If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, March 27, 2020

Suspected Simple Truth About Coronavirus Transmission
Unity Consciousness #2063


( 9ahl of 11)

As discussed earlier, Coronavirus COVID-19 travels in water droplets on the wind. This is what I suspect.

Human to human transmission is secondary.

All indicators point to coronavirus traveling in air moisture and then via condensation, settling down on surfaces and then via evaporation becoming airborne again.

Thus the greatest time to catch a case is when you breathe air at night as temperatures fall and in early morning as temperatures rise or touch outside surfaces that are wet, that you think is just dew or rain. This is what I suspect. Furthermore, air conditioning systems and heat pump systems help spread the virus, due to these systems interchanging outside and inside air.

Population density contributes to the appearance that human to human transmission is the primary method.

Rural areas will get the virus but at a slower pace than urban areas.
Coronavirus cannot be eradicated through disinfectants. There's always another flurry of the virus coming on the wind. Coronavirus, like all viruses can only be mitigated and moderated through system balance, ecosytem balance, body balance, environmental balance, cultural balance.

In rural areas, lower population density and higher density of trees and other plants slows transmission. Trees and other plants are continuously taking in water and releasing water (breathing), thus diluting the virus to some extent and perhaps even filtering or helping reduce the virus via other organisms on trees and other plants. This is what I suspect.

The source of the virus no longer matters because now there are multiple breeding grounds worldwide that are outside of the “disinfectant” range of humans. This is what I suspect.

Understand what travels in the wind and what travels in moisture, rain, snow, etc.

Corona virus is a virus for the Ages, the New Ages. Coronavirus is a combination of a virus that came into prominence under the Jackal and a virus that came into prominence under Pisces. Look at the viruses that have killed Africans worldwide and you will find the ancestors of coronavirus that are also helping to flip the script among humans. This time around we will see how many waves of virus-like logic it takes to replace the worldwide status quo.

Coronavirus is a king virus, a queen virus. It is a top virus, a ruling virus. It is learning, adapting, mutating, maturing and reproducing in order to rule the New Ages. It is demanding a different dynamic balance relationship between humans and the rest of the ecosystem. This includes all our logic in how we interact with each other and the rest of nature. It includes the simplest things such as what we consider bugs and pests and weeds and invasive and us understanding that our medication is not better than Earth's medicine. Humans have been stuck stagnant in the eco-sensibilities. It is this stagnation that is breeding a virus of logic that is the ultimate pandemic because humans think we have the privilege of having any kind of logic we choose without responsibility or consequences.