2038:
There are many evidences to prove white people are not the brightest bulbs in the pack. One way to know is that whites have allowed their whiteness to become a yoke upon them that is used as the dominant force to control their thinking and behavior. This white yoke of race is so powerful that it then makes their economic classifications a perpetual joke they play on themselves. This is true for all economic classes of whites, but we use this message to focus on the majority of white folks. This majority is neither elite, upper class or middle class, but rather the majority of whites are in the lower economic class. This is true even for those who think they are in the middle class because those in the middle class are just perhaps 6 months from disaster if they lose their income, which usually exists in the form of a job. Thus their income is largely out of their control, thus always on shaky ground.

Thus then, most white people have traded their right to equal opportunity as a person for the right to unequal opportunities as a white person who uses whiteness in keeping with racism. This places a large yoke and joke on white folks because the okie doke starts at home. By using their whiteness as rightness and entitlement to privileges based on being white and by using that race of whiteness to carry out and support racism, the majority of white folks harm themselves more and agree to settle for the crumbs of whiteness which is far less than they would get if there was no racism.

This then is what makes the majority of white folks so crazed in their thinking and behavior. They are so damaged in all aspects of their being, that their only hope is in their whiteness, so they fight tooth and nail for it through their dedication to racism. They are scared and feel powerless against the elites so they choose to fight those on the same side of the battle as them. White folks are sickened and weakened from birth to rely on their weakest aspect, their skin color whiteness and the lies of what whiteness means and the lies of what whiteness has achieved.

From the video “Want to Build Class Solidarity”:
1. Instead of the title of this video saying “Learn To Talk About Race,” it should say, “Stop participating in racism and fight against racism and get rid of racism.” That is, if you white people want to move up economically in a sound and secure manner that cannot be taken away by the whims of government (aka the elite). Don't get confused by the fact that government equals elite. Government is controlled by the elite. Do not allow basic government jobs and positions to blind you to the who has set up the structure and conditions and string-pulling to control all government agencies.

2. Whites have forgotten that divide and conquer was used to give rights to white indentured servants over black indentured servants when those two groups were united against the elites. Whites traded their class for race. In return, those whites got the crumbs of colonialism and whiteness. This continues today and through miseducation poison, whites are kept in the mode of making the worst choice when deciding which is right - the race of whiteness or equality for myself that allows me to be the best I can be.

3. The white way and the yellow way and brown way of developing a nation is to suck the life out of anything and everyone, and then discard and move on. This is predatory and parasitical. There are no exceptions in the current capitalistic models of government no matter how many synonyms are used to describe it to make you think your government is different from another currently in power. This then will be the fate of Africa if it allows itself to be formed in the likeness of sickness ideologies.

4. The yoke of race and the yoke of class has caused whites, through their dedication to racism to accept lower expectations for their lives. Their only hope lies in the brutality, the terrorism, the barbarianism, the injustices of racism that artificially creates security in something that has been insecure from the start – whiteness as a privileged race by any means necessary as ordained by God. All of which is make believe which fits their psychotic delusions.

5. Africans do not have mid-life crises to the extent of whites and neither do we commit suicide when finances go belly up because our entire lives are filled with daily pressures. This also again is another way to understand why whites are so knee jerky reactive and scary about everything that doesn't suit their selfishness and need to succeed without merit, except for the fact of being born white, something they clearly don't understand is a manifestation of a genetic disorder.

6. In other words, whiteness ideology is a slow train wreck set in motion from the onset. Just because the train is increasing in momentum, it is mistaken to be more successful and more powerful. Whiteness ideology is a form of shape-shifting coronavirus. And now, by their own choice, they have manufactured and released the coronavirus to harm others but it is wiping them out in various ways. Stick around, this won't take long in the grand scheme of things. We are seconds from their final destruction. Will they hit abort in time?

7. All manifestations of white rage and white fragility are a rekindling of the callous and scared to death emotions of surviving the Ice Age when resources were extremely limited.

8. Culture is a form of political control. Culture is a form of control period. Therefore culture is a form of mind control. Thus culture is a cult. This we already knew based on our unquestioning dedication to culture despite its harms.

And this is why the culture of whiteness, being unsatisfied in the USA, has continued to claim the world as theirs, and even control their parents, England and the rest of Eurasia.
Most white people see no problem with the behavior of their countries except when it comes to themselves as whites, not having very superficial basic needs more than another group. That's all most white people want is not to be the lowest economic group. They base their goals on the lowest level of achievement rather than the highest of which they are capable in body, mind, emotion and spirit. If white people were guaranteed a job and some free shit, they wouldn't complain about a thing. But they would continue to parrot speak the insane and ask you why you can't pull yourself up by your boot strings. This is how crazy they are. And then they say all manner of evil against us and call us all sorts of names, when they are the biggest fools the world has ever known. I repeat this because it evidently is not clear. When given the choice of “you can be a fool if you want to” white people choose to be fools over and over again by choosing racism over equality, then complaining for equality and unions and other rights when the quickest surest path to such for themselves and future generations is the dismantling of racism.

