If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Recommending Weed-Whackers Anonymous For Wackiness
Unity Consciousness #2206


( 9amw of 11)

Weeds are sinister.
Weeds are evil.
Weeds are bad.
Weeds are pests.
Weeds are invasive.
Weeds are ugly.
Weeds are a headache
Weeds are worthless.
Weeds are a problem.
Weeds are out of control.
Weeds are just awful.
Weeds are illegal.
Weeds attract snakes.
Weeds make me feel bad, look lazy, look like a nasty person, look trashy and look uncivilized in the eyes of my neighbors. And that's what I think about them also.
Weeds ...[insert more profanities and insanities]

How hard is it to understand the basic truth of self, also applies to plants, animals and insects?
Other creatures also need a place to live and eat.
Plants, animals and insects have what they need until certain humans come along singing the silly willie wonky wacky song about plants created all wrong and it is our duty to correct God and protect beauty to get rid of weeds.

Before humans came to the place where you currently live, there were no weeds there.
Humans created the weeds with their toxic logic. Words do hurt, don't they?
Plant diversity is fundamental to the health of the planet, but not on our property.

Before humans, there were no pests either until humans came along bugging out with their Pandora's box of problem-causing broken logic.

How hard is it to understand that before humans began planting things to eat, that animals and insects ate the plants that were already there?
Animals and insects don't particularly or specifically or primarily or only want the plants that we plant.

Is it difficult to realize that when we remove the plants we don't want and then replace them with plants we want, that the only plants left for insects and animals are “our” plants?

Is it difficult to understand that almost all the plants that are not in your yard, that if you are a weed-whacker, that you would also consider those plants weeds also growing out in nature, in parks, meadows, fields, pastures, marshes and mountainsides?

Despite knowing that most of the plants in our yard that we want to produce food for us, need pollinators, we still don't realize that pollinators need a lot more continuous food that just the flowers we allow to grow.

Don't we understand that when humans, for several generations, plant what humans want and remove what other creatures want, we are also teaching those creatures in their genetics to recalibrate what they eat to the only plants available, the ones we want around? This then is just one of those pandemics causing pandemonium.

How refreshing is the outdoors without plants of all types everywhere?

To hate weeds and to keep whacking the hell out of them is to spit in the face of Earth's abundant freely giving nature. It is the same as killing a lot of food and medicine. Which is exactly one of the main reasons we are sick in spirit, emotions, body and mind. Instead of fearing little coronavirus, we should be much more afraid of the Greater Bigger Corona who is forcing us back to a firsthand reliance on nature where self-help is available.