If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Delving Deeper Into Migraine Headaches
Unity Consciousness #2177


( 9als of 11)

Most of this message is a uniting of consciousness from other messages.

Migraine Headaches & Potential Pathways Of Causes

Migraine headaches and lesser painful headaches are at epidemic pandemic levels.
Per Migrainetrust.org, “Migraine is the third most common disease in the world (behind dental caries [tooth decay] and tension-type headache) with an estimated global prevalence of 14.7% (that's around 1 in 7 people) [one billion people]. Migraine is more prevalent than diabetes, epilepsy and asthma combined. Chronic [very frequent] migraine affects approximately 2% of the world population.”

1. A migraine, headache or any ache is a symptom, an effect, a warning sign of imbalance, cellular imbalance.

2. Glutamate Imbalance
Signs of excessive glutamate levels: anxiety, depression, restlessness, inability to concentrate, headaches, insomnia, fatigue, and increased sensitivity to pain.

Glutamate is the most abundant neurotransmitter in the brain and central nervous system. It is balanced with a neurotransmitter called GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), thus GABA is equally as abundant as glutamate. Glutamate enhances neuroplasticity — the brain’s capacity to change and grow — to help you learn, remember, and perform other cognitive functions. Glutamate is critical for human brain development which is why there are high concentrations of it in human breast milk.

Glutamate and GABA have a complex, homeostatic relationship that brings balance to the level of brain activity. While glutamate is the main excitatory neurotransmitter, GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter. Thus if you wanted to inhibit (reduce) glutamate you should increase GABA because GABA is converted from glutamate. Or you should ask the question as to why GABA is not automatically inhibiting glutamate.

Glutamate system dysfunction has been linked to numerous neurodegenerative disorders and psychological disorders. Some of which are: anxiety disorders, autism, bipolar disorder, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, psychosis.

Glutamate is the most common amino acid naturally occurring throughout the body where it performs many vital functions. It can be, like all things both a nutrient and a toxin.

Glutamate exists in excess when there is stroke, head trauma or some other neurological disorder. Glutamate radiates from the injury and kills nearby neurons.

3. Additional Causes Of Excess Glutamate
(a) GAD Autoimmunity - Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) is the enzyme used to turn glutamate into its calming counterpart, GABA. It’s possible to develop an autoimmune reaction to the GAD enzyme, leading to poor conversion into GABA.

(b) Vitamin B6 Deficiency - Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is an essential cofactor in the conversion of glutamate to GABA. Lack of Vitamin B6 results in diminished GABA synthesis and a buildup of glutamate.

(c) Gluten intolerance (celiac disease), Hashimoto’s disease (thyroid), type 1 diabetes, and other autoimmune diseases are linked to GAD autoimmunity. These diseases mimic Dementia Syndrome but have a high potential of being misdiagnosed as Alzheimer's and mis-treated.

(d) Traumatic stress can elevate glutamate to abnormally high levels. Many mood-altering substances disrupt the glutamate-GABA balance. Caffeine, the most widely used stimulant, increases glutamate activity at the expense of GABA. Thus caffeine de-stimulates the chemical that is trying to get our minds to relax and our bodies to rest while stimulating glutamate which excites neurons. Caffeine is forcing our minds and bodies to be active when we should be resting and sleeping. This then wears us down and wears us out and causes breakdowns in our systems. A brain injury or stroke causes glutamate to flood the injured area. All of these things are conditions and choices that mimic Dementia Syndrome symptoms.

(e). It’s possible to have a genetic tendency for glutamate oversensitivity and imbalances between glutamate and GABA.

4. Balancing Glutamate/GABA Neurotransmitter Levels Naturally
(a) Glutamate is common in most plants and animals. A very short list of those foods is asparagus, beets, bone broth, broccoli, carrots, cheese, corn, eggs, green tea, meat, mushrooms, onions, peas, soybeans, fermented soy products, spinach, tomatoes, sea vegetables, seafood (especially shellfish), poultry (especially dark meat), and nori (the seaweed used to wrap sushi) are high in taurine. Taurine excels at protecting the brain against toxic levels of glutamate.

(b) Your body can also synthesize glutamate when necessary.

(c) Ginger, protects the brain from MSG-induced excitotoxicity. MSG is monosodium glutamate, a synthetic man-made chemical used to flavor flavorless food. The natural form of MSG is found in plants and meats grown naturally. This is why food grown naturally and consumed naturally, need no flavoring or seasoning. This is why food from your garden tastes exquisitely better right off the vine.

(d) Vitamin C protects receptors that control the release of glutamate, thus providing significant protection against MSG toxicity.

(e) Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) is a traditional relaxing herbal remedy, works by increasing GABA and by interacting with glutamate receptors to provide anxiety relief. (f) L-theanine, a relaxing compound found in tea [the extract of plant cell cytoplasm], is structurally similar to both glutamate and GABA. It has been found to enter the brain to stimulate GABA production and modestly lower glutamate levels. Since tea is the extract of plant cells, this is why it has the same effect as homemade soup and homemade vegetable broth and homemade fruit-veggie smoothies.

(g) Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is required to synthesize GABA from glutamate. Inadequate B6 intake diminishes GABA synthesis, and leads glutamate buildup.

(h) Supplements that increase GABA include the traditional relaxing herbs kava, lemon balm, chamomile, passion flower and more.