9. The USA has created the greatest income inequality in history, yet white folks still cling to and sign the praises of the USA as being the greatest country ever. How idiotic is “Make America Great Again?” White folks say America is Great in a deeply hopelessly devoted sadistic self-mutilating, self-debilitating loving way. This despite there being no evidence to justify the greatness of the USA unless the presence of injustice is what is preferred. This then confirms the mental illness caused by whiteness ideology. It affects whites and everyone they attack. They spew it and it immediately blows back in their face and poisons everything around them including what they rely on to live each day.

10. Upper class and elite white people threaten the timid nature of the white mind when they say they will vote for Trump if Bernie Sanders is the Democratic nominee. This is the same as admitting that Joe Biden is the same as Trump, if not worse. Thus Democrats are no better off if Biden is the nominee. And this is why the citizens of the USA must unite based on what's more right, even if it means yikes Bernie Sanders gets the invite to fight against Trump. At the moment, Bernie Sanders is the necessary suboptimal transition towards something that won't be much better, but will likely not be much worse than Biden or Trump. And this is why racism is the greatest inhibitor to white folks being treated fairly to the extent they should be as humans. Folks white have traded their spirit-souls for whiteness and deserve what they get.

11. Here's something we already knew but tend to forget. The interviewee of this video said we can't reform the Democratic Party from within and must attack it from without. Therefore I say, if this is true, then so also is it true as reform applies to the USA a country. The USA cannot be reformed from within its worldview by using USA style ideology, instead the USA must be attacked from without using the ideology of Optimal Theory and the African Utamawazo that exists outside the matrix of madness. This requires a series of rapid graduated steps until the full worldview of justice is employed against the current madness in all societies.

12. When will whites, yellows and browns understand that your countries and your elites don't give a damn about you? They are using you to be racist because you are the most gullible because you believe in the most superficial, yet you believe you are more intelligent. That you are more intelligent is disallowed as fact and even disavowed by you yourself when you instead rely on racism instead of your intelligence, unless you think racism is intelligent. You probably do. You probably think you need racism to equal your intelligence to the intelligence of Africans. I agree with you because you think this way because the rest of your context is messed up that makes you think in terms of scarcity and misunderstand who you are and why you are here and where you came from.

13. This message is also intended to wake up the white folk within black folks as another means to try to get through to black folks who ain't woke enough to kick whiteness as rightness right out of their heads.

14. So now here's a way to wake up out of comatose walking deadness. Find the most fundamental truth in your mind. Get rid of everything else. Rebuild on that fundamental truth. Reexamine every piece of logic you add back to and reconnect to that fundamental truth so that you put that information in its proper perspective.

15. Or you can start waking up by ignoring what's in your mind and find the most fundamental truth you know in your spirit or in your soul or in your being or in your existence as a human. Find it. Get rid of every other piece of logic. Then do the same thing. Start inspecting information and rebuild your understandings and worldview.

16. Now when I say “fundamental truth” that means something that you have seen over and over again among humans and among other aspects of creation. It can be something negative, positive or both or neither, but something you understand to be fundamentally true no matter what. A fundamental truth is not what you believe or wish for or hope for. A fundamental truth is what it is if you knew or understood nothing else. A fundamental truth is something that does not change based on us or what we understand. It is what it is. A fundamental truth is something that is not established by humans. A fundamental truth will always apply to and be present in all creations and/or their manifestations.

17. If you are sincere about waking up or understanding more better, then that desire within you is already communicating with the universe. All you have to do is follow your spirit step by step.

If not, you will die before you wake and enter the fiery lake. You will die intestate without having wielded your free will to its most perfect use. By choosing to remain asleep you are using your free will to bequeath the same thinking and behavior to your ancestors and descendants who will only receive the legacy of your logic after that logic has gone through probate where resources are depleted (robbed) by the reprobates to ensure logic remains in a mutated state of stagnation self-imprisonment. You will die intestate because you have allowed your free will to be used by adopting the logic of others based on what they understand because all you did was open up and swallow logic. No questions asked. You have sensing abilities because it is your responsibility to continue to learn. By default this necessitates that due to maturing understandings, you will also change decisions and behaviors.

18. Don't turn away from the truth. Don't turn away from your conscience. Don't ignore the law. Embrace that higher principle for which the law was meant to serve others through you and your reason for being here. (Largely from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFPtFkZHpBE)