If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Fundamental Adjusting Generates Promise No Matter What
Unity Consciousness #2196


( 9aml of 11)

This year I am being renewed to understanding changes in behaviors of perennials and annuals in local microclimates. These changes are not new. During seasons, or periods within seasons, when conditions are less than favorable for plants to manifest outward growth towards optimal expression, there is still inward activity taking place as far as adding, updating and reconfiguring genetic instructions to calculate what can be expressed now and in the future.

As the previous message reminds us, this applies to humans, plants and many other forms of genetic material.

Both perennials and annuals grow stronger in their genetics by virtue of redirecting their outward productions to inward genetic recording of the current set of conditions. Then, as soon as conditions get better, both types of plants will produce a flourish of growth in order to at least achieve the minimum goal. However, annuals, since they are on a less than 12-month clock, will alter many parameters of their growth characteristics in order to attempt to produce at least one viable offspring, no matter how small.
In this offspring, the genetics of survival are passed on and the genetics of thrival must be rebuilt unpacked relearned out of the genetics of survival.
We are smack dab in the midst of the twinlight twilight zone where momentum of change is increasing in multiples because the Great Year Season is nigh to flipping and perennial and annual genetics, after incurring several developmental delays, must finish this portion of preparing for the New Ages. In this year alone, 2020, it is quite interesting and more easily noticeable that whatever genetics adjust to survive changing sets of conditions will be genetics that will be properly positioned through transitions to make great strides as soon as conditions turn favorable. This has been discussed elsewhere.

Remember, generations of genetics have been living during recent Age desert times that are scarce of nutrition and abundant of toxins.
Most of us humans have seen nature shows on television where surface barren deserts sprout overnight after it rains. Because many genetics have survived long periods of desert conditions and suboptimal conditions, as soon as Sahara's nourishing season comes forth in earnest from above, many creations will flourish and pathogens will be waylayed.
This then is the ever-present next great promise when fundamental adjustments are made perennially and annually. I am is doing this along with many aspects of the extended self too numerous to enumerate or hide in plain sight.

Nick Cannon is sounding suicidal and that makes me sad [Embrace Who You Are, Embrace Your Greatness]