If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, May 29, 2023

American Football Example Of How DNA Testing Results Attempt to Obscure The Fundamental Truth Of What DNA Tests Are Based On – The Human Genome
Unity Consciousness #2950

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Who the hell thinks a branch on a tree is a different tree that has different genetics than the other branches, trunk and roots? We humans still do. Instead of us asking the universe, we ask the reverse, the perverse. Time for a different example for the final few of the remnants.

The current belief in DNA testing results can be likened to an American football field and a football game that begins with the defense and offense of the same team engaging in a scrimmage, but never a real game against opposing thoughts and never full contact with reality.
Team A (Answer) kicks off to Team Q (Question). Team Answer kicks the ball into the end zone of Team Question. Team Q's end zone is the USA and they think their end zone is North America, their goal line is the pond, the 10 yard line is the United Kingdom and the 20 yard line is Europe.
Since the answer to where you came from was kicked into the USA where the largest population of white folks live outside of Europe, the question in the USA is didn't we come from Europe? Since the ball is now automatically placed at the 20 yard line, white folks think that since they were headed in the right direction when they crossed the Atlantic Ocean, they have reached the goal line of their final answer. Thus the remaining yards is divided into 60 yards which represents the rest of the world, and 30 yards which is the other red zone and end zone which represents Africa and the Nile Valley. This remaining total of 90 yards is considered by both Team A and Team Q as just being there as a matter of natural fact, but the truth should never get in the way of a good story, thus should not distract from the unnatural fact of what DNA Testing Results facetiously confirm.
Sadly, most people still think their beginnings is the country they were born in. Thus, for example, people in the USA think they are more American than African, which is only true to the extent of mental logic but not true in regards to genetics.
This is why white people and all other people think they have reached the final complete answer and are deadbolt locked into where they came from when they use DNA Testing Results, despite the inherent contradiction of DNA Testing Results telling people they came from such and such a place and are such and such a percentage this and that, while on the other hand the basis of DNA Testing, the Human Genome, tells everyone that they came from the same mother and father in Africa, thus everyone must be 100% African no matter how long ago you left home and mixed with other Africans who left home.

This is why most people, including many black folks in the diaspora, are stuck on their own 20 yard line and never even cross the 50 yard line which now becomes an artificial horizon marking the extent of things that does not need to be reached or breached because it's groundspace, now just airspace, made that way by feeble-minded educated humans who are convinced they know all they need to know in order to know the truth of where they came from. Yet these same weebles will readily believe any falsehood without question and deny the many truths staring them in mirror image faces that all reflect from the same reflecting pool as the ben-ben tekenen obelisk in the Usa's Washington, D.C, that also mirror's Africa as the first (George Washington Monument) and the Afra-ham (Abraham Lincoln Memorial) in its fundamental design and is further carried out with power of control symbolism of the white house on legal tender in the USa as self-evidence of where all power lines emanate from.

True, everybody plays the fool sometimes, but when you think the USA perversion of football is the true way of athletic prowess enhanced by patriarchy and favored group idiocracy which pretends to be a quarterback expert of experts, then, despite the lifelines that connect all behinds, you have still decided you came from fools and DNA Testing Results confirm your foolishness.

If you believe DNA Testing Results that tell you you are not 100% African, then the farthest you can get in finding out who you are, where you came from and why you are here is your own 20 yard line. The remaining 75% of the distance you need to travel is inhibited by your choice to trust your miseducation and the evil manipulation in DNA Testing Results companies rather than trust what the natural world tells us as verified many ways, including by what the Human Genome tells us.
You have stunted your spiritual growth, thus also your mental, emotional and physical health and growth, which means you can only achieve to the suboptimal level of the society you identify with, which is why there is rampant mental illness, emotional illness and physical illness in societies, even among those deemed to be successful. Why the hell are poor black people living longer than rich white people who have access to supposedly the best foods, best healthcare and best privileges, thus far fewer stressors?

By the way, the scrimmage game is what is taking place in your mind between miseducation logic and miseducation logic and between the suboptimal context and the suboptimal context.