If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, June 30, 2023

Law of the Letter is the Letter of the Law
Unity Consciousness #2982

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzf of 11)

Why wouldn't it be if, by Christian standards, the beginning was the Word and the Word was God and God is the Law and Words consist of Letters?

This message is a work in progress to be updated as need guides, spirit-soul drives and ancestors provide.
Letters can and do represent anything and everything in the ecosystem natural world universe. Purpose being to capture and communicate understandings, thus meanings, thus definitions.
From the start (long before humans like us), letters have always been a form of re-presenting Nature and the nature of each aspect of nature. Humans were not the first to create letters, use letters, speak letters or write letters. Letters are an inherent part of each creation. Letters are the shape, form and fashion of each creation. This is why mdw ntr is a form of lettering.
At various points in human history, humans have lost their optimal way towards beingness and fondled letters in a perverse manner so as to intentionally mis-re-present nature, the nature of things. Humans have done so with a prolificness worthy of self-stroking praise, only to find out we exist in vast waters and are essentially plankton, krill and sardines, fodder for greater gods who are now coordinating for the feasting season.

Letters not only re-present nature, but also re-present other forms of representing nature as used by any aspect of nature, including the many forms of communicating and languages used by humans. A language is anything that captures and communicates meaning, thus gestures, art, pictures, mdw ntr, numbers, dance, clothing, adornments, ceremonies and other forms are also language and are also re-presented by letters. Most important is that each creation, by virtue of its existence in any form in any dimension, is a language by itself. Each creations says something, tells us something, speaks to any creation willing to listen.

Linear use and truncated use of letters, as we do today in a braggadocious highly intelligent way, is self-evidently a lesser way. Linear and truncated use is juxtaposed against allowing a letter to be a centriole to the whole from which many meanings and letter combinations branch outwards, inwards, forwards and backwards to NU (Nature University). This approach to what a letter is, is curvilinear concentric and linked concentric (like a neural network within, between and beyond cells).

The foundation of thought is the ability to reflect upon images and behaviors of nature as they really are.
In other words, the foundation of thought is the ability to understand what is happening and what you are experiencing.

Dependence on a language of letters not grounded and centered in the truths of nature is a recipe for disastrous results.

God Of Things & Letters

I had a dream I was in a human-made library and it contained all the scripts for all languages and it was fabulous, but there were fewer scripts than there were languages.
I thank whatever Gods may be for my unconquerable soul
The earliest form of the Word and Mistress of Letters is the Great Mother Goddess Of The North, Khef, Kheft, Khep.
Khept, Khebt, Khet, Khetem, Khetmu, Khetma, Khetu and Ketu are forms of the God who is the seal-ring, the type of lettering, and letters.
Khetmu opens the seal, the circle around dimensions and cycles, then cuts out, stamps with a seal of approval and patents each letter. This is the inherent inherited lawful right of each creation grounded in and granted by genetics which ain't nothing but Words.

Khetmu is the Egyptian God of Things or Letters. Taht is the lunar version. Kadmus is the Phoenician version of Taht. Greek Kadmus is a later form of Phoencian Kadmus or Egyptian Khetmu.
Taht and Shu Kepheus are Divine Scribes and Scholars, both of which are symbolized by the Kaf ape, the Cynocephalus.

It is necessary to take Sankofa trails, paths, streets, roads and highways back “to the birthplace of human sounds to reach the radicals of speech. Nothing short of Inner Africa is of primary importance in the origins of Language.” Clues are dispersed and interspersed in our current languages when we use a letter or letter combination, but pronounce them differently in different words. An obvious one is some words that begin with G or J being pronounced as though they begin with H. And words beginning with G pronounced as J.

Ask any person, including yourself, to explain to you the meaning of a single letter (character, symbol) that forms the basis of their language and I guarantee you, that not only will they not be able to explain any of them, but they won't understand the question because it never occurred to them that there is such a thing as a basis to their language and a basis for each letter formation. Furthermore, if you do come up with an explanation, it won't have anything to do with being grounded in the natural world. This is problematic to all our communications, our learning, our logic, our thinking and our behavior. This is what we are trying to correct, step by step through the kherrekh kharrakh.

Is it not true, our job is to plant seeds and seedlings and allow God, i.e., fundamental forces and principles of nature, to give the increase?
Name me one human, by the power of their intelligence and the process of their actions, caused one seed to germinate?

There is no need for anyone to get their linguistic underwear in a bunch and attempt to alleviate it without going in deep into the crevices of learnderstanding before saying my diphthongs are on wrong.
Some examples are provided so you can stop believing and start knowing.

We're not trying to be linguists in the current academic sense; however, we are being linguists in the requisite natural sense of rekhi-its, the way language has always been created and recreated. We, each of us, like every member of every species, have just as much right as anyone to make determinations in keeping with Kujichagulia [Khu-Khi-Kha-Khu-Rhua].

Without even worrying about the nuances of diacritical marks, we are simply trying to refresh our dry bones a little bit by wading in the wisdoms of waters, words and letterology primarily by triangulating our spirit-soul with Egypt and Nile Valley, and Kepheus and Aquaria.

Roughly & Partially Translating American English To Egyptian

For use when trying to go from English to Egyptian to remember earlier word spellings and meanings. This provides a rough estimate, that should at least move us a little closer.

1. English began as Egyptian Mesteriu called Mystery, Mythology and Eschatology. Egyptian Mesteriu began as mdw ntr which some call hieroglyphics which began as Paintings & Carvings from Totemism from use of metaphors and sem-sem to evolve Vocalizations into Another Language & Gestures into Sign Language from Mimicked Vocalizations and Mimicked Gestures.

2. In general, mdw ntr contain no phonetic C D E G J O Q V W X Y or Z , but some of these letters are introduced as best guess equivalents by white people claiming expertise as Egyptologists (a word and profession they made up to suit their colonization needs).

3. This makes the original and much earlier primary single letter consonants: B F H K L M N P R S T

4. Written consonants came before written vowels; however not all consonants were created before the first vowel was created.

5. Single letter vowels are U O I E A Y pronounced OO O EE A AH WII or WAI

6. No primary human word begins with a vowel. So for example, we know neither Africa nor Alkebulan are the original names of the human motherland; however, parts of those words might be included in an earlier name or lead us back to an earlier name.

7. Letters that interchange, substitute or are synonymous, were conjoined twins at birth in the sounds of aboriginal languages, but these sounds were separated in later languages.

8. Most English to Egyptian attempts will yield several possible letter combinations. Some of these must be discarded because their earlier word meanings won't make sense in tying the English back to the Egyptian.

9. We should not be confused by the fact that: Earlier names were rewritten in the image of later letters.

10. Many examples are already provided in various messages. Those messages, and now this one, will help you begin to notice, wonder and question letter combinations, variations and similarities between words. For instance, why do so many words contain the letters TER and the many variations of TER?

11. Now for the expansion of a years ago example that shows how English to Egyptian can be useful in moving us back towards higher learning.
a) The word IT is thought to mean something non-human, inanimate, not alive, an object. Referring to a person as “IT” is considered very disrespectful.
b) According to Merriam-Webster, the English meaning of the word IT is: that one —used as subject or direct object or indirect object of a verb or object of a preposition usually in reference to a lifeless thing; a plant; a person or animal whose sex is unknown or disregarded; a group of individuals or things, or an abstract entity
c) IT (AT) in Egyptian is one of the words that mean heaven. Because IT is TI from TIU or TUI from TEF from TSEF from TSAF from TS from KT from (Khut, Khat, Khet, Khep, Khef) which means dual in phenomena, two halves, twin parentage, repeating. Etsafe, signifies Old, in Bola

12. So regardless of how we currently spell the word and regardless of our understanding of the word, our usage of the word still keeps the accurate spelling and accurate meanings in motion and active. This feeds and sustains the elemental souls of life of each word while they are in the background hidden as second truths.

13. Latin and Greek translated into English, can be used as earlier forms of English and later forms of Egyptian. No sub-language, including Egyptian and English, emerge full grown. They go through developmental stages. This is why we can use the internet to search English words in other languages such as earlier English found in etymology websites and Latin, Greek, Sanskrit, Maori, Chaldean, Hebrew, Hottentot and many Inner African forms found via search engines, via etymology websites, on language to language translation websites, archive.org, gutenberg.org, sacred-texts.com, forgotten and others, as your spirit leads you along winding connecting paths home. Searching the word you are looking for combined with “origin” or “meaning” or “definition” or “earlier names” or “former names” or “previous names” or “original names” can sometimes provide clues. Not all words in a language are new constructions. Some remain exact and intact from their parents and grandparents, while others retain a close enough resemblance to help us remain on the right path back.

14. Letters were created last. Letters are a reduced form of larger words and broader varied meanings. Letters are the last stage of language and communication. Thus letters are not the beginning or foundation of understanding. If we simply rely on one way of knowing and rely on one way of communicating based on a language composed of letters for which we don't understand their earlier meanings and nature meanings, we will have trouble understanding most things about self and all else, and will be easily confused as to right and wrong, even though those are the easiest to understand.

15. A letter is a reduced form of a word, thus is a reduced form of a formula. We can say a letter is word concentrate or a concentrated word or a dehydrated word. Thus, in order to expand our consciousness we must recreate the formula by recreating the word from each letter and each combination of letters. We must add back the waters of life in order to breathe life back into our understandings. Thus for you wanna shortcutist alchemists, you must recreate the word in order to recreate the formula to understand transformation. But be careful, this process will cause you to find yourself before you find gold.

16. All this also says that your name is reduced form of explaining who you are, where you came from and why you are here. Your name is a more important identifier and identity than any of the suboptimal identifiers of self. Reconstitute your name and reinvigorate knowledge of self and all else.

17. Recent forays into the formulation of words reveals that in English, and I suspect in all languages, some current words exist in earlier forms or close to earlier forms while others have moved away while others have moved back. Under no circumstances is any human language a new creation separate from Africa or nature, even if estranged from both. There is an ignorant arrogance of people who claim to speak the proper form of a language or who speak more than one language while not understanding any language spoken. A person who grunts or clicks or makes gestures is more evolved because at least they understand the connections of their communications to self and all else in the natural world.

English To Egyptian Alphabet


A is the personal pronoun I,old first one, the mother
A means the primary one, triangle, brilliant triangle, tree, mountain, water, mother, child, fish, frog, beetle, goose, head, duality, trinity, the letter I, pyramid (all numbers 0 to 10, a type of ALL), and more.
A means dew and water.
A means The Only One who duplicated
A means yes, genetic potential is on and in motion.
A comes from AN, a variant of UN, the Hare.

A from the Ibis bird cry of “Aah-Aah” (Aah-ti). Aah-Aah is an early name of this black and white bird and a name of the moon because the moon has dark and light lunation
Aah-Aah yields many words such as ah, ha, aah, aha.
Aâ is the calf (Aâ from Kha or Khaa)
Aa means Uppercase A is trinity; Lowercase a is duality.
Aa is the name of the pyramid
ā-ā means great (aa āā )
A from Hab, another name of the Ibis
A from Akhem, the Eagle
A from Akhu, a Bird

ACK (English) from AK (Egyptian) from KAK . QUACK (Qu-ack) from Kaak or Kaka, to cackle, AK is a Duck or Goose, and KA denotes the caller, whence KAK or QUACK , the AK that calls (or the call of the AK )
A comes from Am
AM means mother. (Ma)
AM means belonging to. Ken means title. Name, Ken-am, Ken-ma, Kename, Khename, Khname is a title belonging to. The first names were based on the mother, including “I am that I am.” Thus Am and Ma are names of God.
AM means letters and patent (lawful right). Thus saying, “I am” is acknowledging you are a patented letter and have the right to patent letters.
AM is the devourer, the power of darkness.
Am-ā-ā is great devourer.

Ankh is Unku (Spirit). The spirit was primarily the breath, hence the connection with the nose as an organ of breathing, and a type of the I.
ANKH before ANK before INK before ING before KING from K + I + NG
AO or IU for the Infinite, is of a dual nature, as Hu, the Sphinx deity, or Hihi, Heh or Hhu
AR means eye, conception, making the likeness, repeating, Child, Year

AU from AF from AP from Khep or Khef

Lowercase ɑ is an IO united in one letter, and with the O itself duality attains unity at last in the primordial figure originally imaged by the Ru ꙍ of the beginning, the Alpha and Omega, the sign of the genitrix, who was the mouth that emaned the Word at first. (NG1)

AU from KHAU , the scholar of writing, letters.


B from Ba, the Bird of Soul likely the hawk or sparrow-hawk
B from Ba, a Nycticorax
B from Ba, the Goat or Ram
B from Bab as in Baby, second, Male, Two, plural
B was from Bubu (or Bub)
B means the duality of Pat (pa-ti, pa-pa)
B from a double P from F or V
B after F V P
AFTER is first, BEFORE is second.
B and M interchange


C from T from K
C interchanges with D T K
CH from SH
CH (or K) and F being the twin phonetic deposits of an original ideographic KF
CH from Tech and Tch
CH or SH as a terminal to adjectives, from KA meaning type, cultus, kind.
CROSS from T , Tech and Tek


The Stone is T S ST KT TS DJ . Ket (Kat, Kep, Ked) the Mother, Set (Sut, Kep, Kid) the Child.
D comes after K T C
An Aryan D from Aryan Del may be represented by L in Greek or Latin or Ter in Egyptian
An ideographic Del deposits both D and L
Before E in Latin, G changes to DJ (Latin)
DJ could interchange with X (the look of the Coptic Djanda)

Oscan Djovis from Coptic Djandja, equates with Tsef. Tsef or Djef accounts for both Djovis in Latin, and Tzeus in Greek. All three together with Dev, Dyaus, and Deus are derivable from one original Tsef or Tseb, whence the Tef and Seb as two names for the divine father in Egyptian.

DJ (Djandja) from TS written as an accented T, (ť), the two-headed Snake, the double sound of Ts or Dj or Tset. The snake re-presents the oldest birth-place (mother) and the first born (child).
Djeo yields Jo or Ju which interchange with IU to be dual. Variants DEO DIO
Coptic Djandja yields J
Ju, Io, Deo, Jeo from Dif, Tsef, or Kef, which is dual in phenomena, in the two halves, two heavens, twin parentage, or two hands
D sometimes equates with P


ER (Ru) has the force of the English ER, means more, more than
EN (Egyptian) to be, condition of being from UN
E from FAF
E from U from Uti from Uati from Khefti
Before E in Latin, G changes to DJ


F from FU the Puff-adder.
FU from a sieve used to purge and purify seed in the sense of separating the seed from the rest. The sieve is a sign of corn because it is used to sift corn, thus SlF is corn, seed, child because the sieve sifts and the corn is the sifted, the sif. The one who uses the seive is the seiver called Siva. The sieve itself is Khif/Khi, modified into SlF, then into Sef, Su,Si, Fu, Fi. Initially Su meant the child of either gender, then later Su was assigned to mean Su, girl, The, her, IT (heaven), and FU was assigned to the boy, He, him, his, IT (heaven).
F and K from Kef
F and H from Hef, the snake.
F then V came before P then B
F comes from the Cerastes snake whose horns are still extant in the shape of that letter
F represents the serpent of breath. Where there is breath there is water.
F and PH interchange.


G (Anglo-Saxon) came later and often interchanges with Kh K H S F (Old French) Y (Greek)
G before J
The nasal Ng bifurcates into N and G.
Before E in Latin, G changes to DJ
GHA or KHA the fish yields KH or Q
TSH yields G


H from Hem or Hum the Grasshopper.
H is formed of three signs: partially from Ha the panting lion, partially from the frog and partially from the beetle
H by itself comes after KH
H or K by themselves indicate the other letter is present.
H means by the name of the Holy One
H is a form of K the oldest Parent, thus the Supreme Being.
H was Huh
Hihi Heh or Hhu , for the Infinite, is of a dual nature, as Hu, the Sphinx deity, or the IU and AO.

There are reasons to sound the letter H as an aspirate. In the Mdw Ntr one H or Ha-sign is the fore-part of a Lion, signifying that which is first, foremost, beginning, essence, chief, or Lord. This, then, is the HA and in expelling the breath it makes the sound of HA

HES, to obey, be obedient, which goes still farther as KES, to bow, bend down, be abject. Here are three degrees of IA, HES, and KES . IA is Yes, assuring with a mere nod of assent, HES a bow of obedience, and KES to bend down abjectly and entreat

HAB means Ibis
HAB means hidden, to prowl, beset, infest
HAP is a form of Hab and means hidden. The word HID is a variant of Hab and Hap.
H and F from Hef, the snake. HEF means gigantic, crawling

HU from KHU from KHUT from KHEFTI becomes U


IA the second form of NA. IA means to wash, whiten, purify
IA is Yes, assent, assuring, can be paralleled by HES, to obey, be obedient, which goes still farther as KES, to bow, bend down, be abject. Here are three degrees of IA, HES, and KES . IA with a mere nod of assent, HES a bow of obedience, and KES to bend down abjectly and entreat
IA as a terminal is equivalent to Jah, Ahu, Hea, Yav, and Af, the lower sun or Af-Ra, the deity of the deep
I is inherent in the U , thus I is IU
IU ( I becomes J and U becomes W )
I was II or lU
IU from AU
IU or AO for the Infinite, is of a dual nature, as Hu, the Sphinx deity, or Hihi, Heh or Hhu
IU is twofold, and the 2 and 10 both meet in the two hands and ten digits. Hence the IU in Egyptian is number 10 (or IO ) in common figures.
IO from Dif, Tsef, or Kef, which is dual in phenomena, in the two halves, two heavens, twin parentage, or two hands
IU as the Infinite God O with a number of 70 instead of 10 tribes and 70 divisions which preceded the 12 tribes and 72 divisions.
IU to be dual interchanges with JO or JU from DJEO. Variants DEO DIO
I from Nge (nke, nkhu, nkha)
I + NG = Ing + K forms King, the living one. Ing is ink is ank is Ankh
IU might be the IN in Erin and the NI in Hibernia because N by itself came later


J (Sanskrit) is an earlier K H or KH later G
J is an earlier IU and sometimes DSY, DZH TZA TS
JO or JU from Djeo interchange with IU to be dual. Variants DEO DIO
J from DJ (Coptic Djandja)
JU Deo, Jeo from Dif, Tsef, or Kef, which is dual in phenomena, in two halves, two heavens, twin parentage, or two hands
Jew from JW from IU because I becomes J and U becomes W


K and F from Kef
K is the Hebrew Jad which can also exchange with G, J, F, V, A K an erect serpent
K from Ka an Ape
K from Kam the Crocodile’s Tail
KH or Q from Kha or Gha the Fish
KH or Q the Calf, Kha or Aâ
K was Kaka
KH denotes title and came before K H S T C D J G W Q
K or H by themselves indicate the other letter is present.
K is the erect serpent which stands up out of the water and becomes the mountain.
K is the serpent that moves back and forth across the land and is able to do so through all terrains, wet, dry, hot, cold, garden, desert, plains, forest, etc.
K is representative of spirit-soul and black as in KAM and HAM.
K represents the cross, thus the circle, thus the ankh, thus Everything
K T S can become X F Z U UI I can become Y (Greek).
K at the end of a word can become Y
IA is Yes, assent, assuring, can be paralleled by HES, to obey, be obedient, which goes still farther as KES, to bow, bend down, be abject. Here are three degrees of IA, HES, and KES . IA with a mere nod of assent, HES a bow of obedience, and KES to bend down abjectly and entreat
KHEP or KHEF yields AP then AF then AU then IU

KHEPT (KHAFT, KHÂT, FET, AFT), names of the four quarters, is the hind quarter, hinder thigh of the Quadruped, the Beast as the seat-type of four nearest to nature. These words also mean, to squat or go down, as the animal on all fours. The prototypical idea of number 4 is quadrupedal. REP is the typical quadruped.

Khes is Hes is Tes, remembering and reconnecting truths
KU from KHU from KHUT from KHEFTI becomes U


L after R
LL interchanges with RR
LRI from RRU In Sanskrit, Lri is a mountain and mother of the gods. In Egyptian, Rru is steps and mountain of Rerit, goddess of the Great Hippopotamus, as sow and bear. (Egyptian). Lri could come from Rru and from Rrit (Rerit)
L from LR from LRI

L from PEH, the tail of the lion, rump (a kind of mouth of the lioness because of the uterus)
L or R from RU the Lion, RU is a mouth, and the PEH
There are two mouths, two PEHs, two lions, or a dual lion. The RURU is the horizon as the place of the two lions, or dual lion. The horizon has one mouth in front and one behind, just as the lioness. Hence the two mouths are figured by R (front) and L (rear). The lion of the horizon was feminine at first, doubly feminine, and later it was the male-female.
The lion of the hinder part, the north region is Shu-Anhar. He wears the hinder part of the lion as his symbol. The lioness of the fore part is Tefnut. Consequently the Ru (R), mouth, is feminine, and the L of the hinder part is masculine, which is why, due to spell casting spellbinding programming, when we think of the word lion, the image in our minds is of a male lion.

Example: The Repa is the lord, and Repit the lady of repetition. Repat is the lady of heaven, the constellation Virgo. With the L instead of R the word is Lubat, a title of Jupiter.

An Aryan D from Aryan Del may be represented by L in Greek or Latin or by TER in Egyptian.
An ideographic Del deposits both D and L and phonetics

Example: Rhat is the great judge of the dead in Amenti. Rhat is the Greek Rhadamanthus. The Rhat with the letter L instead of R is the Lat [only the leading consonants were replaced] Lat with the masculine article Pi, becomes Pilate, as the deity who is the judge in Amenti. [only a letter e was added at the end]


M and N have the have the sign of running water, thus they interchange.
M or MIM is the plural of a wave named N
M from MAM as in Mama, first, Mother, One singular
MA means mother. (Am)
MAC indicates descent on the mother’s side
M and N from MEN from MENKA means create, wet-nurse, two truths
M from MU the Owl
M from MU from MEN
M from MAU the Cat or Lion
M from MU the Vulture
M and B interchange
M was Mumu or Mim
M sometimes equate with P
M is the emblem of the Virile Male
M is the trinity and denotes generation in agreement


NU or N denotes water, heaven, nature, feminine bringer, negation, flow, inundation, divine type and likeness
N was Nunu
N and M permute with the running water for the sign of both, thus they interchange.
N is a single wave while M or MIM is the plural of a wave. In a loose sense we might say S and Z are crooked vibrations in the waters, while N and M are not

N from Neh the Black Vulture (not the same vulture that yields letter M)
N from the Lizard
N from the Fish
N from the Crocodile
N (the English version) as a terminal of “born”, is UN, later EN (Egyptian) to be, condition of being.

N is the mother as is M.
N and M from MEN from MENKA means create, wet-nurse, two truths
N from Khnem or Nem
N in Erin and Hibernia, is later) IN and NI may be the Egyptian IU which is dual and duplicates.

N by itself from NG, Nga, Ngo, Ngu, Nge.
NG from NKH, nkhu (unkhu), nkha yields Kha, Ka, A
NG and NGATA are the Maori forms of STA (stay, stayers)
Nge (nke, nkhu, nkha) yields I
The nasal Ng bifurcates into N and G.
Ng also modifies into Nh and N.
Ng-Ng is Nga-Nga

Nge is I in Inner Africa
Nge or Nye is the African guttural nasal, NO, the Sound of Negation which was first, whether represented by the Water, the Motherhood, or the left hand.” [Thus no then yes; negative then positive; water then air; mother then father; left then right, neither then either]
The clenched hand striking the breast repeatedly is the gesture-sign of Ankh. It represents the personal pronoun I, 'myself.” We see athletes do this, but most of us have done this by point to or touching our chest to indicate me or I
The Inner African Nge is the most common form of the personal pronoun I throughout the world. Nge represents the nose, the personal pronoun I and the Ankh.
N from Ng from Ankh as the first sign of water, family, people of a district, number two Ng is a root of Number One. I + NG = Ing + K forms King, the living one. Ing is ink is ank is Ankh

NA is no, genetic potential off and at rest.
NA is Nature.
NA is the first form of IA


O evolved from IU as the Infinite God O with a number of 70 instead of 10 tribes and 70 divisions which preceded the 12 tribes and 72 divisions.
O OO UAU and UA are synonymous.
O like MAC indicates descent on the mother’s side.


PH and F interchange
PP forms a B
P after F then V
P from Pep
P now equates with F and B and V D sometimes M

P has symbols of water-bird (PA) and lioness (PEH)
PA means a mouth. Two different P’s in the mdw ntr are pictographs of the open mouth, that of the lioness and the waterfowl. Another PEH is the mons veneris, or mystic mouth. Mons veneris is called mountain of venus and mons pubis and is defined as the fatty cushion of flesh in human females situated over the junction of the pubic bones
P and H from PEH. Pehti yields Peti, Petty. Pity, Pet and more from the early language simple duplication of Peh-Peh
L from PEH, the tail of the lion, rump (a kind of mouth of the lioness because of the uterus)
L or R from RU the Lion, RU is a mouth, and the PEH
There are two mouths, two PEHs, two lions, or a dual lion. The RURU is the horizon as the place of the two lions, or dual lion. The horizon has one mouth in front and one behind, just as the lioness. Hence the two mouths are figured by R (front) and L (rear). The lion of the horizon was feminine at first, doubly feminine, and later it was the male-female.
The lion of the hinder part, the north region is Shu-Anhar. He wears the hinder part of the lion as his symbol. The lioness of the fore part is Tefnut. Consequently the Ru (R), mouth, is feminine, and the L of the hinder part is masculine

P is the masculine article The.
1st Example: Add P to Uskh yields P-uskh
2nd Example: Rhat is the great judge of the dead in Amenti. Rhat is the Greek Rhadamanthus. The Rhat with the letter L instead of R is the Lat [only the leading consonants were replaced] Lat with the masculine article Pi, becomes Pilate, as the deity who is the judge in Amenti. [only a letter e was added at the end

P is the masculine terminal.
1st Example: Kha-RU or uterine outlet. With P suffixed yields Kherp.
[p replaces the last letter if it is a consonant, and also reverses the letter a and the consonant it is attached to and changed a to e]
2nd Example: Egyptian terminal p turns Skher into Scrap. [softens a non-leading kh to C, and changes e to a and reverses it with the consonant that follows]

PLU means flowing as in utterance. Utterance includes speech but did not begin as speech in the current sense of speech limited to proceeding from the human mouth. Utterance is that which issues forth in a stream or river, thus utterance is initially associated with water, energy, spirit, air, heat. Utterance can be any state of matter and that is recognizable by any sensing ability of any creation. Thus, for example, ultraviolet light is an utterance. (see also PLA PAL APL PLE PEL PLI PIL PLO POL and more, including forms that replace L with R and forms that replace P with F or B. Thus we can see how PLO can become FLO as in FLOW).
PLU from PRU (Egyptian) to flow out, pour forth, emanate, run, as in raining, water springing from earth.


Q after KH from Kha the Fish
Q after KH the Calf
Q after W after KH


R from RL
R came before L
R signifies motion with rhythm and appearing in different places predictably as the dark and light Sun and unpredictably like the light and dark Moon.
R is transformer and renewer.
R represents the RU that roars when it opens its mouth and is also able to speak with its mouth closed. RU is the great opening as ruur, thus roar. Ru is the name of the lion
R represents RU, the serpent that puffs, blows like a puff adder or cobra
R from Ru the grasshopper
R from RER from RERU from RURU
RI is the re-production of the mother who brings forth all rhythm.
R from RET a cord twisted or tied into a loop used for tethering cattle when grazing.

RE the Repa, the repe-tition of the mother, thus the child who is ever-coming because the mother is the everlasting one.
REP is the typical quadruped. KHEPT (KHAFT, KHÂT, FET, AFT), names of the four quarters, is the hind quarter, hinder thigh of the Quadruped, the Beast as the seat-type of four nearest to nature. These words also mean, to squat or go down, as the animal on all fours. The prototypical idea of number 4 is quadrupedal.

RUBU ( RU-BU ) is the northern Pool of Pant and the reptile monster in the pool.
RU is the reptile, river-dragon, crocodile. HAB to prowl, beset, infest; HAP is hidden. Thus RU-HAB means hidden reptile
RUBU ( RABU ) is the two halves of heaven, both represented as a beast and darkness.
RU-HEF denotes the crawling gigantic serpent.
REF from RUBU (varied and shortened) means beast-reptile
REPA from RUBU means a lord, prince, governor
RUBU-MI means the full style. MA (MI) means the true. Thus RUBU-MI means the true Rubu, the true Repa. Rubu-Mi is Repa-Ma is Ma-Repa, any true repeater of the time-cycles.

The Repa is the lord, and Repit the lady of repetition. Repat is the lady of heaven, the constellation Virgo. With the L instead of R the word is Lubat, a title of Jupiter. Lubat from Luba-t from Ruba-t from Rubu-t the female Repa. Rubata is the mystical cow, a primordial shape of the Repat. Thus we get a sense of the meaning of many words such as rebut and rebuttal.


S and T are forms of each other and represent duplication, duality, twinness.
S means the seat of Goddess Hes
SI means “of” or “born of”
S from Sus
S from Ses , six.
S from Su the Goose
S from Sa the Jackal
S from Sa, the collar or tie, indicating rank, office, wisdom
S from Sa an ornament with ten loops indicating a legal or royal court
S from Shabu, the Uskh (Us, S-kh, S-collar, Khekh) collar of nine points worn by judges.
S represents Sa and Us. Kh denotes the title
S is a feminine terminal
S becomes a later Z. Z and S are called crooked letters, especially S. The crooked serpent is a symbol of S
S expresses both the oldest birth-place and the eldest born (first born), thus mother and child.

S and T from Tes sign (Tesh, Tech, Tek or Set are variants)
Tesh (Tes), the inner self of a thing, the spark, the spirit, the soul. This is the Ancestor, the great mummy. Tes is the very self, the enveloped form, the soul. Tes also means to tie up. Tes is Khes is Hes, remembering and reconnecting truths

S and T from Set and Tet (Tes), the snake. Both from Tset.
S can become J DJ or J . These use the same sign of the crocodile tail as Ka Sa and Tsa.
SH or CH as a terminal to adjectives, from KA meaning type, cultus, kind.
S did not exist separately at the time the Maori migrated from the common centre, but it was when the Akkadians branched off from the parent stock. This caused them to change Kameri to Sumeri and change Kamite to Semite

What does S mean at the end of a word in Latin?
Nominative and accusative cases of neuter nouns are always the same. The plural always ends in '-a'. Accusative singular for masculine and feminine nouns always ends in '-m'; accusative plural for masculine and feminine nouns always ends in '-s'. Genitive plural of all declensions ends in '-um'. https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/latin/stage-1-latin/lessons/lesson-3-second-declension-nouns-to-be/#:~:text=Nominative%20and%20accusative%20cases%20of,ends%20in%20'%2Dum'

SV (Sanskrit) from F


T and S are forms of each other and represent duplication, duality, twinness
T from Tech and Tek, which is a Cross
T from Tau cross is connected with number 9 and 3, a cross of nine months in three-quarters which are completed by three months of water signs in one quarter (northern), which is the 0 of the ankh-cross.
T from Ta the Nestling (Ta, land, Variation Ka, thus the ca at the end of Afri and Ameri. Thus the only difference between the two words is F and ME and we know F exchanges with B and B exchanges with M) We also know America is at least Amerita and Kameri-ta. “Ta” (to) is a type, also to register. Ta also means wife.
T from UTA , land, earth (Maori) which yields TA , land, earth and KI , land, earth, interior region
T symbolized by jackal, perch and beetIe
T ending a word is feminine but the I after the T is inherent to indicate duality still exists
T from K and before C
T interchanges with K C D
T from Tat, Ter and Tek
T from Tet the Ibis

T from Tet the Snake.
ť is the name of the Snake. ť is also the double sound of Ts or Dj or Tset. The snake re-presents the oldest birth-place (mother) and the first born (child). Thus the snake is two-headed as TS or DJ (Coptic Djandja).
TS became Dj (T became D and S became J)

TI ending a word indicates plural by duplication. IT is heaven.
TI from Tiu or Tui from Tef. TI means two. Thus when we say “Tea for two” we are still acknowledging TI for two and for IU, to be dual or duplicative. IU becomes JU as in Jupiter, the star of the double horizon.

Tef or Seb is paternal out front, maternal behind.
Both Tef and Seb from Tsef from Tsafe. Tsef is an Inner African root that has both variants in Tef and Seb, and can be traced thus. Tseb is the father, the virile male god, the elder or old one. The masculine soul was, so to speak, discovered in Egypt by Tseb or Tef, earth, dog
T and S from Tet (Tes) and Set, the snake. Both from Tset.
TS or TZ, as the snake Tet/Tset becomes Zed becomes Z from Zed which means the strongest hisser, the hiss of the snake.
Tsa, Ka, Sa from S

Tep (fist) and Kep (fingers) from Tch
T re-presents tep (top) and tepht (depth). Tep is 1 and Tepht as Dep is also 1 while Tef is 2. Tepht contains female and male then divides into Mother (Tep) and Father (Tef), both of whom exist in the womb to bring forth creation.
Tsef yields Coptic Djandja yields Oscan Djovis
Tsef or Djef accounts for both Djovis in Latin, and Tzeus in Greek. All three together with Dev, Dyaus, and Deus are derivable from one original Tsef or Tseb, whence the Tef and Seb as two names for the divine father in Egyptian.
TU means “the”, cave, cavern, Rubu, reptile lord of two halves, tie, ribbon, band, covenant, feminine prefix, two, double, dual


U from HU from KHU from KHUT from KHEFTI which means spirit, breathing, power, glorious actions, a ceremony, a representation, paint, go with whip sign, make go, quick. rise up, elongate, spread with great rapidity, rapid waters, birth, be born, govern, beat with the whip, benefit, protection, reproduction, white.
U symbolized by the chicken, swallow

U means uterus, universe, creation, birth, womb, circle, uraeus, oval, ellipse, cartouche, unity, zero, upper, under...
U the uterus is the open circle (9 months of gestation); O the womb is the closed circle of 12 months, 4 quarters.

U is a plural for they or them,—answering to the child of either sex
Ur (RU) means fire
U from Ur the Finch
U from the Duckling.
U from FU
U is W and I is J
U is I. U and I can be used together in either order, or they substitute for each other by writing U or I but the other letter is implied. U became E, thus I also implies an IE, as well as IU

Uati of the Waters is also the fiery serpent of the Sun, thus, Uati is the spark who gives birth to sparks such as souls, stars, moon, etc. And gives birth to wind through the Sun also. (See Kar-Tek)
Ua or Uat is Number 5, that is the one as a hand.
Uâ in the feminine gender is Uat, the genetrix. Uata, Uati.

UA , UAU , and O are synonymous
UA signifies the only one, solitary. This Uâ is probably Ufa from Kufa, the hand or fist.
Uâ means laying hold. Kefa, Shâ, Api, Fa, Uâ, â, are forms of first one, Number 1, or one hand.

UA is the chief one, the one alone, the only one, solitary, isolated, top, summit. Ua is the basis of equal, equation, equator, equinox, agua, aqua, Aquaria, dual, mutual, quality, Aquality, gauge, language, quarter...
UA is equivalent to the top and summit.
Uata means “the top of the world.
Great Mother Khefa (Khefti) as “top of the world” is why the Ark rested on top of the world. The Mother is the Ark; the Great Mother is the mountaintop; child is again resting in the lap of the mother.

Uau is the Egyptian word for the letter “ O ” used as a prefix to represent the mother-circle.
Uaua is a name for Nubia, mother of Egypt. [Uaua is same as Kep-Kep ] KEP also means, close two into one, make the copula, the kepera.

UN , later EN , to be, condition of being, is same as N (the English version) as a terminal of “born”
UN the Hare, produces the variant AN which yields letter A
US from S from Uskh collar from Shabu

UTA repeating period, the Eye of Taht meaning resurrection and renewal, like the new moon. Companion to Uta is Uat, meaning heat and wet as two truths of the waters of life. The water was converted into breathing life by the Mother when in heat, or gestating, i.e. life-making. (love-making because life and love are the same words).
UTA is the widow, thus widow maker.
UTA from FUTA from KHEFTI , to be separate, divided, set apart for certain reasons. Fut and Aft are forms of each other. Aft is the mother of flesh and blood, the Widow of Mythology, whom we shall find at the head of all the divine dynasties, as sole generator of gods and men. Thus the widow is the Uta, Fut and Khut. Fut in Latin is Vidua, as in individual.
Fut, Khut, Kef and Kuf are also forms of Khefti, the ancient mother who is also Typhon.


F then V came before P then B
V from U
V from M
VAH , the shore from PA , the shore or bank in Maori. FA in Egyptian denotes canals or water enclosed and PEH is a water-frontier.
V implies P or PH


W from KH or K is primary
W from U double U
W from V double V
W from F
W often interchanges with H CH C T D G Q F or V
U and W imply an earlier F
W is U and I is J , thus IU becomes JW becomes Jew
W is one of the last letters developed.

Who, What, Where, When, Why, How become earlier
Khu, Khat, Kher, Khen, Khi, Khuf


X sounds like eKhs looks like Sekh or Khekh.
X is ankh
X is a cross, two truths, spirit-soul
X is Sekh is crossroads, division of circle, crossing of two truths
X is number 10 called Tek. X results from the crossing of two hands. The ten fingers are called Tekari
X from a mispronunciation of Tesh (Tes), the inner self of a thing, the spark, the spirit, the soul. This is the Ancestor, the great mummy. Tes is the very self, the enveloped form, the soul. Tes also means to tie up. Since Tes is Khes, Tes is remembering and reconnecting truths Tes and Tet are twins born of Tset
X could be derived from the look of the Ϫ (Coptic Djandja), thus might interchange with DJ


Y is not a primary letter
Y evolved out of F
Y at the end of a word also evolved out of K
Y represents an earlier Egyptian UI IU IE EI I E TI
Y represents the IU as separate and as one, the serpent with the forked tongue or two-headed serpent is IU
Y in came to represent F Z S G KH K J
K T S can become X F Z U UI I can become Y
K at the end of a word can become Y


Z from Zed from Tzed from Tset
Z looks like a double-headed snake that unites Tset and Tet. Teth (Tesh) means serpent, and to twist and knot into each other, as serpents do.
Z is Zero the repeater that duplicates. Teth (Tesh) means serpent, and to twist and knot into each other, as serpents do.
Z is an earlier S. Z and S are called crooked letters, especially S. The crooked serpent is a symbol of S. In a loose sense we might say S and Z are crooked vibrations in the waters, while N and M are not
Z is an N differently oriented one quarter turn, thus N is beginning and Z is end
Z from Zeta (Greek and Coptic)
Z (Semitic) is convertible at times with D or rather the Z and D interchange
Z from S TS TZ

Z from Tset the serpent. The seesaw on our stones is the serpent or Z-figure oscillating across the double disk of the Hall of Two Truths of the double horizon is Tset. Tset is the serpent (Tet), and this serpent Tset becomes our Zed. Thus the serpent and the Z are equivalents as on the stones and belong to the double horizon north and south, its head and tail are solstitial; these go up and down across the dual disk, which is therefore the Egyptian equinox in the zenith. (BB) In other words, the serpent and Z-sign on the Scottish stones were figures of the Solstices united with the Mount of the Equinoxes; and this is confirmed by the double Dragon or Serpent of the North and South. (NG1)

Breath, spirit and fire are equivalent types of life. In Egyptian, Ses is breath; Sesit, flame; Sesh is combustion, also a spirit of wine that led to Zis or Zisit (Hebrew) as the Bird of Fire or Soul.
Vivas (Greek) is a form of wishing life and health.
Svas (Sanskrit) means to breathe and to live.
Svastika, or Swastika Cross, is a sign of life represented by the vivifying fire, and also a lingaic [phallic] symbol (Tika is to cross, join, twist, go together; and Tik in Sanskrit is to go); this has the shape of a double Z.
Z Z has the force of Zis, Ses, or Svas, denoting the life, the breath, the generative fire, of which the Swastika is the Cross. (NG1)

Monday, June 26, 2023

Beautifulest & Powerfulest, Abishag The Shunemite Shunammite
Unity Consciousness #2981

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzze of 11)

The problem with most bibles compiled in the last 2,160 years is that they were able to take some real and unreal places and people names, mix in mythology science and eviscerated events, and then use that as a basis to continue their debased treatment of races, including economic races. The ever-coming ones have improved ease of access to information and increased understandings for those who seek and willing drink when led to living waters of simple truths such as wrong and right.
Based on language rules,** the mother title, Khnem, can be written Nem. Thus Nemrut and Nimrod can be Khunemrut or Shunemrut or simply Khunem, Shunem, Khunam, Shunam, Khenam, Khenma.
**Ma or am is the Mother, and Ken-am or Ken-ma would be the mother-title. In hieroglyphics the word may be Khnem or Nem, according as the sign be read Khen or N, syllabic or phonetic. (BB)
This is simply another way to verify that the Shunemites and Shunammites were from Nimrod's area in Samaria by way of Kamaria by way of Khebma. It tells us how far “all the coasts of Israel” extended to (pre-biblical attempt at whitening and pre-physical whitening). We are no longer deceived that Shunem was in a Samaria in a Judea east of Jordan River. It also again tells us that “fair” is not a synonym for white skin or light skin or a frame of mind associated with such.

Shunammite Abishag was important beyond being the prettiest woman in the land and an unplucked virgin. She represented the key to rulership. This is known through King Solomon who said giving Abishag to Adonijah was the same as asking for the kingdom, chief priest and captain of the host. Solomon needed a Shunemite princess because he was not legit since he was tenth born to David. Bathsheba understood this because she helped David be legit despite the story told about their meeting. Bathsheba knew Adonijah should be king because he was fourth born and even though Bathsheba was not his mother. Excuses were made why Amnon, Daniel and Absalom, born 1-2-3, did not get consideration before Adonijah.
Bathsheba is Bathshua, thus also likely a Shunammite. Her name is likely closer to Bath-Khenma that became Bath-Shenma, Bath-Shenba, Bath-Sheba, Bathsheba, thus she is the daughter of mother Khenma from the south.
Rulership through the female is attested to many times by male Israelites who married and/or had children with females from Ethiopia, Egypt, Ammon and other places that were supposedly not of the lineage of Abraham. All of these marriages also again confirm that all these people were either black folks and/or not color conscious and sanity unconscious. Thus all the marriages to maids and handmaidens and concubines were just as legit and so were their offspring. Just as marriages to cousins and close in-laws as is admitted to many times. Solomon was a ring leader of having baby momma's but so was Judah, Jacob and Abraham, just to name a few. Abraham would be the premier deadbeat father, child abuser and domestic violencer. Judah had children with his daughter-in-law Tamar to produce the lineage of Jesus and we think that's legit?

The story about David wanting a beautiful woman for a nurse is some bullshit. He wanted her, upon the advice of his Kushite advisers called servants, so he could pass her onto Solomon to again try to cement the right to rulership through a woman from a land more closely connected to Kush. Not because David and them were white Semite Israelites but because they were black Kamite people in Asia, Persia, Arabia, Canaan, Mesopotamia in Asia and Sumeria and Hamath and India. And if the story is in any way true to human nature and past and present behavior, a king who could have his way, and who killed Uriah so he could have sex with naked beautiful from a distance Bathsheba, ain't no way he did not have sex with the most beautiful woman in the world (not just from across the street) or at least get chicken-headed. If Abishag was that damn good-looking, a sane man would lose his sense of control. Pretty wasn't the purpose. If the purpose was to tend to David, a decent looking voluptuous woman free for the taking would be plenty sufficient to arouse sexual healing in an old ass sick man.
David sought out a Kamari princess, Abishag, because Prince Solomon wasn't smart enough to do so on his own, being young, dumb and full of cum, having likely already shown his “player for life” mentality.
Solomon's stupidity is attested to in the JC Bible's account of his decisions as King.

Why did Omri, King Of Israel, build Samaria and establish it as the royal city of Israel? Why did the following kings rule Israel from Samaria: Jeroboam, Hoshea, Jehu, Jehoahaz, Jehoshaphat, Joash/Jehoash?

Let's get away from Abishag's importance was her beauty. It was her birthright power to the throne via being a member of the blood royal. We all know that if you take an extremely small sample of one thousand of the prettiest women, that the only difference will be twofold: physical preference and personality compatibility (How does the beauty of her spirit-mind-emotions match the other person's).

See, Shunem

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Leopard God's Due Signs In Du Times
Nimrod & Kepheus
Unity Consciousness #2980

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzd of 11)

May the Lords add blessings to heeding their words and may they rectify themselves in our parts. Amenet
The Age of Kepheus has a primary star called Alpha Kephei (now spelled Cephei and called Alderamin). Kepheus is a northern circumpolar constellation. Alpha Kephei is now becoming Polaris North. Kepheus Constellation has the special title of Rek, Rā, Regulus of the Great Year Cycle. Kepheus is the REK of REKs, the REK-UR, the coming into his own, coming of age virile pubescent force, the celestial indicator that lets us know a cycle is completed and beginning. Kepheus shares the Regulus title with the primary star in Leo Constellation called Cor Leonis (Lion Heart, Leopard Heart). Kepheus Constellation (as Anhur) and Cor Leonis (as Shu) are Regulus because when Cor Leonis is at the western corner of the Equinoctial circle and Kepheus' Alpha Kephei is at the northern corner of the Northern Circumpolar Circle, the Northern Circumpolar Great Year cycle ends and begins. This is coincident with the Age of Aquaria/Aquarius. These celestial positionings put the heavens into a northwest Meroë birthplace orientation. (BB), (BB2), (NG2)
We offer the quick example of: when the sun's position is at the eastern corner, we say a day cycle is beginning, and when the sun's position is at the western corner, we say a day cycle is ending, even though our clock reckoning says midnight is when a day begins and ends. This clock reckoning is accurate since creation begins in darkness.

The hinder-part of the northern heavens is called Khepsh (Kush, Ethiopia).
Periodically, Khepsh gives rebirth to Kepheus, the heir-apparent as King of Ethiopia.
Kepheus has two mothers: Nut, the entire heaven, and Cassiopeia, the hinder-part of Nut.
Cassiopeia is Khepsh, Kush, Ethiopia, Lady of the Seat, Queen Mother of Ethiopia, Queen of Ethiopia, Queen of the South and Khattiopia (Khatti and opia both mean South). Khattiopia is the earlier spelling of Cassiopeia, Aethiopia and Ethiopia.

Thus the Kush of the Judaeo-Christian Bible is not a human on this Earth, but a quarter of a 25,920 year circle cycle of time. That quarter is the 6,480 year northern quarter, the Khepsh quarter, a portion of which Kepheus is the ruling king. (BB2). If Kush be not human, where does that leave Ham, Noah and them?

The Great Mother has her own Regulus star called Sib-zianna (Sib-zi-anna, Sibzianna, Arcturus). This is in Ursa Major Constellation (Great Hippopotamus, Thigh, Leg, Boates, Boötes, Great Bear). Sibzianna is also the name of Mars, a planetary type of Kepheus (Shu). Both the Sun and Kepheus, the hunter called Nimrod, use Sibzianna (in Ursa Major or as Mars) as a bow to guide their arrows of energy around the galaxy. The Sun also uses Cor Leonis as a bow. (BB2) and https://theodora.com/encyclopedia/c2/constellation.html

The four JC Bible cities of Nimrod (Babel, Ereck, Akkad, Kalneh) match the four quarters of Nimrod which are marked by four alpha stars and constellations (Regulus in Leo Constellation, Antares in Scorpio Constellation, Fomalhaut in Southern Fish Constellation (AE1), and Aldebaran in Taurus Constellation.
Thus Fomalhaut must be shared by or actually be in Aquaria/Aquarius Constellation (NG2) in order for these four Constellations to form the equinoctial circle. Thus each Northern Circumpolar Constellation rules over the Equinoctial Constellations. Exact dual rule or something similar must also be true of the Southern Circumpolar Constellations. The four quarters of Wepwawet (Ursa Minor) would be Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini (BB2)

Big Changes Above, Big Changes Below

When Celestial Nimrod (Nabrod, Nebrôd, Nemrut, Nimr-oth) went forth, the Kushite migration from Africa occurred into the land of Singar. This Singar was not in Shinar (Sennar) but rather east of the Tigris River in southern Sumeri where it meets the Persian Gulf. It makes sense to get off ships before reaching the end of the Persian Gulf.
Sumeri means country of the natives, district of the ancestral race, first settlers, squatters, or colonists from the land of Kush. The Sumeri are the Sameri, Skameri, Kamari, Kameri, Kiengi, Kushites. (BB2) and https://amaicword.wordpress.com/
If the people and land had been named properly and not after their King, they would be the Kamari, identical with the Kamari of India, the Kymry of Britain and Kumites [Kamites] of Australia.

Like all people by any name, their root comes from the Kamite. The Semite branch from the Kamite is short. The Kamite is the initial created human race from Khebma. [This indicates the transformation from ape primate to human primate occurred during a Northern Circumpolar Constellation Age of Ursa Major, The Great Mother as Khebma].
God Nimrod inspired a migration in Africa which resulted in Phut, Kush, Mizraim, Kanaan, four branches in four different directions.

The powers of Kepheus influenced a group of humans to name themselves Kephenes. The Kephenes and Chaldees (Kharti) are a dual form of the ancient people of the Kushite empire. This would have been at least 25,920 years ago. [Kephenes were likely people in Sennar Africa since the Chaldees ended up in Senaar in Asia. Kephenes and Kaldi are both associated with Kepheus, thus Nimrod and two mesopotamias on this Earth.] (BB2)

During an earlier Age of Kepheus, at least 25,920 years ago, humans assigned more names to celestial objects. The variation of language associated with Nimrod did not occur in Babel on this Earth. Language varies over time within groups and through group interaction. Under the reign of Nimrod above and his celestial city of Babel, those spirit-soul, soul of life powers helped humans develop their language more rapidly and widely. Search Babel Tower and then use Ctrl + F to search tower. (BB2)
Nimrod of JC Bible lore is a giant, mighty one and king because he is Shu-Kafi-Kepheus, a giant, mighty one and king.
The Kef in Kepheus means force, might. The sun is said to be forced along by the conducting of Shu. The mdw ntr sign of force is the determinative of the word NEM, which means force, to force back, turn back by force.

Yes There Were Humans Named Nimrod

Nemrut (Nemrod) is the name of three human princes of the twenty-first Egyptian Dynasty. This is not confusing. How many people are named Jesus?
Nimrod is also the name of the father of Sheshank I, a Pharaoh of the twenty-second Egyptian Dynasty.
In addition to coming from the word Nimrut, the word Nimrod is also said to come from Nimr-at, meaning the son of the leopard.
Nimr, the leopard, is represented in the Mdw Ntr (hieroglyphs) by NEM, which also means , the spotted skin. This makes sense since Shu (Bes) also represents dark and light.
Nimr, the Semitic name of the leopard, is written in Assyrian Ni-im-ru. In Egyptian “ru” is the lion; the twin-lions are the ruti, the two ru of the horizon which Shu the lion of the sun, uplifts. One of the two lions is a leopard or leopard-cat, a maneless lion.
Shu, the lion of the sun, transforms into the leopard or cat, the Assyrian Nlmru and Egyptian Nem-Ru,
Nem means the second, and Nem-ru is the second lion called a leopard (Mau).
The second of the twin Ruti is Nem-Ruti. Shu, as Anhar, or Kepheus with the Khept [north] sign of Nem, is the Nem-ruti, thus Shu-Mau (lion-leopard) is a name for Kepheus. (BB2)

More On The Leopard

Let us be certain to understand that the original Nimrod presided over two divisions, the circle in two halves north and south. The twin lions were the Ruti, and the Nem of these two Ruti, was a leopard. A later Egyptian form, and in both Hebrew and Assyrian, the leopard is Nimr of the four quarters. Thus the Nimrod of the JC Bible mentions four quarters (four cities of Nimrod). Thus the JC Bible version of Nimrod is a later version mixed into human history. In the mdw ntr (hieroglyphics) of the time of the two divisions, the letter “D” did not exist. Thus the word leopard was, at best, spelled leopar and possibly leap-ur, and likely leaper for reasons to be explained in an upcoming tranmission. (BB2 523)

Sekhet is leopard-headed. Sekhet if part of Tef-Nut is part of Kepheus.
Sekhet's dual type is Mau-SHAU, or Ma-shu. Since Khu is an earlier form of Shu, Ma-SHU had an earlier phase in Ma-KHU. In the form of Shu-ma is the name of the pool of the Two Truths, where the Ma is transformed into the Ma-Shu.
The leopard represents warriors who manifested the utmost boldness and suddenness in attack. This is another clue that confirms historically societies have fallen slowly, then suddenly all at once. And Kepheus and all other conjunctions indicate a superhuman driven global reset is in plain sight progress and imminent while sheeple huddle around broken logic fences and focus on the mundane of whatever the “news” proclaims is germane while the enemy continues to attack from within the sheep pack. There is no falseness in African Mythology and Eschatology. All of it is science. We've been told Kepheus and Cassiopeia are King and Queen of Ethiopia Above, thus also Ethiopia Below. Upheaval and fulfillment is ramping up despite the condition of our rek-ur-nition. Since Kepheus is the Leopard-Lion, the heart of the Leopard-Lion is Cor Leonis. In other words, Cor Leonis in Leo Constellation is the heart of Kepheus the Lion King. Kepheus rises when the sun passes into Aquaria Constellation, i.e., the Age of Aquaria begins. We should continue to expect easily noticeable changes, especially at each annual solstice and equinox. Occurring twice each Great Year, the magnetic pole will flip again upon the arrival of Kepheus. Mentioned elsewhere, black people with their hands up and/or kneeling is a sign of Shu, the Kneeler, whether this occurs in church or when facing police. (BB2), (AE2 622-3)

Mysian Connection

Another meeting-point between Shu (Khufu, Kefu, Kherufu) and Nimrod can be found in the statement of the Paschal Chronicle where the Mysians are said to be descended from Nimrod; “Nebrod, the huntsman and giant, from whom came the Mysians.” Lydia formed a part of the same kingdom of Pergamos as Mysia. Mysia bears the name of Mashu, and Lydia of the Ludi or Ruti. This will explain why names of the mythical monarchs, Nimrod and Assur, have not been discovered on the bricks of the cities assigned to them. They were characters, personifications, not persons on Earth, but rather 'belonging to the heavens, therefore divinities. Hence, while their names remained as human or ethnic titles, the real characters were continued as gods under other names.

Who Else Is Nimrod?

