If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Democratic Socialist Socialism | Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #2033


( 9agh of 11)

I am proud to say I still don't know what people are talking about when they say liberal, progressive, conservative, progressive conservatism, moderate, right wing, far right, far left, evangelicals, christian right, religious liberals, religious right, conservative evangelical, progressive evangelical, liberal catholic and so on the nonsensical terminology goes.
I'm certain most people hearing these words or talking to each other using these words, also don't agree on the definitions and don't realize how different sources are using these words.

For now, I'll just repeat a few in this long list of intentionally confused words. This message re-mentions and reestablishes a base context in order to lastly highlight the notion of Democratic Socialism brought to you by the same despot lot of trickery dickery docs.

Capitalism - is each according to greed by any means necessary. Capitalism requires an underclass by stampeding rights of creation. This is in opposition to morality, thus Spirituality; however Capitalism (state) replaces spirituality with church (religion), then pretends to separate Church from State when never actually doing so because Church and State are not enemies. Capitalism is a form of fedualism and aristocracy. And this is why, as long as capitalism exists, the rich will get richer and the slaves will get slavier.

Democracy, - as currently practiced, is the notion of majority rule that seeks to profit from the power of imbalance. Democracy, like capitalism focuses on maximization rather than the dynamic balance of maximization-moderation-minimization-optimization. Thus both democracy and capitalism, as overriding stagnant ruling ideologies, are anti-ecosystem, anti-harmonic, anti-healthy. If majority rule was the golden rule, then microorganisms would rule and ants and many other things than humans. The only time majority rule is valid as a stagnant overriding ideology is when majority rule represents the oneness of the whole, the entirety, the totality.

Democracy is a disrespect for authority, the Highest Authority. Thus so also is Capitalism as State and Religion as Church. Using these definitions and meanings we can now see why democracy, capitalism, religion, church and state have manifested the world into the messed up place it is as far as human thinking and behavior.

As a comparison, in the true sense of the word, a democracy exists when all people have a voice, share in the rule and are represented through the laws, institutions and manifestations of the group. This is how the universe functions. Thus then, democracy in the true sense of the word, is socialism.

Socialism – is each according to need by any means necessary. It is communal. It is civilization. It is community, common+unity. This is the only ideology under which community, in the healthy wholeness sense, exists.

Democratic Socialism - is a code word for Capitalism-Socialism, as explained above in parts. As you can see, there is a contradiction between Democratic and Socialism. Thus, Bernie Sanders use of this term is his way of saying I am a fence straddler, middle-of-the-roader deceiver, who is going to try to serve two masters and play both sides as a double spy. In fact he is pandering to all: the elite, the rich, the middle class and the poor whites (working class) and poor blacks. Starting with the elite he is pandering to them for their long-term benefit while, as we move down this list, he is pandering to poor blacks for their short-term benefit which mostly exists as relief from grief in the form of belief. Bernie Sanders does this with double-speak and triple-speak. His tongue is not forked. It's serrated.

A democratic socialist favors the status quo. The democratic part cancels out and nullifies the socialist part, thus a lot is said and might happen but the net result will be the favored group benefits most. The Lion remains king until the Ape assert itself.

A Democratic Socialist is a capitalist masquerading in the cloak of church ideology, neither of which are sufficient to qualify as a decent person.

Democratic Socialism not only promises a chicken in every pot, but also any kind of meat anytime you want it. This then highlights the idiocy of such a contradiction of terms as “democratic socialist.”
It highlights the impossibility of achieving universal healthcare in a system that also tries to maintain the fatal flaws of capitalism and democracy as those things pertain to the rights of creation.
Although medicare for all is impossible in such a system as Capitalism, Democracy and Democratic Socialism, this does not stop the Democratic Socialist from using word smoke okie doke to get people to believe in it simply by the sound of words they don't understand mean one thing to the speaker and another thing to the hearer.
Just think about why the quest for medical care is not called medicaid for all. They want you to think you're going to get Medicare, but yet they don't want Medicaid. Their subconscious true intentions betrays them every step of the way.
By asking a few questions here and there each time you encounter information, you should be able to see through the scam of many lies, including flimflam sham of democratic socialism coming from the mouth of racism's child.

Understand clearly what you are being told. Bernie Sanders, and others, in their spirits, just simply can bear to bring themselves to say they are Socialists. Thus they tell the truth by saying Democratic Socialists.

Thus the recently repeated truth must be followed: believe people the very first time they reveal who they are. The wolf in sheep's clothing never initially pretends to be a sheep. The pretense of being a sheep is only necessary when the wolf is no longer able to get close enough to a sheep in order to do harm. Thus the wolf uses the semblance of the familiar to disarm the sheep from keeping up vigilant watch as to the actions of that in its vicinity. Democratic Socialism is a disguise to get people to let down their guard and relax, when what they need is the protection of Socialist ideologies.

I'll indulge myself by extending this metaphor to say the putting forth of Democratic Socialism is like yelling wolf tickets for free in a big baa voice to receptive bleating hearts. These sheep latch onto one aspect of their sensing abilities, in this case their hearing, to the exclusion of other senses, especially their sense of remembering that wolves (predators, attackers, enemies) will always use another form of sneak attack once the current one is no longer effective. Democratic Socialism is a sneak attack by a faction of the racist collective. As discussed earlier regarding SOB Trump, Biden and Sanders, don't expect things to be too different if any of these are the next dictation taker of the racist collective.