If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, March 6, 2020

Panic Attack Disorder Fears The Mirror
Unity Consciousness #2037


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People who call Africans monkey and nigger are hoping their constant state of drunken disorientation will find a moment of pleasure through vitriolic release intended to try to unsettle someone else.
More simply put, those people are saying, “I don't feel good about myself, therefore I want you to not feel good about yourself, hello my name is misery and I need your company of being locked in the same logic as me, if I ain't happy then I don't want you to be happy, please join me in my delusion illusion confusion.”

Clearly, name calling by the one who initiates violence is an admittance that nothing else physical, mental, emotional or spiritual is working to help the attacker feel better about self, because as they know, we Africans should be doing a hell of a lot worse, thus also their need to create many narratives in all areas of life that also amount to name calling.

None of it however is enough to distract those panic attackers from their very own inner painful logic where they can't make sense of reality due to what they've been told - about themselves, others and the world and what they know to be true and false about themselves, others and the world.

Thus in a frantic panic pandemic endemic to their genetic variation, they cry out in schizophrenia to name-call those who they actually want to say, “please help me” to.
Wouldn't you panic if you are reminded constantly of the image you are supposed to be but can't be?

It is this reflection in the mirror of clear blue-green blackness of matter-of-factness that panic attackers lash out at and want to smash.

Panic attackers are dealing with PTSD. This is Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder resulting from the series of logic events and behavior events that led them to Europe where their fate was sealed in the Ice Age, ensuing Dark Ages and periods of rejection, and after acceptance, the inability to return to perfection they witnessed in the mirror of themselves in Africa and around the world.

This Post Traumatic Stress trauma and resulting behavior has now been mixed with guilt that can no longer be numbed and mixed with denial of who they were but can never become.
Panic Attackers feel trapped with no place to surround themselves to rest their backs so they can relax in a corner because their matrix is an imaginary box, thus panic attackers attack in all areas in which they have the ability to exercise power and feel like they are regaining some sense of control over lives gone terribly wrong.
This then is another way to understand racism and a whole bunch of other misbehaviors.