Horus, Of course.
Horus is the mighty conqueror, the Nimrod, the slayer of the gigantic Apap. (AE1)
Horus is every god, every soul of life because Horus is Shoru is Sheru is Heru is Kheru is Makheru is the true word and true voice of the two truths. Each set of two truth is a giant force to be reckoned with and by and that establishes kingdoms on Earth, in us and everywhere else.
Nimrod became “a mighty one in the earth” [at the advent of an Age of Kepheus] (AE2).
The association with Mars, yields “Red-Eyes”, the rage of the Lion. The rebellious [rebellion, revolution] Giant is likewise a perfect parallel to Hapi, the Giant Ape, Shu, Nimrod, what we need for times like these. (NE1)

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Mesopotamia | Names & Meanings Remembered
Unity Consciousness #2978

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1. Messu-Ptah-Tan-Nia
a) Messu is the child produced from or by the water.
b) Ptah is the creator, potter, fashioner, modeler of clay, mud, earth
c) Tan means to divide
d) Nia (Nai) is water, inhabitants, two, double

2. Messu-Pu-Tena-Nai
a) Messu is the child produced from or by the water.
b) Pu and Po, is to divide and are derived from Ptah (Putah, Put)
c) Tena (Ten, Tna is to separate, divide in two, halve
d) Nia (Nai) is water, inhabitants, two, double

3. Messu-Po-Ta-Mai
a) Messu is the child produced from or by the water.
b) Pu and Po, is to divide and are derived from Ptah (Putah, Put)
c) Ta is seat, two, give, gift, cut, type, write, scribe, language, discourse, tell, mountain, land, fire. Ta comes from Taht and Ptah and Khat. Variation Ka.
d) Ma as Mai and Mahi is that which has and gives standing and stability, work, ferment, fulfill, make bread, cake, land

(Khen-nai-aru, Khen-Kar, Shen-Kar, Shinar, Sennaar, Sennar)
Location, Origin, Meaning
Unity Consciousness #2977

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Senaar (Sennar, Sennaar) used to be the name of the entire land area between the White Nile River and Blue Nile River. It is a Mesopotamia. The boundaries have been greatly reduced by assigning different names to other portions of this land between two rivers. (Élisée Reclus, Earth and its Inhabitants)

The Shinar in the Judaeo-Christian Bible was named after the African Senaar and used to be spelled Senaar. This Shinar is located in the Asian Continent's Mesopotamia and is equal to the word Mesopotamia. In Genesis 11:2, if people journeyed from the east and ended up in Shinar, then they would have had to start out east of the Tigris River.
This matches what the Book of Tobit says about Tobit, Edna, Tobias and Sara who were from Media.

God Nimrod (Nabrod, Nebrôd, Nemrut, Alorus, Evechius, Kepheus, Shu) founded both Senaar's which is why they both used to have the same spelling. (Ancient Fragments).
After the Semites had wrecked themselves and tried to backdate history to correct themselves, they changed the story to make Abraham a real person and originate from Ur in Chaldea in Shinar. Tobit became Terah and Tobias became Abraham.
The JC bible, corrupted and fabricated many things, places, people and gods. Another example is Moses who was also partly fashioned out of Tobias whose father-in-law was Raguel, priest of Media This was changed to Midian, west of the Jordan River and west of Judaea. No wonder there are umpteen “missing” books of the bible. To slip you mickie fickies to keep you high and not notice the lies.

The first tribes that inhabited Egypt, (the Nile Valley between the Syene [Aswan] cataract and the [Mediterranean] sea) came from Abyssinia into Sennar. [This does not exclude what we learned about Meroë and the Maori.]
The ancient Egyptians belonged to a race quite similar to the Kennous or Barabras, present inhabitants of Nubia. In the Copts of Egypt, we do not find any of the characteristic features of the ancient Egyptian population. The Copts are the result of crossbreeding with all the nations that have successively dominated Egypt. It is wrong to seek in them the principal features of the old race (Diop, African Origin)

The boundaries of present-day Ethiopia are not those of Ancient Ethiopia. Present-day [1955 CE] Ethiopia is essentially the Sudanese civilization of Sennar. Thus we must guard against misleading modern terminology that transfers Ancient Ethiopia toward the east, to Addis Ababa. Modern Ethiopia is more directly the heir of the civilization of Axum, which corresponds to a later phase of which the Ancients were totally unaware [because that Ethiopia did not exist]. In fact. Axum was merely a peripheral province belatedly detached from the Sudanese kingdom [and manufactured into a country]. The name Sudan (Soudan) [including South Sudan, Ethiopia and all the land between the two Niles] is the only proper designation for the country the Ancients called Ethiopia (Diop, African Origin of Civilization, published 1955 CE)

Ridiculous information from a source that elsewhere contains a decent amount of clues and accuracy

Original Sennar, a region in the Soudan, is sometimes referred to as the Turkish Sinir, a 'boundary' or 'frontier,' but the name is properly Dar-Sennár, the 'land like fire, or, if Nubian, 'land of the river isle.' (Names & Their Histories)
I say: reference to Turkish can only be in relation to a later invasion and only a recent name appendage. The prefix DAR relates to German or Arabic influence. Neither of the first two definitions make sense. The third definition is inadequate.

UC#509, “Shinar, Babel Tower & Natural Origin Of Languages”, says Shinar is east of Jordan River and west of the Euphrates; however after seven more years of frequent safari miles and after using the books in the Apocrypha, and after understanding more clearly the type of historical trickery taking place and after working through this rabbit hole message, I now understand how Shinar of the JC Bible is referring to the land between the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers.

Circuitous Route Back Closer To Original Name Calling Truth

Naiaru means the double stream, two waters or waterer of the two lands. Naiaru is one of several earlier names for the Nile River.
Khen is within, inner, interior, to carry the child. One kind of child is the mes, the soil carried by the waters.
Shen, a varied spelling of Khen, is two, second, twin, double, encircle enclose a crowd, dual twin water
Khen-nai-aru (Khennaiaru) is a possible name that becomes Khennaar, Shennaar and Sennaar.

Shen-gar is the twin-circle. Later the twin-land, the land of the two streams.
Shen-gar from earlier Shenkar would be the double land, corresponding to the twin-total found in Sem.
The country of SINKAR, coupled with that of Assur, is mentioned on 18th Dynasty Egyptian monuments which agrees with the Singara of Ptolemy and other Greek writers.

Sen-kar or Shen-kar is named and known in Egyptian, where it means the double land, with the additional application of Kar, the circle. This naming is in accordance with the mapping-out of the celestial lands by north and south, as in Mitzraim or Khebti, the dual Kheb.
Shin-kar was the dual land that Nimrod subdivided into the four quarters on which his kingdom was founded, and the name lives on in Senkerah. [possible relationship to Ṣaqqārah, also spelled Saqqara or Sakkara or Sakkarah]
The dual land on this Earth is Sennar in Asia and Assur/Asshur/Ashur/Asher (Assyria). And Sennar in Asia and Persia. And Sennar in Asia and And Senaar in Mesopotamia and Senaar in Africa. And Sennar in Asia and all the land between the Tigris River and Persian Gulf to the east, the Indus River to the southwest, the Amu Darya River to the northwest and the Aral Sea and Caspian Sea to the north and connecting mountains, all of which was at one point called Sumeria/Sameria (same as the approximation of land between 45 and 75 degrees west longitude and 23.4 to 45 degrees north latitude). The location and extent of Sumeria needs triple-checking. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/map-of-middle-east-rivers-indus-river-map-tigris-river-map-euphrates-river-map-world-atlas--604256475014331687/ (BB2)
Shin-kar and Senkerah easily become Senar and Shinar.

Khen-Kar would be a naming of the first mesopotamia. Shen-Kar would be the second. Both were founded by Nimrod Above and humans below who were scientists in Nile Valley Mythology.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Opening Education Blinds Finds Utopia In The Dark
Location, Origin, Definition, Meaning
Unity Consciousness #2976

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PU (Egyptian) is be, being, to be, divide, spirit, soul, Ba, Pa, Phu
With the feminine article T prefixed to pu, we get TEPU.


TEPU means the first, breathe, blow.
Tephu is the gate, valve, hole, abyss of Source.
Pu is the belly, womb, birthplace.
Tupu (Maori) is the bud, shoot, growth or blowing of flowers.
Tupu (Mangaian) signifies from the very beginning, when things first began to Tupu or blow (BB)


Tupua (Mangaian) means from the very beginning, personified by the Egyptians as Tep or Tef.
TEP (Egyptian) is the point of beginning, the sacred mountain, the starting-point of the whole. This provides another clue as to why Shu-Tefnut Kepheus Constellation is the beginning of the Great Year.
All that is primary, initial, and primordial, is expressed by Tep. Tep is the upper heaven, and the Tepht is the lower.
Tef was likewise applied to the male, as the first, the divine ancestor, when the fatherhood was understood.
TUPUA is a title of the Taniwha, the Maori monster of the waters, and representative of the Apophis demon of the deep. (BB2)

AEthiopia was the UTOPIA, or Utopu of the Polynesians who used to cross the oceans towards Africa to try to find their northwest homeland, Utupu.
Po in Polynesian is Pu in Egyptian and means north, the lower heaven. (BB2)

The name of Ethiopia from Aethiopia might come from IA + Topua.
IA is the Supreme Being as One and as Many who manifests as all things.

IA becomes AI becomes AE.
Topua is to be, divide, spirit, soul, first, breathe, abyss of Source, the bud, shoot, the sacred mountain starting-point of the whole. All that is primary, initial, primitive and primordial including the Two Truths (Topu (Maori) means pair. Tebu (Egyptian) means pair)

Thus AE-Topua from Utopua and/or Utupua leads to the word Utopia.

Utopia is the birthplace of human creation on Earth where all things are available for humans to succeed by understanding and applying the Two Truths. Yet Utopia is not Kumbaya land. There are dangers and struggles of a different type. No paradise, heaven or garden of eden is about lounging all day letting food fall into your mouth.

An octopus (oct-topu-s) is an eight-armed puffer who moves by blowing air.

Finding Happiness In Khebma-Menka
Definition, Meaning, Origin
Unity Consciousness #2975

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Khebma leads to Hapi leads to Happy

Happy from Hapi from Khapi from Khafi from Khebma, the oldest Great Mother of the Waters & the Winds. She is now beginning again in the heavens as Hathor-Nut (Aquaria) and Shu-Tefnut (Kepheus).
Khebma manifests first on Earth in Hapi Land, the Great Lakes Region of Africa where the Kaf ape primate evolved into humans and the Hapi River above and below flows with all forms of nutrition, especially that for cognition and recognition.

Menka leads to Nusa leads to Ness

NESS from NES from NUSA from NUKA from NAKA (Nika) from MAKA from MENKA.

Menka means create, wet-nurse, two truths.
Nusa is the base, seat and foundation of the Source that pours forth ever-coming ones from which all else comes.
NUSA is also Shu, the supporter of heaven to provide breathing room and lead souls from one side to the other.

Thus, Yes! NESS means an abundance of something. The first abundance of elemental souls of life came from the lower hinder-part dark black abyss north waters of Nun and waters of Nut.

”Ness”, as a word ending to any word, means an abundance of whatever that word is. If you have a word ending in Ness that doesn't mean an abundance, then that word has the wrong suffix.

