If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Nonprofits Plus Nine Other Areas Where Racism Manifests
Unity Consciousness #2188


( 9amd of 11)

Nana Baba Ancestor Frances Cress-Welsing repeated what she learned from Nana Baba Ancestor Neely Fuller, Sr. She spoke often about the nine areas of people activity that form the foundation and framework for Global Racism.
Every activity in society fits into one of the nine areas of people activity. I have added a tenth area.

1. Economics (Business) (includes agriculture, food, water, shelter, clothing, healthcare)
2. Education (includes media, home, family, struggle)
3. Entertainment (includes sports)
4. Labor (consists mainly of poor people and includes volunteering and incarceration labor)
5. Laws, rules, regulations, procedures, protocols, guidelines, legislations, policies, procedures, taboos, restrictions, ordinances, prohibitions, sins, commandments, rights, constitutions, principles, precedents, customs, traditions, cultures, agreements, covenants, pacts, treaties, contracts, worldviews, asilis, philosophies,ways of living. In other words, “law” means, this is what we say do and you better do it and accept the consequences or else, suffer additional consequences.
6. Politics
7. Religion (separated out of economics, education, entertainment, politics, war)
8. Sex
9. War (includes all forms of law enforcement and regulatory agencies such as internal military (police)and external police (military).
10. Non-profits (added by separating it out of economics. relies heavily on goernment and business for funding and through donations from poor people)

This message focuses mainly on nonprofits and secondarily on all the other nine forms of people activity whereby racism operates thoroughly constantly.

Non-profits make profits but just don't call it that. A lot of folks are getting paid and scratching each other's backs and doing all manner of quid pro quo. All nonprofits get some sort of tax break or breaks. Not all nonprofits are restricted from engaging in political activity. Not all donations to nonprofits are tax-exempt.

We have been tricked into narrowly focusing on 501(c)(3) nonprofits; however there are many more types of nonprofits that can be formed under Sections 501, 509, 401, 170 and 4049.
1. 501(c)(1) are organized by an Act of Congress such as federal credit unions.

2. 501(c)(2) are created to hold titles for exempt organizations. [you can already see the trickery here of creating a nonprofit to hold titles of ownership for another nonprofit, thus creating a layer of protection from liability]

3. 501(c)(3) are considered public charities and include religious, educational, charities, scientific, literary organizations, food banks, museums, art groups, amateur sports, colleges, low-income housing organizations, animal welfare organizations and foundations. These nonprofits are typically funded through donations, government grants, or membership dues.

A further note on foundations is that they typically fund other nonprofits and provide guidance. [Thus foundations become a mostly hidden and silent partner running the show behind the scenes]

4. 501(c)(4) - Civic League, Social Welfare Organization or Local Employee Association has fewer restrictions when it comes to political activity. The purpose of these organizations is to support group members. [Does this sound like a nonprofit?]

5. 501(c)(5) nonprofits are labor, agricultural, and horticultural organizations. They serve their members. These organizations can engage in lobbying. [Does this sound like a nonprofit?] [How is this different from 501(c)(16)?]

6. 501(c)(6) are trade or professional associations such as business leagues, chambers of commerce and real estate boards. Their purpose is to improve business conditions for its members. [Does this sound like a nonprofit?]

7. 501(c)(7) are social and recreational clubs such as hobby groups, country clubs, and sports leagues.

8. 501(c)(8) are fraternal societies such as service clubs, lineage clubs, or secret societies.

9. 501(c)(9) - Employee Beneficiary Associations are voluntary employees’ beneficiary associations.

10. 501(c)(10) - Domestic Fraternal Societies and Associations are fraternal societies that do not provide any sort of payment to members. Basically, 501(c)(8) are fraternal organizations which exist to support members, while 501(c)(10) are fraternal organizations which use member dues to support outside causes with no benefits for members. [Thus the fraternal society has subdivided itself for gain and protection and remaining mostly hidden from people connecting the two.]

11. 501(c)(11) - Teacher’s Retirement Fund Associations

12. 501(c)(12) - Benevolent Life Insurance Associations, Mutual Ditch or Irrigation Companies, Mutual or Cooperative Telephone Companies, or Like Organizations.

13. 501(c)(13) - Cemetery Companies are created to provide burial services for its members.

14. 501(c)(14) - State Chartered Credit Union and Mutual Reserve Fund are state chartered credit unions and mutual reserve funds.

