If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Have You Ever Met One Of Those Parents?
Unity Consciousness #2945

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzv of 11)

Have you ever met one of those human parents who are so conflicted, constricted, pathogen-filled and injured in their beingness process, that their notion of what's best for the child is what's best for themselves, the parent? Human parents are the only ones who will keep their child retarded, handicapped and dependent on the parent and afraid to find and follow their destinypurposes. Usually, as part of their losing winning strategy, this parent will also keep the child estranged from at least one half of the child's family, thus cutting the child in half and causing many internal problems in the child that must needs breed into the world. This is exactly what happens when any human fails to interact with Mama Africa properly.
The pathetic parent is so busy trying to validate their thus far mediocre muddled in the mass sheep herd existence, the parent can't get a full breath of satisfaction without the child because the parent has finally found someone who enhances their self-esteem as if the child is self created. The pathetic parent is a pathological liar who also teaches their child to lie. In order to lie to others, you must first lie to self. The parent continues to flounder, barely tread water and exist near drowning, thus is constantly reaching out, grabbing and hanging on to the child and begging the child to save them even as the child is trying keep from being dragged down further and find a firmer foundation.

Yes, you have met one of those parents. You've met plenty and met their children.
These are parents who are racists, who have turned their children in the same kind of psychopath sociopaths and have taught them to cling, for dear life to this sinking ship life line. In order to be racist, you must first be taught to not be a good human. Thus you must be taught to inflict self-harm using violent logic. Then it is easier for you to accept the violences of racism as a means necessary for your survival. It is attractive because all it requires is continuous collective application of weakness logic and vice logic. All people in favored groups who have not been taught to work against the injustice of their privileges, suffer from this kind of parenting. This covers all groups except blacks because blacks cannot be racists, only prejudmental in the third degree.
Severely damaged parents are also black parents who exist in every community.
If you've been paying attention the least little bit to your own life and the lives of family, friends, neighbors, classmates, coworkers, teammates and the lives of people we learn about through media, you will remember that you are already aware of an enormous amount people who have suffered from this kind of parenting.

By The Way

Do not be deceived and think I'm only referring to a person's immediate parents. Parent also includes grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, siblings, spouses, lovers, teachers, preachers, coaches, groups, demographic groups, identities, clubs, organizations, associations and nations (governments, institutions, culture). A parent is anyone or anything we allow to raise us, shape us and inform us, and do so without a critical analysis supreme scientific method thought process (see parent elsewhere). The natural world, and its many dimensions, without and within, is supposed to at least be our co-parent (part of our parenting trinity), but its role and advice is greatly neglected and disrespected in our lives, as if the human aspect knows best, despite the abundance of pre-purchase as is evidences to the contrary.