Happiness means understanding an abundance of truths. Abundance does not mean a lot in number, but rather a lot in foundational truths in balance. The number of foundational truths are small and serve as the roots to all other truths.

Happiness is having a true blue foundation of understandings of inherent genetics that provide all things necessary to understand who you are, where you came from and why you are here. This requires a balanced heart (spirit intention) and mastering the fundamentals of communication (conversation).

The other form of happiness is Hapi-ness. This is an abundance of Hapi. An abundance of water, wind, light, breathing room, explosive rage to offset the abundance of pressures and stresses, two truths, truths about human evolution from apes, watering of deserts, healing, war against societies, favored groups and wannabes, an abundance of climate environmental changes to bring about whatever Great Mother Khebma deems necessary to install the Ages of Aquaria and Kepheus and all the associated realignments of celestial bodies.

What Is Peace? | Meanings and Definitions
Lost It On A Crowded Lieway,
Found Peace On A Two-Way Street
Unity Consciousness #2974

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Found Peace in the symmetry of my identities with their histories in proximity to harmony.
Found Peace in understanding the continuous dynamic rebalancing of truths and the ever-coming ones as proofs.
Found Peace in the need-want incentive process of beingness that rehabilitates me to overall health.

I can have peace and be dissatisfied among unjust humans as long as I am working towards offsetting their impact and influence.

Monday, June 19, 2023

Jerusalem | Name Origin & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #2973

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To Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, New Age Spiritualists, Traditionalists, Permaculturalists, Naturalists, Nationalists, Environmentalists and begga man- Jews, all of you seeking to justify your souls unto salvation in this life and the next:
Stop playin' sincerity 'n' git yo'self clarity!
Put away whatevuh serves as your religion
Git yo'self some precision
Reevaluate livin', each and ev'ry decision
Using true blue worldview vision
The name Jerusalem comes from Africa.

1. Kharu-Shalem. Kha is the book library and altar. Ru is discourse, word, mouth. Thus Kharu is Egyptian for the place of learning. (BB2) Shalem (Shalom) is Hebrew for peace, to complete, form the whole, be full. Hebrew is an African language.
Kharu-Shalem is the peaceful place of learning and completion on the daily Mountain of the Horizon and on the annual Mountain of the Vernal Equinox where the child was reborn to complete one cycle and begin another. (BB2)

2. Aru-Shalem - The peaceful place of making and filling the eye to complete the whole. . This is the same as Mau, Ar, Aru, Meru.
Aru (Ari, Aaru, Arru) is the ascent, steps and mountain of rest, peace and plenty, the hill of the horizon. Additional forms: Aaru-Shalem, Aaru-Salem, Aru-Salem, Arru-Salem, Aarru-Salem, Aarru-hetep or Sekhet-hetep.

3. Iu-sa-lem. Iu-sa is the ever-coming one, the Prince of Peace. Lem is Rem. REM is the limitless one original source with the genetic kinetic potential capable of rising and pouring out into other sources and filling them to their limit. Filling them with REM to their RIM, causing their brimming from remming. This REM source is the mirror image MER source which is spirit-soul symbolized by waters (all forms of liquid essence that transform themselves into other states of matter and beingness). This forms all truths. REM is the Reru and the Ru, the opening, the uterus. REM is the erector of MES, causing dry land and mountains to rise out of the waters.

4. Jehu-Shalem from Jehovah-Shalem, the great mother as the bringer of Peace (Jehovah of Peace). She is named Pash and Pekh in Egyptian. The other character of Jehovah-Shalem is Jehovah-Nehs. Jehovah-Shalem is Salama in Hebrew. This sheds additional light into the Muslim greeting, As-salāmu ʿalaykum, that means much more than “Peace be upon you”. It speaks to the feminine God, the two mothers and the son as the ever-coming one.

5. Moriah was another typical name for the Mount of Peace on Earth that mirrored the Celestial Mount of Khefa, the Hippopotamus Great Bear Constellation as the place of birth, burial and rebirth in the thigh hinder-part north heaven of the never-setting stars. Jhvh in Syriac is Morio. Morio is synonymous with Muru, thus Meru, Meroë, Moriah, Khept.
Jerusalem is the Israelite center. The Mount Moriah (Temple Mount) in present-day Israel in the Arabian Near East, is north of Jerusalem but not west. Same for Mount Zion.

As the story goes, when Abraham built an altar on Mount Moriah, he called it Jehovah-Jrah [Jah-ra], which means “Jehovah sees”, hinder part, north, thus identifies Mother Jehovah** as Khefa (Kefa). This altar of Abraham was the seat of Lucifer, who said, "I will ascend into heaven; I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit also upon the Mount of the Congregation in the thighs of the north.'’ (BB2)

**Additional Altars To Mother Jehovah For Christians, Jews & Muslims

This is in contradiction to God as Male Only notion.
1. Moses also built an altar to Mother Jehovah and called it Jehovah-Nissi (Jehovah-Nehs, Jehovah-Nes, Jehovah-Nusa, Jah-Nehs). The Egyptian Nusa is a pedestal, stand, base, throne, seat, altar, foundation that represented the Celestial Nile Eridanus, the pouring of drink offerings, hinder-part and black god as the sun in the lower hinder-part of darkness, the lower heaven where Lucifer also moved to. In Hebrew, Jah-Nehs is called excrement which agrees with the Egyptian word Nehsi, the foul, the black filthy fowl, the bird of night and hinder-part. (BB2)
Nusa was the Amenta underworld birthplace of the ever-coming one. Nu, the firmament of waters, is the abode, receptacle, the feminine bringer and wet-nurse; Sa means behind. (BB2)
Nusa (Nes) is also the son as Shu who uplifts the sun, the solar god. Shu is the Dio or dual god, the Dio-Nissi, Dio-Nys-SA, Dio-Nyssa, Dionysus, Shu-Anhar, Shu-Ma, Hapi-Shu who leads souls out of Celestial Egypt.

2. Gideon built an altar and called it Jehovah-Shalom (Jehovah of Peace). This is Mother Jehovah as the pre-natal nurse of the upper heaven. (BB2)

Contrary to what has been taught, this section reminds us that the God of Abraham and them was the Great Mother and Son, Father third.

Celestial & Terrestrial Meroë (pronounced May-RO-ee)
True Meaning & Location
Unity Consciousness #2972

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Although not referred to by name, the first terrestrial Meroë is in the heart of the Great Lakes Region in Africa, near the Nile and near Nyanza ya Tanganyika and Nyanza ya Ukerewe.
The most likely location for the second terrestrial Meroë (Mauru, Arua, Aru) is in the area now bounded as northwest Uganda and northeast DRCongo where they meet southwest Sudan. We know this because:

1. The earliest Meru was celestial as the mount of the seven stars of the Hippopotamus Constellation, the water-cow Mehuru, the mountain serving as a pole around which revolved the cow, sow, tortoise, water-bird, rhinoceros, or other Great Mother types. The Hippopotamus Constellation is the Great Bear Constellation in the north, the hinder part, the thigh in the sky of Nut in the great waters of Nun.
Celestial Mount Meru is said to signify lake, north, place of fulfillment and re-birth. Ru is the mouth of emanation. Meh-ru is the north outlet from the Abyss . This outlet shown as a Mountain. The seven stars revolved around this figurative mount to make the first circle of time and earliest enclosure in heaven, called Eden, Paradise, Meru or Airyana. (NG2)
The mountain is a high place that connects the deep abyss below and the deep blue sky above. Mountains are the first altar for death, rebirth and a grand focal point reminder for acknowledgment and respect of truths.

2. Reckoning from East Central Africa in the Great Lakes Region, we can determine the land of the ancient Mauri was always to the north-west of center of their civilization, their capital seat serving as one center, the White Nile another center and the combined Nile another center.

3. While reckoning from the south and facing north, land lying north-west of the African center wherever the Maori (Mauri, Maurui, Mauru, Moors) lived, deposits the names of the Mauri land such as Meroë, Mauritania, Marocco (Morocco) and Marmarica **

4. Meh-ru (Mehru, Meh-rru, Meh-ru-ru, Tameri, Meri-ta) is the northwest outlet. Though it is said that Ancient Meroë as Meh-ru was once the capital of the Two Lands called Egypt, we should not be confused by the widely accepted deceptive location of Meroë above Khartoum and east of the Nile.

5. The names Arua and Aru are in the area of NW Uganda and NE DRCongo.

6. Uganda-Ruanda, in what was ancient Meroe. (Diop, Precolonial)

7. In Uganda-Rwanda, we also find the Kara tribe. (Diop, African Origin)

8. “There are many things in the manners and customs and religions of the historic Egyptians that suggest that the original home of their ancestors was in a country in the neighborhood of Uganda and Punt.” (Diop, Civilization or Barbarism)

9. The close proximity to, and details relating to the Reru-Khe-nsa-ru-ru Mountains (Rwenzori). One of several Mountains of the Moon.

10. Meroë must be located near one of the Mountains of the Moon since Meru is Moon Goddess, Hathor (The Hat of Horus), whose name is also Meri (BB)

11. Meru (Ma-ru, Mauru) is the mountain paradise, place of new beginnings and renewal that connects the abyss of water below and the horizon of wind above. Thus, the most likely birthplace of the Maori. Mer is the company or circle of people joined together. Meruni are the inhabitants of the water-region and the land-limit. Meroë is the place of transformation, rebirth and fulfillment where the eye is filled full and the cycle, final stage and process are completed.

12. Meroë is Meru which signifies an island, mountain, lake and river. Be not confused if there are no present day islands in the area.

13. The second or third Meroë became the capital of Aethiopia and served as the birthplace of the Egyptian priesthood and religion which were earlier derived from farther south in the first India (Khentu in the Great Lakes Region, the first Meroë).

14. Gizeh (Giza) and Rhakotis (Ra-Kedet, Alexandria) in Egypt are forms of Meroë

15. Meroë is said to have been discovered by Cailliaud. (Diop, Precolonial Black Africa translated from the 1960 CE L'Afrique noire precoloniale)

16. Meroë is also said to have been discovered by James Bruce who found the true limits and position of the Island of Meroë (enclosed by the Atbara, the Nile, the Blue Nile and its tributaries). per (Crowfoot, Island of Meroe).
This reference goes on to say that Bruce, though hazarding the guess that this site was really Meroë, he devotes some pages elsewhere to proving that Meroe was farther south.

17. In those primitive days, the central seat of Ethiopia was not the Meroe of our day, which is very ancient, but a kingdom that preceded it by many ages; that was called Meru. (Drusilla Houston, Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire)

18. Unlikely the original Meroë birthplace would be revealed to plunderers. Jehovah did not reveal all things to humans and neither did Africans worldwide leave everything to be found and raped. Furthermore, why assume there was only one place called Meroë? Especially when we know, place names are used many times in one country, state and region. It is good to not know the two primary sources of Nile and further good that there are multiple Mountains of the Moon in Africa and worldwide.

** Likely leads to the names, Armorica and America. Thus telling us who the first inhabitants of the Americas were and that the America's became yet another Meru, Meroë birthplace.

Kush comes from Khepsh above which means the hinder female thigh as the north. Thus Kush was named from the Great Lakes Region, and at least portions served as Meroës in essence if not in name.

