If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, May 29, 2023

Basic Truths About How Liars & Thieves Think
Unity Consciousness #2949

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz of 11)

1. The words, liars, thieves and criminal minds, are the same I'll be damned words.

2. Liars think the lie they are telling is a new lie. Each thief thinks their way of thievery is a new kind of crime that everyone is blind to.

3. Liars think the person they are lying to is unaware of the lie.

4. Liars think because they have not been “called out” on their lie, the lie is undetected and successful.

5. A person (nation, institution, government, school, church, etc.) who lies to you, will steal from you is stealing from you, has stolen from you.

6. A liar thief and a thief liar treat their actions as proof of their superior cunning and intelligence, thus they need to continue to lie when there's no need to.

7. If it is safe to do so, continue to give a liar (thief) enough leeway rope without letting on you know they are lying and they will hang themselves and rob themselves blind. Yes it is true, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

8. Liars will continue to make their lies more elaborate, such as 9-11, pandemics, recessions, Y2K and many more large scale stories that are told, sold and implemented every year in every society to keep the feeble weeble sheeple people in fear and financially fleeced.

9. Stealing (lying) is an addiction, and never stops unless the person, group or nation is quarantined with others just like them until they self-correct or self-destruct.

10. You can substitute evil manipulators and evil discriminators for liars and substitute lie for evil manipulation and evil discrimination, and its still the same I'll be the manifestation of damnation.

11. People are who they show themselves to be, not who they say they are.

12. When people show you who they are that is harmful to you, not only believe them the first time, but believe them for all time. They cannot change immediately and cannot change at all without a long process. Don't believe all that television and movie shit.

13. Liars are thieves are liars and will never grow personally or do anything about themselves that makes it worthwhile to deal with them. They will always depend on lying and stealing, even when they don't have to. It's who they are. It's the environment they came from. It's why they are here. Natural born liars, natural born thieves, natural born killers.

14. People who voluntarily come out their mouths and use any combination of words to tell you they are honest, tell the truth and don't lie, are liars. People who voluntarily tell you about what's legal and illegal and that they follow the law, they are criminals, thus are working against you.

15. It is not possible to lie to liars or steal from thieves or break the laws of any government or any institution that is itself, a liar and a thief. Deploy countermeasures in your logic. Disparate measures for disparate times. Desperate measures for desperate times.
You have to be very desperate and convinced of your own weaknesses to resort to lying, stealing and Maafa Racism.