If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, May 29, 2023

I'm A Firm Believer, Another Statement That Creates Blind Spots
Unity Consciousness #2951

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When we say things like, “I'm a firm believer,” we are preferencing statements in order to convince ourselves and others that we know what we are talking about, and secondarily we want people to firmly believe we have tested this belief and critically analyzed it or have at least listened to and carefully considered opposing or variations of logic to what is firmly believed.
Truth is, these types of self-certifying, self-credentialing statements are warnings to not question what I'm about to say and don't question how I came to be a firm believer. Meanwhile, inside the person, the firm belief is contradictorily understood to be a personal belief, otherwise the person would say, I know or I'm a firm knower. Knowledge is belief verified. Instead the person tries to strengthen belief by adding the word, firm or true or strong or similar word. A firm believer is a confirmed believer, thus continues to put faith in untested beliefs, thus a firm believer is a also a confirmed self-deceiver who is gullible.

The specific statement I heard that sparked this message is, “I'm a firm believer that what you put into the universe, you will receive.”
This statement is not well thought out because we can immediately downgrade this firm belief to flimsy by asking several questions, one of which is, “how can this be true for children?”
Do the harms that befall children occur because of what each child puts into the universe? When did that alcoholic baby or crack baby or anxiety-ridden baby put stuff into the universe?

I wish life and ecosystem was so segmented and individualized that everything we do, accomplish and fail at is due solely to what we do and don't do. No other causes and effects intersect with our lives and influence outcomes and results.

The only way for a statement such as, “what we put into the universe is what we receive,” can be true, is:
1. if it is only partially true
2. not always true
3. also applies to other creations

The only way these three modifiers can be collectively partially and temporarily true is:
1. if the statement is changed to replace “we” with “spirit-soul” so the statement becomes, “what spirit-soul puts into the universe is what spirit-soul receives.”
2. this applies to previous lifetimes (previous manifestations of spirit-soul in different physical forms).

Since spirit-soul is in all things, then the statement becomes always true, that yes, “what spirit-soul puts into the universe is what spirit-soul receives.”
Thus because spirit-soul is spirit-soul and does not change because of the physical form it takes, whatever any aspect of spirit-soul puts into the universe is what any other aspect is subject to receive.

A Second Way For The Statement To Be Partially & Temporarily True

All indications regarding the Supreme Spirit-Soul is that God is on a safari to manifest in as many forms of possible while learning as much as it can about itself in each form and in combinations and as part of an ecosystem experiencing various sets of conditions. This is variously explained under need incentive and need-want incentive.

Since all spirit-souls are seeds and pieces from the One & Only Original Spirit-Soul, what if each form of spirit soul birthed from the beginning, serves as a core spirit that transfers and travels with each form it manifests. Then, during each lifetime, the spirit-soul is modifed according to its experiences. This then becomes the new core. This would make it possible for children to encounter harm based on what previous manifestations of their spirit has wrought.
In other words, when children receive harm, it is due to their core spirit and not their newborn current lifetime.
This holds true when we think of what happens from generation to generation when humans kick cans down the road and what happens to other aspects of nature due to humans and why some antelope, zebra and wildebeest are killed and eaten and others survive. This then is another way we reap what we sow and what we put into the soul (soil) of the universe, we receive. This is why good things happen to bad people in the current lifetime and bad things happen to good people in the current lifetime. Or are we simply mistaken about who is bad and who is good? God things happen to God people. This covers both good and bad doesn't it?