All mentions thus far of Meru and Meroe, except those by Diop himself, prove Cheikh Anta Diop is mistaken when he says “The name Meroë does not seem to derive from an African root”. There are too many African words in Egyptian and other African languages that indicate an African root. African Origin p. 316, referencing the word Meroitic on p. 143.

Meek Shall (Not) Inherit The Earth | True Meaning & Origin
Unity Consciousness #2971

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Speaking once again on the notion of being meek, I take meek to mean, not arrogant or aggressive, until attacked, and then unleash holy heaven and holy hell.
I do not take meek to mean passive or subservient or slow to anger or long-suffering.

One of the Egyptian sayings that have been taken literally by the [semite white] Jews and Christians is the statement that “the meek shall inherit the earth”. In the Judaeo-Christian version of Egyptian writings, we read in the Psalms 37, “Those that wait on the Lord, they shall inherit the land. Yet a little while and the wicked shall not be. But the meek shall inherit the land, and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. Their inheritance shall be for ever. But the wicked shall perish. Such as be blessed of him shall inherit the land, and they that be cursed of him shall be cut off. The righteous shall inherit the land. Wait on the Lord, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land”.
If such promises and prophecies had applied to the lands of this world (which they did not), our English race would have proved itself to have been the most righteous people on earth, and the landless [semite white] Jews the most utterly deceived by the Lord on whom they waited. It never was our earth that the meek or the righteous were to inherit, but the land in the earth of a future life, the land that was promised to the doers of right and the fulfillers of justice on this earth, who became the cultivators in the fields of divine harvest for eternity. In the Egyptian teaching this land of promise, of plenty, and of peace was the land of Hetep, the garden of Aarru, the Elysian fields, the paradise of spirits perfected who were the only righteous on the summit of the mount, which had to be attained by long climbing in the life hereafter as well as in the life on earth. That was the only land to be attained by those who waited on the Lord. It was a land of pure delight mapped out in the northern heaven, to be seen through the darkness that covered the earth by night. In that land every worker had his appointed portion given to cultivate and bring forth his share of produce. There were no Feringhees or eaters of the earth up there.
But change the venue and pervert the teaching by making this land of promise an earthly possession, as is done all through the biblical writings, and you have an alleged divine sanction and warrant for all the robbery of land and all the iniquity that has been perpetrated against the weaker races of the aborigines by God Almighty’s favourite whites.
The [semite white] Jews professed to wait upon the Lord, therefore they were to inherit the land. The Spaniards likewise waited on the Lord, and therefore the lands of the Peruvians and Mexicans were theirs by divine right. So has it been with the English in America, in Australia, in Africa. They who wait upon the Lord once a week, or once a year upon Atonement Day, without atonement, shall inherit the earth. And all the time such teaching is not only utterly immoral, not only ethically false; it never had the significance assigned to it by the [semite white] Jews and Christians when first taught by the Egyptians.
A false bottom has thus been laid by this perversion of old Egypt’s wisdom, and on that false bottom have the [semite white] Jews and Christians built for this world, whereas the Egyptians laid their foundations for eternity. (AE1)

True Blue | Meaning & Origin
Unity Consciousness #2970

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He is true blue. She is true blue. I'm a true blue American. Statements like these are often made to indicate someone is genuine, firm, steadfast and completely dedicated to something.

Khesbet (Khesba, Khisba) in Egyptian, means blue. The lapis-lazuli stone is a divine symbol of Khesba (blue), thus these three words (Khesba, blue, lapis-lazuli) interchange and the use of one also means the other two, just as it is with any other trinity, since trinity is tri-unity and unity is uni-ti and uni-ti is the plural of oneness.

Khesba lapiz-lazuli blue is an archetype of “the true,” because it was the color of heaven the beautiful and the color of the spirit-soul. (BB2)

Ma means true. MaKhesbet (Khesbet-Maat) are expanded spellings of the true blue.
“The true lapis-lazuli” is an Egyptian expression used to distinguish the real from the artificial. [see Real McCoy].

Who can grasp, touch and feel the heavens with human hands?
The lapis-lazuli stone is a physical tangible symbol of MaKhesba. Heaven is the true foundation because the heavens are the solid enduring foundation of Earth because the heavens are the waters that surround, support and create Earth and all things in the universe.. Thus the truest truth is the blue heaven, which is why we love the clear blue sky, even though we really don't understand the deepest reasons why that our souls are trying to cry out for clarity of truth. (BB2)

The heavens, by their forms and motions, express the writings and utterances of God. These are true blue and genuine lapis-lazuli.

In the simplest terms, true blue means respect the ubiquitous truths that are easy to see in the lights of day and under clear skies and that are in the plain sights each and every day of living life.

Another Egyptian word, Pru, also means blue.
Pru means go forth, come forth, proceed, flow out, pour forth, emanate, run, see, appear, appearance, manifestation.
Pru is likely a shortened form of Petru to show, reveal and explain the Two Truths as clearly as the blue sky. (BB2)

By The Way

From the heavens come the law. It is not random that many police departments wear blue uniforms. According to ISSM Protective Services, “dark blue represents protection you can rely on”. Thus conveying the same meaning as true blue. And in fact, police believe they are the top authority and that their authority covers everything just as the heavens do.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Maori (Mauru, Maurui, Mauri, Mehuri, Meru, Moors)
Origin, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #2969

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An old friend said, 'It's good to respect the importance of my fruit, but our relationship will become much better as you learn to respect my seeds, leaves, stems, roots, what they have to offer, and their needs to boot."

In Egyptian, Akar is a region of the hinder-part. When the solar mythology was formulated in Egypt, Akar became west and Kar became east. Then the previous hinder-part location, north, became known as Akar (previously Akarua) and south became known as Kar (previously Karua).
Then a mixture of people in the northwest area of the Great Lakes region created a combined name for both hinder parts. North-west was called Mauru [Mah-OO-roo]. Ma is north and Uru is west.

Who Did These Mixture Of People Consist Of?

Various groups of people from all over the Great Lakes Region ended up together in the northwest of the Great Lakes. Since they had combined the two hinder-parts under the name of Mauru, and since they themselves were a combination of people, they named their new grouping, Maurui. As time passed, Maurui became known under various spellings as Marui, Maori, Mauru, Moors, Meru, Mehru, Meh-ru, Mau, Mau-Mau, Ma and others). The meanings of all these names can be found in:

1. MA (MAU)

a) From Khebma, the black hippopotamus and Great Mother of the Waters. (BB)
b) True, water, wind, substance of the male, place, nine, fulfill (fill full), a measure, quantity, amount or number
c) Number 9 with Taht and Ptah during the luni-solar transition. The Put circle of nine was established by Ptah and Ma (Meh). Nine is a gestation period and the number of dry measure.
d) Menka, the earliest form of Maat, means create, form, work, fabricate, clothe, true liquid measure, quantity, amount or number. Ten months or moons. Menkat is the feminine form in relation to the water-period. She is shown with a peace-offering of two vases as the pre-natal nurse. She offers the vases to her alter ego, Menat (Aquaria) the wet-nurse who uses the drink-offering to nourish and refresh the child.

2. MAU or MA

a) Mau is the name of the Three Truths, symbolized by three Lions whose feathery tails curl over their backs. The lion, the feathers and the three tails are all called Mau.
b) Mau is also vapor, cloud, puff, air, brightness, beams, to grow, live, the stalk, young shoot, every form of light, lightness, spring and springing.
c) The feathers are also symbols for the ever-coming one who brings peace, rest, renewal.

d) Ma means to complete, finish, bring to an end, perfect. This is done by the son Khunsu, in fulfilling the soli-lunar circle at vernal equinox.

3. URU, ARU and RU

a) Uru is of the Ru. The Ru is the Aru (river); the Karu or Karua (lake); the Kharua (land of birth)
b) Ru is the outlet for water called UR, AR, URU, ARU, AUR, AER

c) Thus the Ma-Karu becomes Mauru.
d) Ma-Karu is also MaKheru, the true voice, the true and just measure that comes in due time, not early, not late.

e) Aru is the ascent, steps and mountain of rest, peace and plenty.
Ru is a mouth, language, discourse, utterance.

4. AR

a) The eye, or its pupil, is the Ar (Aru). The eye is made at the place of reproduction, the eye being the symbol of mirroring, making the likeness, conceiving. It is full when the circle of the year [annual and great], the round, is completed. (BB2)
b) Ar or Al is the child, earlier Har, Khar, Khart.
c) The Ari or Aru are the companions, watchers, keepers, guardians. (BB2)


In the Egyptian cycle of nine, Meh is north. In Egyptian Meh and Ma are sometimes interchangeable, as in the case of Meh (Ma) for a nest of waterbirds.
North water fresh (refreshed) from the birthplace is Meh-uri (Ma-uri). The people who moved northwest of center in the Great Lakes birthplace eventually spelled Meh-uri as Ma-ori. Maori also became the name of their language. After calling themselves Maurui for a while, Maori was also used to name themselves because they are waterbirds refreshed and who will go out in all directions, especially by water, to populate lands.
To repeat, the northwest direction, wind and water are each called Mauru.

Summary & Conclusions

A basic universal principle installed in all ecosystems is to separate genetics and promote inbreeding for a season to solidify traits, then recombine genetics and decrease inbreeding to combine and refine the genetic logic knowledge of self and all else. This is what the Supreme Being is doing for Self and all other creations through which spirit-soul manifests.

Ma as Shu-Ma Kepheus and Aru as Aquaria are combining their superpowers in order to remember us to understand who they are, where they came from and why they are here. Thus by extension of principles, improve our knowledge of self and all else. At least for those who are not rude.

The incoming Ages are ever-coming souls of life as wet-nurses, healers, fulfillers and teachers.

A motley crew from all round Kharu (Karu), (the mother, the truth and the place), became the Mauru became the Maurui became the Maori. These were natives, indigenous, originals, aboriginals (aborigines), “negro” blacks born in Aethiopia of Africa who had not yet left this African Utopu Utopia (U-T-OPIA).

Each Age of Aquaria is equivalent to Great Year Spring. Since a full moon also coincides with each Vernal Equinox, these moons are Great Moons. There must also be a Greater Full Moon of Khunsu, another transformer, that coincides with Great Year Spring when the Age is Aquaria.
Significant changes take place as annual seasons change the climate. This is magnified when Great Year Seasons Change The Climate. The Maori are a combination of portions of the Clickers, known as the San (Bushmen), Khoi-Khoi (Hottentots), Khoisan, Kaffirs, Gallas, Twa, Twi, Tut, Tutsi, Hutu, Kafritae, Afritae, Akka, Kafruti (Auritae, Afruti) Grimaldi, Kalahari and others. Some of these were likely already combined.
Via the Mauru, and aided by Kepheus, Aquaria and Khunsu (moon and sun), language took a leap before writing took a leap one great year later in Khartoum (Kartoum, Khartum, Kartum, Khartoom, Kartoom). (BB2)

The number three is Mother, Child, Father. Number nine is three times three (3 sets of three), the plural of plurals. Number ten is the consolidation of diversification, an ending and a beginning. The perfection of a cycle as the recombination back to One and Oneness.