If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Not Enough Public Disgust Against Street Justice Lynchings Of Truth
Unity Consciousness #2211


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Snippets of comments from Nick Cannon Gets Schooled By a Zionist!

[Begin comment exchange]
Me: I'm not convinced that the Anti-Zionist Jews are true to that description because I don't see them identify themselves and speak out when it comes to Zionist racism, treachery and other foolishness. Thus I don't see them as soldiers for justice, if they know better but do not use their ability to speak truth, thus avoid the Anti-Semite wolves crying victim.

Someone else: Anti-Zionist Jews speak out against Zionist racism all the time. Zionism itself is racism. There is no such thing as non-racist Zionism. Organizations like If Not Now, Jewish Voices for Peace and Independent Jewish Voices constantly speak out against it. You just never hear about it because those organizations don't have money. There are also many Jewish journalists and historians who talk about it. The ones who do are often rejected by their own communities. But they are growing every day.

Me: Thanks for the info. Lack of money is no excuse for invisibility in an internet world and public protest culture. I looked up "If Not Now.
They say: " for decades, AIPAC has weaponized Jewish identity and false accusations of antisemitism to ensure that politicians across the board vote to give Israel a blank check even as it continues to deny freedom and dignity to the Palestinian people.
They also say: "We are mobilizing Jews to protest antisemitism and white nationalism, making it impossible for our public officials to hide their own antisemitism behind unquestioning support for Israel."
The "If Not Now" organization still promotes the notion that there is such a thing as antisemitism.

Me: By the way, IFNOTNOW has a youtube channel with only 352 subscribers. There are not very many of them, which to me speaks to their invisibility.

Someone else: Yes, they don't have much youtube presence. They focus more on local organizing. There are INN chapters in many major cities in the US and Canada.

Antisemitism does exist. The problem is that the discourse of Antisemitism has been dominated by the right for decades. The Jewish left is finally reforming, regrouping, and pushing back. Jews for Racial and Economic Justice put out a really good pdf on the subject. It was written mostly by non-white Jews.
[End of comment exchange]

You mean to tell me , that none of these organizations can get enough public traction to be known for speaking out against the White Jewish public lynching of Louis Farrakhan, Nick Cannon and truth?

This is why I say it is like trying to find lint on a cotton plantation to try to parse racist collectives into good guys and bad guys. They are not ideologically different enough to be against lynching truth.

Despite his public lynching because he spoke truth about the original black Jews and johnny-come-lately white jews, let me be briefly repeat my thoughts regarding Nick Cannon's statements of truth and subsequent capitulation to the street justice of zionist racist white jews.:
Nick was not forced. No one can be forced to do anything. We always choose the truth or the lie in consideration of the reward or punishment. Nick just castrated himself like Steve Harvey and others. He is another good example of being careful of who we follow. He served a good purpose for blacks to tell the truths he did tell, now time to move on from him. Truth and lie don't need individuals or collectives. If all humans fail the truth and the lie, truth and lie still exist and will be told and shifted around, rising and falling in due time.