If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, May 10, 2021

Mississippi Mound-Builders | Name Origin
Unity Consciousness #2438


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Few of us are aware that there are human-made mounds and pyramids all over this Earth. Yes, even in Antarctica. Our purpose right now is to learn a little more about the Mississippi Mound-Builders, who might also be mistakenly called American Mound-Builders in the limited sense of the USA.

To only characterize mounds or pyramids as tombs in the current sense of a grave for dead folks, is to miss most of the point.
For instance, E-KI, an ancient name of Babylon, means the mound-city, or more literally the habitation of the hollow mound, which relates it to the circular type of mounds that began being formed with earth and ended with brick and stone. The mount with the Cefn or cave in it is an even earlier form of E-KI, and the swelling gestator, the first great house.
The Elamite and Hebrew Gan, signifying an enclosure, is the Egyptian Khan, earlier Cefn, Gophen, Kafn, Kivan or Khent.
The oldest name of Babylon is the Akkadian Tintir. In Egyptian Ten is the elevated seat, the throne, and Teru denotes circumference, circle, Troy, a form of Sesun, the region of the eight gods. Ten-TERU reads the Throne of this circle or circumference, the type of Am-Smen. From this we derive the Tentyris or Denderah of Egypt as identical with Tentir (Babylon).
Ten-Teru is literally the seat of the Troy-circle, that of the Great Bear and Dog-star, the eight stars, who became the seven great gods with Assur in Assyria. Denderah was the great seat of Hathor, the lunar form of the Great Mother, whose number eight associates her with the eight gods.
The seat and circle were the same in Tentir as in Tentyris. Both were the circles of time, one type of which was the Babel-tower of seven stages with the seat at the top, corresponding to the seven-circled enclosure of the British Troy portrayed on the stones, which was in existence before the building of Trinovantum. (BB2)

Mound-builders are analogous to the builders of the Babels and towers of the seven stages. The seven Hohgates repeat the seven encirclers of the pole-star in the Great Bear. The name of the Hohgates read by Egyptian means the circle-builders or mound-makers. Heh is the circle, the emblem of the Aeon, Age, Eternal. Ket means to build circle-wise. The Hohgates or Hehketi were the circle and mound-builders, who, in Britain, “lifted the stone of the Ketti.’ (BB2)

Why The Mound?

Because Earth is one of the Primordial Four, and in relation to water, it is one of the Two Truths.
The Earth was thought of as a mount amid the firmamental water. To image this the ancients would naturally raise a mound of earth. At the same time the heap of earth acquired a sacred character in relation to the dead, and became a type of altar mound piled up with offerings of food.
Such a figure we find in Ara [constellation], the southern altar or the altar mound.
The Mesopotamian mound-builders also show us that the most primitive type of foundation was the earth mound that passed into brickwork as the pillar, and the pillar culminating in the Ziggurat.
In Egypt the earth-mound led up to the pyramid with steps, that culminated in the altar-mound of stone. The Chinese still call the altar a mound. As a figure of the earth amidst the Nun, the altar-mound was raised immediately after the deluge in the Semitic mythos.
The cow of heaven, or Nut, as giver of liquid life, was the earliest mistress of the mountain, or divine lady of the mound. This is Aquaria.
Shu's name means uplifter of heaven (Nut). He is portrayed upon the mount or mound in the act of raising up the cow of Nut with his two hands, or pushing up the heaven assisted by his support-gods. This is Kepheus standing on the mount with the rod in his uplifted hand to raise the firmament of Am-Khemen. (AE1)

Everything said thus far and will be said in the rest of this message is to say that the Mississippi Mound-Builders did not act in isolation apart from what was taking place around the world, all of which sprang from a Nile Valley source of thinking, behavior, tradition and culture. So wherever there be mounds and pyramids and such, the people learned it through an African connection. As said elsewhere, when you get to the root of any line of inquiry, you must end up in Africa, otherwise you have not reached the root of that thing you think you fundamentally know. Whether you start from the Below to reach the Above or start with the Above to understand the Below, you must pass through Earth's nucleus (Africa) last and first.
Thus then, before we go further and farther, we must begin to recognize that the people in North America, called Indians Native Americans and First Nation, must have an African connection as their foundation, just as has been shown with those in Central America and everywhere else when we take a good look at self.
In a separate post, “Indians” has been examined. Thus your fundamental image of ancient aboriginal native indigenous people anywhere should be nothing but an image of Negroes. That's just the way the world has been for almost all of human history. Recent history serves as an illusion to the totality of history.