(i) Despite all these detailed and specific foods, we should just focus on fresh naturally grown homegrown plant food and meats.

5. Cosmetics Making Up & Messing Up The Skin We're In
How did we come to the point that, humans, mostly women, put cosmetic makeup on our skins in order to look good and presentable?

If you wear cosmetic makeup for vanities sake to reach some artificially constructed standard notion of prettiness, then this message is for you. On the other hand, if you wear cosmetic makeup because you think you have a skin problem that needs correcting, then this message is for you.

Skin is an organ. All organs are composed of cells. Therefore a skin problem that needs to be covered up is an attempt to cover up the real problem – organ failure and cellular malfunction.

Cellular malfunction that shows itself through the skin is not limited to the skin. Skin problems can also be simultaneously affecting energy levels, headaches, ability to think clearly, ability to sleep, and on and on.

Only more nutrition and less toxins can fix skins problems and help us look better, look younger and live longer.

What happens to us as we grow up from beautiful babies and into teenagehood and adulthood that causes us to have to wear makeup? Do we get uglier? Of course not. We get unhealthier – in our thinking-which then of course leads us to becoming unhealthier in body, emotion and spirit. Societies filled with this kind of thinking are Last World societies, not First World. The prevailing preponderance of education in a country from all sources tells the truth about the health of all things in that country. A country cannot exceed the bounds of its education. It can only breed what its education feeds.

I'll say it again. A skin problem is a warning of a deeper problem.

Our ready acceptance of cosmetic makeup in order to look better and healthier is one of those things that must be reconsidered. No, it is not an inconsequential personal preference. It is the same as choosing between smoking and not smoking.

Partial Summary A skin problem is an immune ecosystem problem which is an organ problem which is a cellular problem which is an unhealthy condition within our cells.

Skin is the tip of the iceberg that gives us an indication of all that lies underneath the skin.

Inside each of our cells there is an ecosystem. Groups of cells form another layer of ecosystems called organs. Groups of organs form another layer of ecosystems called systems. Groups of systems form another layer of ecosystems called you or your body. If, on any level, a significant portion of these ecosystems are unhealthy and unable to function properly or repair themselves, then, because those cells are unable to perform optimally, there will be internal and external symptoms and internal and external consequences – internal and external causes, internal and external effects.

The promotion and use of cosmetic makeup has led us to dangerously believe that skin problems are not a big deal healthwise and all we have to do is pretty ourselves up by using makeup to cover up what's coming up out of our cells. (ugly in, ugly out)

Note: This toxin avoidance message applies to most things we voluntary put on our skin in the name of personal care products. It is amazing what we've become that we “know” so much about externally based personal care and yet we know very little about internally based personal care. If we reversed this information deficit, we would need far fewer personal care products.

Millions of women worldwide do not wear makeup. Why not? How are they, along with the men, able to look shazam good, healthy, younger and live just as long as folks in derogatorily named “developed” countries.

This just came to mind. Why do men in a country such as America, not wear cosmetic makeup to look good? Are we just automatically as pretty as we want to be? Do we not have skin problems? Do we not age? Do we not get dressed up and go to work or to special occasions? Is culture the culprit?

What kind of culture is so made up with makeup that we are messed up?

If it is possible to put gels, creams, ointments, lotions and patches on our skin that can help or heal, then the skin is also an entry point for things that can harm or make ill. What makes us think cosmetic makeup or other personal care products just sit on the surface of the skin and that's as far as they go? Clearly, what comes in contact with the skin can reach our blood stream and deepest regions within our cells.

Reduce what you put on your skin, especially cosmetics, lotions, deodorants and perfumes.

6. Have we eliminated the possibilities of prescription and over-the-counter medications, alcohol and smoking?

7. Have we eliminated malfunction of our organs and glands?

8. https://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition/migraine#genes
“Migraines are thought to occur when blood flow in the brain is altered and certain nerves in the brain send abnormal pain signals throughout the head. These signals trigger the release of various brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) in the brain, which leads to inflammation, particularly of blood vessels and the membrane that covers the brain and spinal cord (meninges). This inflammation causes many of the signs and symptoms of a migraine, including the throbbing pain, nausea, and sensory sensitivities” However, it is unclear what leads to the abnormal nerve signaling

9. Natural Relief For Headaches

10. Treating Migraine

11. 10 Home Remedies To Treat Migraine Permanently

12. Dehydration could be a cause of migraines.

13. Cannabis Tea could help alleviate. It must be repeated that the best approach is to grow as much of your own food and herbs and eat them as fresh as possible. Alsol learn to use the edible plants in your yard that some people call weeds.

14. Check out the medicinal uses or benefits of the plants I have safely drank the tea of: sourweed (japenese knotweed), honeysuckle vine (lonicera japonica), creeping charlie (ground ivy vine), yellow wood sorrel, Plantains (Broadleaf and Narrow leaf), Wild Violets (This is not the same plant as African Violets), Absinth Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)

15. Since women are said to be more prone to migraines, I suspect a female product or non-female product or a non-female product aimed at females, that creates an imbalance in female sex organ system hormones and functioning.

16. Methanol causes headaches. If you are using hand sanitizer, make sure to use a product that does not contain methanol and contains at least 60% ethanol. However, the FDA recommends that people wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, as opposed to using hand sanitizer.