If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Coronavirus Update | Major Point Being Up-Played
Unity Consciousness #2031


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This is a continuation of multiple messages about coronavirus and most recently yesterday's message titled, Coronavirus Related | Major Points Being Downplayed, Unity Consciousness #2028

This message will be far more beneficial to you if you first review the link above.

03.01.20 Update

We are told there are travel bans to and from certain countries. We are also told the number of confirmed cased and deaths in those countries. Then in Canada we are told Canadians who have contracted the disease recently went to Iran, thus this is where they contracted coronavirus. I say, what are the chances that a person going to Iran will come in contact with a person in a country of hundreds of thousands of people, unless coronavirus does not spread merely by person-to-person contact or close proximity to the places the infected person has been? Plus those people in Iran who have the virus should be in hospitals, thus separated from the general public. So did those Canadians go to those hospitals in those patient rooms?
A few questions here and there can flush out a lie. What we can expect is continued exponential growth of admitted infections and deaths. This is being downplayed. We are told in the USA that the four cases are evidence of person-to-person transmission. Who did each of those four people get it from, each other? I bet you not. We are told they have no travel history, so then how did the virus get to those people I say it's already here and I say again that COVID-19 rides the wind and rain. Meanwhile, the state of Washington in the USA had declared a state of emergency just because one person died due to COVID-19. That's panic or is it prudent or is it both? COVID-19 sounds like a much more perfect Bubonic plague sent to arrest the arrogance of humans as we spiral into almost 100% sickness in our societies. The coronavirus is a different form of locust plague. Mark my word is born for exhibited beasts.
We are told that conducting “tests” is a way to control the transmission of coronavirus. Clearly this is untrue to a large extent, otherwise the virus spread in China and in Canada would be decreasing and slowing down rather than increasing and speeding up. We are being told flat out lies that we continue to buy because our thought processes are weak just like our bodies, thus so also our emotions and spirits.

I am further reminding you that all this COVID-19 stuff is taking place in “developed” countries. Clearly “developed” is not necessarily a good thing. Remember this when you talk about “undeveloped” countries and “third world” countries in a miseducated context as discussed on this blog.
Go back, rewind and listen again to the news report linked in this message. It ends with once again telling you the risk is low, yet nothing else in the report agrees with that statement. Thus you are being treated like an idiot who can only remember the very last few seconds of anything you are told as long as it agrees with what you have been trained to believe that your government and scientists are the best in the world and are trustworthy. This is always being up-played despite there being no evidence, absoultely none that this is true.

New Unexplained Coronavirus Cases Raise Specter of Spread

3rd coronavirus case confirmed in Cook County, Illinois health officials say

There are dozens of coronavirus articles each day. Here's another one of the favorite nut job racists whose only validity is money and a degenerating rightness by whiteness. Bill Gates says the coronavirus is a pandemic and a 'once-in-a-century pathogen.' Here are the solutions he's proposing to fight it.

Bill Gates is a redundantly said “dangerous socio-psychopath.” His main goal is to poison people with vaccines.

How to stage a fake epidemic (and brainwash billions of people)