If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, May 29, 2023

Maat Will Not Be Denied Despite Maafa Racism Misconceptions
Unity Consciousness #2947

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzx of 11)

Some of the many misconceptions about Maafa Racism are:

1. Evil discrimination and incidents of injustice are equal to Racism and Racism, as it is used to describe harms against other groups of people, is an appropriate term to describe the ongoing harms against black people. It is not. If what other groups of people experience is called Racism, then what black people experience must be called Maafa Racism. The terms must be exclusive because the harms against black people are unique, exclusive and ongoing and perpetrated collectively by all other groups of people who themselves claim to be harmed in some way.
No one is so doofus to use the same words or confuses a run-of-the-mill thunderstorm to larger storms such as Super Typhoon Tip or any cyclone, hurricane or typhoon.

2. Maafa Racism only harms black people.

3. Maafa Racism only harms black people in the USA.

4. The beautiful true colors of the world's humans that continues to shine through has caused the harms of Maafa Racism to be alleviated despite the neither defacto nor dejure false faced illegality of the chattel enslavement of black people carried out by all past and present generations of other races.

Leading You By Different Examples

Who gets shot multiple times, and because each wound is a through-and-through, perceives their injury as something they have gotten over and healed from?

Maafa Racism begins as continuous assault rifle fire at white people and all other groups. As each bullet enters theses groups, it goes all the way through and comes out like buckshots that enter black people which causes black people to take their pain and anger out on other black people. This is in addition to the basic human behaviors that all people have the potential to experience and encounter, even if there was no current conscious intentional collective evil discrimination such as Maafa Racism.

Racism and Maafa Racism are designed to harm all people using any and every means necessary.
Maafa Racism differs from Racism because Maafa Racism is the septic tank that catches all other shitty logic that flows from all other people intentionally and automatically.

Maafa Racism Nothing Compares To You

Imagine the small scale short-term temporary incidents of World War II era harms against Japanese-Americans in the USA and the harms Hitler perpetrated. These two widely known harms and intergenerational traumas have been acknowledged and reparations have been made and continue to be acknowledged and made.
How much more so then is it decently human to acknowledge the massive, longterm ongoing harms of Maafa Racism and just as immediately and coincidentally, make reparations?

What kind of people acknowledge the damage done by derechos and microbursts, and sensibly provide all levels of government, private and public support, yet refuse to do the same for the cumulative and ongoing effects of much larger natural disasters?

All other groups of people cry rivers, creeks and streams that dry up, while black people continue to cry the world's oceans and seas that continue to rise.
Hell, Maafa Racists have long-term ongoing trouble dealing with the natural death of one person or the tragic death of someone or the murder of one person.

Only deeply flawed, highly dysfunctional groups, races and ethnic groups of people, their home countries, their institutions and their culture could perpetrate and perpetuate Maafa Racism.
Yes you are responsible. All of you red, yellow, white and brown people, until this is rectified. Maat will not be denied.
Nothing inhumane compares to destructive scale and scope of Maafa Racism, except the inhumanity of humans against all things considered non-human such as the natural world and all of its other species and creations.

Maat will not be denied.