If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, March 9, 2020

Grace, Salvation, Desecration, Damnation & The Sixties
Unity Consciousness #2043


( 9agr of 11)

This message is in quickstep lockstep succession in the progression of connections leading to unity consciousness. It is a direct continuation of the previous two messages. Truth-seeking takes time. Time proceeds in a certain order.

1. It is advisable to stop here and first go back down Sankofa Road and review the previous two messages. (2041 first, then 2042)

2. Then come back and listen to the following video: Malcolm X - The End of World White Supremacy OVERMODULATED. This video is two hours long. When combined with the previous two messages, if a person attempts to digest them all at once in a hurry and do not allow time for pause or reflection on each one, it will be less effective and have the effect of eating quickly without chewing and without allowing time for digesting before rushing to eat another full meal. Take your time, take notes. Ask for guidance.

3. When ready, then continue reading this message.

4. As always, if something in any message leads you down another path of inquiry, follow it without delay, it will be okay.
Where truth intersects are opportune times and places to change directions and crossover.
Hearing of truth is grace.
Doing of truth is salvation.
Ignoring of truth is desecration.
Not doing truth is damnation.

What racism's children don't understand is that reparations is an extension of grace to do the right thing before the final judgment, already made, is enforced, and what has been given is taken away many more times fold.
What Africans & The Diaspora don't understand is the need for education, organization, separation and unification. This also is an extension of grace for which the time period is expiring.

The 1960's seems to be last time recently where there was a worldwide awakening of the African mind. This has been discussed in posts about the sixties and certain figures of popular note, namely Malcolm X and the usual list of great ones.

It was during the sixties that there was another period of conflict of mix of basic fundamental essential choices, and we made the wrong choice. We made the wrong choice in Africa and we made the wrong choice in the Diaspora. In a sense then we are delaying the inevitable that can help us and encouraging the inevitable than can harm us.

Now comes the 2020's. This is 60 years after the 1960's. The 2020's are another surge, another time. This time around it is likely that with each passing day of this decade, the opportunity to redeem ourselves will fade because we are more than likely going to be governed by the shorter 19 to 20 year cycle in preparation for Aquaria to take the final few steps onto the galactic stage of rulership at the equinox. There is going to be a steady series of corrective events taking place. No need to mention Kepheus because that group is also always in the mix as evidenced by corona the crown -ing achievement on one hand and crowning deceivement on the other.

Simply put, everything is the result of a series of events, processes, logic, steps. At any given moment, enough of these processes can reveal themselves significantly enough to alter how we operate. We are never that far away from something and then the rapid succession of more. This is another constantly repeated fact to remind us of what is taking place and is possible and that most of what is taking place does not require human involvement, thus what is taking place is not primarily up to humans.