You Are Not Free Unless You Have A Sense Of IdentityAnd this is why right now Africans worldwide are not free and why Americans are not free and why all people in societies worldwide are not free. Our sense of identity has proven to lack the connection to freedom. You cannot be free based on false identity.
You cannot be free unless you are home free.A proper sense of identity is necessary in order for us Africans to be in the proper process flow of logic in order for our behaviors to make freedom a reality among humans and in concert with the rest of the ecosystem. Africans cannot be free with an American identity or with a religious identity or with a professional identity or career identity or an identity that is less than African. It's not good enough to just be African in name but we must also be African in context of what African fully freely is. Proper identity is what Kwame Ture spoke about, as did so many other Ancestors.
It is important for us to be able to find the correct steps to follow in terms of self-actualization, Ancestor Zindzi Mandela said.A critical step is proper identity – the identity and understanding that exudes freedom in one word. That identity is African. African First and Foremost. Africa is the human home because Africa is the nucleus of Earth. The scramble for Africa is not just physical, but has always been mental, emotional and spiritual. And this is why all societies are constructed on what was developed in Africa, no matter how now bastardized. African is the identity that will free all humans through the process it takes to transform thinking and behavior due to understanding the African self and the African all else above and below that runs through all human bloodlines back to this planet Earth called Africa. Africans are enslaved because we are still willingly embracing enslaving identities, including the fragmented identities of African countries.
Until we get our identities together as one, we cannot defeat Maafa Racism or expect racist collectives to understand their lostness, brain chains and spirit-soul imprisonment is even worse. Thus they cannot fundamentally change their behavior without fundamentally changing their understandings of who they are. They can't understand that Black Lives gave birth to All Lives. A pathogen gone viral is a cancer that is sicker than that which it infects. The infected can be cured but not the pathogen. Pathogen people are who they be for several more generations until all their logic finds its way home and is reconciled with the remnant.