15. 501(c)(15) - Mutual Insurance Companies of Association provide insurance to its members at cost.

16. 501(c)(16) - Cooperative Organizations to Finance Crop Operations are created to finance crop operations. Typically, these organizations are created by a group of farmers to work together to pool resources for agricultural operations. [How is this different from 501(c)(5)?]

17. 501(c)(17) - Supplemental Unemployment Benefits Trusts exist to provide support and payment to individuals who are permanently or temporarily unemployed. [a nonprofit form of AFLAC]

18. 501(c)(18) - Employee Funded Pension Trusts apply to employee funded pension trusts created before June 25, 1959. These are funded exclusively by members.

19. 501(c)(19) - Veterans Organizations provide benefits to the military. Most are funded through donations. See also 501(c)(23).

20. 501(c)(20) apply to qualified legal service plans. These organizations were created to provide legal services to members.

21. 501(c)(21) - Black Lung Benefits Trust are required to be funded by coal mine operators to pay coal miners who develop black lung disease.

22. 501(c)(22) - Withdrawal Liability Payment Funds are created to provide funds to meet liabilities of employers who are withdrawing from multi-employer pension funds.

23. 501(c)(23) - Veterans Organization established before 1880. They provide insurance and benefits to members. Funding comes from donations and government grants. 501(c)(19)

24. 501(c)(24) organizations (section 4049 ERISA trusts)

25. 501(c)(25) - Title Holding Corporations or Trusts with Multiple Parents

26. 501(c)(26) - State Sponsored Organizations Providing Health Coverage for High-Risk Individuals are created at the state level to provide insurance for high-risk individuals who may not be able to get insurance. Funding comes from donations or government grants. Examples of states with these high-risk insurance pools are North Carolina, Louisiana, and Indiana.

27. 501(c)(27) -State Sponsored Workers’ Compensation Reinsurance Organizations are created to provide insurance for workers’ compensation programs. Typically, these organizations are supported by government grants and member dues.

28. 501(d) - Religious and Apostolic Associations are religious based groups that share a common treasury.

29. 501(e) - Cooperative Hospital Service Organizations

So who the hell is paying taxes? Individuals, poor individuals. Those who work like drones yet take pride in and protect the drone-making system.
Who the hell is paying taxes? Stupid people who are straight with a crooked system.

Nonprofits are legal tax evaders just as are most businesses and in-the-loop individuals.

Let us not be confused and be sure to understand that each one of the ten areas of people activity listed above are a form of all the rest.
For instance when speaking of Economics, economics is merely the face of all the other nine areas that must exist and work in concert to make economic racism a reality. And so on for all the rest. As a second example, Education is about economics just as much as it is a masquerade for politics, war, entertainment and the other areas of people activity.
In other words each area of people activity becomes the head and the other nine become the rest of the body necessary to support the head. Thus each of the ten areas of people activity only shift position of taking the lead position in our minds to keep us blind, thus appearing different. Thus people activity is divided up and called all these different names while remaining the same. Do not be confused by racism and any of the major ten forms it takes. There is nothing in society that does not fall under one of these ten forms.

And this is why you cannot defund the police because you cannot defund War as a major area of people activity because you cannot defund all the other nine areas without a revolution that takes down the entire system as rapidly as society was changed to accommodate the covid-19 plannedemic scamdemic. Otherwise, a slow or piecemeal approach will only result in us being okie doked by shapeshifting and doublespeak and further lockdown and death.

Make no mistake that nonprofits are for profit businesses.
Make no mistake that just because they help people that they are not helping maintain the status quo of injustice, evil discrimination and Global Maafa Racism.
Do not be deceived and let your guard down and abandon your benefit of the doubt and your critical thinking when you encounter a nonprofit.

Do not be deceived by them donating money, supplies or other assistance.
A charity does not mean it is beneficial, benevolent or altruistic.
Do not be deceived by NPOs and NGOs and schools and other names they give nonprofits.

All this is why even in the midst of supposed change for the better, we are told that money will be donated to social causes and organizations. The bulk of this money is going to nonprofits dedicated to maintaining the system that allows these nonprofits to exist and be continuously fed tax free for them but not for you and me.

Who knew so many types of organizations are considered nonprofit and tax exempt?
Many nonprofits are arms and extensions and patsies and collaborators and friends of the government itself (Politics).

Types of Nonprofits: Everything You Need to Know

Other Tax-Exempt Organizations