A mound is khekhed up (caked up, swole up) earth, thus mound is mountain, pyramid, womb, tomb, cocoon, cave and all metaphor synonyms. Pregnant females build and carry mounds.
“Huaca” is the Peruvian name for any venerated or holy structure, thus Culhuacan, Teotihuacan and so on. (v4)

The stages of building on earth were a reflection of understanding about the heavens. The mound-builders using earth were first, followed by the pyramid made of brick, wood, or stone, which was the earliest figure of the tower intended to reach the sky. (AE1)
Earth mounds existed before stone pyramids. We know there are stone pyramids in Central America just down the road from lower North America. So along the Mississippi and elsewhere in North America, people were not continuing to build mounds while those in Central and South America were building magnificent stone pyramids. Neither did people enter North America from elsewhere or from Central America and revert to earth mounds. Therefore the length of time for people to have inhabited North America and the rest of the Americas is much older than a few hundred or few thousand years.
But let's just say those in North America did only build mounds of earth. This means they came before the Stone Age with only earth mound building knowledge before pyramid building knowledge existed in the area, thus they must have been earlier arriving people than those in Central and South America or somehow remained isolated for thousands of years. What is the likelihood of all that being true?
Per Bancroft quoting Sahagun: the Apalaches living east of the Mississippi extended their expeditions and colonies far into Mexico. Sahagun called the Apalaches, Nahoas [Nahuas] who speak the Mexican language. This is by no means improbable, as the Aztec is found eastward in the present states of Tamaulipas and Coahuila, thus the distance to the Mississippi is not very far. (v3) The Mississippi River runs from Minnesota to Louisiana and connects to the Gulf of Mexico.

Despite his good points, Bancroft frequently espouses the suboptimal context of reliance on one way of knowing that cancels other ways of knowing, thus he contradicts twice in the following statements:

“The monuments of the Mississippi present stronger internal evidence of great antiquity than any others in America, although it by no means follows that they are older than Palenque and Copan[Yucatan, Mayan and Quiché related].
The height of the Mound-builders’ power should not, without very positive external evidence, be placed at a later date than the fifth or sixth century of the common era. (v4)
This flies in the face of what “great antiquity” should mean and flies in the face of the age of the Mayans in Central America. This type of limited reasoning has been discussed by Ancestor Nana Baba Marimba Ani. See her on youtube and this weblog.
In volume five, Bancroft states: “the most plausible conjecture respecting the origin of the Mound-Builders, is that which makes them a colony of the ancient Mayas, who settled in the north during the continuance of the great Maya empire of Xibalba in Central America, several centuries before the A.D. (Common) era. We have seen that the ancient Mayas, under the name of Quinames, probably occupied eastern Mexico at that epoch, and in later times we find the Huastecs in southern Tamaulipas speaking, a Maya dialect. It is not at all unlikely that a colony of these people passed northward along the coast by land or water, and introduced their institutions in the Mississippi. Valley. (v5)

Geographic Extent Of Mississippi Mound-Builders

The great Mississippi Valley system of ancient works, consist of mounds and embankments of earth and stone [Bancroft refuses to use the word pyramid despite the admissions in the previous paragraph].
These ancient works, erected by the race known as the Mound-builders, extend over a territory generally bounded as follows: on the north by the great lakes; on the east by western New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia in the north, but farther south extending to the Atlantic coast and including Florida, Georgia, and part of South Carolina; on the south by the Gulf of Mexico, including Texas; on the west by an indefinite line extending from the head of Lake Superior through the states of Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas, and Indian Territory, although there are reported some remains farther west, particularly on the upper Missouri. (v4)
The Seeker is reminded that this message focuses on the Mississippi River, thus does not include the entirety of mound-building in the USA.

Mississippi Means

Mississippi, in the Cree language, is missi, massa, masha, for “great” and sepe for “water” or “river” The Sioux pronunciation first appears as Mes-sipi. In 1673 it is called Mescha-sebe. In Joliet's map of 1674 it is Messa-sipi. The State, takes its name from the river. (Names and Their Histories) In Egyptian, Mest or Mes-t is the birth-place of Mes. Mest is the womb, great, chief, primordial.

In addition to the Supreme Being and the Twin Mothers, the original mound-builders are the seven elemental souls of life, the Akhemu Seku ever-coming lords of eternity. Their ability to teach is not limited to or dependent upon human to human transmission, human permission or human authentication.